- List of rump states
A rump state is the remnant of a once-larger
government , left with limited powers or authority after adisaster ,invasion ormilitary occupation .For example, the
Seleucid Empire , which once controlled most of the Middle-East, was reduced drastically in size by the rise of theParthian Empire in its eastern provinces because of a regional rebellion. What was left of the once large empire was a rump state composed of little more thanAntioch ,Damascus , and an area roughly equal in size to modernSyria .Some other states labeled as rump states, or that today would be considered rump states, at one point or another are listed below.
Sumer during the late 3rd millennium BC until its liquidation byElam andBabylon .
*Kush from circa 2500 BC until 780 BC.
*Ancient Egypt during theHyksos period (circa 1674-1548 BC.) [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/history12-17.htm#hyksos]
*Mitanni during the Egyptian invasions and loss of land inSyria of the mid-15th century BC, and from the Hittite invasions of the mid-14th century BC to its liquidation byAssyria circa 1250 BC.
*Ancient Egypt from the late 13th century BC, because of invasions of Libyans andSea Peoples and the loss of its Asiatic lands.
*TheHittite Empire from circa 1275 BC to its liquidation circa 1180 BC.
*Philistia from its expulsion fromIsrael circa 1105 BC to its conquest byAssyria in 732 BC. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] See alsoSamson .
*Ancient Egypt after the loss of theNile Delta to theMeshwesh and the secession ofKush in the early 11th century BC. [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/libyans.htm]
*Aram during the reign ofSolomon ofIsrael .
*Edom during most of the 10th century BC.
*TheKingdom of Judah as successor to theUnited Monarchy after theKingdom of Israel seceded circa 930 BC [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Kings%2012:1-25;&version=31;] [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/droysens/1886/droysens.pl?m=0004] , particularly during Egyptian andKush ite aggression from then until circa 901 BC [http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Chronicles%2012-14&version=31] .
*Phoenicia during the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.
*TheZhou Dynasty ofChina from early 8th century BC to its end in the 3rd century BC. [http://map.huhai.net/14-15.jpg]
*Urartu from the late 8th century BC to its Iranian conquest in 612 BC. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*TheKingdom of Judah from the conquest of theKingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 BC to its conquest byBabylonia in 586 BC.
*Ancient Egypt from the late 8th century BC until its Babylonian conquest. [http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/assyrian_conquest.htm] See alsoTwenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt (the period ofKush ite rule.)
*Athens from 490 to 479 BC during theGreco-Persian Wars [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] and after thePeloponnesian War [http://www.files.maproom.org/00/19/present.php?m=0021] until its Macedonian conquest (from 404 to 338 BC.)
*AttalidPergamon as the successor to the Lysimachian Empire from the execution ofLysimachus bySeleucus I Nicator and the loss of most of its Asian lands to theSeleucid Empire and its European lands to the Antigonid Empire in 281 BC until its union with theRoman Empire according to the will ofAttalus III in 133 BC. See alsoDiadochi Wars.
*TheSeleucid Empire from the rise ofParthia in the late 3rd century BC [http://map.huhai.net/17.jpg] to its final conquest by theRoman Empire in 60 BC.
*Illyria because of Roman aggression from 229 BC to its final conquest in 9 BC.
*Carthage after theSecond Punic War and because of progressive territorial losses toNumidia until its destruction by Rome in theThird Punic War .
*Macedon in the 2nd century BC, after the Wars with Rome until its final conquest.
*Ptolemaic Egypt from the loss of its Asiatic lands to theSeleucid Empire in the 2nd century BC until its union with theRoman Empire in 30 BC. [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/droysens/1886/droysens.pl?m=0002] See alsoSyrian Wars .
*The Sunga Empire as successor to theMaurya Empire after theGreco-Bactrian invasions of its western lands in 180 BC. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*TheGreco-Bactrian Kingdom because ofYuezhi aggression from 162 BC to the conquest ofBactria proper in 120 BC [http://map.huhai.net/17.jpg] , then theIndo-Greek Kingdom [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] as its successor until its
Indo-Scythian conquest circa AD 10.
