
Introduced 1986
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry ISNIC
Sponsor ISNIC
Intended use Entities connected with  Iceland
Actual use Very popular in Iceland
Registration restrictions None
Structure Registrations are directly at second level
Documents [1]
Dispute policies Board of Appeals, Alternative also at the Icelandic Consumer Agency
Website ISNIC

.is (dot is) is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Iceland. The very first .is domain, hi.is, the domain of University of Iceland, was registered on December 11. 1986. .Is registration is open to all without any special restriction. The country code is derived from the first two letters of Ísland, the Icelandic word for Iceland. According to McAfee report "Mapping the Mal Web", .is has been evaluated as one of the top 10 most secure TLD's in the world in year 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.[1] As of November 2011 there were only about 36,000 registered .is domains.[2]

Domain hacks

Several .is domain hacks exist. Examples are who.is, th.is, this.is, pen.is, she.is, he.is, time.is, and hellomyname.is [3].


  1. ^ "ISNIC Lénaskrá: Fyrirtækið" (in Icelandic). https://www.isnic.is/about/isnic.php. Retrieved 9 January 2009. ".IS amongst the most secure top level domains in the world." 
  2. ^ "Tölulegar upplýsingar um rótarlénið .is" (in Icelandic). Archived from the original on 2009-06-02. http://www.isnic.is/tolur/index.html. Retrieved 31 May 2009. 
  3. ^ https://www.isnic.is/en/whois/mini.php?type=all&query=hellomyname.is

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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