- Horse meat
Horse meat is the culinary name for meat cut from a
horse . It is slightly sweet, tender, low in fat, and high in protein. [ [http://www.vianderichelieu.com/en/cheval/content.htm Viande Richelieu] page title: "Clarifying the notion of horsemeat" covers Nutrients, Age, The sex of the animal, Race, Color, Tenderness, Taste, and Meat cuts.] It is nutritious and free of transmissible disease problems such as B.S.E., scrapie and E. coli which are being detected with increasing frequency in other types of commonly eaten meat. For the majority of mankind’s early existence wild horses were hunted as a bulk source of protein. [Citation
title=Documenting Domestication
author=Melinda A. Zeder
publisher=University of California Pres
pages=257, 258, 265] [Citation
title=The Horse, the Wheel, and Language
author=David W. Anthony
publisher=Princeton University Press
pages=199, 220
url=http://books.google.com.ph/books?id=rOG5VcYxhiEC] With the rise of civilization mankind found new purposes for the horse, as a companion and a worker; these historical associations, as well as ritual and religion played a part in the development of the aversion to the consumption of horse meat. The horse is now given pet status by many in the western world, which further entrenches the taboo on eating its flesh. The avoidance of eating horse meat (or indeed a taste for it), is relatively modern, with a complex historical and cultural origins.History
In the late Paleolithic (Magdalenian Era),
wild horse s formed an important source of food.In pre-Christian times, horse meat was eaten in
northern Europe as part of indigenous Germanic pagan religious ceremonies, particularly those associated with the worship ofOdin .France dates its taste for horse meat to the Revolution.With the fall of aristocracy, its auxiliaries had to find other ways.Just as hairdressers and tailors oriented themselves to serve commoners, the horses maintained by aristocracy as a sign of prestige ended alleviating the hunger of lower classes.It was during the Napoleonic campaigns when the surgeon-in-chief ofNapoleon 'sGrand Army ,Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey , advised the starving troops to eat the flesh of horses.At thesiege of Alexandria , the meat of youngArab horse s relieved an epidemic ofscurvy .At thebattle of Eylau in 1807, Larrey served horse as soup and "bœuf à la mode ".In Aspern-Essling (1809), cut from the supply lines, the cavalry used the horses' breastplates as cooking pots andgunpowder as seasoning, and thus founded a traditionLarrey is quoted in French by Dr Béraud, " [http://leslivresoublies.free.fr/leslivresoublies/Sciences_et_techniques_muse/cheval.html Études Hygiéniques de la chair de cheval comme aliment] ", Musée des Familles (1841-42).] Larrey mentions in his memoirs how he fed the wounded after the (1809) withbouillon of horse meat seasoned with gunpowder. Parker, Harold T. (1983 reprint) "Three Napoleonic Battles". (2nd Ed).Duke University Press . ISBN 0-82230547-X. [http://books.google.com/books?id=qiyp-Mft2zEC&pg=PA84&lpg=PA84&ots=W7h9mMJcvK Page 83] (inGoogle Books ). QuotingDominique-Jean Larrey , "Mémoires de chirurgie militaire et campagnes", III 281, Paris, Smith.] . Horse meat gained widespread acceptance inFrench cuisine during the later years of theSecond French Empire . The high cost of living inParis prevented many working-class citizens from buying meat such aspork orbeef , so in 1866 the French government legalized the eating of horse meat and the first butcher's shop specializing in horse meat opened in eastern Paris, providing quality meat at lower prices. [Kari Weil, [http://caliber.ucpress.net/doi/abs/10.1525/gfc.2007.7.2.44 "They Eat Horses, Don't They? Hippophagy and Frenchness"] , "Gastronomica" Spring 2007, Vol. 7, No. 2, Pages 44-51 Posted online onMay 22 ,2007 . (doi:10.1525/gfc.2007.7.2.44)] During the Siege of 1870-71, horse meat was eaten by anyone who could afford it, partly because of a shortage of fresh meat in the blockaded city, and also because horses were eating grain which was needed by the human populace. Many Parisians gained a taste for horse meat during the siege, and after the war ended, horse meat remained popular.Despite the general
