

A dateline is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story occurred, or was written or filed, though the date is often omitted. In the case of articles reprinted from wire services, the distributing organization is also included (though the originating one is not). Datelines are traditionally placed on the first line of the text of the article, before the first sentence. The location appears first, usually starting with the city in which the reporter has written or dispatched the report. City names are usually printed in uppercase, though this can vary from one publication to another. The political division and/or nation the city is in may follow, but they may be dropped if the city name is widely recognizable due to its size or political importance (a national capital, for instance). The date of the report comes after, followed by an em dash surrounded by spaces, and then the article.

A typical newspaper dateline might read

BEIRUT, Lebanon, June 2The outlook was uncertain today as ...

The same story if pulled from the Associated Press (AP) wire might appear as

BEIRUT (AP) — The outlook was uncertain today as ...

Datelines can take on some unusual forms. When reporters collaborate on a story, two different locations might be listed. In other cases, the exact location may be unknown or intentionally imprecise, such as when covering military operations while on a ship at sea or following an invasion force.

Other media

The concept of a dateline has been adapted to television. Reporters on news programs might have their location mentioned in an introduction from the news anchor ("Here now from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is reporter Nigel Obediah Culpepper"). A field reporter might also end his stories by combining the location from where he filed the report with a "lockout" (the last thing a reporter says in the report, includes his name and station ID) especially if the segment is recorded and not live. (For example, the last bit of a report could sound like "... prompting an investigation into the matter. Richard Hansen, NBC News, London.")

The term has also been used as the name for a few current affairs TV shows:

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  • dateline — [dāt′līn΄] n. ☆ 1. the date and place of writing or issue, as given in a line in a letter, a newspaper, a dispatch, etc. 2. INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE vt. datelined, datelining ☆ to furnish with a dateline …   English World dictionary

  • dateline — (n.) 1880, imaginary line down the Pacific Ocean on which the calendar day begins and ends, from DATE (Cf. date) (n.1) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.). Meaning line of text that tells the date and place of origin of a newspaper, article, telegram, etc. is …   Etymology dictionary

  • dateline — noun Date: 1888 1. a line in a written document or a printed publication giving the date and place of composition or issue 2. (usually date line) international date line • dateline transitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dateline — /dayt luyn /, n., v., datelined, datelining. n. 1. a line giving the place of origin and usually the date of a news dispatch or the like. v.t. 2. to furnish (a news story) with a dateline: He datelines his reports Damascus. [1885 90; DATE1 +… …   Universalium

  • dateline — 1. noun A line at the beginning of a document (such as a newspaper article) stating the date and place of origin. 2. verb To attach a dateline to a particular document …   Wiktionary

  • dateline — date•line [[t]ˈdeɪtˌlaɪn[/t]] n. v. lined, lin•ing 1) jou a line at the beginning of a news dispatch, giving the place of origin and usu. the date 2) to furnish (a news story) with a dateline • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • dateline — I noun 1. an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian • Syn: ↑date line, ↑International Date Line • Instance Hypernyms: ↑meridian, ↑line of longitude …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dateline NBC — Format Newsmagazine Presented by Jane Pauley (1992–2003) Stone Phillips (1992–2007) Ann Curry (200 …   Wikipedia

  • Dateline (Australian TV program) — Dateline Genre Current affairs Presented by Mark Davis Yalda Hakim Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Dateline: Toronto —   …   Wikipedia

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