Gregor von Rezzori

Gregor von Rezzori

Gregor von Rezzori (born Gregor Arnulph Hilarius d'Arezzo; May 13 1914 - April 23 1998) was an Austrian-born German-language novelist, memoirist, screenwriter and author of radio plays, as well as an actor, journalist, visual artist, art critic and art collector. He was fluent in German, Romanian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Yiddish, French, and English; during his life, von Rezzori was successively a citizen of Austria-Hungary, Romania, and the Soviet Union, before becoming a stateless person and spending his final years as a citizen of Austria.


He was born in Czernowitz, Bukovina, part of Austria-Hungary at the time. He originated in a Sicilian aristocratic family from the Province of Ragusa, who had settled in Vienna by the mid-1700s. His father was an Austrian civil servant based in Czernowitz. The family remained in the region after it became part of the Romanian Kingdom, and Gregor von Rezzori obtained Romanian citizenship.

After World War I, von Rezzori studied in colleges in Braşov, Fürstenfeld and Vienna. He began studying mining at the University of Leoben, then architecture and medicine at the University of Vienna, where he eventually graduated in arts.

In mid-1930 he moved to Bucharest, took up military service in the Romanian Army, and made a living as an artist. In 1938 he moved to Berlin, where he became active as a novelist, journalist, writer in radio broadcasting, and film production. Given his Romanian citizenship, von Rezzori was not drafted by Nazi authorities during World War II.

Until the mid-1950s, he worked as an author at the broadcast company Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk. He regularly published novels and stories, as well as being engaged in film production as a screenplay author and actor (starring alongside actors such as Brigitte Bardot, Jeanne Moreau, Anna Karina, Marcello Mastroianni or Charles Aznavour). Beginning in the early 1960s, Rezzori lived between Rome and Paris, with sojourns in the United States, eventually settling in Tuscany.

Besides authoring and performing, he and his spouse Beatrice Monti della Corte were significant art collectors, and together founded the Santa Maddalena Retreat for Writers. He died in Santa Maddalena, part of Florence's Donnini "frazione".

Literary works

Rezzori began his career as a writer of light novels, but he first encountered success in 1953 with the "Maghrebinian Tales", a suite of droll stories and anecdotes from an imaginary land called "Maghrebinia", which reunited in a grotesque and parodic key traits of his multicultural Bukovinian birthplace, of extinct Austria-Hungary and of Bucharest of his youth. Over the years, Rezzori published further "Maghrebinian Tales", which increased his reputation of language virtuosity and free spirit, writing with wit, insight and elegance. [Killy, p. 410]

Other novels, such as "The Death of My Brother Abel", "Oedipus at Stalingrad", or "The Snows of Yesteryear", recording the fading world at the time of the World Wars, have been celebrated for their powerful descriptive prose, nuance and style. Kraft, p.10271029]

Von Rezzori first came to the attention of English-speaking readers with the 1969 publication of the story "Memoirs of an Anti-Semite," in "The New Yorker." On this occasion, Elie Wiesel, who was born in Bukovina's neighboring Maramureş, wrote:

"Rezzori addresses the major problems of our time, and his voice echoes with the disturbing and wonderful magic of a true storyteller." [Wiesel, in "MIT Tech Talk"]

In his "Guide for Idiots through the German Society", von Rezzori also used his noted taste for satire. Although he was not unanimously perceived as a major author in the German-speaking area, his posthumous reception has arguably confirmed him among the most important modern German-language authors.

Published titles

*"Flamme, die sich verzehrt" ("Self-extinguishing Flame", novel, 1940)
*"Rombachs einsame Jahre", ("Rombach's Lonely Years", novel, 1942)
*"Rose Manzani" (novel, 1944)
*"Maghrebinische Geschichten" ("Tales of Maghrebinia", 1953)
*"Ödipus siegt bei Stalingrad" ("Oedipus at Stalingrad", 1954)
*"Männerfibel", 1955
*"Ein Hermelin in Tschernopol. Ein maghrebinischer Roman" ("The Hussar", 1958)
*"Bogdan im Knoblauchwald. Ein maghrebinisches Märchen" ("Bogdan in the Garlic Forest. A Maghrebinian Tale", 1962)
*"Die Toten auf ihre Plätze. Tagebuch des Films Viva Maria" ("The Dead on their Places. Journal of the Movie 'Viva Maria'", 1966)
*"1001 Jahr Maghrebinien. Eine Festschrift" (1967)
*"Der Tod meines Bruders Abel" ("The Death of My Brother Abel", novel, 1976)
*"Greif zur Geige, Frau Vergangenheit" (novel, 1978)
*"Memoiren eines Antisemiten" ("The Memoirs of an Anti-Semite", 1979)
*"Der arbeitslose König. Maghrebinisches Märchen" ("The Jobless King. A Maghrebinian Tale", 1981)
*"A Stranger in Lolitaland. An Essay", first published in English by "Vanity Fair"
*"Blumen im SchneePortraitstudien zu einer Autobiographie, die ich nie schreiben werde. Auch: Versuch der Erzählweise eines gleicherweise nie geschriebenen Bildungsromans" ("The Snows Of Yesteryear", autobiographical essays, 1989)
*"Über dem Kliff" ("Beyond the Cliff", stories, 1991)
*"Idiotenführer durch die Deutsche Gesellschaft. Hochadel, Adel, Schickeria, Prominenz" ("Guide for Idiots through the German Society. Aristocracy, Swells, Notables", 1992)
*"Begegnungen" ("Encounters", 1992)
*"Greisengemurmel. Ein Rechenschaftsbericht" (1994)
*"Italien, Vaterland der Legenden, Mutterland der Mythen. Reisen durch die europäischen Vaterländer oder wie althergebrachte Gemeinplätze durch neue zu ersetzen sind" (1996)
*"Frankreich. Gottesland der Frauen und der Phrasen. Reisen durch die europäischen Vaterländer oder wie althergebrachte Gemeinplätze durch neue zu ersetzen sind" (1997)
*"Mir auf der Spur" ("On My Own Traces", 1997)
*"Kain. Das letzte Manuskript" (posthumous novel, 2001)


