- De Tijd
De Tijd Type Daily Format Broadsheet Owner Mediafin Editor Frederik Delaplace Founded 1968 Headquarters Posthoflei 3 Box 9
Berchem B-2600Official website www.tijd.be De Tijd (English: The Times), formerly De Financieel-Economische Tijd (The Financial Economical Times), is a Belgian broadsheet newspaper that mainly focuses on business and economics. It is printed on salmon pink paper since May 2009, following the example of its colleagues Financial Times, Het Financieele Dagblad, FT Deutschland and many more.
De Tijd is a typical financial daily, covering economy and business, financial markets and national and international politics. It is the main information source for Belgian managers (CIM-survey 2009). It is published from Tuesday to Saturday with no Sunday or Monday edition. The weekend edition is enriched with two magazines: Netto, on personal finance, and Sabato on lifestyle.
According to the Centrum voor Informatie over de Media, (CIM)[1] De Tijd had a total paid for distribution of 38.000 copies at the end of 2009. It reaches almost 140.000 readers every day. De Tijd has an average market share of 6,4% in Flanders. In 2006 De Tijd tested an electronic paper version to subscribers. This was the first such application of electronic ink to newspaper publishing, but the project has been abandoned one year later. Since then the newspaper has continued investing in multimediaprojects. The website of De Tijd reached 145.000 unique visitors a day, at the end of 2009.
- Het Lijfblad van de Manager (1968–1996).
- Voorkennis van Zaken (1996–2002).
- Uit op Inzicht (2002–2003).
- De Essentie (2003–2006).
- Voorkennis van Zaken (2006–2007).
- "Tel mee" (2008-...)
De Tijd was established and financially supported by the Vlaams Economisch Verbond. In 2005, two major Belgian media conglomerates, the Flemish De Persgroep (a.o. Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen) and the Walloon Rossel (a.o. Le Soir) purchased Uitgeversbedrijf Tijd, the mother company of De Tijd and Editeco, the publishing company of L'Echo, the French counterpart. Both newspapers were integrated in the newly established Mediafin, in which De Persgroep and Rossel each hold a stake of 50 percent. Both newspapers stayed independent, but they work in the same building at the historical site of Tour & Taxis in Brussels since the merger. The current editor-in-chief of De Tijd is Pierre Huylenbroeck. Frederik Delaplace is editorial director for both De Tijd and L'Echo.
External links
- Official website
- Newspapers in the class room (Dutch)
- Netto magazine
- Belegger magazine
- Sabato magazine
Newspapers from Belgium Dutch De Morgen · De Standaard · De Tijd · Gazet van Antwerpen · Het Belang van Limburg · Het Laatste Nieuws · Het Nieuwsblad · De Gentenaar · Het Volk · Nieuwe TijdinghenFrench German Multilingual Categories:- Newspapers published in Belgium
- Dutch-language newspapers
- Business newspapers
- Publications established in 1968
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