List of honey plants

List of honey plants

Honeybees usually collect nectar, pollen, or both from the following species of plants, which are called honey plants, for making honey.

See also:
*Forage (honeybee)
*Honeydew source
*Nectar source
*Northern Nectar Sources for Honey Bees
*Pollen source

Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)

*"Avicennia" "nitida" Jacq.

Aceraceae (Maple family)

* "Acer" "rubrum" L. (Red maple)
* "Acer saccharinum" L. (Sugar maple)
* "Acer spicatum" Lam. (Mountain maple)
* "Acer pseudoplatanus" L. (Sycamore maple)

Agavaceae (Agave family)

* "Agave" "sisalana" Perrine ex Engelm. (Sisal)


* "Alstroemeria" "cunea" Vell.

Amaranthaceae (Amaranth family)

* "Alternanthera" "brasiliana" Kuntze
* "Alternanthera dentata" (Moench) Stuchlik ex R.E.Fries
* "Alternanthera polygonoides" R.Br. ex Sweet
* "Froelichia" "humboldtiana" Seub.
* "Froelichia lanata" Moench
* "Gomphrena" "canescens" R.Br.
* "Gomphrena demissa" Mart.
* "Gomphrena gardneri" Moq.


* "Anacardium" "occidentale" L.
* "Anacardium humile" A.St.-Hil.
* "Astronium" "fraxinifolium" Schott
* "Lithraea" "molleoides" Engl.
* "Mangifera" "indica" L.
* "Myracrodruon" "urundeuva" M.Allemão
* "Schinus" "molle" L.
* "Schinus terebinthifolius" Raddi
* "Schinopsis" "brasiliensis" Engl.
* "Spondias" "lutea" L.
* "Spondias mombin" L.
* "Spondias tuberosa" Arruda
* "Tapirira" "guianensis" Aubl.
* "Tapirira marchandii" Engl.

Apiaceae (Parsley and carrot family)

* "Apium" "graveolens" L.
* "Daucus" "carota" L.
* "Pastinaca" "sativa" L.
* "Petroselinum" "sativum" Hoffm.

Apocynaceae (Dogbane family)

All the plants of this family are found in the tropics and subtropics.
* "Aspidosperma" "cylindrocarpon" Müll.Arg.
* "Aspidosperma dasycarpon" A.DC.
* "Aspidosperma macrocarpon" Mart.
* "Aspidosperma parvifolium" A.DC.
* "Aspidosperma polyneuron" A.DC.
* "Aspidosperma populifolium" A.DC.
* "Aspidosperma pruinosum" Markgr.
* "Aspidosperma pyrifolium" Mart.
* "Hancornia" "speciosa" Gomes
* "Peschiera" "affinis" Miers
* "Rhodocalyx" "rotundifolia" Müll.Arg.
* "Tabernaemontana" "fuchsiaefolia" A.DC.

Aquifoliaceae (Holly family)

* "Ilex" "decidua" Walter
* "Ilex glabra" A.Gray
* "Ilex opaca" Ait.
* "Ilex theezans" Mart.
* "Ilex verticillata" A.Gray

Araliaceae (Aralia and ivy family)

* "Didymopanax" "macrocarpum" Seem.
* "Didymopanax vinosum" Marchal


* "Asclepias" "tuberosa" L.

Arecaceae (Palm family)

All the plants of this family are found in the tropics and subtropics.
* "Acrocomia" "aculeata" Lodd. ex Mart.
* "Attalea" "speciosa" Mart.
* "Roystonea" "elata" (Bartr.) F.Harper
* "Sabal" "palmetto" Lodd. ex Schult.f.
* "Syagrus" "romanzoffiana" (Cham.) Glassman (= "Cocos romanzoffiana" Cham., or "Arecastrum romanzoffianum" (Cham.) Becc.); This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.