*Theodor-Fontane-Preis (1959)
*Premio Scanno (1987)
*Premio Boccaccio
*Premio Lorenzo Il Magnifico



*"Kopfjäger von Borneo", 1936
*"Unter den Sternen von Capri", 1953
*"Labyrinth", 1959
*"The Dear Augustin", 1959
*"Sturm im Wasserglas", 1960
*"Man nennt es Amore" , 1961
*"Geliebte Hochstaplerin", 1961
*"Die Herren", 1965
*"Mord und Totschlag", 1967


* "Sie", 1954. Directed by Rolf Thiele, with Marina Vlady, Walter Giller, Nadja Tiller
* "El Hakim", 1957. Directed by Rolf Thiele, with O.W. Fischer, Michael Ande, Nadja Tiller
* "Paprika", 1959. Directed by Kurt Wilhelm with Willy Hagara, Violetta Ferrari
* "Labyrinth", 1959. Directed by Rolf Thiele, with Nadja Tiller, Peter van Eyck, Amedeo Nazzari
* "Bezaubernde Arabella", 1959. Directed by Axel von Ambesser, with Johanna von Koczian, Carlos Thompson, Hilde Hildebrand
* "Das Riesenrad", 1961. Directed by Géza von Radványi, with Maria Schell, O.W. Fischer, Adrienne Gessner
* "Destination Rome", 1962. Directed by Denys de La Patellière, with Arletty, Charles Aznavour, Monique Bert
* "A Very Private Affair", 1962. Directed by Louis Malle, with Brigitte Bardot, Marcello Mastroianni
* "Games of Desire", 1964. Directed by Hans Albin and Peter Berneis, with Claudine Auger, Cecilie Gelers
* "Un mari à un prix fixe", 1965. Directed by Claude de Givray, with Anna Karina, Roger Hanin
* "Viva Maria!", 1965. Directed by Louis Malle, and Jean-Claude Carrière, with Brigitte Bardot, Jeanne Moreau
* "Man on Horseback", 1969. Directed by Volker Schlöndorff, with David Warner, Anna Karina
* "Ein Bißchen Liebe", 1974. Directed by Veith von Fürstenberg, with Brigitte Berger, Eva Maria Herzig
*"Le beau monde", 1981. Directed by Michel Polac, with Fabrice Luchini, Judith Magre

Critical literature about von Rezzori

*Valentina Glajar, "The German legacy in East Central Europe as recorded in recent German literature", Camden House, Columbia, South Carolina, 2004
*Katarzyna Jaśtal, "Erzählte Zeiträume. Kindheitserinnerungen aus den Randgebieten der Habsburgermonarchie von Manès Sperber, Elias Canetti und Gregor von Rezzori", Aureus, Kraków, 1998
*Gerhard Köpf, "Vor-Bilder. Tübinger Poetik-Vorlesung", Konkursbuchverlag, Tübingen, 1999
*Jacques Lajarrige, "Gregor von Rezzori. Etudes réunies", Université de Rouen, Centre d'Études et de Recherches Autrichiennes, Mont-Saint-Aignan, 2003
*Gilbert Ravy, "Rezzori et la France", in "Austriaca", No. 54 (2002), p.41-58



* [ "Gregor von Rezzori at Institute as writer-in-residence; will speak Nov. 21", in "MIT Tech Talk", Vol 41, Nr 12, November 20, 1996]
*W. Killy (ed.), "Literaturlexikon", vol. 9, Lexikon Verlag, 2001
*Th. Kraft (ed.), "Lexikon der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur seit 1945", Nymphenburger, Munich, 2003

External links

*imdb name|id=0902860|name=Gregor von Rezzori
* [ Santa Maddalena Foundation]
* [ Review of "Orient-Express"]
* [ Review of "Memoirs of an Anti-Semite"]

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  • Gregor von Rezzori — est un écrivain autrichien né à Tchernivtsi (Bucovine) le 13 mai 1914 et mort en Toscane le 23 avril 1998. Surtout connu pour ses romans de divertissement, il est pourtant rangé, par certains littérateurs, parmi les grands noms de la littérature… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Rezzori — Gregor von Rezzori (* 13. Mai 1914 in Czernowitz in der Bukowina, Österreich Ungarn; † 23. April 1998 in Donnini, Toscana, Italien) war ein deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller und Filmschauspieler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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