Anglophone taboo, horse and donkey meat was eaten in Britain, especially inYorkshire , until the 1930s. ["Eating Up Italy: Voyages on a Vespa" byMatthew Fort . 2005, p253. ISBN 0-00-721481-2]The taboo
Which cultures
Horse is commonly eaten in many countries in Europe and Asia. [Citation
title= 2008 - It is Time to Tell the Truth ...about Horse Slaughter
accessdate=2008-05-20 (See the list headed "Horsemeat—By Any Other Name")] It is ataboo food in English-speaking countries such as theUnited Kingdom ,Ireland , the US,English Canada , andAustralia ; it is also taboo amongst theRomany people and inBrazil andIndia . Horse meat is not generally eaten inSpain , although the country exports horses both "on the hoof and on the hook" (i.e., live animals and slaughtered meat) for the French and Italian market; however, horse meat is consumed in someLatin American countries such asMexico . It is illegal in some countries. InTonga horse meat is eaten nationally, and Tongan emigrees living in Utah have retained the taste for it, claiming Christian missionaries originally introduced it to them [Simoons, F.J., 1994, Eat not this Flesh, Food Avoidances from Pre-history to Present, University of Wisconsin Press.] .In many
Muslim countries horse meat is generally forbidden or considered "makruh ", meaning it is not forbidden, but close to being such as 'detestable'. One reason given for its prohibition is the need for horses in military and other uses, and as such, considering the decline in usage of horses as in ages past, some consider its consumption permissible. Horse meat is eaten in some MuslimCentral Asia n countries with a tradition ofnomad icpastoralism , e.g.,Kazakhstan ,Kyrgyzstan andTurkmenistan . In othermajority-Muslim countries there have been many instances, especially wars and famine, when horses were slaughtered and eaten. Fact|date=June 2007Horse meat is
forbidden by Jewish dietary laws because horses do not have cloven hooves and they are notruminants . It has been suggested that this holds a practical purpose as horses were used as a means of transportation and did work.In the eighth century, Popes Gregory III and Zachary instructed
Saint Boniface , missionary to the Germans, to forbid the eating of horse flesh to those he converted, due to its association with Germanic pagan ceremonies. [William Ian Miller, [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0026-2234(199108)89%3A8%3C2081%3AOOCHAW%3E2.0.CO%3B2-X "Of Outlaws, Christians, Horsemeat, and Writing: Uniform Laws and Saga Iceland"] , "Michigan Law Review", Vol. 89, No. 8 (Aug., 1991), pp. 2081-2095] [Calvin W. Schwabe, "Unmentionable Cuisine", UniversityPress of Virginia, ISBN 0-8139-1162-1] The people ofIceland allegedly expressed reluctance to embraceChristianity for some time, largely over the issue of giving up horse meat. cite web
title=U.S.D.A. Promotes Horse & Goat Meat
publisher=International Generic Horse Association
accessdate=2007-08-09 (quoting a 1997 USDA report said to be no longer available online)] The culturally close people ofSweden still have an ambivalent attitude to horsemeat, said to stem from this time.Reasons for the taboo
In some countries the effects of this prohibition by the Roman Catholic Church have lingered, and horse meat prejudices have progressed from
taboos , to avoidance, to abhorrence. In other parts of the world, horse meat has the stigma of being something poor people eat and is seen as a cheap substitute for other meats, such aspork andbeef .There is also an element of sentimentality, as horses have long enjoyed a close relationship with many humans, on a similar level to household pets – this can be seen projected in such Anglophone
popular culture icons as "Black Beauty " or even "My Little Pony ". Compare with the anthropomorphic pigs in "Babe" and "Charlotte's Web ".Totem istic taboo is also a possible reason for refusal to eat horsemeat as an everyday food, but did not necessarily preclude ritual slaughter and consumption. Roman sources state that the goddessEpona was widely worshipped inGaul and southern Britain. Epona, a triple aspect goddess, was the protectress of the horse and horse keepers, and horses were sacrificed to her [ Powell, T. G. E., 1958, The Celts, Thames and Hudson, London ] ; she was paralleled by the Irish Macha and Welsh Rhiannon. TheUffington White Horse is probable evidence of ancient horse worship. The ancient IndianBrahmin s engaged in horse sacrifice, as recorded in theVedas .Campbell, Joseph, "Oriental Mythology: The Masks of God", Arkana, 1962, pp190-197 ISBN 0-14-019442-8] In 1913, the FinnicMari people of theVolga region were observed to practice a horse sacrifice..In ancient
