- List of companies involved with ATMs
This is a list of companies involved with ATMs (
automated teller machine s) as of August 2006.ATM Hardware Manufacturing
Industry Associations
ATMIA - [http://www.atmia.com/ ATM Industry Association] , an industry alliance promoting the spread of automated teller machines.Top six manufacturers worldwide
Genesis Solutions
*Wincor Nixdorf
* [http://www.perto.com.br/ Perto S.A.]Source: [ [http://www.atmmarketplace.com/research_story.htm?article_id=10396&pavilion=22 NCR hangs on to world ATM lead] , www.atmmarketplace.com. Based on a
2000 [http://www.nilsonreport.com Nilson Report] ] .List of Manufacturers and Multi-country Distributors
* [http://www.genesis-solution.com/index.html Genesis Solutions] (Pakistan)
* [http://www.chunghocomnet.com/english/main.html Chungho ComNet Co., Ltd.] (South Korea)
* [http://www.excelec.com/excelec/en/home/index.html Excelec & Cia, Ltd.] (Colombia, South America)
*Diebold (USA)
* [http://www.delarue.com/ De La Rue] (UK)
*Fujitsu (Japan)
* [http://www.grgbanking.com/en/ GRG Banking] (China)
*Groupe Bull (French) - (ATM manufacuring operations purchased byDiebold onFebruary 9 ,2000 [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950CE5D7133EF933A25751C0A9669C8B63 Diebold purchases European ATM business] ,New York Times , February 2000] )
* [http://www.hartmonetic.com/en/index.html Hart Monetic] (Spain)
* [http://www.hatef.co.ir/ HATEF] (Iran)
* [http://www.hitachi-omron-ts.com/products/jidouki/index.html Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions] (Japan)
* [http://www.hess.de/hess/opencms/html/en/02_Produkte/SB-Bankensysteme/index.html HESS Cash Systems GmbH & Co] (Germany)
*IBM (USA) - (Historical,Diebold partner throughInterBold partnership,Wincor Nixdorf partner)
* [http://www.keba.com/ KEBA] (Austria)
* [http://en.lgnsys.com LG N-Sys Inc.] (South Korea)
*Oki Data [http://www.oki.com/jp/FSC/banking/deli/deli3.html (site in Japanese)] (Japan)
*Olivetti Solutions (OLSY)/Wang Laboratories /Getronics (Italy) - (ATM manufacuring operations purchased byDiebold onFebruary 9 ,2000 )
* [http://www.perto.com.br/ Perto S.A.] (Brazil)
* [http://www.ravisco.com/ RAVIS] (Iran)
* [http://www.sigmaspa.com/2006/index1.php?change_language=eng&dochange=true SIGMA S.p.A] (Italy)
* [http://www.nautilus.hyosung.co.kr/english/index.jsp Nautilus Hyosung] (South Korea)
* [http://tidel.com/ Tidel] - (USA) (ATM manufacuring operations purchased by NCR onJanuary 5 ,2006 [ [http://www.ncr.com/en/media_information/2006/jan/pr010506.htm NCR Completes Acquisition of Tidel's ATM Business] ,NCR press release, January 2006] )
* [http://www.tranax.com/ Tranax] (USA)
* [http://www.tritonatm.com/ Triton] (USA)
*Wincor Nixdorf (Germany)ATM Distributors
* [http://www.alaskaatm.com ATM Distributor Serving Alaska
* [http://www.GeneralATM.com ATM Master Distributor
* [http://www.nationallink.com MASTER ATM DISTRIBUTOR
* [http://www.nymerchantmoney.com ATM Distributor Serving NYC & Long IslandATM Software Companies
ATM XFS Device Driver Suppliers
*NCR Corporation
*Wincor Nixdorf
* [http://www.sigmaspa.com/2006/index1.php?change_language=eng&dochange=true SIGMA S.p.A] (Italy)
* [http://www.cashware.biz/index.jsp?Language=1 Cashware]ATM Advertising
* [http://www.ATMoutdoor.com ATM Outdoor Media]
* [http://www.ATM-ad.com ATM-ad]ATM J/XFS Device Driver Suppliers
*NCR Corporation
*Wincor Nixdorf
* [http://www.dynasty.es Dynasty]
* [http://www.cashware.biz/index.jsp?Language=1 Cashware]ATM Xpeak Device Driver Suppliers
* [http://www.xpeak.org Xpeak.org]
* [http://www.cashware.biz/index.jsp?Language=1 Cashware]ATM XFS Middleware Vendors and Product Names
TPS [http://www.tpsonline.com IRIS]
*Diebold Agilis
* KAL Kalignite
*Avanza Solutions [http://www.avanzasolutions.com Nimbus]
*NCR Corporation Aptra Edge
*Phoenix Interactive VISTAatm
*Wincor Nixdorf Protopas
*Dynasty Jam
*CR2 (Ireland) BankWorld
* [http://www.absolutesys.com Absolute Systems AbsoluteINTERACT]
* [Hitachi-Omron Terminal Solutions] [ATOM]
* [DML (Iran) [http://www.dmlcc.com ] ]SIMA ATM Banking Backend Transaction Software
* [http://www.tpsonline.com TPS (IRIS)]
* [http://www.metavantetechnologies.com Metavante Technologies Ltd (Cortex)]
* [http://www.aciworldwide.com/ ACI Worldwide Inc.]BASE24 ,BASE24-eps ,ON/2 ,OpeN/2 andASx
* [http://www.alaric.com/ Alaric International]Authentic , andFractals
* [http://www.tietoenator.com TietoEnator]Card Suite Unix
*eFunds Corporation CONNEX and Oasis
* [http://www.euronetworldwide.com/ Euronet Worldwide]ArkSys
* [http://www.postilion.com Postilion] (formerly S1) Postilion
* [http://www.opensolutions.com Open Solutions]POSH
* [http://www.smartvista.biz BPC Banking Technologies]SmartVista
* [http://www.systems-people.com Systems People Limited] MatchPoint
* [http://www.avanzasolutions.com Avanza Solutions] Nimbus
* [http://www.tietoenator.com/default.asp?path=1,93,16080,123,393 TietoEnator Card Suite]
* [http://www.tpsonline.com Transaction Processing Systems] Phoenix
*CR2 (Ireland) BankWorld Controller Sparrow
* [http://www.wincor-nixdorf.com Wincor Nixdorf] ProClassic/Enterprise
* [http://www.transsmart.com Transsmart Holdings Limited]
* [http://www.alexsoftonline.com AlexSoft S.A.]ATM Key Management
Futurex - [http://www.futurex.com ATM Key Management] - KMS9000, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validated TRSMReferences
ee also
* [http://www.ATMoutdoor.com/ ATM Advertising]
Custom Ads on ATM Machines
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