- List of order topics
This is a list of order topics, by Wikipedia page.
An alphabetical list of many notions of order theory can be found in the
order theory glossary . See alsoinequality ,extreme value ,optimization (mathematics) ,domain theory .Basic concepts
Partially ordered set
*Totally ordered set
**Total preorder
**Extended real number line
*Strict order *
Hasse diagram
**Directed acyclic graph
*Duality (order theory)
*Product order Distinguished elements of partial orders
Greatest element (maximum, top, unit),Least element (minimum, bottom, zero)
*Maximal element ,minimal element
*Upper bound
**Least upper bound (supremum, join)
**Greatest lower bound (infimum, meet)
**Limit superior and limit inferior
*Irreducible element
*Prime element
*Compact element ubsets of partial orders
*Cofinal set
*Dense set
*Meet-dense set andjoin-dense set
*Directed set
*Net (mathematics)
*Upper set and lower set
*Ideal and filter
**Ultrafilter pecial types of partial orders
Completeness (order theory)
*Dense order
*Distributivity (order theory)
**modular lattice
**distributive lattice
**completely distributive lattice
*Ascending chain condition
**Infinite descending chain Well-order s*
Well-founded relation
*Ordinal number
*Well-quasi-ordering *
* Lattice
* (Directed)complete partial order , (d)cpo
*Bounded complete
*Complete lattice
**Knaster-Tarski theorem
*Infinite divisibility
=Orders with further algebraic operations=*
Heyting algebra
**Relatively complemented lattice
*Complete Heyting algebra
**Pointless topology
*Boolean algebra (structure)
**Boolean ring
**Kleene algebra
*Complete Boolean algebra
*Orthocomplemented lattice
*Quantale Orders in
abstract algebra *
Partially ordered monoid
*Ordered group
**Archimedean property
*Ordered ring
*Ordered field
*Linearly ordered group
*Monomial order
*Weak order of permutations
*Incidence algebra
=Functions between partial orders=*
*Pointwise order of functions
*Galois connection
*Order embedding
*Order isomorphism
*Closure operator
*Functions that preserve suprema/infimaCompletions and free constructions
Dedekind completion
*Ideal completion Domain theory *
Way-below relation
*Continuous poset
**Continuous lattice
*Algebraic poset
**Scott domain
**Algebraic lattice
*Scott information system
*Scott topology
*Scott continuity Orders in
mathematical logic *
Lindenbaum algebra
*Zorn's lemma
**Hausdorff maximality theorem
*Boolean prime ideal theorem
*Ultrafilter lemma
*Tree (set theory)
*Tree (descriptive set theory)
*Suslin's problem
*Absorption law
*Canonical order
*Prewellordering Orders in
topology *
Stone duality
**Stone's representation theorem for Boolean algebras
*Specialization (pre)order
*Order topology of a total order (open interval topology)
*Alexandrov topology
*Upper topology
*Scott topology
**Scott continuity
*Lawson topology
*Finer topology
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