Asteraceae (Aster, daisy, sunflower family)

* "Ambrosia" "polystachya" DC.
* "Baccharis" "dracunculifolia" DC.; This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.
* "Baccharis genistelloides" Pers.
* "Baccharis gracilis" DC.
* "Baccharis halimifolia" L.
* "Baccharis ligustrina" DC.
* "Baccharis platypoda" DC.
* "Baccharis punctulata" DC.
* "Baccharis serrula" Sch.Bip.
* "Baccharis sessifolia" L.
* "Baccharis tridentata" Vahl
* "Bidens" "cernua" L. (= "Bidens glaucescens" Greene)
* "Bidens pilosa" L.
* "Cichorium" "intybus" L.
* "Cirsium" "arvense" (L.) Scop. (= "Carduus arvense", or "Cirsium incanum")
* "Cirsium vulgare" (Savi) Ten. (= "Carduus vulgaris", "Carduus lanceolatus", or "Cirsium lanceolatum")
* "Centaurea" "biebersteinii" (Jaub. et Spach) Walp.
* "Centratherum" "punctatum" Cass.
* "Cosmos" "sulphureus" Cav.
* "Echinops" "sphaerocephalus" L.
* "Eremanthus" "sphaerocephalus" Baker
* "Eupatorium" "itatiayense" Hieron.
* "Eupatorium maculatum" L.
* "Eupatorium maximiliani" Schrad. ex DC.
* "Eupatorium purpureum" L.
* "Eupatorium squalidum" DC.
* "Helianthus" "annuus" L. (Sunflower)
* "Helianthus tuberosus" L. (Jerusalem artichoke)
* "Liatris" "spicata" Willd.
* "Mikania" "cordifolia" Willd.
* "Mikania hirsutissima" DC.
* "Mikania microphylla" Sch.Bip. ex Baker
* "Mikania speciosa" DC.
* "Mikania sessilifolia" DC.
* "Moquinia" "polymorpha" DC.
* "Oligoneuron" "rigidum" Small (= "Solidago rigida" L.)
* "Piptocarpha" "notata" Baker
* "Piptocarpha rotundifolia" Baker
* "Sonchus" "arvensis" L.
* "Senecio" "brasiliensis" Less.
* "Solidago" "chilensis" Meyen
* "Symphyotrichum" "novae-angliae" (L.) G.L.Nesom
* "Taraxacum" "officinale" Weber
* "Trichogonia" "salviaefolia" Gardner
* "Trixis" "antimenorrhoea" Mart. ex Baker
* "Verbesina" "alternifolia" Britton ex Kearney
* "Vernonia" "apiculata" Mart. ex DC.
* "Vernonia argyrophylla" Less.
* "Vernonia diffusa" Less.
* "Vernonia herbacea" Rusby
* "Vernonia lacunosa" Mart. ex DC.
* "Vernonia linearis" D.Don ex Hook. et Arn.
* "Vernonia patens" Kunth
* "Vernonia polyanthes" Less.; This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.
* "Vernonia scorpioides" Pers.
* "Vernonia virgata" Gagnep.
* "Zinnia" "multiflora" L.

Bignoniaceae (Trumpet creeper family)

All the plants of this family are found mostly in the tropics or subtropics.
* "Campsis" "radicans" Seem. (= "Bignonia radicans", or "Tecoma radicans")
* "Catalpa" "bignonioides" Walter
* "Catalpa speciosa" Warder ex Engelm.
* "Cybistax" "antisyphilitica" (Mart.) Mart.
* "Jacaranda" "brasiliana" Pers.
* "Jacaranda caroba" Hort. ex Lem.
* "Jacaranda decurrens" Cham.
* "Jacaranda paucifoliolata" Mart. ex DC.
* "Memora" "glaberrima" K.Schum.
* "Memora nodosa" Miers
* "Podranea" "ricasoliana" (Tanfani) T. Sprague
* "Pyrostegia" "ignea" Presl
* "Pyrostegia venusta" Miers
* "Tabebuia" "alba" (Cham.) Sandwith
* "Tabebuia aurea"
* "Tabebuia chrysotricha"
* "Tabebuia heptaphylla" (Vell.) Toledo
* "Tabebuia impetiginosa"
* "Tabebuia ochracea"
* "Tabebuia rosea" (Bertol.) DC.
* "Tabebuia roseo-alba"
* "Tabebuia serratifolia"
* "Tabebuia vellosoi" Toledo
* "Zeyheria" "digitalis" (Vell.) Hoehne et Kuhlm.

