- Herman of Carinthia
Herman of Carinthia or Herman Dalmatin (also known in Latin as Sclavus Dalmata, Secundus) was a
philosopher ,astronomer ,astrologer ,mathematician ,translator andauthor .Among
Adelard of Bath ,John of Seville ,Gerard of Cremona (1114-1187) andPlato of Tivoli (1134-1145) Herman is the most important translator of Arabic astronomical works in 12th century and populariser of Arabic culture in Europe. The influence of his translations on the development of medieval European astronomy was especially large.Life
In his own account he was born in "central
Istria " circa 1100, then part of theDuchy of Carinthia . He died circa 1160.Most likely he went to a
Benedictine monastic school in Istria. He went on to study in France. This was before the time of the first university in France, but atChartres he attended one of the cathedral schools which were the predecessors of universities. The teachers at Chartres were the brothers Bernard and Theodoric (also known as Thierry); Herman also studied inParis in the 1130s. The school of Chartres was known for its interests in Christian platonism and the natural sciences, and it was probably in France that Herman's attention was drawn to the classical texts which were becoming available via Arabic sources.One of Herman's fellow students in France was
Robert of Ketton with whom he travelled for four years in the Eastern Mediterranean. Both men became translators from the Arabic. AtConstantinople andDamascus Herman took note of the Arabic science of that period. Circa 1138 he returned toEurope , and was active as a scholar in Spain (an important country for translations from the Arabic) and southern France. A huge part of his work remained anonymous.Translation of Qur'an and other Islamic works
The first known translation of the
Qur'an into a European language was part of a commission fromPeter the Venerable to translate certainIslamic texts into Latin. This version of the Qur'an was entitledLex Mahumet pseudoprophete and according to most sources (including the "Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete") Robert was its principal translator. Robert is known to have worked with three other translators, Herman, Peter of Toledo and Mohammed the Saracen. The commission, which was completed in 1143, included other Islamic texts apart from the Qur'an, and it appears Herman was the main translator of two of these. However, an earlier contributor to this article sees Herman as key to the Qur'anic project too. The following paragraph may therefore be regarded as somewhat out of line with other Wikipedia articles.Around the time of Peter the Venerable's visit to Spain in 1142 Herman began in León to translate the Qur'an into Latin. He also translated two treatises "De generatione Muhamet et nutritura eius" and "Doctrina Muhamet". The Qur'an translation was completed by Robert of Ketton, and polished by Peter the Venerable's team. Despite being an imperfect translation, "Lex Mahumet pseudoprophete" remained the standard one for centuries, circulating in manuscript before being used in the 1543 edition published in
Basel byTheodor Bibliander . In this edition both Herman's above-mentioned translations of treatises about Islam appeared together with a preface byMartin Luther .Translations of the Classics
*Ptolemy - the Latin translation of Claudius Ptolemy's work "Planisphaerium" is a significant work.Herman translated it from an Arabic translation from the Greek (jointly with commentaries of
Maslam ibn Ahmed al-Majriti , who worked in Cordoba in the 10th century). Western European scholastics became aware of Ptolemy's astronomical views via this translation produced inToulouse in 1143 and dedicated to Thierry of Chartres. (This translation was for a long time believed to be the only surviving link to Ptolemy's original. Later another Arabic translation was found to have been preserved inIstanbul ).Herman also translated Ptolemy's "Canon" (
Canon of Kings ). For long many thought that Ptolemy was translated by German Herman Contractus and not by Herman of Carinthia.*Euclid - "Euclidis geometria (Elementa)". Herman translated
Euclid's Elements around 1140, possibly in collaboration with Robert of Ketton. (There were also other twelfth century translations).Astrology and astronomy
Herman's first known translation was the sixth book of an astrological treatise "Liber sextus astronomie" by the Jewish writer
Sahl ibn Bishr . It was released in Spain in 1138 under the title "Zaelis fatidica" ("Prophesy"). Sahl ibn Bishr had been writing in the Greek astrological tradition. Ibn Bishr's first five books were preserved in the translation ofJohn of Seville (Johannes Hispanus) (circa 1090- circa 1150). The sixth book deals with three thematic topics regarding the influences on the world and its inhabitants. The work containsdivination s based on the movements of the planets and comets.Circa 1140 Herman translated into Latin the astronomical work of
Abu Ma'shar "Kitab al-madkhal ila ilm ahkam al nujum" ("Introduction to Astronomy"). The work contains problems from Greek philosophy, Arabicastronomy and Easternastrology , and was first translated into Latin by John of Seville in 1133. Herman's less literal translation was published several times under the title "Liber introductorius in astronomiam Albumasaris, Abalachii" (Augusta Vindelicorum,Augsburg 1489;Venice 1495 and 1506). A large part of Herman's translation was copied intoRoger of Hereford 's "Book of Astronomical Judgements".Herman produced a version of
Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Ḵwārizmī 's astronomical tables ("zij") - they were also translated in 1126 byAdelard of Bath (1075-1164).Charles Burnett (2001) postulates that Herman collaborated with Robert of Ketton and
Hugo of Santalla on the "Liber novem iudicum" (the Book of Nine Judges), a collection of translations of Arabic astrologers, notablyal-Kindi . Their project may have been to supplant the current superstitious Latin astrology with Arabic astronomical science. Arabic texts cite oftenHermes as an authority. Burnett postulates that Renaissance magi merely continued this Hermetic tradition begun by Herman, Robert and Hugh. It should be noted that Herman shares technical terminology with Hugh and a penchant for evocation of the "Ascpelius", most notably in "De essentiis" (see below)Original Contributions
His original contribution to philosophy was "De essentiis" ("On essences"). In this work Herman deals with five Aristotelian categories (causa, motus, spatium, tempus, habitudo). He started to write this treatise in 1143 in Toulouse and he completed it the same year in
Beziers . In 1982 this book was reprinted inGermany .Some other works are believed to be Herman's:
* meteorological "Liber imbrium" ("A book about precipitations") (1140 to 1141)
* astrological "De indagatione cordis" ("About heart researches") (after 1140)In the text (or "a manuscript", the syntax of this article was not clear) of "De indagatione cordis" there are many names of scientists and scholars whose work Herman knew and used: Abu Mas'har (787-886), Sahl ibn Bishr, Aomar Tiberia, Abual-Kindi (801-873), the eighth-century Jewish astrologer Al BatrigMashallah (Messahalla), Hermes, and Dorotheos ofSidon .
*mathematical and astronomical "De mensura, De utilitatibus astrolabii", "De compositione et usu astrolabii" (before 1143 - Herman was certainly interested in theAstrolabe - the portrait shows Herman with one)Many medieval authors refer to Herman's work, for instance Albert the Great (Albert von Bollstädt,
Albertus Magnus ), instructor toThomas Aquinas , in his work "Speculum astronomiae".ee also
Latin translations of the 12th century References
*"De indagatione cordis". The complete Latin text was made available in a critical edition by Sheila Low-Beer in her doctoral dissertation "Herman of Carinthia: The Liber imbriam, The Fatidica and the De indagatione Cordis", The City University of New York.
External links
* [http://www.istrianet.org/istria/illustri/dalmatin/index.htm Istria on the Internet, Prominent Istrians - Herman Dalmatin]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.