

Infobox Top level domain

type=Country code top-level domain
registry=Oyster Internet Services
sponsor=Telecom Cook Islands
intendeduse=Entities connected with the Cook Islands
actualuse=Gets some use on Cook Islands
restrictions=Companies must use name based on their legal name
structure=Registrations are made at the third level beneath second-level categories
website= [http://www.oyster.net.ck/about/index.php?about=domain .ck domain registration] |

.ck is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the Cook Islands.

Registrations are within these second-level categories:
* .co.ck: business organisations
* .org.ck: not-for-profit organisations
* .edu.ck: educational institutions
* .gov.ck: government agencies
* .net.ck: Internet Service Providers
* .gen.ck:
* .biz.ck: Business related pages for the Cook Islands
* .info.ck: Information pages relating to the Cook Islands

Requirements of .ck Registration

Pre-requisites for applying for a domain is as follows:

# Non-Resident domain applications cost $150.00(USD) for a minimum of 2 years, and must be renewed every 2 years thereafter.
# Applications for a domain if it is already taken or is not affiliated with brand or name identity to you or your company e.g. 'nike.co.ck', 'mobil.co.ck'.....etc
# Domains considered profane, e.g. 'blow.co.ck', 'mybig.co.ck'....etc, will not be considered on any level, and the application will be dissolved with the applicant being notified, and future requests for the same domain name will be ignored. '.ck' domains are monitored on the web, on a regular basis for profanity on the Internet if it is found to be doing so, or if the site is deemed inappropriate, the domain will be terminated without notification or refund


*In the UK sitcom Nathan Barley, Barley registers his website 'trashbat' in the Cook Islands simply so that it has the amusing '.co.ck' suffix.

External links

* [http://www.iana.org/root-whois/ck.htm IANA .ck whois information]
* [http://www.oyster.net.ck/ .ck domain registration website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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