- Ortolani test
The Ortolani test or Ortolani maneuver is a physical examination for developmental dysplasia of the hip.[1]
It is performed by an examiner first flexing the hips and knees of a supine infant to 90 degrees, then with the examiner's index fingers placing anterior pressure on the greater trochanters, gently and smoothly abducting the infant's legs using the examiner's thumbs.
A positive sign is a distinctive 'clunk' which can be heard and felt as the femoral head relocates anteriorly into the acetabulum:[2]
Specifically, this tests for posterior dislocation of the hip.
This is part of the standard infant exam performed preferably in early infancy; it usually becomes negative after 2 months of age.
It is performed with the Barlow maneuver and inspection of the hip joint and legs.
It is named for Marino Ortolani, who developed it in 1937.[3]
- ^ US Preventive Services Task Force (March 2006). "Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip: recommendation statement". Pediatrics 117 (3): 898–902. doi:10.1542/peds.2005-1995. PMID 16510673. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=16510673.
- ^ Storer SK, Skaggs DL (October 2006). "Developmental dysplasia of the hip". American Family Physician 74 (8): 1310–6. PMID 17087424. http://www.aafp.org/afp/20061015/1310.html.
- ^ . PMC 1778433. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1778433.
Eponymous medical signs for skeletal system and joints Joints osteoarthritis (Bouchard's nodes/Heberden's node)
dermatomyositis (Gottron's papules)
DeQuervain's syndrome (Finkelstein's test)
anterior shoulder instability (Jobe's test)
hip dysplasia (Barlow's maneuver, Ortolani test)low back pain (Waddell's signs)
low back flexibility (Ott test, Schober test)
sacroiliitis (Larrey's sign)Trauma/OrthopedicsKNEE: ligament (Lachman test) · meniscus (Apley grind test, McMurray test) · ligament and meniscus (O'Donoghue's triad)
ANKLE: tendon (Simmonds' test)
Watson's testSkeletal/bone Teeth M: JNT
anat(h/c, u, t, l)/phys
noco(arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug(M01C, M4)
Template:Congenital dislocation of the hip: to screen or not to screen. N StJ P DWYER
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