List of fictional characters with telekinesis

List of fictional characters with telekinesis

This is a list of fictional characters with the capability for telekinesis.


* Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader "(Star Wars)"
* Yoda "(Star Wars)"
* Luke Skywalker "(Star Wars)"
* Obi-Wan Kenobi "(Star Wars)"
* Freaky Student "(Accepted)"
* Jack-Jack Parr "(The Incredibles)"
* John Murdoch "(Dark City)
* Miki Saegusa
* Neo "(The Matrix)"
* Park Eun-Suh "(The Ring Virus)"
* Reiko and Yoichi Asakawa "(Ring)"
* Ryuji Takayama
* Samara Morgan "(The Ring)"
* Scanners
* Tia and Tony Malone "(Escape to Witch Mountain)"
* Tina Shepard "()"
* Towel-Headed Man "(Ring)"


* Commander Adama "(Battlestar Galactica)"
* Andros "(Power Rangers)"
* Angelique Bouchard Collins "(Dark Shadows)"
* Alex Mack
* Amy Madison "(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)"
* Anya Jenkins "(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)"
* Azazeal "(Hex)"
* Azazel "(Supernatural)"
* Baby William "(The X-Files)"
* Billie Jenkins "(Charmed)"
* Brother Justin Crowe "(Carnivàle)"
* Cassandra Hughes "(Hex)"
* Chris Halliwell "(Charmed)"
* Cornelia Hale "(W.I.T.C.H.)"
* "(Supernatural)"
* Doctor Who
* Ella Dee "(Hex)'
* Emma "Mutant X
* Endora and Tabitha Lenox "(Passions)"
* Isabel and Max Evans "(Roswell)"
* Jason Ironheart "(Babylon 5)"
* Karone "(Power Rangers)"
* Kes "()"
* Kyle Trager "(Kyle XY)"
* Lindsey McDonald "(Angel)"
* Lothor "(Power Rangers)"
* Lyta Alexander "(Babylon 5)"
* Niko "(Galaxy Rangers)"
* Paige Matthews "(Charmed)"
* Peter Petrelli "(Heroes)"
* Prue Halliwell "(Charmed)"
* Ralph Hinkley "(The Greatest American Hero)"
* Richard Tyler "(The 4400)"
* Sam Oliver "(Reaper)"
* Sam Winchester "(Supernatural)"
* Stewie Griffin (Family Guy)
* Sylar "(Heroes)"
* Talia Winters "(Babylon 5)"
* Tara Maclay "(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)"
* Tess Harding "(Roswell)"
* Willow Rosenberg "(Buffy the Vampire Slayer)"
* Zhane "(Power Rangers)"
* Various characters "(Charmed)"
* Various characters "(Tomorrow People)"


* Captain Planet
* Shirley the Loon "(Tiny Toon Adventures)"
* Skeletor "(Masters of the Universe)"
* Yang "(Yin Yang Yo!)"
* Yumi Ishiyama "(Code Lyoko)"


* Anne Sloane "(Perry Rhodan)"
* Carrie White
* Deryni
* Gil Hamilton "(Known Space)"
* Immacolata "(Weaveworld)"
* Mahnahmi Lynx
* Matilda Wormwood
* Matt Freeman
* The People in Zenna Henderson's stories
* Psi-Man
* The Rowan "(To Ride Pegasus)"
* Sadako Yamamura "(Ring)"
* Stranger in a Strange Land
* The Great And Powerful Turtle "(Wild Cards)"
* Vampire Hunter D

Video games

* Alma "(F.E.A.R.)
* Alessa Gillespie "(Silent Hill)"
* Alice "(Resident Evil)"
* Anita "(Darkstalkers)"
* Athena Asamiya "(Psycho Soldier)"
* Aya Kobayashi "(Super Robot Wars)"
* Brooklyn Luckfield "(Super Robot Wars)"
* Combine Advisor "(Half-Life 2)"
* Doctor John Vattic "(Second Sight)"
* Cryptosporidium "(Destroy All Humans!)"
* Dark Matter ("Kirby" series)
* Eiji Kisaragi "(Art of Fighting)"
* Ermac "(Mortal Kombat)"
* Jack "(Bioshock)"
* K9999 "(King of Fighters)"
* Kusuha Mizuha "(Super Robot Wars)"
* Lucas "(Mother 3)"
* Mai Kobayashi "(Super Robot Wars)"
* Paula "(EarthBound)"
* Psycho Mantis "(Metal Gear Solid)"
* Razputin "(Psychonauts)"
* Ryusei Date "(Super Robot Wars)"
* Sie Kensou "(King of Fighters)"
* Silver the Hedgehog
* Ness "(EarthBound)"
* Ninten "(mother)"
* Evil Twins "(Crash Bandicoot)"
* Devil Jin "(Tekken)"
* Kurtis Trent "()"
* Wilhelm "(Xenosaga)"
* Various characters "()"