Scandinavia , the horse was very important, as a living, working creature, as a sign of the owner's status, and symbolically within the oldNorse religion . Horses were slaughtered as asacrifice to the gods and the meat was eaten by the people taking part in the religious feasts. When the Nordic countries were Christianized, eating horsemeat was regarded as a sign of paganism and prohibited. A slight skepticism against eating horsemeat is still common as a reminder of this in these countries even today.It is notable that, despite horses having been bred in England since pre-Roman times, the
English language has no widely used term for horse meat, as opposed to four forpig meat (pork ,bacon ,ham ,gammon ), three forsheep meat (lamb,hogget andmutton ), two for cow meat (beef andveal ), and so on.English speaking countries , however, have sometimes marketed horsemeat under theeuphemism "cheval meat" ("cheval" being the French for horse). Also, note that the words pork, bacon, mutton, veal, and beef all derive from an old version of French, because of the class structure of England after the Norman Conquest in 1066 CE: the poor (Saxons) tended the animals, while the rich (French-speaking Normans) ate the meat.Production
In most countries where horses are slaughtered for food, they are processed in a similar fashion to cattle, i.e., in large-scale factory
slaughter house s (abattoirs) where they are stunned with acaptive bolt gun and bled to death. (Note that it is not always clear whether "horse slaughter" refers only to horse meat for human consumption, or whether it also includespet food and meat for carnivores, e.g. in zoos; seeknacker .)As horses are relatively poor converters of grass and grain to flesh compared to cattle, they are not usually bred or raised specifically for their meat. Instead, horses are slaughtered when their other value as riding or work animals is low, as for example in the routine export of the southern English ponies from the New Forest, Exmoor, and Dartmoor. [ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/south/series2/new_forest_ponies_commoners_breed_improvements.shtml - BBC Inside Out - New Forest Ponies] ] . [http://www.countrysideonline.co.uk/plugins/content/content.php?content.237 - BBC Inside Out - NFU Countryside Online: Passports for Ponies] ]
British law requires the use of "equine passports" even for semi-wild horses to enabletraceability (also known as "provenance"), so most slaughtering is done in the UK before the meat is exported.Ex-racehorses, riding horses, and other horses sold at auction may also enter the
food chain ; sometimes these animals have been stolen or purchased under false pretenses. [ [http://www.netposse.com/stolenmissing/storyladyslaughter.htm Slaughter of Lady] ] Even famous horses may end up in the slaughterhouse; the 1986Kentucky Derby winner and 1987Eclipse Award for Horse of the Year winner, Ferdinand, is believed to have been slaughtered in Japan, probably forpet food . [ [http://horsesdaily.com/news/racing/2003/07-21-derbywinner-ferdinand.html Death of a Derby Winner] ]In 2005, the eight principal horsemeat producing countries produced over 700,000 tonnes of this product.
::Source: Citation
publisher= [http://www.animalwelfarecouncil.org The Animal Welfare Council, Inc.] , citing FAO-UN Horticultural Database
date=May 15 ,2006
accessdate=2008-04-29 The British newspaper "
The Daily Mail " reports that every year, 100,000 live horses are transported into and around theEuropean Union for human consumption, mainly to Italy but also to France and Belgium.cite web
title=The English horses being sent to France to be eaten
author=Tom Rawstone
date=May 19 ,2007
publisher=Daily Mail
accessdate=2007-10-04]Meat from horses that veterinarians have put down with a lethal injection is not consumed, as the toxin remains in the meat; the carcasses of such animals are cremated (all other means of disposal are problematic, due to the toxin).
