List of game topics

List of game topics

The list of game topics aims to list articles related to games.


8-bit era -
16-bit era -
32-bit and 64-bit era -
128-bit era


Abalone (board game) -
Abandonware -
Abstract strategy game -
Acquire -
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons -
Advanced Squad Leader -
Adventure game -
Alak -
Algebraic chess notation -
Alpha-beta pruning -
Alpha Blitz -
Alquerque -
Amazons (game) -
Amiga games -
Anagrams -
Ancient game -
Andantino (game) -
Anime game -
Antichess -
Arcade cabinet -
Arcade game -
Arduin -
Ars Magica -
Articulate -
Assassin (game) -
Audio game -
Avalanche chess -
Avalon Hill -
Axis & Allies -


Backgammon -
Balderdash -
Banach-Mazur game -
Battleship (game) -
Beetle (game) -
Betrayal at House on the Hill -
Big Two -
Bingo -
Bishōjo game -
Black Box (game) -
Blood Bowl -
Board game -
Board game complexity -
Bohnanza -
Boggle -
Boggle Master -
Bookworm -
Breakthrough (board game) -
Broadsides and Boarding Parties -
Bunnies and Burrows -
Business simulation game -
BuyWord -
Buzzword bingo -


Calculation (solitaire) -
Candy Land game -
Can't Stop (board game) -
Capablanca chess -
Capture the flag -
Car game -
Carcassonne (board game) -
Card game -
Careers (board game) -
Caroms -
Car wars -
Casino -
Casino game -
Castle Risk -
Cat's cradle -
Chaosium -
Charades -
Chaturanga -
Chaupar -
Che Deng -
The Checkered Game of Life -
Checkers -
Cheddar Gorge (game) -
Chess -
Chess endgame -
Chessboard -
Chess columns in newspapers -
Chess historian -
Chess piece -
Chess problem -
Chess puzzle -
Chess-related deaths -
Chicken game -
Children's game -
Chinese checkers -
Chinese dominoes -
Cho Hunhyun -
Chutes and Ladders -
Circe chess -
Citadels (game) -
City-building game -
Civilization board game -
Clapping game
Cluedo -
Collectible card game -
Computability logic -
Computer chess -
Computer game -
Computer Go -
Computer Olympiad -
Computer poker players -
Computer role-playing game -
Connect Four -
Consequences -
Console emulator -
Contract bridge -
Conway's Game of Life -
Cooperative game -
Counting game -
Counting-out game -
Cranium (board game) -
Crokinole -
Crossings (game) -
Crossword -
Crossword abbreviations -
Cryptic crossword -
Cut (playing cards)


Dahrumasan ga koronda -
Dating sim -
The Dark Eye -
Dice -
Die game -
Dingbats -
Diplomacy (game) -
Djambi -
Dojin game -
Dots and Boxes -
Drakar och Demoner -
DragonQuest -
Drinking game -
Dungeon Master -
Dungeons & Dragons -
DVD TV games -
Dvorak Card Game


Earthdawn -
Edmund Hoyle -
El Grande -
Elfenland -
Elo rating system -
Entropy (board game) -
Epaminondas (game) -
Eton Wall Game -
Europa (wargame) -
Evaluation function -
Evolutionarily stable strategy -
Experience point -
Exquisite corpse


Fairy chess piece -
Family games -
Fanorona -
The Fantasy Trip -
Fan translation -
Fédération Internationale des Échecs -
Fictionary -
Fifty move rule -
First-person shooter -
Fischer Random Chess -
Five Field Kono -
Fiver -
Flight simulator -
Fluxx -
Flying Buffalo Incorporated (F.B.I) -
Fork (chess) -
Four fours -
Francis Willughby's Book of Games -
FreeCell -
Freeform -
Fundamental theorem of poker


Gambling -
Game -
Game basic topics -
Game classification -
Game clock -
Game controller -
Game Critics Awards -
Game design -
Game designer -
Game Developer Magazine -
Game engine -
Game engine recreation -
GameFAQs -
Game mechanic -
Game of chance - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Game of logic -
Game of Mill -
Games of physical skill -
Game of status -
Game of the Goose -
Game play -
Game port -
Game producer -
Game programmer -
Game semantics -
Game show -
Game theory -
Game tree -
Game-tree complexity -
Gamemaster -
The Games Machine -
Games played with Go equipment -
Games Workshop -
A Gamut of Games -
Gen Con -
Generalized game -
Generic game -
German game designer -
German-style board game -
Gimp -
Global Diplomacy -
GNU Chess -
GNU Go -
Go (board game) -
Go handicap -
Gomoku -
Go players
Go proverb -
Go Seigen -
God game -
Gonnect -
Gother Than Thou -
Government simulation game
Grand chess -
Greek electronic game ban -
Grid chess -
Group-dynamic game -
Guessing game -
Gwat Pai


