Na'im Akbar

Na'im Akbar

Na'im Akbar, Ph.D (born Luther Weems, Jr.) is a Clinical Psychologist at Florida State University.[1] He changed his name to Na'im Akbar after joining the Nation of Islam in 1971. Akbar is a prominent lecturer, author and recognized expert on the psychology of Africans.[2] A graduate of the University of Michigan, Dr. Akbar has served as a professor of psychology at Morehouse College and at Norfolk State University. He is a past President of the Association of Black Psychologists.


Published work

  • Know Thy Self
  • Breaking the Chains of Psychological Slavery
  • Akbar Papers In African Psychology (Paperback)
  • The Community of Self
  • Visions for Black Men


  • "We are ignorant of who we are and what we can do. We have a need to gain consciousness and only in consciousness is our true human capacity open to us."
  • "Black People in America have a much greater inner power than they realize, but they must re-discover themselves in order to use it."
  • "Human beings are equipped with what they need to do and once they are stirred with that realization, there are no barriers."


External links

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