List of Apple II games

List of Apple II games

Following is a List of Apple II games. The Apple II had a huge user base and was a popular game development platform. Link here for the list of Apple IIGS games.

Games that did not originate on the Apple II are marked (port).

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* "4th & Inches"
* "2400 A.D."


* "A Mind Forever Voyaging"
* "Adventure"
* "Adventure Construction Set"
* "Adventure in Time"
* "Adventureland"
* "AE"
* "Airheart"
* "Akalabeth"
* "Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves"
* "Alien Mind"
* "Alien Rain"
* ""
* "Alpine Encounter, The"
* "Alter Ego"
* "Amazon"
* "Amnesia"
* "Ancient Art of War, The"
* "Ape Escape"
* "Apple Cider Spider"
* "Apple Panic"
* "Apple Trek"
* "Apventure to Atlantis"
* "Aquatron'
* "Arcade Bootcamp"
* "The Arcade Machine"
* "Arcticfox"
* "" (port)
* "" (port)
* "Arena of Octos"
* "Arkanoid"
* "Arkanoid II"
* "The Asteroid Field"
* "Autoduel"
* "Aztec"


* "Bad Dudes" (port)
* "Balance of Power"
* "Ballblazer" (port)
* "Ballyhoo"
* "Bandits"
* "Bard's Tale, The"
* "Bard's Tale II, The"
* "Bard's Tale III, The"
* "Bats in the Belfry"
* "Battle Chess"
* "Beach Combat"
* "Beach Head"
* "Beach Head II"
* "Beneath Apple Manor"
* "BC's Quest for Tires"
* "Bee Crunch"
* "Beer Run"
* "Below the Root"
* "Beyond Castle Wolfenstein"
* "Bilestoad, The"
* "Beyond Zork"
* "Black Magic"
* "Blade of Blackpoole"
* "Blister Ball"
* "Bloody Murder"
* "Bolo"
* Borrowed Time
* "Boulder Dash" (port)
* "Broadsides"
* "Bruce Lee"
* "Bubble Bobble" (port)
* "Bubble Ghost"
* "Buckaroo Banzai"
* "Buck Rogers"
* "Bug Attack"
* "Bureaucracy"
* "Burgertime" (port)


* "California Games" (port)
* "Cannonball Blitz"
* "Canyon Climber"
* "Captain Goodnight"
* "Castle Smurfenstein"
* "Castle Wolfenstein"
* "Cavern Creatures"
* "Caverns of Callisto"
* "Ceiling Zero"
* "Championship Lode Runner"
* "Championship Quarterback"
* "Chessmaster"
* "Chivalry"
* "Choplifter"
* ""
* "Congo Bongo" (port)
* "Cops and Robbers"
* "The Count" (Scott Adams #5)
* "Coveted Mirror, The"
* "Cranston Manor"- AKA - Hi-Res Adventure #3
* "Crisis Mountain"
* "Crosscountry USA"
* "Crazy Mazy"
* "Crickety Manor"
* "Crossfire"
* "Crush, Crumble and Chomp!"
* "Crypt of Medea"
* "Crystal Castles" (port)
* "Curse of Crowley Manor"


* "Dam Busters, The"
* "Dark Crystal, The"
* "Dark Forest"
* "David's Midnight Magic"
* "Deadline"
* "Death in the Caribbean"
* "Deathlord"
* "Deathmaze 5000"
* "Delta Squadron"
* "Demon's Winter"
* "Depth Charge"
* ""
* "Diamond Mine
* "Dig Dug" (port)
* "Dino Eggs"
* "Dino Smurf"
* "Donkey Kong" (port)
* "Drol"
* "Dung Beetles"
* "Dungeon Campaign"
* "Dynasty"


* "Eamon"
* "Earthly Delights"
* "Elite"
* ""
* ""
* ""
* "Epoch"
* "Escape from Arcturus"
* "Escape from Rungistan"
* "ET Comes Back"
* "Evolution"
* "Exterminator"


* "F-15 Strike Eagle (video game)"
* "Fight Night"
* "Flight Simulator II"
* "Floppy"
* "Fooblitzky"
* "Fraction Munchers"
* "Freedom"
* "Frogger" (port)


* "Gamma Goblins"
* "Gateway to Apshai"
* "Gato (computer game)"
* "Gemstone Healer"
* "Gemstone Warrior"
* "Gertrude's Secrets"
* "Ghostbusters" (port)
* "Gobbler"
* "Gold Rush!"
* "Gorgon (computer game)"
* "Gruds in Space"
* "Grammar Gremlins"


* "Hacker"
* "Hacker 2"
* "Hadron"
* "The Halley Project"
* "Hardball!"
* "Hard Hat Mack"
* "H.E.R.O." (port)
* "The Heist (video game)" (MSX port)
* "Hellfire Warrior"
* "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
* "The Hunt for Red October"


* "Impossible Mission" (port)
* "Impossible Mission II"
* "Infiltrator"
* "Infiltrator II"


* "Jawbreaker" (port)
* "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
* "Jumpman"
* "Jungle Hunt" (port)


* "Karate Champ"
* "Karateka"
* "Kabul Spy"
* "King's Bounty"
* ""
* ""
* ""
* ""
* "Koronis Rift"
* "Kung-Fu Master"


