High Speed Craft — Der Katamaran Nordlicht in Borkum Ein High Speed Craft (HSC) ist ein Hochgeschwindigkeitswassserfahrzeug, auch Hochgeschwindigkeitsfähre genannt. Hochgeschwindigkeitswasserfahrzeuge zeichnen sich durch ihre im Verhältnis zu anderen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
high-speed craft — greitaeigis laivas statusas Aprobuotas sritis vandens transportas apibrėžtis Laivas, kurio didžiausiasis greitis yra ne mažesnis už nurodytą 1974 m. Tarptautinėje konvencijoje dėl žmogaus gyvybės apsaugos jūroje. atitikmenys: angl. high speed… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
High speed transport — High Speed Transports were converted destroyers and destroyer escorts used to support amphibious operations in World War II and afterward. They received the US Hull classification symbol APD; AP for transport and D for destroyer. APDs were… … Wikipedia
High-speed Sea Service — The High speed Sea Service, or Stena HSS is the name commonly given to type of high speed craft developed and operated by the Stena Shipping Line. Currently, Stena has four catamaran HSS ferries. The HSS 1500 are the largest fastcraft in the… … Wikipedia
Speed sailing record — l Hydroptère, the current Nautical Mile record holder Speed sailing records are sanctioned, since 1972, by the World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC). Records are measured either by average speed over a specified distance or by total distance … Wikipedia
Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen — Active 16 April 1987 Country United States Branch … Wikipedia
speed — n 1 *haste, hurry, expedition, dispatch Analogous words: *celerity, legerity, alacrity: fleetness, rapidity, swiftness, quickness (see corresponding adjectives at FAST): velocity, pace, headway (see SPEED) 2 Speed, velocity, momentum, impetus,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
High ground — is a spot of elevated terrain which can be useful in military tactics. Fighting from an elevated position is easier for a number of reasons. Soldiers will tire more quickly when fighting uphill, will move more slowly, and if fighting in formation … Wikipedia
High-definition television — Logo High definition television (HDTV) is video that has resolution substantially higher than that of traditional television systems (standard definition television). HDTV has one or two million pixels per frame, roughly five times that of SD… … Wikipedia
High-hypersonic speed regime — Re Entry Speed Regime = Generally, NASA defines high hypersonic as any mach number from 10 to 25 and Re entry speeds as anything greater. Aicraft operating in this regime are the Space Shuttle and various space planes in future development.… … Wikipedia