Bixaceae (Achiote family)

* "Bixa" "orellana" L.

Bombacaceae (see also Malva family)

* "Bombax" "campestre" K.Schum.
* "Bombax tomentosum" A.Juss.
* "Chorisia" "speciosa" A.St.-Hil.
* "Eriotheca" "gracilipes" (K.Schum.) A.Robyns
* "Pseudobombax" "grandiflorum" (Cav.) A.Robyns

Boraginaceae (Borage or Forget-me-not family)

* "Auxemma" "glazioviana" Taub.
* "Auxemma oncocalyx" Taub.
* "Cordia" "alliodora" Cham.
* "Cordia campestris" Warm.
* "Cordia corymbosa" G.Don
* "Cordia hypoleuca" DC.
* "Cordia insignis" Cham.
* "Cordia leucocephala" Moric.
* "Cordia nodosa" Lam.
* "Cordia trichotoma" (Vell.) Steud.
* "Cordia verbenacea" DC.
* "Echium" "plantagineum" L.
* "Echium simplex" DC.
* "Echium virescens" DC.
* "Echium wildpretii" H.Pearson ex Hook.f.
* "Patagonula" "americana" L.

Brassicaceae (Mustard family or cabbage family)

* "Brassica" "campestris" L.
* "Brassica juncea" Coss.
* "Brassica napus" L.
* "Brassica oleracea" L. var. "botrytis" L.
* "Brassica oleracea" L. var. "capitata"
* "Brassica oleracea" L. var. "gemnifera"
* "Brassica oleracea" L. var. "gongyloides"
* "Eruca" "sativa" Mill.
* "Sinapis" "alba" L.


* "Apuleia" "molaris" Spruce ex Benth.
* "Bauhinia" "forficata" Link
* "Cassia" "ferruginea" (Schrad.) DC.
* "Cassia grandis" L.f.
* "Caesalpinia" "echinata" Lam.
* "Caesalpinia ferrea" Mart.
* "Caesalpinia peltophoroides" Benth.
* "Caesalpinia pyramidalis" Tul.
* "Caesalpinia microphylla" Mart.
* "Copaifera" "langsdorfii" Desf.
* "Copaifera oblongifolia" Mart. ex Hayne
* "Delonix" "regia" Raf.
* "Hymenaea" "courbaril" var. "stilbocarpa" (Hayne) Y.T.Lee et Langenh.
* "Schizolobium" "parahyba" (Vell.) Blake
* "Sclerolobium aureum" Baill.
* "Sclerolobium paniculatum" Vogel
* "Senna" "martiana" (Benth.) H.S.Irwin et Barneby
* "Senna multijuga" (Rich.) H.S.Irwin et Barneby
* "Senna speciosa" Roxb.
* "Senna splendida" (Vogel) H.S.Irwin et Barneby

Capparaceae (Caper family)

* "Cleome" "gynandra" L.

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family)

* "Lonicera" "japonica" Thunb. ex A.Murray


All the plants of this family are found only in the neotropics.
* "Caryocar" "brasiliense" Cambess.

Caryophyllaceae (Carnation family)

* "Saponaria" "officinalis" L.


found in tropics or sub-tropics
* "Couepia" "grandiflora" Benth.
* "Parinari" "obtusifolia" Hook.f.
* "Hirtella" "glandulosa" Spreng.
* "Hirtella martiana" Hook.f.


* "Clethra" "scabra" Pers.


* "Kielmeyera" "coriacea" Mart. & Zucc.


* "Cochlospermum" "regium" Pilg.


* "Terminalia" "argentea" Mart.
* "Terminalia brasiliensis" Eichl.
* "Terminalia fagifolia" Mart.


* "Commelina" "agraria" Kunth
* "Tradescantia" "virginica" L.