* "LA Crackdown"
* "Labyrinth" (Broderbund)
* "Labyrinth" (port, Lucasfilm)
* "Law of the West"
* "Leather Goddesses of Phobos"
* "Legacy of the Ancients"
* "Legend of Blacksilver"
* "Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards"
* "Lemonade Stand"
* "Little Brick Out"
* "Lode Runner"
* "Lode Runner, Championship"
* "Lords of Conquest"
* "Lords of Karma"
* "Lurking Horror, The"


* "Magic Candle"
* ""
* "Maniac Mansion" (port)
* "Marble Madness"
* "Mars Cars"
* "Mask of the Sun,The"
* "Micro Habit"
* "Microwave (computer game)"
* "Might & Magic"
* "Might and Magic II"
* "Milestones 2000"
* "Mindshadow"
* "Miner 2049er" (port)
* "Mines of Titan"
* "" - AKA - Hi-Res Adventure #0
* ""
* "Money Munchers"
* "Montezuma's Revenge" (port)
* "Moon Patrol" (port)
* "Morloc's Tower"
* "Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory"
* "Muppets on Stage"
* "Music Construction Set"
* "Mystery House- AKA - Hi-Res Adventure #1"
* "Mystery Fun House" (Scott Adams #7)


* "Neptune" (see Nasir Gebelli)
* "Network"
* "Neuromancer"
* "Number Munchers"


* "Odell Lake"
* ""
* "The Oregon Trail"


* "People Pong"
* "Perception"
* "Pest Patrol"
* "Phantoms Five"
* "Pick-A-Dilly"
* "Pigpen"
* "Pinball Construction Set"
* "Pirate Adventure" (Scott Adams #2)
* "" (port)
* "Planetfall"
* "Plunder!"
* "Portal"
* ""
* "Pooyan" (port)
* "President Elect (computer game)"
* "Prince of Persia"
* "The Prisoner"
* "Prisoner 2"
* "Project Space Station"
* "Pyramids of Egypt"
* "Pyromania (computer game)"


* "The Quest"
* "Questprobe"


* "Raiders of the Lost Ring"
* "Raster Blaster"
* "Read n' Roll"
* "Rear Guard"
* "Repton"
* "Rescue at Rigel"
* "Rescue on Fractalus!" (port)
* "Rescue Raiders"
* "Return of Heracles"
* "Ring Quest" (sequel to "The Quest")
* "Roadwar 2000"
* "RobotWar"
* "Robot Odyssey"
* "Rocky's Boots"
* "Russki Duck"

* "Sabotage"
* "Sammy Lightfoot"
* "Saracen"
* "Sargon"
* "Sea Dragon" (port)
* "Serpentine (video game)"
* "The Seven Cities of Gold" (port)
* "Shamus" (port)
* "Shard of Spring"
* "Sherlock Holmes in "Another Bow""
* "Sherwood Forest (video game)"
* "Shogun"
* "Sid Meier's Pirates!" (port)
* "Silent Service"
* "Situation Critical"
* "Skyfox"
* "Snack Attack"
* "Snack Attack II"
* "Snake Byte"
* "Sneakers"
* "Snoopy to the Rescue"
* "Softporn Adventure"
* "Space"
* "Space II"
* "Space Eggs"
* "Space Quarks"
* "Space Quest"
* ""
* "Space Vikings"
* "Spare Change (game)"
* "Speedway Classic"
* "Spellevator"
* "Spider-Man"
* "Spindizzy"
* "Spy Hunter" (port)
* "Spy's Demise"
* "Standing Stones"
* "StarBlazer"
* "Star Thief (computer game)"
* "" (port)
* ""
* "Starship Commander"
* "Stationfall"
* "Stellar 7"
* "Strange Odyssey" (Scott Adams #6)
* "Summer Games" (port)
* ""
* "Super Bunny"
* "Speedway Classics"
* "Swashbuckler"
* "Sword of Kadash"
* "Syzygy"


* "Taipan!"
* "Tass Times in Tonetown"
* "Taxman"
* "Temple of Apshai"
* "Terrorist"
* "Test Drive" (port)
* "Tetris"
* "Thexder" (port)
* "Threshold"
* "Time Zone"
* "Torpedos Away"
* "Transylvania I, II and III"
* "Trinity"
* "Trolls and Tribulations"
* "Titan Empire"
* "Trek of the 49ers"


* "Ultima I"
* "Ultima II"
* "Ultima III"
* "Ultima IV"
* "Ultima V"
* "Ulysses And The Golden Fleece"- AKA - Hi-Res Adventure #4


* "Valley of the Minotaur"
* "Voodoo Castle" (Scott Adams #4)


* "Wasteland"
* "Wavy Navy"
* "Wayout"
* "Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?"
* "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?"
* "Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?"
* "Wilderness Campaign"
* "Willy Byte in the Digital Dimension"
* ""
* "Windwalker"
* "Wings of Fury"
* "Winter Games" (port)
* "The Wizard of Oz"
* "Wizard and the Princess, The" - AKA - Hi-Res Adventure #2
* ""
* ""
* ""
* ""
* ""
* "Word Munchers"


* "Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders" (port)
* "Zany Golf"
* "Zaxxon" (port)
* ""
* ""
* ""
* "Zork, Beyond"
* ""
* "Zorro"

ee also

* List of Apple II application software
* List of Apple IIGS games
* Lists of video games

External links

* [,31/o,1/ MobyGames' list of Apple II games]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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