Mohammed Knut Bernström

Mohammed Knut Bernström

Mohammed Knut Johan Richard Bernström (October 22, 1919 - October 21, 2009) was a former Swedish diplomat, who converted to Islam.[1] He was also a Muslim scholar and translator of the Quran.

As a diplomat, he worked in Spain, France, Soviet Union, United States, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Morocco. He was the Swedish ambassador to Venezuela 1963-1969, Spain 1973-1976 and Morocco 1976-1983.

On his own initiative, he went into pension in 1983, converted to Islam in 1986 and took the name Muhammad.

Externals links

Online Quran Project includes the Qur'an translation of Mohammed Knut Bernström.



  1. ^ Anne Sofie Roald (2004). New Muslims in the European Context: The Experience of Scandinavian Converts . Brill Academic Publishers. pg.130

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