* Gideon Ravenor "(Warhammer 40,000)"
* Gregor Eisenhorn
* Psions "(Freedom City)"
* Psyker "(Warhammer 40,000)"
* Sora "(Kingdom Hearts)"



* Abby Holland
* Ace
* Ariella Kent
* Black Zero
* Brainiac
* Brainwave
* Captain Comet
* Crazy Jane
* Darkseid
* Doctor Fate
* Doctor Manhattan
* Doctor Occult
* Dominus
* Faith
* General Zod
* Gorilla Grodd
* Grifter
* Hector Hammond
* Isis
* Kinetix
* Kole
* Looker
* Manchester Black
* Match
* Maxima
* Psimon
* Raven
* Rose Psychic
* Sapphire
* Superboy (Kon-El)
* Supergirl (Matrix)
* Supergirl (Linda Danvers)
* Superwoman
* Threshold
* Tellus
* Twilight
* Typhoid Mary
* Ultraa
* Ursa


* Alpha the Ultimate Mutant
* Amber Hunt
* Apocalypse
* Armageddon
* Blaquesmith
* Ulysses Bloodstone
* Cable
* Candra
* Captain Universe
* Carter Ghazikhanian
* Cassandra Nova
* Comet Man
* Contemplator
* Devil-Slayer
* Doctor Druid
* Doctor Strange
* Elektra
* Elektro
* Elias Bogan
* Fixx
* Franklin Richards
* Exodus
* Gaia
* Gailyn Bailey
* Galaxy Master
* Gomi
* Googam
* Hellion
* Hybrid
* Hyperstorm
* Joey Bailey
* Jean Grey
* Junkpile
* Leader
* Legion
* |Link
* Madame Sanctity
* Madelyne Pryor
* Makkari
* Mandarin
* Meggan
* Mikula Golubev
* Mindblast
* Mister M
* Mister Sinister
* Moondragon
* Mutant 2099
* Mysterio (Francis Klum)
* Nancy Lu
* Nate Grey
* Onslaught
* Orwell (comics)
* Phoenix (Guardians of the Galaxy)
* Poltergeist
* Professor Phobos
* Professor X
* Psionic (Mutant X)
* Psylocke
* Quentin Quire
* Rachel Summers
* Saint Anna
* Selene
* Sersi
* Shola Inkosi
* Sin
* Skein
* Spellbinder
* Sprite (Eternal)
* Stryfe
* Thena
* Vance Astro
* Vance Astrovik
* Vulcan


* Metabarons (Humanoids Publishing)
* Ripclaw (Top Cow)
* Firebird (Amalgam Comics)

Anime and manga

* Alucard "(Hellsing)"
* Akira "(Akira)"
* Cell "(Dragon Ball)"
* Freeza "(Dragon Ball)"
* Ino Yamanaka "(Naruto)"
* Lucy and Nyū "(Elfen Lied)"
* Papermaster
* Piccolo Daimaō "(Dragon Ball)"
* Precia Testarossa "(Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)"
* Tenma Tsukamoto "(School Rumble)"
* Tetsuo Shima "(Akira)"
* Various "Pokémon" characters


* Asok "(Dilbert)"
* Bludgeon "(Transformers)"
* Prowl "(Transformers)"

ee also

* List of fictional characters who can manipulate weather
* List of fictional characters who can manipulate fire
* List of fictional characters who can manipulate time
* List of fictional characters who can manipulate magnetic fields
* List of fictional characters who can generate and manipulate radiation
* List of fictional characters who can move at superhuman speeds

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