

The word "plenipotentiary" (from the Latin, "plenus" + "potens", full + power) has two meanings.

As a noun, it refers to a person who has "full powers". In particular, the term commonly refers to a diplomat who is fully authorized to represent their government as a prerogative (e.g., ambassador).

As an adjective, "plenipotentiary" refers to that which confers "full powers".


Before the era of rapid international transport (such as cars, trains and aircraft) or virtually instantaneous communication (such as radio or telephone), diplomatic mission chiefs were granted full ("plenipotentiary") powers to represent their government in negotiations with their host nation. Conventionally, any representations made or agreements reached with them would be recognized and complied with by their government.

Historically, the common generic term for high diplomats of the crown or state was Minister. It therefore became customary to style the chiefs of full ranking missions as Minister Plenipotentiary. This position was roughly equivalent to the modern Ambassador - a term which historically was reserved mainly for missions between the great powers and also relating to the city state of Venice.

Permanent missions at a bilateral level were chiefly limited to relations between large, neighbouring or closely allied powers. However, diplomatic missions were despatched for specific tasks such as negotiating a treaty bilaterally or via a conference such as the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire. In such cases it was normal to send a representative minister empowered to cast votes.

Below the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary there were in some cases a Minister Resident or Resident Minister: a form of which is sometimes seen in colonial indirect rule. Below this again came a Chargé d'affaires who was not accredited to the head of state but represented at government level.

By the time of the Vienna Congress (1814-15), which codified diplomatic relations, Ambassador had become a common title, and was established as the only class above Minister Plenipotentiary; Ambassadors would gradually become the standardised title for bilateral mission chiefs as their ranks no longer tended to reflect the importance of the states, which came to be treated as formally equal.

In modern times, heads of state and of government, and more junior ministers and officials, can easily meet or speak with each other personally. Therefore ambassadors arguably do not require plenipotentiary powers; however they continue to be designated and accredited as "extraordinary and plenipotentiary".

Administering Plenipotentiaries

As well as diplomatic plenipotentiaries, some permanent administrators are also given plenipotentiary powers. Central governments have sometimes conferred plenipotentiary status (either formally or de facto) on territorial governors. This has been most likely to occur when the remoteness of the administered territory made it impracticable for the central government to maintain and exercise its policies, laws and initiatives directly.

There have been instances where a mandate was conferred publicly on a senior official, such as a minor member of the ruling house (sometimes with the title of viceroy) but with secret instructions limited his or her power drastically by conferring plenipotentiary status on a more junior admninistrator, possibly of lower social class or caste. Thus the formal position held by an individual has not always been a reliable indicator of actual plenpotentiary authority.

Even in modern times, the Plenipotentiary title has been revived sometimes, for example for the administrators of protectorates or in other cases of indirect rule.

Examples of plenpotentiary administration are given below.

Colonial era

*In 1879 - 1884 the explorer Henry Morton Stanley (b. 1841 - d. 1904) was styled Plenipotentiary of the Committee for the Studies of Upper Congo in equatorial Africa. This was a mechanism for control of the territory which was held personally by the Belgian King Leopold II.

Pre-World War II Europe

*On the Greek island of Crete, after the President of the Executive Commission of the Cretan Assembly, Ioannis Konstantinou Sphakianakis (b. 1848 - d. 1924), had exerced executive power 20 March - 21 December 1898 after evicting the last Ottoman Wāli, a Supreme Plenipotentiary Commissioner of the (Christian protecting) Powers headed the official administration of the 20 March 1898 instituted Cretan State (formally under Ottoman suzerainty until Independence declared on 6 October 1908):
**21 December 1898 - 30 September 1906 Prince Georgios of Greece (b. 1869 - d. 1959)
**1 October 1906 - 30 September 1911 Alexandros Thrasivoulou Zaimis (b. 1855 - d. 1936); then, 30 September 1911 - 30 May 1913, the post remained vacant but was not abolished until the island was officially incorporated into the "Kingdom of the Hellenes", i.e. Greece.
*In Slovakia, 15 January 1927 - 28 June 1928 Josef Kállay (b. 1881 - d. 1939) was Minister Plenipotentiary and Administrator of the Czechoslovak government

