Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska
Baked Alaska
Banana Baked Alaska
Alternative name(s) glace au four
omelette à la norvégienne
Norwegian omelette
omelette surprise
Dish details
Course served Dessert
Variations Bombe Alaska
Baked Alaska

Baked Alaska (also known as glace au four, omelette à la norvégienne, Norwegian omelette and omelette surprise) is a dessert made of ice cream placed in a pie dish lined with slices of sponge cake or Christmas pudding and topped with meringue. The entire dessert is then placed in an extremely hot oven for just long enough to firm the meringue.[1] The meringue is an effective insulator, and the short cooking time prevents the heat from getting through to the ice cream.

The name 'Baked Alaska' was coined at Delmonico's Restaurant in 1876 to honor the recently acquired American territory.[1] Both the name 'Baked Alaska' and 'omelette à la norvégienne'/'Norwegian omelette' come from the low temperatures of Alaska and Norway.[2]

February 1 is Baked Alaska Day in the United States.[3]



The Chinese first had the idea of a similar dessert, which used pastry instead of meringue. It was the French who brought in the meringue and made the actual first Baked Alaska, which they called omelette à la norvégienne ("Norwegian omelette").[2]


A variation called Bombe Alaska calls for some dark rum to be splashed over the Baked Alaska. Lights are then turned down and the whole dessert is flambéed while being served.[4]

The process was simplified in 1974 by Jacqueline Halliday Diaz who invented a baking pan for Baked Alaska called Cūlinique that forms a fillable hollow in the cake that may be filled with ice cream.

In 1969, the recently invented microwave oven enabled Hungarian physicist and molecular gastronomist Nicholas Kurti to produce a reverse Baked Alaska (also called a "Frozen Florida")—a frozen shell of meringue filled with hot liquor.[5]

See also



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  • baked Alaska — baked′ Alas′ka n. coo a dessert of ice cream on a slice of cake, covered with meringue and browned quickly in a hot oven • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

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  • baked Alaska — a dessert consisting of ice cream on a cake base, placed briefly in a hot oven to brown its topping of meringue. [1905 10, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

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  • baked Alaska — noun a dessert consisting of sponge cake and ice cream in a meringue covering, cooked briefly in a hot oven …   English new terms dictionary

  • baked Alaska — noun cake covered with ice cream and meringue browned quickly in an oven • Hypernyms: ↑dessert, ↑sweet, ↑afters …   Useful english dictionary

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