List of units of the United States Navy

List of units of the United States Navy

This article is a list of the operating units of the United States Navy. The list is organized along the same lines as the actual units, and does not include the CNO's office or the Shore Establishment.

Recent disbandments include Fighter Wing Atlantic, disbanded in 2004, and Commander, Sea Control Wing, Pacific (COMSEACONWINGPAC). SeaConWing Pac was disestablished effective Sept 30, 2005, in accordance with OPNAV 3111.133 issued March 16, 2005, with all S-3 squadrons reassigned to SeaConWing Lant.

Commander, United States Pacific Fleet (COMPACFLT)

Commander, Third Fleet

(USS "Carl Vinson" (CVN-70) is to return from Refuelling and Complex Overhaul to sea duty 2008 or 2009, and is thus not listed with a Strike Group in the list below)
*Commander, Strike Force Training Pacific
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Three ("John C. Stennis" Strike Group)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Seven ("Ronald Reagan" Strike Group)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Nine ("Abraham Lincoln" Strike Group)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Eleven ("Nimitz" Strike Group)

Commander, Seventh Fleet

*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Five (Kitty Hawk Strike Group)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Fifteen (COMDESRON FIFTEEN)

Commander, Naval Surface Force, United States Pacific Fleet (COMSURFPAC)

*Commander, Amphibious Group One (COMPHIBGRU ONE)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Eleven (COMPHIBRON ELEVEN)
*Commander, Amphibious Group Three (COMPHIBGRU THREE)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron One (COMPHIBRON ONE)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Three (COMPHIBRON THREE)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Five (COMPHIBRON FIVE)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Seven (COMPHIBRON SEVEN)
**Commander, Tactical Air Control Group One (COMTACGRU ONE)
**Commander, Naval Beach Group One (COMNAVBEACHGRU ONE)
*Commander, Naval Surface Group Mid-Pacific (COMNAVSURFGRU MIDPAC)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Thirty-One (COMDESRON THREE ONE)
*Naval Coastal Warfare Group One (COMNCWGRU ONE)
*Commander, Destroyer Squadron One (COMDESRON ONE)
*Commander, Destroyer Squadron Seven (COMDESRON SEVEN)
*Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-One (COMDESRON TWENTY-ONE)
*Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Three (COMDESRON TWENTY-THREE)
*Commander, Naval Surface Group Pacific North-West (COMNAVSURFGRU PACNORWEST)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Nine (COMDESRON NINE)
*Commander, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group One (COMEODGRU ONE)
*Commander, Afloat Training Group Pacific (COMATG PAC)
**Commander, Afloat Training Group Mid-Pacific (COMATG MIDPAC)
**Commander, Afloat Training Group West Pacific (COMATG WESTPAC)
**Commander, Afloat Training Group Pacific North-West (COMATG PACNORWEST)
*Commander, Regional Support Organization (COMREGSUPPGRU)
*Commander, Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific (COMEWTGPAC)

Commander, Submarine Force, United States Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC)

*Commander, Submarine Group Seven (COMSUBGRU SEVEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron One (COMSUBRON ONE)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Three (COMSUBRON THREE)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Seven (COMSUBRON SEVEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Eleven (COMSUBRON ELEVEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Fifteen (COMSUBRON FIFTEEN)
**Commander, Submarine Development Squadron Five (COMSUBDEVRON FIVE)
*Commander, Submarine Group Nine (COMSUBGRU NINE)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Seventeen (COMSUBRON SEVENTEEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Nineteen (COMSUBRON NINETEEN)

Commander, Naval Air Force, United States Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC)

