- Galen Pehrson
Galen Pehrson (Born
28 December 1979 ) is a film, commercial, and music video director noted for his creative visual approach and manipulation of hallucinatory Illusions.Galen Pehrson belongs to a global movement in animation that reigned during the '60s and '70s and includingYuri Norstein , Andrei Khrzhanovsky and the Polish-FrenchWalerian Borowczyk . The essence of their work is a teasing game, with the illusionism common to most animated work. Pehrson's Work conjures rich illusions of imaginary worlds, but they also keep bringing us back to the fact that everything we see is purely a constructed,collage -like image. Paradoxically, this increases the hallucinatory and surreal effects of the finely detailed work. See videos and work directed by Galen Pehrson forVetiver , Adam Green,Turner Cody , Hella andDevendra Banhart .Selected Work
* Machine of Loving Grace (Working TItle) – 2007-Present, Animation (In Production)
* Adam Green – “Novotel” 2006, Music Video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbT8waLxEwc]
* Adam Green – “Nat King Cole” 2006, Music Video(Via MTV) [http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?vid=116288&artist=1231815]
* Adam Green – "Jacket Full of Danger " 2006 Album Art and sleeve design.
*Vetiver – "To Find Me Gone " 2006, Patterns for final album artwork. [http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000F5GNZQ.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V54560669_.jpg]
* Adam Green – "Nat King Cole" 2006, CDS, 7” Artwork and Design. [http://www.trackdb.net/trackdb/upload/covers/2005923.jpg]
*Devendra Banhart – "I Feel Just Like a Child" 2005, music video (Via MTV) [http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?vid=73158&artist=1233422]
*Devendra Banhart – "Cripple Crow " 2005, Artwork with, D. Banhart & M. Prosenko
*Devendra Banhart – "I Feel Just Like a Child " 2005, CDS, 7” artwork
* My Friends Lauri and Lily – Vignette, 2005 Animation
* Vetiver – “Between” 2005, Papercut Patterns for Digi-pak design.
* 50 Collected Vignettes – Compilation, 2004-2006 mixed
* Hella – "Devil Isn’t Red" 2004, Artwork for Inside gate fold.
* "Okay Tomorrow I’ll be perfect" - Short Film, 2002 AnimationSee also
Psych folk
*Nevada City
*Animators External links
* [http://directorsgroup.net/ Galen Pehrson -- Online Catalogue]
* [http://www.dreamgeo.com/ Dream Magazine -- great resource for psych folk and all other types of psychedelic music]
* [http://www.vetiverse.com Vetiver -- Official Website]
* [http://www.xlrecordings.com/devendrabanhart/ Devendra Banhart -- (XL recordings)]
* [http://www.loyalmagazine.com Loyal Magazine #6 -- Great article on Galen pehrson and Adam Green ]
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