H Game -
Halma -
Hanafuda -
Handheld game console -
Hangman (game) -
Haihowak -
Haihowak International Federation -
Larry Harris (game designer) -
Hasbro -
The Game of Life -
Havannah (game) -
Hearts -
Hex (game) - -
History of Board Games -
History of video games -
Honinbo Shusaku -
Horizon effect -
Housie -
Huff (Board games) -
Hypermodernism -
Hypertext group games


Icehouse (game) -
Icehouse pieces -
Immortal game -
Impartial game -
Independent Games Festival -
Interactive Achievement Awards -
International Olympic Committee -
Iterated prisoner's dilemma


Steve Jackson (US) -
Steve Jackson (UK) -
Janggi -
Japanese games -
Java -
Joker (playing card) -


Kensington -
Kill Doctor Lucky -
Killer heuristic -
Kingmaker scenario-
Reiner Knizia -
Korean chess -


L Game -
Letter game -
Level (computer and video games) -
Level designer -
Level editor -
Lewis chessmen -
Liar dice/Liar's dice -
Lines of Action -
Live action role-playing game -
Ian Livingstone -
Loaded dice -
Localized versions of the Monopoly game -
Andrew Looney -
Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game -
Lost Cities game -
Lucena position -
Ludic -
Ludo -
Ludus duodecim scriptorum


Madrasi chess - - -
Mahjong -
Makruk -
Mak-yek -
Man, Myth & Magic -
Mana -
Mancala -
Massively multiplayer online game -
Mastermind (board game) -
Mathematical game -
Maven -
Maze of Games -
Mazes and Monsters -
Mechanical puzzle -
Mehen -
Microsoft Puzzle Hunt -
Middle Earth Role Play -
Sid Meier -
Mind sport -
Mind Sports Organisation -
Minimax algorithm -
Minishogi -
Misère game -
MIT Mystery Hunt -
M,n,k-game -
Monopoly game -
Monster chess -
Mornington Crescent -
Mr. Three -
Multi-genre game -
Multiplayer -
Harold James Ruthven Murray


Nard -
Nash equilibrium -
Neopets -
Newcomb's paradox -
Next Game, Inc. -
Aron Nimzowitsch -
Nine Men's Morris -
Ninuki-renju -
The No Game -
Non-zero-sum -
Non-zero-sum game -
Nuclear War -
Null-move heuristic -


Olympic medalists -
Ombre -
Omega chess -
Omweso -
Oni -
Online game -
Open gaming -
Optiondn -
Origins Awards -
Origins of chess -
Oware -
Owari (game)


Pac-Man -
Pachisi - -
Pai gow -
Parcheesi -
Parchis -
Parchisi -
Parques -
Partizan game -
Party game -
Patolli -
Patrol Chess -
Pay Day -
Payoff matrix -
PC games -
Peg solitaire -
Pencil and paper game -
Pente -
Pentominoes -
Perfect play -
Phutball -
Pick-up Sticks -
Pick-up sticks (Haida) -
Pictionary -
Pie rule -
Play-by-mail game -
Player (game) -
Player's Handbook -
Player killer -
Playground game -
Playing card -
Playtest -
Ply (chess) -
Poker -
Poker strategy -
Pool checkers -
Portable Game Notation -
Prisoner's dilemma -
Progressive chess -
Puerto Rico (game) -
Puzzlehunt -


Qubic -
Quizbowl -


Racetrack -
Real-time card game -
Real-time strategy -
Real-time tactics -
Redemption game -
Renju -
Reversi -
Revoke -
Rhythmomachy -
Risk game -
Risk 2210 A.D. -
Risk Godstorm -
Rock, Paper, Scissors -
Roguelike -
Role-playing game -
Rolemaster -
Roulette -
RuneQuest -
RuneScape -
Rythmomachia -

