Unidentified Flying Orson

Unidentified Flying Orson

Infobox Television episode
Title = Unidentified Flying Orson
Series = Garfield and Friends

Caption = Roy pretending to be hypnotized
Season = 1
Episode = 5
Airdate = September 24, 1988
Production = US005-B
Writer = Mark Evanier
Director = John Walker
Steve Clark
John Sparey
Guests =
Episode list = List of Garfield and Friends episodes
Prev = Box o' Fun
Next = School Daze

"Unidentified Flying Orson" is an episode of U.S. Acres from the series "Garfield and Friends". It originally aired on September 24, 1988.

Episode recap

While Booker is setting up a spring-loaded trap to catch a worm, Orson walks by reading a book about Martians invading Earth. Lanolin points out that Orson’s imagination runs away with him whenever he reads a book, but Orson insists that he can control his imagination.
Orson reads on into the book and comes to a point where the Martians succeed in their invasion by disguising themselves as cheese Danish. Roy overhears him and then plants cheese Danish all over the farm. Orson comes across the Danish, and before an unsuspecting Wade can eat one of them, Orson (mis-)informs him that the Danish are really Martians. Pretending to be in a trance, Roy approaches them, and then Orson convinces Wade that Roy has been hypnotized by the Martians.
Lanolin, Booker and Sheldon start to wonder whether Lanolin had been too hard on Orson about his imagination until a panicky Wade comes to warn them about the Martain invasion. Meanwhile, Roy paints the grain silo up to look like a rocket ship to trick Orson into opening the door and in turn getting buried in grain. He almost succeeds until Lanolin realizes his scheme and then tricks him into opening the door himself.
While Roy is cleaning up the grain, Orson decides that he should stop reading books, but Lanolin says not to stop reading, but stop losing sense of reality. Afterwards, Booker sees what looks like a worm coming from around the corner of the barn, but it turns out to be the nose from a Martian that coincidentally looks like a giant cheese Danish. After Booker runs away, the Martian takes off in its spaceship (also shaped like a cheese Danish), delivering the message that invading the Earth had failed because there was no intelligent life to be found.


*The episode title is a reference to UFO or Unidentified Flying Object.
*First time Lanolin specks.
*(Without Counting the US Acres Quickie from last episode) this is the First time Bo specks.


Roy: At this rate, I’ll be done in time for Christmas.
Sheldon: What year?
Roy: "That" I’m not sure of.

External links

* [http://www.bcdb.com/cartoon/31403-Unidentified_Flying_Orson.html Unidentified Flying Orson] at the Big Cartoon DataBase
* [http://www.tv.com/garfield-and-friends/unidentified-flying-orson/episode/84333/summary.html?tag=ep_list;title;4 Unidentified Flying Orson] at TV.com

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