

Infobox Top level domain

type=Country code top-level domain
sponsor=Afghanistan Ministry of Communications
intendeduse=Entities connected with flag|Afghanistan
actualuse=Gets some use in Aghanistan
restrictions=Third-level names have restrictions based on which second-level name they are beneath.
structure=Registrations are taken directly at the second level or at the third level beneath various second-level subdomains
document= [http://www.icann.org/cctlds/af/ ICANN MoU] ; [http://www.nic.af/policies.jsp Policies]
disputepolicy=Draft policy is referred to on official site, but document is "404 Not Found"
website= [http://www.nic.af/ nic.af] |

.af is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Afghanistan. It is administered by AFGNIC, a service of the UNDP and the Islamic Transitional Government of Afghanistan.

Registration is made directly at the second level, or on the third level beneath various categorized subdomains at the second level. Third-level domains has restrictions based on which second-level domain they are registered under. Registration on second level is unrestricted, but more expensive. All fees are higher for international registrants.

econd level domains

* com.af - Commercial entities (Trade license / Business authorization or approval from the Ministry of Commerce.)
* edu.af - Educational institutions
* gov.af - Government and agencies
* net.af - Network providers
* org.af - Non-commercial entities
* law.af
* tv.af
* music.af
* hotel.af
* bank.af

External links

* [http://www.iana.org/root-whois/af.htm IANA .af whois information]
* [http://www.nic.af/ AFGNIC official site]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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