- List of South-East European Jews
Many of the
Jew s expelled from theIberian Peninsula during theSpanish Inquisition settled in theOttoman Empire , leaving largeSephardic communities in South-East Europe: mainly inBulgaria ,Turkey ,Greece ,Bosnia and Herzegovina andSerbia (though the latter in particular also had a largeAshkenazi population).Albania
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Judah Alkalai , rabbi, early member of the Zionist movement [ [http://www.jafi.org.il/education/100/PEOPLE/BIOS/alkalai.html Alkalai, Judah (1798-1878) ] ]
*Sven Alkalaj , minister of foreign affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina [ [http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/global.php?id=994693 Family Security Matters ] ]
*Ivica Ceresnjes , architect-researcher, former president of the Jewish community in Sarajevo [ [http://www.seean.uni-bonn.de/publications/reviews/posts/051103.html] ]
*Kalmi Baruh , writer and philosopher [http://www.benevolencija.eu.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=70]
*Emerik Blum , businessman, founder of Energoinvest, former Mayor of Sarajevo [ [www.ceeol.com] ]
*Oskar Danon , composer and conductor [Voices of Yugoslav Jewry By Paul Benjamin Gordiejew, Pg 62]
*David Elazar , Israeli general and Chief of Staff ofIsrael Defense Forces [ [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9389289/David-Elazar David Elazar - Britannica Online Encyclopedia ] ]
*Robert Rothbart , basketball player (Jewish mother) [ [http://www.safsal.co.il/article.aspx?id=6463 ספסל- הבית של הכדורסל הישראלי - אינפורמציה, סטטיסטיקה וחדשות יומיות על כל השחקנים, הקבוצות והליגות ] ]
*Isak Samokovlija , writer [http://www.serbianstudies.org/home_files/pdf/14_1/Vol14_1_Palavestra.pdf]Bulgaria
Albert Aftalion , Bulgarian-born French economist [Encyclopaedia Britannica , 2nd ed., art. "Aftalion, Albert"]
*Maxim Behar , president of M3 Communications Group
*Alexander Bozhkov , vice-premier (Jewish mother) [ [http://www.sefarad.org/publication/lm/037/7.html Jews in Bulgaria ] ]
*Elias Canetti , an author an aNobel Prize Winner
*Marcus Ehrenpreis , Chief Rabbi of Bulgaria
* Itzhak &Samuel Fintzi , dramatists [http://www.omda.bg/engl/HISTORY/jewsreno.htm Renowned Bulgarian Jews ] ]
*Milcho Leviev , jazz composer (Jewish father) [ [http://www.plovdivcityguide.com/newsfiles/news.php?id=130&lang_id=3 Plovdiv, tourism, property, real estates, Bulgaria, travel agency, hotels, Pictures, maps, tour, restaurant, vacation, holiday, visit, wine, roses, architecture,sea, relaxing, art, artist, craftsmen, souvenirs, comfort, affordable ] ]
*Jules Pascin , artist (Jewish father)
*Isaac Passy , philosopher
*Solomon Passy , foreign minister [ [http://sofia.mfa.gov.il/mfm/web/main/document.asp?DocumentID=70965&MissionID=11 The Israeli Government's Official Website, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ] ] , son of Isaac Passy
*Angel Wagenstein , author & screenwriter [ [http://www.bulgaria-france.net/wag.html "Abraham le Poivrot" de Angel Wagenstein ] ]
*Alexis Weissenberg , pianist [ [http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Weissenberg-Alexis.htm Alexis Weissenberg (Piano) - Short Biography ] ]
*Etien Levi , singer
*Aron Aronov , tenorCroatia
David Frankfurter , student [ [http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=gvKVLcMVIuG&b=700923 Genocide: Ch 4 Overview: 1933-1945, Part 2 - Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center ] ]
*Branko Lustig , film producer [ [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0527322/ Branko Lustig ] ]
*Branko Grunbaum , mathematician
*William Feller , mathematician, among the foremost probabilist outside Russia at the time
* David Schwarz, inventor of theZeppelin [Encyclopaedia Judaica ]
*Slavko Goldstein Cyprus
Mike Brant , French-based singer (Cyprus-born)Greece
Maurice Abravanel , conductor [ [http://www.maurice-abravanel.com/isaack_abrabanel_more.html Isaack Abrabanel more ] ]
*Allatini Brothers , entrepreneurs [ [http://cat.he.net/~archaeol/online/features/greece/ Preserving Jewish Heritage in Greece ] ]
*Saul Amarel , Artificial Intelligence pioneer [ [http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/html/tributes.html Tributes ] ]
*Gina Bachauer , pianist [Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1978, p. 227]
*Avraam Benaroya , leader of the workers' movement [ [http://www.sephardicstudies.org/thes2.html Jewish Community of Thessaloniki (Salonika) ] ]
*Isaak Benrubi , philosopher [Isaac Benrubi, Juif fidele, patriot genevois, cosmopolite fervent", manuscript deposited at the Bibliotheque Public et Universitaire de Geneve, 1981.]
