Cued speech

Cued speech

Cued Speech is a system of communication used with and among deaf or hard of hearing people. It is a phonemic-based system which makes traditionally spoken languages accessible by using a small number of handshapes (representing consonants) in different locations near the mouth (representing vowels), as a supplement to lipreading. It is now used with people with a variety of language, speech, communication and learning needs.



Cued Speech was invented in 1966 by Dr. R. Orin Cornett at Gallaudet College, Washington D.C.[1] After discovering that children with prelingual and profound hearing impairments typically have poor reading comprehension, he developed the system with the aim of improving the reading abilities of such children through better comprehension of the phonemes of English. As many sounds look identical on the lips (such as /p/ and /b/), the hand signals introduce a visual contrast in place of the formerly acoustic contrast. Cued Speech may also help people hearing incomplete or distorted soundaccording to the National Cued Speech Association at, "cochlear implants and Cued Speech are powerful partners".

Since Cued Speech is based on making sounds visible to the hearing impaired, Cued Speech is not limited to use in English speaking nations. Because of the demand for use in other languages/countries, by 1994 Dr. Cornett had adapted cueing to 25 other languages and dialects.[1] Originally designed to represent American English, the system was adapted to French in 1977. As of 2005, Cued Speech has been adapted to approximately 60 languages and dialects, including six dialects of English. For tonal languages such as Thai, the tone is indicated by inclination and movement of the hand. For English, Cued speech uses eight different hand shapes and four different positions around the mouth.

Nature and use

Though to a hearing person, Cued Speech may look similar to signing, Cued Speech is not a sign language; nor is it a Manually Coded Sign System for a spoken language. Rather Cued Speech is a manual modality of communication for representing English at the phonological level (phonetics).

Within the United States, proponents of Cued Speech often discuss the system as an alternative to American Sign Language (ASL) and similar sign languages, although others note that it can be learned in addition to such languages.[2] For the ASL using community, Cued Speech is a unique potential component for learning English as a second language. Within Bilingual-Bicultural models, Cued Speech does not borrow or invent signs from ASL, nor does CS attempt to change ASL syntax or grammar. Rather, CS provides an unambiguous model for language learning that leaves ASL intact.

Cued Speech and literacy

Cued Speech is based on the hypothesis that if all the sounds in the spoken language looked clearly different from each other on the lips of the speaker, the hearing impaired would learn the language in much the same way as does the hearing person, but through vision rather than audition.[3][4]

Cued Speech was developed with the intent of improving literacy rates among children. Even today, one argument made by advocates of Cued Speech for English users is that literacy rates for reading English are significantly lower in those who learn American Sign Language than those who learn Cued Speech. This difference typically is attributed to ASL being a distinct language from English, with its own syntax and lexical patterns, [5] whereas Cued Speech is not a language but simply a method of making spoken sounds visible.

In her paper "The Relationship Between Phonological Coding And Reading Achievement In Deaf Children: Is Cued Speech A Special Case?" (1998), Ostrander notes, "Research has consistently shown a link between lack of phonological awareness and reading disorders (Jenkins & Bowen, 1994)" and discusses the research basis for teaching Cued Speech as an aid to phonological awareness and literacy.[6] Ostrander concludes that further research into these areas is needed and well justified.

The editor of the Cued Speech Journal reports that "Research indicating that Cued Speech does greatly improve the reception of spoken language by profoundly deaf children was reported in 1979 by Gaye Nicholls, and in 1982 by Nicholls and Ling."[7]

See also


  1. ^ a b "All Good Things...Gallaudet closes Cued Speech Team", Cued Speech News Vol. XXVII No. 4 (Final Issue) Winter 1994: Pg 1
  2. ^ Cued Speech FAQ
  3. ^ Cued Speech: What and Why?, R. Orin Cornett, Ph.D., undated white paper.
  4. ^ Proceedings of the International Congress on Education of the Deaf, Stockholm, Sweden 1970, Vol. 1, pp. 97-99
  5. ^ An Interview with Sarina Roffe,, July 13, 2006
  6. ^ "The Relationship Between Phonological Coding And Reading Achievement In Deaf Children: Is Cued Speech A Special Case?" Carolyn Ostrander, 1998 (accessed August 23, 2006)
  7. ^ Editor Carol J. Boggs, Ph.D, "Editor's Notes", Cued Speech Journal, (1990) Vol 4, pg ii

External links

Cued Speech organizations

Tutorials and general information

Cued languages other than English

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