Convolvulaceae (Bindweed or morning glory family)

* "Ipomoea" "purpurea" Roth
* "Ipomoea batatoides" Benth.
* "Jacquemontia" "blanchetii" Moric.
* "Rivea" "corymbosa" (L.) Hallier f.

Cucurbitaceae (Melon, cucumber, calabash, squash family)

* "Cayaponia" "ficifolia" Cogn.
* "Citrullus" "vulgaris" Schrad. "C.lanatus" Nakai
* "Cucumis" "mello" L.
* "Cucumis sativus" L.
* "Cucurbita" "maxima" Duchesne
* "Cucurbita pepo" L.
* "Luffa" "cylindrica" M.Roem.


* "Lamonia" "speciosa" (Cambess.) L.B.Sm.


* "Curatella" "americana" L.
* "Davilla" "rugosa" Poir.


* "Diospyros" "kaki" L.f.

Ericaceae (Blueberry, Heather family)

* "Arctostaphylos" "uva-ursi" (L.) Spreng.
* "Vaccinium" "angustifolium" Ait.
* "Vaccinium corymbosum" L.
* "Oxydendron" "arboreum" Nearby

Erythroxylaceae (Coca family)

* "Erythroxylum" "campestre" A.St.-Hil.
* "Erythroxylum suberosum" A.St.-Hil.
* "Erythroxylum tortuosum" Mart.


* "Escallonia" "montevidensis" DC.

Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)

* "Alchornea" "iricurana" Casar.
* "Alchornea triplinervia" (Spreng.) Müll.Arg.
* "Aleurites" "fordii" Hemsl.
* "Croton" "floribundus" Spreng.
* "Croton macrobothrys" Baill.
* "Croton salutaris" Casar.
* "Dalechampia" "humilis" Müll.Arg.
* "Euphorbia" "mellifera" Seub.
* "Euphorbia pulcherrima" Willd. ex Klotzsch
* "Julocroton" "triqueter" Baill.
* "Phyllanthus" "acidus" (L.) Skeels
* "Ricinus" "communis" L.
* "Sapium" "sebiferum" (L.) Roxb.

Faboideae (Legume family)

* "Andira" "inermis" (Wright) DC.
* "Amburana" "cearensis" (= "Torresea cearensis" M.Allemão) (M.Allemão) A.C.Smith
* "Centrolobium" "robustum" Mart. ex Benth.
* "Gliricidia" "sepium" (Jacq.) Steud
* "Geoffraea" "spinosa" Jacq.
* "Machaerium" "acutifolium" Vogel
* "Machaerium scleroxylon" Tul.
* "Medicago" "sativa" L.
* "Melilotus" "alba" Medik.
* "Melilotus officinalis" Lam.
* "Myrocarpus" "frondosus" M.Allemão
* "Sweetia" "fruticosa" var. "fruticosa" Spreng. (= "Ferreirea spectabilis" M.Allemão)

=FlacourtiaceaeVerify source|date=December 2007 =

* "Aberia" "caffra" Harv. et Sond.


* "Banara" "parviflora" Benth.
* "Casearia" "decandra" Jacq.
* "Casearia sylvestris" Sw.


* "Liquidambar" "styraciflua" L.


* "Crocus" "vernus" (L.) Hill

Lamiaceae (Mint family)

* "Agastache" "foeniculum" Kuntze
* "Agastache nepetoides"
* "Eriope" "crassipes" Benth.
* "Hyptis" "brevipes" Poit.
* "Hyptis cana" Pohl ex Benth.
* "Hyptis nudicaulis" Benth.
* "Hyptis suaveolens" Poit.
* "Hyptis umbrosa" Salzm. ex Benth.
* "Lavandula" spp. L.
* "Leonurus" cardiaca L.
* "Leonurus sibiricus" L.
* "Monarda fistulosa" L.
* "Nepeta" "cataria" L.
* "Nepeta × faassenii"
* "Nepeta mussinii" Spreng. ex Henckel
* "Nepeta siberica" (= "Nepeta macrantha", "Dracocephalum sibiricum")
* "Pycnanthemum" "tenuifolium" Schrad.
* "Pycnanthemum verticillatum" Pursh var. pilosum (Nutt.) T.S.Cooperrider
* "Pycnanthemum virginianum" Trel. ex Branner et Coville
* "Salvia" "splendens" Ker Gawl.
* "Thymus" "serpyllum" L.
* "Vitex" "sellowiana" Cham.