*Commander, Fleet Air, Western Pacific (COMFAIRWESTPAC)
*Commander, Airborne Command and Control Logistics Wing (COMACCLOGWING)
**VAW-112 Golden Hawks
**VAW-113 Black Eagles
**VAW-115 Liberty Bells
**VAW-116 Sun Kings
**VAW-117 Wallbangers
**VRC-30 Providers
*Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Pacific (COMSTRKFIGHTWINGPAC)
**VFA-2 Bounty Hunters
**VFA-14 Top Hatters
**VFA-22 Fighting Redcocks
**VFA-25 Fist of the Fleet
**VFA-27 Royal Maces
**VFA-41 Black Aces
**VFA-94 Mighty Shrikes
**VFA-97 Warhawks
**VFA-102 Diamondbacks (NAF Atsugi, Japan)
**VFA-113 Stingers
**VFA-115 Eagles
**VFA-122 Flying Eagles
**VFA-125 Rough Raiders
**VFA-137 Kestrels
**VFA-146 Blue Diamonds
**VFA-147 Argonauts
**VFA-151 Fighting Vigilantes
**VFA-154 Black Knights
**VFA-192 Golden Dragons
**VFA-195 Dambusters
**Detachment Fallon
*Commander, Commander Patrol And Reconnaissance Forces, Pacific (COMPATRECONFORPAC)
**Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 1 (COMPATRECONWING ONE)
**Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 10 (COMPATRECONWING TEN)
*Commander, Electronic Attack Wing, Pacific (COMVAQWINGPAC)
**VAQ-128 Fighting Phoenix (Expeditionary)
**VAQ-129 Vikings (Training)
**VAQ-130 Zappers
**VAQ-131 Lancers
**VAQ-132 Scorpions
**VAQ-133 Wizards (Expeditionary)
**VAQ-134 Garudas (Expeditionary)
**VAQ-135 Black Ravens
**VAQ-136 Gauntlets
**VAQ-137 Rooks
**VAO-138 Yellowjackets
**VAQ-139 Cougars
**VAQ-140 Patriots
**VAQ-141 Shadowhawks
**VAQ-142 Gray Wolves (Expeditionary)
**VAQ-143 Cobras
*Commander, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing, Pacific (COMHSLWINGPAC)
**HSL-37 Easyriders
**HSL-41 Seahawks (FRS)
**HSL-43 Battle Cats
**HSL-45 Wolfpack
**HSL-47 Saberhawks
**HSL-49 Scorpions
**HSL-51 Warlords
*Commander, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing, Pacific (COMHSWINGPAC)
**HS-2 Golden Falcon
**HS-4 Black Knights
**HS-6 Indians
**HS-8 Eightballers
**HS-10 Warhawks
**HS-14 Chargers
**HS Weapons Training Unit
*Commander, Helicopter Sea Combat Wing, Pacific (COMHELSEACOMBATWINGPAC)
**HSC-3 Merlins
**HSC-25 Island Knights
**HSC-21 Blackjacks
**Helicopter Sea Combat Weapons School Pacific (HSCWSP)
*Commander, Strategic Communications Wing One (COMSTRATCOMWING ONE)
**VQ-3 Ironman
**VQ-4 Shadows
**VQ-7 [NTSU]

=Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (COMUSFLTCOM) (previously known as U.S. Atlantic Fleet)=

=Commander, Second Fleet=

(USS George Washington (CVN-73) is returned from Overhaul to sea duty in April 2008, and will be reassigned to the Carrier Strike Group Five, Seventh Fleet, Pacific Fleet)
*Commander, Strike Force Training Atlantic
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Two (Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Eight (Dwight D. Eisenhower Strike Group)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Eight (COMDESRON TWO-EIGHT)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Ten (Harry S. Truman Strike Group)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Six (COMDESRON TWO-SIX)
*Commander, Carrier Strike Group Twelve (Enterprise Strike Group)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Two (COMDESRON TWO)

Commander, Naval Surface Forces, United States Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVSURFLANT)

