University of São Paulo

University of São Paulo

name = Universidade de São Paulo

motto = "Scientia Vinces" (Latin)
mottoeng = Through knowledge you win
established = August 11, 1827 (oldest constituent faculty - faculty of law); January 25, 1934 (granted university status as a federation of faculties)
type = Public university
rector = Suely Vilela Sampaio
city = São Paulo, São Carlos
Ribeirão Preto and other 4 cities
state = São Paulo
country = Brazil
undergrad = 48,530 (2005)
postgrad = 25,007 (2005)
postgrad_label = postgrad
staff = 5,222
campus = Urban
free_label =
mascot =
free =
website= []
The University of São Paulo (in Portuguese Universidade de São Paulo; USP) is one of the three public universities funded by the State of São Paulo. The Brazilian publication " [ Guia do Estudante] " currently ranks USP as the best university of the country. [ [ GE Melhores Universidades] ] .

USP is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Brazil and Latin America, with approximately 75,000 enrolled students. It comprises eleven campi, four of them in the City of São Paulo [] (the main campus is called Campus Armando de Salles Oliveira, with an area of 7,443,770 m²). There are campuses in the cities of Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto and two in São Carlos. USP is involved in teaching, research and university extension in all areas of knowledge.

USP is considered as Brazil's top academic and research institute. The [ Times Higher Education 2007 World University Rankings] ranks USP as the 176th top university in the world, with the best ranking in Latin America. According to the 2008 Academic Ranking of World Universities, published by the Shanghai Jiaotong University, USP is placed in the group of the 102-150 top world universities, being the 121th best university. Webometrics ranked USP in the 113th place. The [ EGI] (European Graduate Institute) reported that USP is the 58th best university in the world, according to the 2006 edition. USP is considered the 45th most productive university on the globe. []




), consisting of two steps:

*Part I is composed of 90 multiple-choice questions (Portuguese, English, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, History and Biology).

*Part II is composed of up to 40 write-in, short-answer questions related to each candidate's intended major. Engineering candidates, for example, take Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry exams, whereas Law-School applicants are required to take History and Geography tests. All candidates however, irrespective of their intended course, must take the Portuguese Language and Literature exam, which includes a compulsory written essay.

Moreover, candidates who attended a public school for their entire course of high-school studies get up to 12% bonus on their Part I and Part II scores, in order to compensate for the generally low quality of Brazilian public basic education.

USP's entrance exam is prepared and administered by FUVEST (University Foundation for Vestibular), subject to regulations approved by the university's Undergraduate Studies Council. In 2006, 142,656 students signed up for Fuvest's vestibular to apply for admission to the University of São Paulo. There were 10,202 openings. One of the most competitive courses was Journalism, with about 45 applicants per opening. In order to pass to Part II, the most difficult course (Medicine) required a grade of 83%. USP is a free university, and students do not have to pay tuition fees. A renowned Brazilian publication has selected USP the best university in Brazil in 2006. [ [ Guia do Estudante Abril 2006] ]

Academic career

* Teaching Assistant (Auxiliar de Ensino) - MS-2 (must have a Master's degree and be enrolled in a doctoral program). Undergraduate students can also be teaching assistant for a semester, with scholarship from each department.
* Professor Doctor(Professor Doutor) - MS-3 (must have a doctoral or equivalent degree)
* Associate Professor (Professor Associado) - MS-5 (must have a "Livre Docente" title; equivalent to the German Habilitation)
* Full Professor(Professor Titular) - MS-6 (top rank, only MS-6 professors are allowed to hold positions such as Dean of a Faculty/School or Rector of the University)

Notable Alumni

Presidents of Brazil

* Prudente de Morais (1894–1898)
* Campos Sales (1898–1902)
* Rodrigues Alves (1902–1906)
* Afonso Pena (1906–1909)
* Nilo Peçanha (1909–1910)
* Venceslau Brás (1914–1918)
* Delfim Moreira (1918–1919)
* Washington Luís (1926–1930)
* Nereu Ramos (1955–1956)
* Jânio Quadros (1961)
* Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995–2003)

ão Paulo state governors

*José Alves de Cerqueira César (1889–1892)
*Américo Brasiliense de Almeida Melo (1891)
*Bernardino José de Campos Júnior (1896–1902)
*Campos Sales (1896–1897)
*Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves (1912–1916)
*Altino Arantes Marques (1916–1920)
*Washington Luís (1920–1924)
*Carlos de Campos (1924–1927)
*Júlio Prestes (1927–1930)
*Armando de Sales Oliveira (1935–1936)
*José Joaquim Cardoso de Melo Neto (1937–1938)
*Lucas Nogueira Garcez (1951–1955)
*Jânio Quadros (1955–1959)
*Carvalho Pinto (1959–1963)
*Abreu Sodré (1967–1971)
*Paulo Maluf (1979–1982)
*André Franco Montoro (1983–1987)
*Mário Covas (1995–2001)
*Cláudio Lembo (2005)
*José Serra (2006–present)