*Hasmonean Judaea from 140 BC to its conquest by theRoman Empire in 37 BC. [http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/palmacc.html]
*Nabataea during most of the 1st century BC, because of Roman aggression until its conquest.
*TheSatavahana Empire from circa AD 35 to 78, during theIndo-Scythian invasions. See alsoWestern Kshatrapas .
*Parthia after the loss of its western lands to theRoman Empire in the early AD 2nd century.Late Antiquity
Kushan Empire from circa AD 250 to its liquidation circa 450 by theHephthalites . [http://map.huhai.net/30-31.jpg]
*TheEastern Jin Dynasty ofChina as successor to theWestern Jin Dynasty after the loss of its northern lands to theAltaic Wu Hu peoples in AD 317 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] until 420, and then the
Southern dynasties as its successors until the reconquest of the north by theSui Dynasty in 589.
*TheWestern Roman Empire and its various territories after the barbarian invasions (AD 5th century).
*Baekje inKorea from the AD 5th century until its liquidation bySilla andChina in 660. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*TheGupta Empire from the late AD 5th century until its dissolution circa 550.
*Visigoth ic Iberia from AD 526 until its Islamic conquest in 718. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw0600.htm] See alsoUmayyad conquest of Hispania .
*TheOstrogothic Kingdom from AD 535 until its conquest by theEastern Roman Empire in 540.
*TheEastern Roman Empire from the Slavic, Avar, andBulgar invasions of theBalkan Peninsula and the Persian invasions of easternAsia Minor of the AD mid-6th century, particularly after its progressive loss ofItaly to theLombards starting in 565 [http://www.euratlas.com/big/big0600.htm] and during the height of theSassanid Empire in the early 7th century, when it lost most of its Asiatic lands andEgypt .
*Goguryeo inKorea from AD 598 until its liquidation bySilla andChina in 668. See alsoGoguryeo-Sui Wars .
*TheSassanid Empire from AD 622 until the Arab conquest ofPersia in 651. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*TheKingdom of Aksum inEthiopia after the rise in Arab power in the 7th century.
*Tibet during the loss of its northern and western lands toTang Dynasty China from circa 750 to 763. [http://map.huhai.net/38-39.jpg]
*The Emirate of Córdoba as the restored successor to theUmayyad Caliphate after the loss of its Asian and most of its African lands to theAbbasid s from 756 until 929 [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw0800.htm] , and then the Caliphate of Córdoba as its successor until its dissolution in 1031 [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw1000.htm] . See alsoBattle of the Zab .
*TheDuchy of Benevento as successor to theLombard Kingdom ofItaly after the loss of its northern lands to theFranks in 774 until its division into the kingdoms ofCapua andSalerno in 849. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw0800.htm]Early Middle Ages
Kingdom of Asturias after the secession of theKingdom of Navarre in the mid-9th century until its conquest by Navarre in the early 10th century. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw0900.htm]
*Tibet from the mid-9th century, after it lost the majority of its land area (to the north and west as well asMyanmar ) in the aftermath of a civil war. [http://map.huhai.net/46-47.jpg]
*Wessex andMercia from 871, because of the Danish invasion and creation of the Danelaw [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] , untilEdward the Elder of Wessex took control of most ofEngland in 918.
*TheKhazar Empire from the late 9th century until its liquidation byKievan Rus' and thePechenegs in 969. [http://www.geocities.com/ayatoles/webmap4.jpg] See alsoCaspian expeditions of the Rus .
*Scotland , because of Norse raids from the late 9th century until theTreaty of Perth in 1266 [http://www.euratlas.com/time/nw0900.htm] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/droysens/1886/droysens.pl?m=0062] , particularly during its tributary period and loss of its southern lands to the
Angevin Empire under theTreaty of Falaise from 1174 to 1189.