Opposition to production
The killing of horses for human consumption is widely opposed in countries such as
USA and Britain [ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/1xtra/tx/weekinpictures/180507.shtml?select=03 - Week in pictures - Who wants to eat horsemeat?] ] where horses are generally considered to be companion and sporting animals only.Fact|date=June 2007 French actress andanimal rights activistBrigitte Bardot has spent years crusading against the eating of horse meat. However, the opposition is far from unanimous; a 2007 readers' poll in theLondon magazine "Time Out " showed that 82% of respondents supportedcelebrity chef Gordon Ramsay 's decision to serve horse meat in his restaurants [ "Time Out " 30 May -5 June 2007 ] (see further discussion here).Preparation
Horse meat has a slightly sweet taste reminiscent of a combination of beef and
venison . Meat from younger horses tends to be lighter in color while older horses produce richer color and flavor, as with mostmammals . Horse meat can be used to replace beef, pork, mutton, and any other meat in virtually any recipe.Those preparing
sandwich es or cold meals with horse meat usually use it smoked and salted. Horse meat forms an ingredient in several traditional recipes ofsalami .Horse meat in various countries
Horse "
leberkäse " is available and quite popular at various hot dog stands. Dumplings can also be prepared with horse meat, spinach or Tyrolean "Graukäse" (a sour milk cheese). They are occasionally eaten on their own, in a soup, or as a side-dish.Belgium
In Belgium, horse meat ("paardenvlees" in Dutch and "viande chevaline" in French) is highly prized. It is used in
steak tartare , in which, compared to the beef equivalent, the richer flavor of the horse meat lends itself better to the pungent seasoning used in preparation. Besides being served raw, it can be broiled for a short period, producing a crusty exterior and a raw, moist interior. Smoked horse meat is very popular as breakfast and sandwich meat. Horse steaks are also very popular; the town ofVilvoorde has a few restaurants specializing in this dish. Horse-sausage is a well known local specialty inLokeren with European recognition.It is widely believed that traditional Belgian fried potatoes ("pommes frites") were cooked in horse fat, but in fact ox fat (
suet ) was used, although for health reasons this has been supplanted by nut oil (considered inferior by many).Canada
Agriculture in the province of
Québec seems to prosper under the prohibitions from the United States. There is a thriving horse meat business in this province; the meat is available in most supermarket chains. Horse meat is also for sale at the other end of the country, inGranville Island Market indowntown Vancouver where, according to a "Time" magazine reviewer who smuggled it into the United States, it turned out to be a "sweet, rich, superlean, oddly soft meat, closer to beef than venison". [ [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1587279,00.html "Horse — It's What's for Dinner" by Joel Stein,8 February 2007 ] ] However, the majority ofCanada has a taboo similar to that of theUnited States regarding the sale and consumption of Horse meat. This mentality is especially strong in the province ofAlberta , where stronghorse racing and breeding industries and cultures have existed since the province's founding.Chile
Chile it is used in "charqui ".China
Horse meat is not available in most parts of China, although it is generally acceptable to Chinese. Its lack of popularity is mostly due to its low availability and some rumors saying that horse meat tastes bad or it is bad for health, even
poison ous. In "Compendium of Materia Medica ", apharmaceutical text published in 1596,Li Shizhen wrote "To relieve toxin caused by eating horse meat, one can drinkcarrot juice and eatalmond ." Today, in southwestern China, there are locally famous dishes such as Horse Meat Rice Vermicelli (马肉米粉) inGuilin . In the northwest,Kazakhs eat horse meat.France
In France, specialized butcher shops ("boucheries chevalines") sell horsemeat, as ordinary butcher shops have been for a long time forbidden to deal in it. However, since the 1990s, it can be found in supermarket butcher shops and others. An organization called [http://www.viande-chevaline.fr La Viande Chevaline] (literally, "horsemeat") exists to promote the industry, offering consumer information such as recipes, nutrition, purchase locations, and so on. According to its website, approximately 15 000 horses a year are raised for meat production, mostly draft breeds. It argues that the economic importance of horsemeat helps maintain the genetic heritage of traditional French breeds. See also "
