

name = Māmane

image_width = 240px
status = NE
status_system = iucn3.1
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Fabales
familia = Fabaceae
genus = "Sophora"
species = "S. chrysophylla"
binomial = "Sophora chrysophylla"
binomial_authority = (Salisb.) Seem.

Māmane ("Sophora chrysophylla") is a plant of the pea and bean family. It is highly polymorphic and can either be a shrub or a tree. As a tree, it can grow up to 15 m (50 ft) tall.


"Sophora chrysophylla" has ridged golden brown branches. The tree has pinnately compound leaves with 6 to 10 pairs of leaflets. Each leaflet is 0.7 to 5 cm long and 0.3 to 2.3 cm wide. Leaves are smooth, or with gray or yellow hairs on the underside. ("chrysophylla" is Greek for "golden-leaved") Flowers are found at the bases of leaves or the ends of branches in clusters - that is, they occur in axillary or terminal racemes. The corolla is yellow. The petal size ranges from 11.5 to 21 mm long, and 8 to 20 mm wide.

The tree blooms in winter and spring. The height of the flowering season is in mid-spring. Māmane wood is dense, hard and durable. Pods are persistent, and remain on the tree for most of the year. They are twisted, brown to brownish-gray, have four wings and are 2 to 16 cm (0.8 to 6.3 in) long and usually 1.5 cm (0.6 in) wide. Pods are tightly constricted around the yellow-orange or brown to grayish-black seeds, who are 6.35 mm long (0.25 in) long. Untreated, the seeds have germination rates of less than 5%. The tree is perennial and highly polymorphic.


Māmane is an endemic species of Hawaii. It can be found in dry shrublands, dry to moist forests, and sometimes in wet forests. The wetter the forest, the fewer trees can be found. It can grow at elevations ranging from 450 m (1,400 ft) to the tree line over 3,500 m (10,000 ft) above sea level. It is the most common plant of the subalpine areas of East Maui and the island of Hawaii, where it defines a dry woodland ecotone together with "naio". It can be found on all the main islands except Ni‘ihau and Kaho‘olawe.

Use by humans

The hard, durable wood of māmane was used by the Native Hawaiians for thatching poles up to a five centimeters in diameter, farmers' spades, spears, sled runners, digging sticks "(‘ō‘ō)", and firewood "(wahie)". Cattle ranchers used it as fence posts.

In medicine, the flowers are used as an astringent. The wood was also used in religious rituals to ward off evil. A Hawaiian high priest would wrap the piece of wood in a dark tapa cloth and hold it up to symbolize authority.

Ecology and conservation

Māmane is essential for the endangered palila, ("Loxioides bailleui"), which feeds almost exclusively on the plants' immature seeds when these are in season. It also nests in the māmane branches. Caterpillars of "Cydia" moths also eat the mamane's seeds, and in turn are being eaten by the palila. Both the bird and the butterflies utilize the embryo only, leaving the seed coat untouched.

To other animals, māmane seds are highly poisonous. House finches die within minutes after eating the seeds. The māmane employs a two-layered biochemical defence system: The seed coats contain some 4% phenolic compounds, which give them a vile taste. They are also somewhat toxic and have a high fibre content. Seed predators trying to eat the seeds will probably not killed but at least have a nasty experience. Should a predator be able to penetrate the seed coat, the embryo contains deadly quantities (>4% of dry weight) of quinolizidine alkaloids [For example cytisine, anagyrine, 5,6-dehydrolupanine, lupanine, N-methylcytisine, and baptifoline (Banko "et al." 2002).] .The palila and the moths, however, have evolved the ability to deal with the poisonous compounds. The palila, for example, can deal with dozens of times the dose of cytisine that would kill a laboratory mouse. Both seed predators seem to be able to recognize and avoid the most poisonous trees, which would be natural selection in action. "Cydia" caterpillars are able to break up the toxic compounds. They do not sequester the alkaloids for own use, but are found to contain about as much phenolic compounds as the seed coats do. This seems not to be sufficient to deter predators however as they are also cryptically colored. The palila is apparently impervious to the phenolic aroma (as they eat "Cydia" caterpillars would taste similarly), discarding the seed coats due to their low nutritional value. How the palila deals with the toxins is not known.(Banko "et al." 2002)

Feral goats and sheep voraciously eat the seed pods of the plant, negatively impacting the tree's population. Toxicity of the leaves is unknown; it is notable that "Uresiphita polygonalis virescens" caterpillars which feed on the leaves have aposematic coloration. Clearly, this issue requires further study. Ranch cattle can kill trees through stomping on the roots. Fire has also destroyed some of the trees, though it is generally resistant to fire, and can grow quickly after one occurs. As regards diseases, the canker ascomycete "Botryosphaeria mamane" causes witch's broom disease which kills heavily-infected trees (Gardner 1997). Māmane grows well in areas where there are no sheep or goats, and cattle populations are limited. The plant is being reforested in order to increase the population of both the tree itself and the palila, and revive the indigenous ecosystem.


* Banko, P.; Cipollini, M.L.; Breton, G.; Paulk, E.; Wink, M. & Izhaki, I. (2002): Seed chemistry of "Sophora chrysophylla" (Mamane) in relation to the diet of the specialist seed predator "Loxioides bailleui" (Palila) in Hawai'i. "Journal of Chemical Ecology" 28(7): 1393-1410. doi|10.1023/A:1016248502927 [ PDF fulltext]

* Gardner, D.E. (1997): "Botryosphaeria mamane" sp. nov. associated with witches'-brooms on the endemic forest tree "Sophora chrysophylla" in Hawaii. "Mycologia" 89(2): 298-303. doi|10.2307/3761086 (HTML abstract and first page image)


External links

* [ Plant Profile]
* [ Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Database]
* [ General Information]
* [ Plants of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park]
* [ Hawaiian Plants - Mamane]
* [ Mamane]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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