*Commander, Amphibious Group Two (COMPHIBGRU TWO)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Two (COMPHIBRON TWO)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Four (COMPHIBRON FOUR)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Six (COMPHIBRON SIX)
**Commander, Amphibious Squadron Eight (COMPHIBRON EIGHT)
**Commander, Naval Beach Group Two (COMNAVBEACHGRU TWO)
**Navy Cargo Handling Battalion West (NAVCARGOBN ONE)
**Fleet Surgical Team Two (FLTSURGTM TWO)
**Fleet Surgical Team Four (FLTSURGTM FOUR)
**Fleet Surgical Team Six (FLTSURGTM SIX)
**Fleet Surgical Team Eight (FLTSURGTM EIGHT)
**Tactical Air Control Squadron Two One (TACRON TWO ONE)
**Tactical Air Control Squadron Two Two (TACRON TWO ONE)
*Commander, Naval Surface Group Two (COMNAVSURFGRU TWO )
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Six (COMDESRON SIX)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Fourteen (COMDESRON FOURTEEN)
*Regional Support Organization (REGSUPPORG)
*Sea Logistics Atlantic (SEALOGLANT)
*Commander, Naval Coastal Warfare Group Two (COMNCWGRU TWO)
*Commander, Mine Warfare Command (COMINEWARCOM)
**Commander, Mine Countermeasures Squadron One (COMCMRON ONE)
**Commander, Mine Countermeasures Squadron Two (COMCMRON TWO)
***Mine Countmeasures Division Eleven (MCMDIV ELEVEN)
**Commander, Mine Countermeasures Squadron Three (COMCMRON THREE)
***Mine Countmeasures Division Thirty-One (MCMDIV THIRTY-ONE)
**Commander, South Central Regional Maintenance Center (SCRMC INGLESIDE)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Two (COMDESRON TWO-TWO)
**Commander, Destroyer Squadron Twenty-Six (COMDESRON TWO-SIX)
*Commander, Naval Surface Group Med (COMNAVSURFGRU MED)
*Commander, Surface Warfare Development Group (COMSURFWARDEVGRU)
*Commander, Regional Support Group (COMREGSUPPGRU NORFOLK)
*Afloat Training Group (ATG)
*Southeast Regional Maintenance Center, Mayport, FL (SERMC MAYPORT)
*Commander, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group Two (COMEODGRU TWO)
*Fleet Integrated Logistics Activity, Portsmouth, VA (FCDIT)
*Surface Warfare Officers School Command Newport, RI (SWOSCOLCOM Newport)

=Commander, Submarine Force, United States Atlantic Fleet (COMSUBLANT)=

*Commander, Submarine Group Two (COMSUBGRU TWO)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Two (COMSUBRON TWO)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Four (COMSUBRON FOUR)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Six (COMSUBRON SIX)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Eight (COMSUBRON EIGHT)
**Commander, Submarine Development Squadron Twelve (COMSUBDEVRON TWELVE)
*Commander, Submarine Group Eight (COMSUBGRU EIGHT)
**Commander, Submarine Development Squadron Twenty-Two (COMSUBDEVRON TWENTY-TWO)
*Commander, Submarine Group Ten (COMSUBGRU TEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Sixteen (COMSUBRON SIXTEEN)
**Commander, Submarine Squadron Twenty (COMSUBRON TWENTY)

Commander, Naval Air Force, United States Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVAIRLANT)

*Commander, Fleet Air, Mediterranean (COMFAIRMED)
**HC-4 Black Stallions, NAS Sigonella
**Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two, Rota
**Tactical Support Center (TSC), Rota
**Tactical Support Center (TSC), Sigonella
*Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Force, Atlantic (COMPATRECONFORLANT)
**Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing Five
**Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing Eleven
*Commander, Sea Control Wing, Atlantic (COMSEACONWINGLANT)
**VS-22 Checkmates
**VS-24 Scouts
**VS-27 (FRS)
**VS-30 DiamondCutters (disestablished)
**VS-31 Topcats
**VS-32 Maulers
**Tactical Support Center
*Commander, Carrier Airborne Early Warning Wing, Atlantic Fleet (COMAEWWINGLANT)
**VAW-120 Greyhawks (FRS)
**VAW-121 Bluetails
**VAW-123 Screwtops
**VAW-124 Bear Aces
**VAW-125 Tigertails
**VAW-126 Seahawks
**VRC-40 Rawhides
*Commander, Strike Fighter Wing, Atlantic Fleet (COMSTRKFIGHTWINGLANT)
**VFA-11 Red Rippers
**VFA-15 Valions
**VFA-31 Tomcatters
**VFA-32 Swordsmen
**VFA-34 Blue Blasters
**VFA-37 Bulls
**VFA-81 Sunliners
**VFA-82 Marauders (disestablished effective 30 September 2005)
**VFA-83 Rampagers
**VFA-86 Sidewinders
**VFA-87 Golden Warriors
**VFA-103 Jolly Rogers
**VFA-105 Gunslingers
**VFA-106 Gladiators [FRS]
**VFA-131 Wildcats
**VFA-136 Knighthawks
**VFA-143 Pukin Dogs
**VFA-211 Fighting Checkmates
**VF-213 Black Lions
*Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing, Atlantic Fleet (COMHSMWINGLANT)
**HSL-40 Airwolves
**HSL-42 Proud Warriors
**HSL-44 Swamp Fox
**HSL-46 Grandmasters
**HSL-48 Vipers
**HSL-60 Jaguars
**CHSMWL Detachment Sigonella
*Commander, Helicopter Sea Combat Wing, Atlantic Fleet (COMHELSEACOMBATWINGLANT)
**HC-4 Black Stallions
**HM-14 Vanguard
**HM-15 Blackhawks
**HS-3 Tridents
**HS-5 Nightdippers
**HS-7 Dusty Dogs
**HS-11 Dragonslayers
**HS-15 Red Lions
**HSC-2 Fleet Angels
**HSC-22 Sea Knights
**HSC-26 Chargers
**HSC-28 Dragon Whales
**HSC-84 Red Wolves
**VC-6 Firebees
**Helicopter Sea Combat Weapons School Atlantic (HSCWSL)
**Airborne Mine Countermeasures Weapons System Training School (AWSTS)
**AIMD - Corpus Christi, TX