*TheRashtrakuta Empire ofIndia from circa 895 to 914.
*TheAbbasid Caliphate from the 11th century until its destruction byHulagu Khan in 1258.
*BalkanBulgaria in the 11th and 12th centuries [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1194.gif] , and in the 14th century until its Ottoman conquest [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1370.gif] .
*Volga Bulgaria from the 11th century until its Mongol conquest in 1241. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
]High Middle Ages
Srivijaya from the Chola invasion of 1025 to its conquest by theMajapahit Empire in 1365.
*TheGhaznavid Empire from its loss ofKhorasan to the Seljuq Empire in 1040 until its liquidation by theGhurids in 1187. See alsoBattle of Dandanaqan .
*Denmark after the death of KingHarthacanute and the resulting dissolution of the union between itself andEngland in 1042, until the reign of Valdemar the Great in the mid-12th century. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/europe/neu1100large.gif]
*TheZirid andHammadid Empires of North Africa from theBedouin invasion circa 1049 to their liquidation by theAlmohad Empire in 1152. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw1100.htm]
*TheGhana Empire from 1062 to its conquest by theAlmoravids in 1076.
*TheDeccan empire of theWestern Chalukyas because ofChola aggression from 1064 to 1115 and from 1126 to its dissolution in 1180.
*TheFatimid Caliphate from 1070 until its conquest bySaladin in 1169. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sea1100.htm]
*TheKingdom of Navarre from the late 11th century to its liquidation byAragon in 1516. [http://www.lrc.salemstate.edu/aske/maps/navarre.htm]
*ThePagan Kingdom ofMyanmar from the late 11th century until itsMongol conquest in 1289. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*The Chola Empire of southernIndia from 1118 to its liquidation by thePandyan Kingdom in 1279. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*China because of the progressive loss of its northern lands to theJurchen Manchus from 1126 until theMongol conquest of the following century. [http://www.republicanchina.org/JurchenJin.html] [http://map.huhai.net/46-47.jpg]
*TheKingdom of León from the secession ofPortugal in 1143 to its union with theKingdom of Castile in 1230. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw1200.htm]
*France during the loss of the majority of its territory to theAngevin Empire from circa 1154 to 1214. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] [http://www.euratlas.com/big/big1200.htm]
*Albania from the late 12th century to its Ottoman conquest in 1385. [http://www.euratlas.com/big/big1300.htm]
*The Seljuq Empire after its loss ofSyria toSaladin in 1174 and the secession of Georgia andArmenia .
*TheKingdom of Jerusalem after theThird Crusade , from 1192 to its liquidation in 1244. [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cd/Crusaderstates.jpeg]
*TheSultanate of Rum as the successor to the Seljuq Empire after the loss of its eastern lands to theKhwarezmid Empire in 1194. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*TheKingdom of Castile from its defeat by the Almohad Empire at theBattle of Alarcos in 1195 until its defeat of the Almohads in theBattle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212. [http://www.euratlas.com/time/sw1200.htm]
*TheByzantine Empire after theFourth Crusade as theEmpire of Nicaea (alsoEmpire of Trebizond andDespotate of Epirus ). [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*TheAngevin Empire as thedual monarchy ofEngland andAquitaine from the revolt of theLusignan s and its loss of NW France in 1202 to its dissolution in 1214.
*Wales because of English aggression from 1211 to 1218 and 1241 to its final conquest in 1535 [http://www.euratlas.com/time/nw1300.htm] . See alsoStatute of Rhuddlan andLaws in Wales Acts 1535-1542 .
*TheLatin Empire from circa 1215 because of successive losses of territory to theDespotate of Epirus [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] ,Bulgaria [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Epiro1230-1251.png] , and theEmpire of Nicaea [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] until its Nicaean conquest in 1261. See alsoPeter of Courtenay .