Blood of the Beasts ".Germany
Germany , horse meat is traditionally used in "sauerbraten ", a strongly marinated type of sweet-sour braised meat dish; in the last couple of decades, beef has become more commonly used. This dish is often eaten with "Klöße " (potato dumplings, in theRhineland ) or "Spätzle " (noodles, inSouthern Germany ) and red cabbage. "Rosswurst" (horse sausage) is a sausage containing horse meat and beef and is mostly sold inBavaria .Iceland
Iceland it is both eaten minced and as steak, also used instew s andfondue , prized for its strong flavor.Indonesia
Indonesia , one type ofsatay (chunks of grilled meat served with spicy sauce) known as "sate jaran" is made from horse meat. This delicacy fromYogyakarta is served with sliced freshshallot (small red onion), pepper, and sweet soy sauce.Fact|date=July 2007Italy
Italian cuisine is highly regional. Horse meat is used in a stew called "pastissada", served as horse or colt steaks, ascarpaccio , or made intobresaola . Horse fat is used in recipes such as "". In the region ofVeneto a dish is prepared which consists of shredded, cured horsemeat on a bed ofarugula , dressed with olive oil and fresh lemon juice. Also in Veneto, horsemeat sausages called "salsiccia di equino" and thin strips of horse meat called "sfilacci" are sold. The straight horsemeat steak "carne di cavallo", similar to classic AmericanPorterhouse steak , is generally available in the Alto Adige/Südtirol region of theItalian Alps . Chefs and consumers tend to prize its uniqueness by serving it as rare as possible.Donkey is also cooked, for example as a pasta sauce called "stracotto d'asino". According to British food writerMatthew Fort , "The taste for donkey and horse goes back to the days when these animals were part of everyday agricultural life. In the frugal, unsentimental manner of agricultural communities, all the animals were looked on as a source of protein. Waste was not an option." [Eating Up Italy: Voyages on a Vespa byMatthew Fort . 2005, p253-254. ISBN 0-00-721481-2 ]Japan
Japan ese cuisine, raw horse meat is called "sakura" (桜) or "sakuraniku" (桜肉, "sakura" meanscherry blossom , "niku" means meat) because of its pink colour. It can be served raw as very chewysashimi in thin slices dipped in soy sauce, often with ginger and onions added. In this case, it is called "basashi" ( _ja. 馬刺し). Fat, typically from the neck, is also found as "basashi", though it is white, not pink. Horse meat is also sometimes found on menus for "yakiniku " (a type of barbecue), where it is called "baniku" (馬肉, literally, "horse meat") or "bagushi" ("skewered horse"); thin slices of raw horse meat are sometimes served wrapped in a shiso leaf. Kumamoto, Matsumoto and Ōita are famous for "basashi", and it is common in theTohoku region as well. There is also a dessert made from horse meat called "basashi" ice cream. [Citation
title=When it comes to eating horse, most say nay
author=Clay Thompson
date=December 14 ,2006
publisher=The Arizona republic
accessdate=2007-11-15] The company that makes it is known for its unusual ice cream flavors, many of which have limited popularity.Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan horse meat is a large part of the diet, due mainly to the nomadic roots of the population. [ [http://www.foodbycountry.com/Kazakhstan-to-South-Africa/Kazakhstan.html "Food in Kazakhstan"] . "Food in Every Country". Referenced 5/6/08.] Some of the dishes include sausages called "kazy" and "shuzhuk" made from the meat using the guts as the sausage skin, "zhaya" made from hip meat which is smoked and boiled, "zhal" made from neck fat which is smoked and boiled, "karta" made from a section of the rectum which is smoked and boiled, and "sur-yet" which is kept as dried meat.Malta
Malta stallion meat ( _mt. Laħam taż-żiemel) is commonly used in various dishes. It is usually fried or baked in a white wine sauce.Mongolia
Mongolia , a nation famous for its nomadic pastures and equestrian skills, also includes horse meat on the menu. Mongolians also make a horse milk wine.The Netherlands
In the
Netherlands , smoked horse meat ("paardenrookvlees") is sold as sliced meat and eaten on bread. There are also beef-based variants. Horse meat is also used in sausages ("paardenworst"). The popularity of both varies regionally.Norway
In Norway horse meat is used in some sausages, such as Vossafår.
