United World College in Mostar

United World College in Mostar

name = United World College in Mostar

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established = September 2006
type = International Baccalaureate
affiliation = United World Colleges
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president = Elizabeth Rehn
headmaster = Paul Regan
head of school =
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staff =
students = around 200
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location = Španski trg 1, Mostar, 88000,
flagicon|Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna i Hercegovina
country = Bosnia and Herzegovina
information =
website = [http://www.uwc-ibo.org/ www.uwc-ibo.org]

The United World College in Mostar, UWCiM ( _bs. Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru, _hr. Koledž ujedinjenog svijeta u Mostaru, _sr. Колеџ уједињеног свијета у Мостару) is the twelfth College in the UWC family and the fourth College in Europe. The College was established as a part of UWC—IBO Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is the first College located in a post-conflict country.

The school shares the building with Mostar Old Gymnasium. Before the Bosnian War, this gymnasium was the finest school in Yugoslavia. The building is from Austro-Hungarian times and is deeply influenced by Turkish architecture.

Students live in two spacious residences: Sušac House and Musala House (each for approximately 100 students). Houses are on both banks of the river Neretva. The College does not have a separated campus according to its location in the city. Catering is provided by two school canteens (one next to the school building to provide breakfast and lunches, the other in Susac House responsible for dinners).

The International Opening Ceremony of UWCiM was held on May 22, 2007. This event was attended by Queen Noor of Jordan, Prime Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nikola Špirić, and many other important guests.


The UWCiM is located in the city of Mostar which is a centre of Herzegovina, a historical region in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The post address is UWC in Mostar, Španski trg 1, 880 00 Mostar.

The IBO at UWC in Mostar

Recently (2007/2008) the UWCiM runs these subjects in each of the IBO groups:

* Group 1 (Language A1): Bosnian A1, Serbian A1, Croatian A1, English A1, German A1, Spanish A1, Italian A1; other languages may be taken as "self-taught" subjects.

* Group 2 (Second Language): English B, English A2, French B, French Ab Initio, German B, Spanish Ab Initio.

* Group 3 (Individuals and societies): Economics, History, Psychology, Anthropology.

* Group 4 (Sciences): Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Systems (will be replaced with Ecosystems and Societies starting in September 2008) .

* Group 5 (Mathematics): Mathematical Studies, Mathematics Standard Level, Mathematics Higher Level.

* Group 6 (Arts): Visual Arts, Theater Arts.

All the subjects are taught by experienced IB teachers. The staff includes teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Islamic Republic of Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and United Kingdom. UWC-IBO Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina also provides a Trainee Program for local teachers.

The CAS Program

The post-conflict society eleven years after the Dayton Agreement is now completely safe. On the other hand, there are still possibilities to contribute to the restoration of the community in the city of Mostar. CAS (Creativity, Actions and Service) has the potential to therefore play an important and interesting role in the local community.

Services: Mostar Community Foundation, Special School, Egyptian Village (village for children without parents financed by the Egyptian Government), Roma Neretva - work with Roma people, Refugee Camp, working in a hospital and in kindergartens, Amnesty International Organization...

Activities: Bowling, Hiking, Skiing, Rafting, Cycling, Yoga, Balet, Modern Dance, Volleyball, Basketball, Indoor and Outdoor Soccer, Gym, Rugby.

Creativities: Model United Nations (representatives attended also International MUN Conference in Geneva, Atlantic College MUN Conference and are preparing UWCiM MUN Conference in Mostar which was held between 11th and 13th April 2008), Newspaper (the official school newspaper is called BUZZ), United World Religions at UWCiM, Photography, Astronomy, local languages lessons provided by students, Music Instruments Tutorials, Voice Tutorial, Chess.

Leaders of the CAS activities are IB teachers, volunteers, students or local supporters.

The Student Body

In 2008, United World College in Mostar welcomes already the third generation of students. About 105 of them are Bosnian citizens (Bosniaks, Croats, and Serbs) and 95 are international students. International students come from Albania, Belarus, Hong Kong (China), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Macedonia, the Maldives, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Palestine, Poland, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Tajikistan, Turkey, the UK, and the USA. New nationalities were added to the student body as of September 2008. These include Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Belgium, Norway, South Sudan and Swaziland.

External links

* [http://web.mac.com/scodrington/UWC/Mostar.html United World College in Mostar]
* [http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/article.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication=4&NrIssue=207&NrSection=3&NrArticle=18380#author Скрбич М. Мир под одной крышей. Skrbic M. The World Under One Roof // Transitions Online. 28 February 2007.]
* [http://jordanroyals.punt.nl/ Queen Noor marks the Official Opening of UWC in Mostar // The Royal Famile of Jordan. 04 Juli 2007.]
* [http://svetlahorsk.belarda.org/local_news/data/ic_87/353/ Дзяўчына з Гомельшчыны пачала вучыцца ў Босніі і Герцагавіне // Гомельская праўда. 2007.09.08. С. 9. Be]
* [http://www.wieninternational.at/en/node/5711 „Weltschule“ in Mostar. "World College" in Mostar. // WienInternational.at. 2007-11-08.]
* [http://see.oneworldsee.org/article/view/151032/1/2491 UWC Graduation Ceremony in Mostar // OneWorld Southeast Europe.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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