*TheDespotate of Epirus from 1230 because of successive losses of territory toBulgaria [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Epiro1230-1251.png] , theEmpire of Nicaea [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] , and theSerbian Empire [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] until its Serbian conquest in 1358.
*The Kingdom of Georgia from the Mongol invasion of 1236 until its liquidation byRussia in 1804. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*Poland [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1241.gif] ,Lithuania ,Hungary [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1241-2.gif] , and theSultanate of Rum during theMongol aggression of the mid-13th century.
*The Ayyubid Caliphate because ofMamluk aggression, from its loss ofEgypt in 1250 to its conquest in 1334.
*The Duchy ofPisa from its loss ofCorsica andSardinia toGenoa in 1284 until its conquest byFlorence in 1406. [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/droysens/1886/droysens.pl?m=0067] See alsoBattle of Meloria .Late Middle Ages
Tu'i Tonga Empire from the secession ofSamoa circa 1300 to its dissolution circa 1800.
*Cambodia as the successor to theKhmer Empire from the early 14th century. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/seasia/haxcambodia.html]
*TheNasrid Kingdom ofGranada in the 14th and 15th centuries until the capture ofGranada by the Kingdom of Spain in 1492. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*TheHoysala Empire from the invasions of theSultanate of Delhi circa 1318 until its dissolution circa 1346, and then theVijayanagara Empire as its successor until its consolidation of power in southernIndia in the late 14th century.
*France during theHundred Years' War against the English, Flemish, Basque, Portuguese, and Burgundian, from 1337 to 1453. [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/clarendon/lane-poole/lane-poole.pl?m=0006] [http://www.maproom.org/maps/historical/droysens/1886/droysens.pl?m=0062] [http://www.ucalgary.ca/HIST/tutor/imagemid/france1429large.jpg?CFID=6129067&CFTOKEN=27884392] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*TheSerbian Empire from 1356 after the death ofStefan Dusan until its conquest by theOttoman Empire in 1459. [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1370.gif] [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1387.gif]
*Mongolia as the successor to the Yuan Empire, afterChina regained its independence in 1368 under theMing Dynasty . [http://map.huhai.net/56.jpg] [http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/1xarming.htm]
*The Khanate of theGolden Horde and its successor khanates from the late 14th century until their conquest byRussia and theOttoman Empire in the late 16th century. [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Europe_in_1470.png]
*TheMali Empire from the mid 15th century to its liquidation by theBambara andFulbe in 1670. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/westafrica/mali1490.gif]
*TheSultanate of Delhi from the invasions ofTimur in 1398 until its liquidation by Mughal forces in 1526. [http://map.huhai.net/54-55.jpg]
*TheOttoman Empire during the occupation of its eastern lands by theTimur ids from 1400 to circa 1414 [http://map.huhai.net/54-55.jpg] . See alsoOttoman Interregnum .
*TheByzantine Empire in the 15th century, from the Ottoman invasions until its conquest in 1453. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*Albania during the revolt ofSkanderbeg from 1443 to 1478. [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Europe_in_1470.png]
*TheVijayanagara Empire during renewed Islamic invasions from circa 1446 to 1486.
*The Kingdom ofBurgundy from 1453 to the conquest of Burgundy proper byFrance in 1477 [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Europe_in_1470.png] , then theBurgundian Netherlands as its successor [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] until its incorporation in theHabsburg Empire after the death of QueenMary of Burgundy in 1482.
*TheDuchy of Prussia as the successor to theMonastic State of the Teutonic Knights , from theSecond Peace of Thorn (1466) withPoland-Lithuania in 1525 until its 1618 union with Brandenburg. [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/ca/Ac.prussiamap2.gif] See alsoThirteen Years' War .Early Modern
Royal Hungary as the successor of theKingdom of Hungary underAustria n suzerainty from 1541 until circa 1700 [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Partition_of_Hungary.png] .
*TheJaffna Kingdom ofSri Lanka because of Portuguese aggression from 1505 until its conquest in 1621.