*Aloizio Mercadante - current Brazilian senator (economics degree)
*Antonio Palocci - former Brazil's Finance minister (M.D. degree)
*Fernando Haddad - the current Brazil's minister of Education (law degree)
*Gilberto Kassab - the current mayor of São Paulo (engineering and economics degree)
*Guido Mantega - the current Brazil's Finance minister (economics degree)


*Alcides Nogueira
*Alphonsus de Guimarães
*Antonio Candido de Mello e Souza
*Augusto de Campos
*Álvares de Azevedo
*Antônio de Alcântara Machado
*Antônio Vicente Seraphim Pietroforte
*Bernardo Guimarães
*Castro Alves
*Décio Pignatari
*Fagundes Varela
*Glauco Mattoso
*Haroldo de Campos
*Hilda Hilst
*Ismail Xavier
*José de Alencar
*Lygia Fagundes Telles
*Manuel Bandeira
*Monteiro Lobato
*Olavo Bilac
*Oswald de Andrade
*Paulo Emílio Salles Gomes
*Raduan Nassar
*Raul Pompéia

cientists and physicians

*Adib Domingos Jatene - physician
*César Lattes - physicist, co-discoverer of the pi meson
*Drauzio Varella - physician, educator and medical science popularizer
*Ennio Candotti - physicist and scientific leader
*Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini - physician, he did the first heart transplantation in Latin America
*Jayme Tiomno - experimental and theoretical nuclear physicist
*José E. Moreira - system software architect for Blue Gene/L, the fastest supercomputer in the world
*José Goldemberg - scientific leader and research scientist
*José Leite Lopes - theoretical physicist
*Mário Schenberg - physicist
*Mayana Zatz - molecular biologist and geneticist
*Miguel Nicolelis - physician and neurobiological researcher
*Oscar Sala - Italian nuclear physicist
*Roberto Salmeron - electrical engineer and experimental nuclear physicist
*Sérgio Henrique Ferreira - physician and pharmacologist, discovered the active principle of a new drug against hypertension
*Warwick Estevam Kerr - geneticist, researcher on the biology and genetics of bees


*Amyr Klink - sailor and explorer (economics degree)
*Ana Cañas - singer (dramatic arts degree)
*Dan Stulbach - actor (dramatic arts degree)
*Fernando Meirelles - film director, he did "City of God" [] and "The Constant Gardener" [] (architecture degree)
*Henrique Meirelles - the current president of the Central Bank of Brazil (engineering degree)
*João Batista Vilanova Artigas - architect (architecture degree)
*José Celso Martinez Corrêa - playwriter (law degree)
*Marcelo Tas - actor and writer (engineering degree)
*Matheus Nachtergaele - actor (dramatic arts degree)
*Nelson Pereira dos Santos - filmmaker (law degree)
*Paulo Autran - actor (law degree)
*Sebastião Salgado - photographer and photojournalist (economics degree)


*The Polytechnic School has a program known as "double diploma", where the graduation course is legally valid in both Brazil and the European Union.

*USP is the only outside European Union institution to integrate the TIME (Top Industrial Managers for Europe) association.

*For six months, USP had a supercomputer indicated on the TOP500 list on rank 363. It was the only Brazilian university who appeared in that list.

*In the Higher Education Evaluation & A. Council, USP obtained the 94th place [] .

*Wuhan University ranks USP as the 83th best college in the world [] .

*USP has the 70th best academic library in the world [] .

*USP was classified in the 34th place, in the Professional Ranking of World Universities [] .

*Computer science students from USP were ranked 26th in the ACM ICPC 2007, among approximately 1,750 universities [] .

Global Engineering Study

The "Global Engineering Excellence" will study the importance of technology in the competitiveness of nations.The selected universities are:

*Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
*Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland
*Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
*Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
*Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
*Tsinghua University, China
*Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
*University of Tokyo, Japan