Sid Sackson -
Scissors (game) -
Scotland Yard (board game) -
Scrabble -
Mike Selinker -
Senet -
Settlers of Catan -
Shanghai solitaire -
Shannon switching game -
Shapley value -
Shatranj -
Shell game -
Shogi -
Shogi variant -
Shortest proof game -
Shove ha'penny -
Shuffling playing cards -
Shut the box -
Simulationist RPG -
Singing game -
Six Men's Morris -
Skat -
Slaughter rule -
Smart Game Format -
Snakes and ladders -
Snaps (game) -
Snap-dragon (game) -
Solitaire -
Solitaire terminology -
Solved board games -
Sorry! (game) -
Source port -
Spiel des Jahres -
Spoken game -
Sport -
Sprague-Grundy theorem -
Sprouts -
Star (game) -
StarCraft -
Staring contest -
State-space complexity -
Stormbringer -
Storytelling game -
Stratego -
Strategy & Tactics -
Strategy game -
Strategy-stealing argument
String game -
Subbuteo -
Submarine simulator -
Suit (cards) -


Table-top game -
Taboo (game) -
Tables (board games) -
Tabula -
Tag (game) -
Tanbo -
Tantrix -
Tarocchi -
Tarot -
Troccas -
Technology tree -
Klaus Teuber -
The Game
Third Reich game -
Three-dimensional chess
Three Men's Morris -
Three Musketeers (game) -
Tiddlywinks -
Tien Gow -
Tigris and Euphrates -
Tikal -
Tile-based game -
Time control -
Timeline of video games -
Titan game -
Torres (board game) -
Traditional game -
Transposition table -
Trick-taking game -
Trivial Pursuit -
Trouble -
Tunnels and Trolls -
Turn-based game -
Turn-based strategy -
Turn-based tactics -
Twenty questions -


Ultimate Play The Game -
Unclassified game -
Universal Chess Interface -


Vaporware -
Video game -
Video game adaptation (anime) -
Video game console -
Video game controversy -
Video game developer -
Video game genres -
Video game industry -
Video game industry practices -
Video game music -
Video game player -
Video game publisher -
Video game theory -
Videogame type -
Virtual Pet -
Virtual universe -


John Wallis (publisher) -
Wargame -
Wild card (poker) -
Word game -
World records in chess


XBoard -
Xiang Qi


Y (game) -
Yi Chang-ho


Zendo (game) -
Zero game -
Zero-player game -
Zero-sum -
Zero-sum fallacy -
Zero-sum game -
Zillions of Games -

Other game lists

* Chronology of computer role-playing games
* Chronology of console role-playing games
* Chronology of tactical role-playing games
* List of 3DO games
* List of Amiga games
* List of Apple II games
* List of Apple IIGS games
* List of video arcade games
* List of Atari 2600 games
* List of Atari Jaguar games
* List of Atari ST games
* List of board game publishers
* List of cancelled video games
* List of cel-shaded video games
* List of chess engines
* List of chess openings
* List of chess players
* List of chess world championship matches
* List of ColecoVision games
* List of collectible card games
* List of Commodore 64 games
* List of computer and video game companies
* List of computer role-playing games
* List of defunct sports leagues
* List of Dreamcast games
* List of Famicom games (Japan and Asia)
* List of Famicom Disk System games (Japan and Asia)
* List of fictional electronic games
* List of films based on video games
* List of football teams
* List of open source games
* List of freeware games
* List of Game & Watch games
* List of Game Boy games
* List of Game Boy Advance games
* List of Game Boy Color games
* List of GameCube games
* List of game designers
* List of Game Gear games
* List of game manufacturers
* List of game topics
* List of video games based on anime or manga
* List of Go topics
* List of commercial GP32 games
* List of hentai computer games
* List of Intellivision games
* List of Japanese board games
* List of Macintosh games
* List of Mancala variants
* List of MMORPGs
* List of MSX games
* List of national chess championships
* List of Neo Geo games
* List of NES accessories
* List of NES games (North America and Europe)
* List of N-Gage games
* List of Nintendo 64 games
* List of Nintendo DS games
* List of OS/2 games
* List of Pico games
* List of PlayStation games
* List of PlayStation 2 games
* List of PlayStation Portable games
* List of Pokémon
* List of poker variants
* List of puzzle video games
* List of MMORPGs
* List of role-playing games
* List of Sega 32X games
* List of Sega CD games
* List of Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis games
* List of Sega Saturn games
* List of SNES games (North America and Europe)
* List of Super Famicom games (Japan)
* List of traditional children's games
* List of trick-taking games
* List of Turbo CD games
* List of TurboGrafx-16 games
* List of video game consoles
* List of video game franchises
* List of video game industry people
* List of video games based on cartoons
* List of Virtual Boy games
* List of WonderSwan games
* List of Xbox games
* List of years in games
* Lists of video games

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