*TheMunhumutapa Empire of present-dayZimbabwe andMozambique because of Portuguese aggression from 1505 until its conquest in 1629.
*Oman during the occupation of Muscat by the Portuguese from 1508 to 1650.
*TheSultanate of Malacca from the Portuguese capture of Malacca in 1511, and theSultanate of Johor as its successor from 1528 until the complete Dutch conquest in 1641.
*Denmark-Norway afterSweden broke away from theKalmar Union in 1523. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/scandinavia/norway17c.gif] See alsoStockholm Bloodbath of 1520 andSwedish War of Liberation .
*TheInca state ofTawantinsuyu which survived the initialSpanish conquest of the Inca Empire in theVilcabamba area from 1532 until the final Spanish conquest in 1572.
*Poland-Lithuania [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~rs143/ottosul.jpg] ,Russia , andAustria [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1683.gif] at times during the height of Ottoman and Crimean Tatar [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/russia/haxcrimeantatars.html] advances. See alsoRusso-Crimean Wars ,Siege of Vienna , andBattle of Vienna .
*TheLivonian Confederation during theLivonian War , from the Russian invasion of 1558 to its liquidation byPoland-Lithuania andSweden in 1561 [http://www.hoeckmann.de/deutschland/baltikum2.htm] , and then the Duchy ofCourland as its successor under Polish suzerainty until its Russian conquest in 1795 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] .
*TheVijayanagara Empire from its 1565 defeat by theDeccan Sultanates in theBattle of Talikota until its liquidation circa 1646.
*TheNetherlands during its struggle against Spanish rule in theEighty Years' War (1566–1648.) [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/lowcountries/dutrev.gif]
*Mongolia from the rise of theQing Manchus in the early 17th century until its conquest in 1634.
*Denmark-Norway during the occupation ofJutland byAustria and its Catholic League allies in theThirty Years War from 1627 to 1629, as well as bySweden in theHannibal War of 1644.
*China because ofManchu aggression from 1630 until its conquest and resultant formation of theQing Dynasty in 1644.
*Poland-Lithuania from 1648 to 1662, during its struggle for survival in the war of The Deluge against UkrainianCossack insurgents and Russian, Swedish, Turkic,Transylvania n [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1657.gif] , and German invaders. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1656.gif]
*Denmark-Norway during the occupation of theTrøndelag region from 1658 to 1660 by theSwedish Empire during theNorthern Wars [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] . See also
Treaty of Roskilde .
*Oman during the occupation of its coasts by theOttoman Empire from 1659 to 1741 and by the Afsharid Empire from 1743 to 1746.
*Poland-Lithuania from 1701 to 1711 andRussia in 1708 and 1709, during the Swedish occupation of large areas in theGreat Northern War . [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Nordic_war_bse.jpg]
*TheMughal Empire in the 18th century, after the death ofAurangzeb in 1707. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/india/haxmughalempire.html]
*Sweden after its defeat and loss of Baltic hegemony in theGreat Northern War in 1721 [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/scandinavia/sw16601720.gif] , and more so after the Russian seizure ofFinland in theFinnish War of 1809.
*Safavid Persia from 1722 to 1738 because of Afghan and Ottoman aggression.
*TheSultanate of Mataram inJava from 1749 to its Dutch conquest in 1816. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*Prussia from 1758 to 1762 during theSeven Years' War .
*Siam because of Burmese aggression from 1766 to 1802.
*Poland-Lithuania , progressively after the first twoPartitions of Poland in 1772 and 1793 until its liquidation in 1795. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*Durrani Afghanistan after its loss of the Punjab following the death ofAhmed Shah Abdali in 1773.
*TheMaratha Empire because of British aggression from 1775 to its conquest in 1818. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/asia/asia1789large.gif] [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/india/haxmarathas.html]
*TheIroquois Confederacy from theSullivan Expedition of 1779 to its annexation by theUnited States in the 1794Treaty of Canandaigua .