chools, Faculties and Institutes

* [ Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades] School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities:: Courses: Fashion and Textiles, Tourism and Leisure, Environmental Management, Gerontology, Information Systems, Marketing, Obstetrics, Physical Education, Public Administration, Science Education
* [ Escola de Comunicações e Artes] School of Communications and Arts:: Courses: "Audiovisual" Arts (Film, Animation and TV), Theatre (Acting, Directing, Dramaturgy and Scenography), Communications (Journalism, Editing and Publishing, Advertising and Publicity, Public Relations), Library Science, Music (Conducting, Composing, specific musical instrument, Singing), Plastic Arts (Printmaking, Painting, Multimedia and Sculpture), Tourism
* [ Escola de Educação Física e Esporte] School of Physical Education and Sports:: Courses: Physical Education and Sports Science
* [ Escola de Enfermagem] School of Nursing:: Course: Nursing
* [ Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto] Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing:: Course: Nursing
* [ Escola de Engenharia de Lorena] Lorena School of Engineering:: Courses: Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering
* [ Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos] São Carlos School of Engineering :: Courses: Architecture and Urban Planning, Aeronautical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechanical Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Electronic Engineering or Energy and Automation Systems), Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics
* [ Escola Politécnica] Polytechnical School:: Courses: Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mining Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical Engineering (Control and Automation, Computer Engineering, Energy and Automation, Electronic Systems, Telecommunications), Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Metallurgical Engineering, Naval Engineering, Chemical Engineering (Materials), Petroleum Engineering
* [ Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz] Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture:: Courses: Agricultural Engineering, Biology, Food Science, Economics, Forestry, Environmental Management, Agricultural Education, Biology Education
* [ Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo] Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism:: Courses: Architecture and Urban Planning, Design
* [ Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas] Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences:: Course: Pharmacy and Biochemistry
* [ Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto] Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences:: Course: Pharmacy and Biochemistry
* Faculdade de DireitoFaculty of Law:: Course: Law
* [ Faculdade de Direito de Ribeirão Preto] Faculty of Law of Ribeirão Preto:: Course: Law
* Faculdade de Economia, Administração e ContabilidadeFaculty of Economy, Management and Accounting:: Courses: (Business Administration), Economics, Accounting, Actuarial Science
* [ Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto] Faculty of Economy, Management and Accounting of Ribeirão Preto):: Courses: Management (Business Administration), Economics, Accounting
* [ Faculdade de Educação] Faculty of Education:: Course: Pedagogy
* [ Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas] Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences:: Courses: Geography, History, Languages and Literatures (German, Arab, Armenian, Chinese, Spanish, French, Greek, Hebrew, English, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian), Linguistics, Philosophy, Social Sciences (Anthropology, Political Science, Sociology)
* [ Faculdade de Medicina] Faculty of Medicine:: Courses: Medicine, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy
* [ Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto] Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Medicine:: Courses: Biosciences (medicine emphasis), Medicine, Biomedical Informatics, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy
* [ Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia] Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science:: Course: Veterinary Medicine
* [ Faculdade de Odontologia] Faculty of Odontology:: Course: Dentistry
* [ Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru] Bauru Faculty of Odontology :: Courses: Dentistry, Speech and Language Therapy
* [ Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto] Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Odontology:: Course: Dentistry
* [ Faculdade de Saúde Pública] Faculty of Public Health:: Courses: Nutrition, Public Health (graduate studies)
* [ Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos] Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering:: Courses: Animal Science, Food Engineering
* [ Instituto Oceanográfico] Institute of Oceonography:: Course: Oceanography
* [ Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas] Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences:: Courses: Astronomy, Geophysics, Meteorology,
* [ Instituto de Biociências] Institute of Biosciencies:: Course: Biology
* [ Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas] Institute of Biomedical Sciences:: Course: Health Sciences
* [ Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação de São Carlos] Institute of Mathematics Sciences and Computer Science of São Carlos:: Courses: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Computer Science and Informatics
* [ Instituto de Física] Institute of Physics:: Course: Physics
* [ Instituto de Física de São Carlos] Institute of Physics of São Carlos:: Courses: Physics, Computational physics, Biomolecular sciences, Exact Sciences (Teaching)
* [ Instituto de Geociências] Institute of Geosciences:: Course: Geology, Environment and Geosciences (Teaching)
* [ Instituto de Matemática e Estatística] Institute of Mathematics and Statistics:: Courses: Applied Mathematics and Computer Mathematics, Mathematics (Bachelor and Teaching), Statistics and Computer Science
* [ Instituto de Psicologia] Institute os Psychology:: Course: Psychology
* [ Instituto de Química] Institute of Chemistry:: Courses: Chemistry
* [ Instituto de Química de São Carlos] Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos:: Courses: Exact Sciences (Teaching), Chemistry
* [ Instituto de Relações Internacionais] Institute of Foreign Affairs:: Course: International Relations

Museums and art galleries

The University of São Paulo has endowed a rich set of museums and important art galleries, most of them located in the central campus in São Paulo, such as:
* Museu de Arte Contemporânea de São Paulo (Museum of Contemporary Art)
* Museu Paulista (Historical Museum of São Paulo)
* Museu de Zoologia (Museum of Zoology)


External links

* [ University of São Paulo]
* [ University of São Paulo social networking site] (in Portuguese)

See also

*State University of Campinas - UNICAMP - [ WWW page]
*Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP - [ WWW Page]

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