U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Sixth Fleet

(While retaining both names, CNE/C6F has a combined staff)
*Commander, Destroyer Squadron Sixty (as required, acts as Commander Task Force 60)(Gaeta, Italy)

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/Fifth Fleet

*Commander, Destroyer Squadron Fifty
*Commander, Logistics Force, Naval Forces Central Command

Military Sealift Command

Naval Special Warfare Command

*Naval Special Warfare Development Group
*Naval Special Warfare Group One
**SEAL Teams One, Three, Five and Seven
*Naval Special Warfare Group Two
**SEAL Teams Two, Four, Six, Eight, and Ten
*Naval Special Warfare Group Three
**SDV Teams One and Two
*Naval Special Warfare Group Four
**Special Boat Teams Twelve, Twenty, and Twenty-Two
*Naval Special Warfare Support Group

Naval Network Warfare Command

*Naval Information Operations Command (Formerly known as the Naval Security Group)
**Naval Information Operations Detachment Fort Meade
*Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Naples
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Sicily
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Bahrain
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic Detachment Hampton Roads
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic Detachment Rota
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Atlantic Detachment Souda Bay
*Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Pacific
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Guam
**Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Far East
*Naval Space Operations Command

=Naval Reserve Force=

*Naval Air Force Reserve
**Fleet Logistics Support Wing
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron One (VR 1)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Four Six (VR 46)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Four Eight (VR 48)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five One (VR 51)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Two (VR 52)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Three (VR 53)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Four (VR 54)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Five (VR-55)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Six (VR-56)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Seven (VR 57)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Eight (VR 58)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Five Nine (VR 59)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Six One (VR 61)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Six Two (VR 62)
***Fleet Logistics Support Squadron Six Four (VR-64)
**Reserve Patrol Wing (disbanded June 30, 2007 as per OPNAV 3111.204, issued April 6, 2006 with Patrol Squadrons reassigned or disbanded)
***Patrol Squadrons VP 62 Broadarrows and VP 69 Totems now assigned to active duty Patrol and Reconnaissance Wings 11 and 10, respectively
***VP 65, VP 66, and VP 94 disbanded per OPNAV 3111.454, Nov 29, 2005
**Carrier Air Wing Reserve 20
**Helicopter Wing Reserve (disbanded May 31, 2007, per OPNAV 3111.214, issued May 22, 2006)
***Remaining Helicopter Squadrons reassigned to active duty helicopter wings
*Navy Reserve Forces Command
**Naval Reserve Fleet Hospitals

Operational Test and Evaluation Force

See Operational Test and Evaluation Force (OPTEVFOR)


*US Navy directives site at - 3000 series
*US Navy Fleet Chain of Command, via, dated 12 August 2005
* [ US Navy] on
* [ COMNAVSURFPAC Subordinate Commands]

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