*TheRepublic of Venice after its partition betweenFrance ,Austria , and theOttoman Empire in 1797, and the inclusion ofVenice proper into the Austrian-ruledKingdom of Lombardy-Venetia [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1829.gif] by theCongress of Vienna until 1866. See alsoCisalpine Republic .19th Century
Serbia from its initial autonomy from theOttoman Empire in 1804 until the creation ofYugoslavia afterWorld War I . [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1830.gif] [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1912.gif]
*Austria , TheNetherlands , andPrussia under Napoleonic occupation. [http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/napoleon/napoleon%20pages/napoleon%20map%2035.htm]
*TheDuchy of Warsaw [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] and
Congress Poland [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] , from 1807 to 1831 under French and Russian hegemony, respectively.
*Portugal during its Napoleonic partition under theTreaty of Fontainebleau from November 1807 to August 1808 and with renewed French aggression from March to June 1809 and during much of 1810.
*Denmark after its granting of independence toNorway in January 1814, whichSweden took control of in August 1814 [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/scandinavia/dk1815.gif] . See alsoNorway in 1814 .
*TheKingdom of Saxony after its loss of 40% of its area toPrussia in theCongress of Vienna [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1815.gif] , until its 1871 incorporation into theGerman Empire .
*Muscat and Oman from the early 1820s, because of the progressive loss of possessions in thePersian Gulf ,Zanzibar , the Indian Ocean coast of Africa, and Baluchistan to the British as well as Germany, Portugal, France, and Italy, until the formation of the British protectorate of 1891.
*Myanmar because of British aggression from 1824 until its conquest in 1886 [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/seasia/haxburma.html] . See alsoFirst Anglo-Burmese War ,Second Anglo-Burmese War , andThird Anglo-Burmese War .
*Morocco because of French aggression from 1830 until its conquest in 1912. [http://www.destinationmorocco.com/about_history.php]
*TheNetherlands from 1831, afterBelgium won its independence in theBelgian Revolution . [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/lowcountries/nl181539.gif]
*Colombia afterVenezuela andEcuador seceded fromGreater Colombia in 1831, and more so afterPanama seceded in 1904. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*Mexico after the progressive loss of almost half of its area toUnited States interests from 1836 to 1848 [http://www.sonofthesouth.net/mexican-war/mexican-war-map.htm] [http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/mexican_war.htm] and during the French invasion of thePastry War in 1838 and early 1839. See alsoTexas Revolution ,Mexican-American War , and theGadsden Purchase of 1854.
*TheKhanate of Khiva from the mid-19th century until its Russian conquest in 1873. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/asia/asia1871large.gif]
*ThePapal States [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] from 1860, and particularly
Vatican City as their successor after theUnification of Italy in 1871.
*Denmark after its loss ofSchleswig-Holstein to the Prussian (later German) Empire after theSecond War of Schleswig in 1864. [http://home.student.uu.se/o/orma1967/Kartor/Danmark/schleswig-holstein.htm] [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Da-map.png]
*Siam from 1867, because of progressive territorial losses inCambodia andLaos to the French. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*Honduras from theGuatemala n invasion and overthrow ofJosé María Medina in 1876 until 1891.
*Iran from 1918 to 1946, because of British and Russian aggression. Map of the partition plan of theAnglo-Russian Convention of 1907 used duringWorld War I [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] See also
Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran .
*Paraguay , after losing vital territory toArgentina andBrazil , as well as having lost the majority of its population, in theWar of the Triple Alliance in 1870 until winning theChaco War in 1935. [http://store.pastpresent.com/mit18hanpain26.html]World War I and aftermath
Russia from 1917 to 1921, particularly under theTreaty of Brest-Litovsk [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Terretory_given_away_after_Brest-Litovsk.jpg] and during the Western, Polish, Romanian, and Japanese intervention of theRussian Civil War (see alsoAllied Intervention in the Russian Civil War .)