* Isaac &Daniel Carasso , founders ofDanone [ [http://www.public-histoire.com/saga/yaourt/yaourt7.html] ]
*Aaron Castro , founder of the Castro fashion company [http://www.castro.com/corporate/aboutCastro/aboutCastro_en.asp]
*Albert Cohen , novelist [ [http://www.hum.huji.ac.il/misgav/eng/program.htm] ]
*Roza Eskenazi , Rebetika singer [ [http://www.mustrad.org.uk/reviews/eskenazi.htm Roza Eskenazi ] ]
*Mordechai Frizis , World War II colonel, first Greek senior officer killed in action [ [http://www.sefarad.org/publication/lm/039/3.html Mordechai Frizis ] ]
*Karolos Koun , famous theatrical director, revived Ancient Greek Comedy
*Mordechai Mano , ship-owner [http://mano.gns.co.il/swf/en_history.swf]
*Yehuda Poliker , son of Holocaust survivors from Thessaloniki, he has been called the "father of Greek music in Israel" and is quite popular in both Israel and Greece. [ [http://worldmusic.nationalgeographic.com/worldmusic/view/page.basic/country/content.country/israel_36?fs=www3.nationalgeographic.com&fs=plasma.nationalgeographic.com Israel: National Geographic World Music ] ]
*Philo , classical philosopher [ [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0042-6032(199503)49%3A1%3C1%3AWDCOAC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-1] ]
*Maria Rezan , journalist [http://www.kis.gr/chronika_jul_aug_2002.pdf]
*Raphaël Salem , mathematician [ [http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Printonly/Salem.html Salem (print-only) ] ]
*David Saltiel , musician [http://www.greekhelsinki.gr/bhr/english/organizations/ghm/ghm_21_03_03.rtf]
*Sabbatai Zevi , claimed Messiah, came from aRomaniotes family [ [http://www.jews-for-allah.org/Jewish-Converts-to-Islam/RabbiMessiahMuslimSabbataiZevi.htm Sabbatai Zevi ] ]Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia
Esma Redzepova , Romany singer (half Jewish) [ [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=11:5zkqoaeauijm~T1 AllMusic biography] ]erbia
Boris Tadic , politic (mother Jewish)
*David Albahari , writer [ [http://www.blesok.com.mk/tekst.asp?lang=eng&tekst=112 Blesok07, essays - David Albahari: The Burden of Mimicry ] ]
*Danilo Kiš , writer (Jewish father) [Balkan Blues: Writing Out of Yugoslavia - Page 178, by Joanna Labon - 1995]
*Moša Pijade , communist politician [Jewish book annual - Page 150 by Jewish Book Council of America]
*Seka Sablic
*Predrag Ejdus
*Mira Adanja Polak
*Rahela Ferari
*Eva Ras (father Jewish)
*Jasna Ciric
*Sonja Licht
*Jelena Tinska
*Srdjan Saper
*Filip David
*Neda Arnerić
*Leon Koen
*Zoran Šami
*Tatjana Lenard
*Mirjana Marković
*Klara Mandić
*Đorđe David
*David Albahari
*Enriko Josif
*Oskar Davičo
*Jovan Bajford
*Robert Čoban
*Vladan Alempijević
*Aleksandar Timofejev Montenegro
* Music industry executive
Morris Levy
* Cantor RabbiIsaac Algazi
*Seyla Benhabib , political theorist [ [http://www.continental-philosophy.org/category/book-reviews/ Continental Philosophy » Book Reviews ] ]
*Victoria Kamhi , pianist [ [http://www.spanport.ucsb.edu/projects/ehumanista/volumes/volume_03/Articles/060403Meizel.pdf] ]
*Elijah Mizrachi ,Hakham Bashi [http://jewishintellectualtimeline.com/ Jewish Intellectual Timeline ] ]
*Dario Moreno , singer [ [http://listing-index.ebay.com/actors/Dario_Moreno.html Actors - Dario Moreno ] ]
*Chaim Nahum ,Hakham Bashi References
ee also
List of Bosnians
*List of Bulgarians
*List of Croatians
*List of Greeks
*List of Serbs
*List of Slovenians
*List of Turks
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