- List of basic topics in logic
:"For a more comprehensive list, see the
List of logic topics ."Logic , a branch of bothphilosophy andmathematics , is the study of criteria for the evaluation of arguments. The task of thelogician is to advance an account of valid and fallaciousinference , to allow one to distinguish logical from flawed arguments. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and arguments, both through the study offormal system s ofinference and through the study of arguments in natural language. The scope of logic can therefore be very large, ranging from core topics such as the study offallacies andparadox es, to specialized analyses of reasoning such asprobability , correct reasoning, and arguments involvingcausality .The following outline is provided as an overview of and introduction to logic:
Essence of logic
Branches of logic
Informal Logic
Critical thinking -Argument - FallaciesFormal Logic
Deduction :Syllogism s -Symbolic logic
*Induction :Reasoning by analogy -Generalization - Abduction -Statistical reasoning -Probability Other branches
Deontic logic -Description logic -Doxastic logic -Epistemic logic -Fuzzy logic -Game theory , orDecision theory -Intensional logic -Many-valued logic -Mathematical logic -Medieval logic -Modal logic -Paraconsistent logic -Probability theory -Temporal logic History of logic
Basic logic concepts
: Abduction -
Affirming the consequent - Antecedent -Argument form -Aristotelian logic -Axiom -Axiomatic system -Axiomatization -Boolean algebra (logic) -Boolean logic -Categorical logic -College logic -Conditional -Conditional proof -Consequent -Contradiction -Deductive reasoning -Degree of truth -Denying the antecedent -Double negative -Double negative elimination -Existential fallacy -Fallacy -Fuzzy logic -Game theory -Game semantics -Higher-order predicate -Hypothetical syllogism -Inductive logic -Inductive reasoning -Inference procedure -Inference rule -Infinitary logic -Infinity -Informal logic -Interpretability -Interpretability logic -Introduction rule -Invalid proof -Inverse (logic) -Law of excluded middle -Law of non-contradiction -Laws of logic -Laws of Form -Linear logic -Logic -Logic gate -Logical argument -Logical assertion -Logical biconditional -Logical conditional -Logical conjunction -Logical disjunction -Logical equivalence -Logical fallacy - Logical language -Logical nand -Logical nor -Logical operator -Logicism -Logic programming - Major premise -Major term -Mathematical logic -Metalogic -Middle term -Minor premise -Necessary and sufficient -Negation -Non-Aristotelian logic -Nonfirstorderizability - Non sequitur -Occam's Razor -Ordered logic -Paradox -Pierce's law -Plural quantification -Polish notation -Polysyllogism - Predicate -Principia Mathematica -Proof theory -Proposition -Propositional calculus -Propositional logic -Provability logic -Quantification -Quantum logic - Quod erat demonstrandum -Reductio ad absurdum -Relevant logic -Rhetoric -Rule of inference -Satisfiability -Self-reference -Sequential logic -Set theory -Singular term -Socratic dialog -Socratic method -Soundness -Sufficient condition -Syllogism -Syllogistic fallacy - Tautology -Temporal logic - Term -Theorem - Tolerance -Truth -Truth condition -Truth function -Truth value -Type theory -Unification -Validity -Venn diagram Famous logicians
George Boole -Abraham Robinson -Gerhard Gentzen -Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer -Haskell Curry -Gottlob Frege -Alonzo Church -Jacques Herbrand -Dana Scott -John Barkley Rosser -Gerhard Gentzen -Jean-Yves Girard -David Hilbert -Kurt Gödel -William Lawvere -William Stanley Jevons -Stephen Cole Kleene -Alfred Tarski -Thoralf Skolem -Saharon Shelah -Jan Łukasiewicz -Giuseppe Peano -Charles Peirce -W.V. Quine -Frank P. Ramsey -Bertrand Russell -Alfred North Whitehead Logic lists
List of logicians
*List of rules of inference .
* There is a list of paradoxes on theparadox page.
* There is a list of fallacies on thelogical fallacy page.
* Modernmathematical logic is at thelist of mathematical logic topics page.
* For introductory set theory and other supporting material see thelist of basic discrete mathematics topics .See also
**List of basic mathematics topics
**List of mathematics articles
**List of basic philosophy topics
**List of philosophy topics *
* " [http://www.galilean-library.org/int4.html An Introduction to Philosophical Logic] ", by Paul Newall, aimed at beginners
* " [http://www.fecundity.com/logic/ forall x: an introduction to formal logic] ", by P.D. Magnus, covers sentential and quantified logic
* " [http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/log/transtip.htm Translation Tips] ", by Peter Suber, for translating from English into logical notation
* [http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/DicHist/analytic/anaVII.html Math & Logic: The history of formal mathematical, logical, linguistic and methodological ideas.] In "The Dictionary of the History of Ideas."
* " [http://www.think-logically.co.uk/lt.htm] " Test your logic skills
* " [http://kpaprzycka.swps.edu.pl/xLogicSelfTaught/LogicSelfTaught.html Logic Self-Taught: A Workbook] " (originally prepared for on-line logic instruction)
* " [http://philosophy-forums.com/showthread.php?t=191 A Brief Introductory Guide to Formal Logic] ", by Dr. Hfuhruhurr
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