Used in production of "
kabanos ", recently declining in popularity.lovenia
Horse meat is generally available in
Slovenia . Colt steak ("žrebičkov zrezek") is available in some restaurants and there is a popular fast-food restaurant inLjubljana called Hot-Horse that serves hamburgers made of horse meat. [Citation
title=Hot Horse
accessdate=2007-12-03 ] [Citation
title=Taste Ljubljana—Capital Ideas
date=14 December ,2006
author=Dan Ryan
accessdate=2007-12-03 ]weden
In Sweden horse meat outsells lamb and mutton combined. Smoked/cured horse meat is widely available as a
cold cut under the name "hamburgerkött" (hamburger meat). It tends to be very thinly sliced and fairly salty, slightly reminiscent of deli-style ham. "Gustafskorv", a smoked sausage made from horse meat, is also quite popular, especially in the south of Sweden. It is similar tosalami ormedwurst and is used as an alternative to them, on sandwiches, in salads, on pizza, etc.Fact|date=August 2007witzerland
Switzerland horse meat may be used in Fondue Bourguignonne. Horse steak is also quite common, especially in the French-speaking West, but also more and more in the German-speaking part. A speciality known as "mostbröckli" is made with beef or horse meat. Horse meat is also used for a great range of sausages in the German-speaking North of Switzerland.United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom the slaughter, preparation and consumption of horses for food is not against the law, although in practice it has been out of fashion since the 1930s and there is a strong taboo against it (see above). It was eaten when other meats were scarce, such as during times of war [ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/foodprogramme_20040425.shtml - Food Programme, April 2004] ] [ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/25/a7269825.shtml - BBC - WW2 People's War - Horsemeat, A Wedding Treat] ] (as was whale meat, never popular and now also taboo). The sale of horse meat in supermarkets and butchers is minimal, and most of the horse meat consumed in the UK is imported from Europe, predominantly the
South of France , where it is more widely available. [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/05/06/nramsay06.xml - We Should Eat Horse Meat] ]Horse meat may be consumed inadvertently. A
Food Standards Agency 2003 investigation revealed thatsalami sometimes contains horse meat, without this ingredient being listed. Listing is legally required.United States
People in the United States rarely eat horse meat today, but during
World War II , due to the low supply and high price of beef, the state ofNew Jersey legalized its sale. At war's end, the state again prohibited the sale of horse meat, possibly in response to pressure from the beef lobby.Harvard University 's [http://www.hfc.harvard.edu/ Faculty Club] had horse meat on the menu for over one hundred years, until 1983. [ [http://online.wsj.com/article/PA2VJBNA4R/SB112812616763357437-search.html The Pros and Cons of Eating Horses] ] It was available there by special order more recently than that.Until 2007, a few horse meat abattoirs still existed in the United States, selling meat to zoos to feed their carnivores, and exporting it for human consumption, but recently the last has closed by court order. [cite court
litigants=BELTEX CORPORATION; DALLAS CROWN, INC., v. TIM CURRY, District Attorney Tarrant County
court5th Cir
date=January 19 ,2007
url= http://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions%5Cpub%5C05/05-11499-CV0.wpd.pdf] [cite news
title=Last US Horse Slaughterhouse to Close
author=Tara Burghart
date=June 29 ,2007
publisher=The Huffington Post
accessdate=2007-07-16]In 1951, Time magazine reported from Portland, Ore.: “Horsemeat, hitherto eaten as a stunt or only as a last resort, was becoming an important item on Portland tables. Now there were three times as many horse butchers, selling three times as much meat.” Noting that “people who used to pretend it was for the dog now came right out and said it was going on the table,” and providing tips for cooking pot roast of horse and equine fillets. A similar situation unfolded in 1973, when inflation raised the cost of traditional meats. Time reported that “Carlson’s, a butcher shop in Westbrook, Conn., that recently converted to horsemeat exclusively, now sells about 6,000 pounds of the stuff a day.” The shop produced a 28-page guide called “Carlson’s Horsemeat Cook Book,” with recipes for chili con carne, German meatballs, beery horsemeat, and more. [Citation
title=We Eat Horses, Don’t We?
author=Christa Weil
date=March 5 2007
puyblisher=The New York Times
accessdate=2008-09-05]ee also
Taboo food and drink
*Horse slaughter
*Repugnant market
*"Blood of the Beasts " ("Le Sang des bêtes"), a 1949documentary film References
External links
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/26/international/asia/26horse.html?hp&ex=1135659600&en=ebc2553086dd95e4&ei=5094&partner=homepage New York Times article on the role of horses in Kazakhstan society and cuisine, describing a village slaughtering]
*cite web
title=U.S.D.A. Promotes Horse & Goat Meat
publisher=International Generic Horse Association
accessdate=2007-08-09 (quoting a 1997 USDA report said to be no longer available online)
*http://www.viande-chevaline.fr is the web site made by the French Horse Meat Industry structure, called Interbev Equins
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.