*Ukraine from 1917 to 1921. [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1918-3.gif]
*TheDemocratic Republic of Armenia (from 1917 to 1922), sinceTurkey remained in control of the majority of its pre-World War I homeland. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*TheAzerbaijan Democratic Republic from 1918 to 1920, sinceIran remained in control of the majority of the Azeri historic homeland. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*German Austria , from the dissolution of theAustro-Hungarian Empire by theTreaty of Saint-Germain until theAnschluss (its annexation byNazi Germany ) of 1938. [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1920.gif]
*TheOttoman Empire as envisioned by theTreaty of Sevres [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/asmin/haxturkey.html] , and thenTurkey as recognized in theTreaty of Lausanne [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] after becoming a republic. See alsoTurkish War of Independence .
*Hungary after theTreaty of Trianon [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1920.gif] , particularly during intervention byRomania andCzechoslovakia against the short-livedHungarian Soviet Republic in the summer of 1919 [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1919-4.gif] .
*Poland during the summer of 1920, while SovietRussia occupied the majority of its area in thePolish-Soviet War . [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1920-2.gif] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
]World War II
Czechoslovakia from the German annexation of theSudetenland in October 1938 [http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/ww2%20europe/ww2%20europe%20pages/ww2%20europe%20map%2002.htm] and the loss of additional territory in southernSlovakia andCarpathian Ruthenia toHungary in November [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1938-2.gif] to its liquidation the following March. See alsoMunich Agreement andFirst Vienna Award .
*China during the Japanese occupation of most of its eastern lands (including the majority of the 1939 population.) [http://baby.indstate.edu/gga/gga_cart/ladder02.jpg]
*The Slovak Republic, from 1939 until late 1944 (Hungary controlled one-third ofSlovakia 's area.) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/germany/czww2.gif]
*Vichy France after the French surrender in June 1940 duringWorld War II . [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]
*Romania from July 1940 to June 1941, during the loss of part ofTransylvania toHungary and ofBessarabia andBukovina to theUSSR . [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1940-3.gif] See also
Second Vienna Award .
*Serbia after the temporary dissolution ofYugoslavia duringWorld War II . [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1941.gif]
*Greece under Axis occupation duringWorld War II . [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/balkans/greecewwii.gif]
*Hungary from late 1944, after the seizure of territory by theUSSR andRomania [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1944-4.gif] , and Hitler's replacement and house arrest of Hungarian leaderMiklós Horthy .Since World War II
Republic of China after theChinese Civil War in 1950. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
] See alsoPolitical status of Taiwan .
*South Korea from June to September 1950 [http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/korean%20war/korean%20pages/korean%20war%20map%2012.htm] and January to April 1951 [http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/korean%20war/korean%20pages/korean%20war%20map%2016.htm] , andNorth Korea from September to December 1950 [http://www.dean.usma.edu/history/web03/atlases/korean%20war/korean%20war%20index.htm] , during theKorean War .
*Somalia from the secession and de facto independence ofSomaliland in May 1991, with 22% of its area and 43% of its population. [http://www.zum.de/whkmla/histatlas/eastafrica/haxsomalia.html]
*TheSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia after the secession ofSlovenia andCroatia in 1991, and thenBosnia and Herzegovina and theFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in 1992. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
*Bosnia and Herzegovina during theBosnian War from 1992 to late 1995. [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1992.gif] [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1993.gif]
*TheCzech Republic andSlovak Republic as the successors ofCzechoslovakia . [http://www.sibiweb.de/geschi/karten/1993.gif] See alsoVelvet Divorce .
*TheFederal Republic of Yugoslavia (in 2003-2006State Union of Serbia and Montenegro , nowSerbia ) after the 1999United Nations Mission in Kosovo took over administration over its southern autonomous province,Kosovo and Metohija .ee also
*Napoleonic Wars
*Puppet state
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