In the Nazi Reich

*in Slovakia, July 1939 - 4 April 1945, three consecutive German Envoys and Ministers Plenipotentiary (the old diplomatic style) formally represented the Reich in the fascist puppet state (14 March 1939 - 3 April 1945) of Jozef Tiso (b. 1887 - d. 1947; former Czechoslovak Ministers for Slovak Affairs 6 October - 28 November 1938) HSLS (acting to 26 October 1939; from 1942 self-styled "Vodca" "Leader", a typical extreme right nationalist Führer-imitation
*in the occupied Netherlands, the Dutch being a Germanic people, under a "Reichskommissar" ('Imperial Commissioner'), German Plenipotentiaries were appointed during 1940-45 at the provincial level by the side of the regular Dutch Provincial Commissioners in Drenthe, Friesland, Gelderland, Groningen, Limburg, North Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht and South Holland, and during 1940-1944 in North Brabant and Zeeland .
*in Denmark, another Germanic country under Nazi-German occupation (9 April 1940 - 5 May 1945), initially a German protectorate was established, led by a "Reichsbevollmächtigter" ('Imperial Plenipotentiary'). On 29 August 1943, the German Nazis took over direct administration under a "Reichskommissar" ('Imperial Commissioner')
*in the middle 1944, Joseph Goebbels was named Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War on the home front ("Reichsbevollmächtigter für den totalen Kriegseinsatz an der Heimatfront"), as other Nazi personalities earned Plenipotentiary titles inside the Reich's government. Heinrich Himmler held the title of "Generalbevollmächtigter für die Verwaltung" or general plenipotentiary for the entire Reich's administration. His aide, Walter Schellenberg, held the title of "Sonderbevollmächtigter" or specialplenipotentiary to Himmler. Granting absolute power over a particular or general governmental matter to a single individual was a pervasive practice among the top Nazis.
*the German de facto military takeover of Italy, its major European Axis-ally, after Mussolini's military and political collapse (he was "pro forma" restyled Provisional Head of State and Prime minister of the "Italian Social Republic", i.e. the fascist Counter Government at Saló) was headed 12 September 1943 - 28 April 1945 by a German Plenipotentiary: Rudolf Rahn (b. 1900 - d. 1975); there were separate military commanders.

ince 1945

On May 18, 2000, in the post-Soviet Russian Federation the title Plenipotentiary of the President was established for the appointees of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in each of the seven federal districts created on May 13: Dalnevostochny (Far Eastern), Privolzhsky (Volga Region), Severo-Zapadny (North Western), Sibirsky (Siberian), Tsentralny (Central), Uralsky (Ural) and Yuzhny (Southern).

Problems of translating the word "plenipotentiary"

This word has been voted as one of the ten English words that are hardest to translate in June 2004 by Today Translations, a British translation company [] . However, almost the exact word exists in at least some of the Romance languages (such as Portuguese - "plenipotenciário"; French - "plénipotentiaire"; Romanian - "plenipotenţiar"), with the exact same meaning, as well as in other languages (for instance, German - "Bevollmächtigt(er)" (adjective or noun), Dutch "Gevolmachtigd(e)", Swedish "fullmäktig", Norwegian "fullmektig" - all these Germanic cases are literal parallels; Czech "zplnomocněný" (plno=full, moc=power), Bulgarian пълномощен ("pǎlnomošten"), Finnish "täysivaltainen", Greek πληρεξούσιος, "plērexoúsios", Turkish "tam yetkili", and Tatar "wäqälätle".

ee also

*Plenary power

ources and references

* [ see under each present country]

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  • Plenipotentiary — Plen i*po*ten ti*a*ry, a. Containing or conferring full power; invested with full power; as, plenipotentiary license; plenipotentiary ministers. Howell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • plenipotentiary — 1640s, from M.L. plenipotentiarius having full power, from L. plenus full (see PLENARY (Cf. plenary)) + potentem powerful (see POTENT (Cf. potent)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • plenipotentiary — ► NOUN (pl. plenipotentiaries) ▪ a person appointed by a government to act on its behalf with full and independent power. ► ADJECTIVE 1) having full power to take independent action. 2) (of power) absolute. ORIGIN from Latin plenus full +… …   English terms dictionary

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  • plenipotentiary — 1. noun /ˌplɛn.ɪ.pəʊˈtɛn.ʃər.i,ˌplɛn.ɪ.pəʊˈtɛn.ʃi.ər.i,plɛn.ɪ.poʊˈtɛn.ʃər.i,plɛn.ɪ.poʊˈtɛn.ʃi.ər.i/ A person invested with full power, especially as the diplomatic agent of a sovereign state, (originally) charged with handling a certain matter… …   Wiktionary

  • plenipotentiary — noun (C) formal or technical someone who has full power to take action or make decisions, especially as a representative of their government in a foreign country plenipotentiary adjective: plenipotentiary powers …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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