Lauraceae (Laurel family)

* "Nectandra" "cuspidata" Nees et Mart. ex Nees
* "Nectandra rigida" Nees
* "Persea" "americana" Mill.
* "Persea gratissima" Gaertn.
* "Ocotea" "kuhlmanni" Vattimo
* "Ocotea pretiosa" Mez


* "Cariniana" "legalis" Kuntze
* "Cariniana estrellensis" Kuntze

Liliaceae (Lily family)

* "Allium" "cepa" L.
* "Allium sativum" L.
* "Smilax" "medica" Schltdl. et Cham.
* "Smilax officinalis" Griseb.


* "Cuphea" "carthaginensis" Macbride
* "Cuphea ingrata" Cham. et Schltdl.
* "Cuphea linarioides" Cham. et Schltdl.
* "Cuphea mesostemon" Koehne
* "Heimia" "myrtifolia" Hort.Berol. ex Cham. et Schltdl.
* "Lafoensia" "pacari" A.St.-Hil.
* "Lagerstroemia" "indica" L.

Magnoliaceae (Magnolia and tulip tree family)

* "Liriodendron" "tulipifera" L.


All the plants of this family are found in the neotropics.
* "Banisteriopsis" "campestris" (A.Juss.) Little
* "Banisteriopsis clausseniana" (A.Juss.) W.R.Anderson et B.Gates
* "Banisteriopsis gardneriana" (A.Juss.) W.R.Anderson et B.Gates
* "Banisteriopsis pubipetala" (Juss) Cuatrec.
* "Byrsonima" "crassa" Nied.
* "Byrsonima crassifolia" L.Rich
* "Byrsonima coccolobifolia" Kunth
* "Byrsonima intermedia" A.Juss.
* "Byrsonima subterranea" Brade et Markgr.
* "Byrsonima verbascifolia" Rich. ex Juss.
* "Heteropteris" "aceroides" Griseb.

Malvaceae (Malva family)

* "Pavonia" "malvaviscoides" A.St.-Hil.
* "Pavonia rosa-campestris" A.St.-Hil.
* "Pavonia speciosa" Kunth

Meliaceae (Mahagony family)

* "Cedrela" "fissilis" Vell.
* "Cedrela odorata" Vell.


* "Acacia" "farnesiana" (L.) Willd.
* "Acacia paniculata" Willd.
* "Acacia plumosa" Mart. ex Colla
* "Albizia" "polyantha" (Spreng.f.) G.P.Lewis (= "Pithecelobium multiflorum" (Kunth)Benth.)
* "Albizia polycephala" (Benth.) Killip ex Record (= "Pithecellobium polycephalum" Benth.)
* "Anadenanthera" "colubrina" (Vell.) Brenan var. " cebil" (Griseb.) Altschul (= "Anadenanthera macrocarpa" (Benth.) Brean)
* "Anadenanthera contorta" (Benth.) Brenan
* "Anadenanthera falcata" Speg. (= "Piptadenia falcata" Benth.)
* "Anadenanthera peregrina" Speg.
* "Calliandra" "dysantha" Benth.
* "Enterolobium" "contortisiliquum" (Vell.) Morong
* "Enterolobium gummiferum" (Mart.) Macbride
* "Inga" "affinis" DC.
* "Inga edulis" Mart.
* "Inga marginata" Willd.
* "Inga paterno" Harms
* "Inga sessilis" Mart.
* "Leucaena" "glauca" Benth.
* "Mimosa" "acutistipula" Benth.
* "Mimosa bimucronata" Kuntze
* "caesalpiniaefolia" Benth.
* "Mimosa laticifera" Rizzini et N.F.Mattos
* "Mimosa multipinna" Benth.
* "Piptadenia gonoacantha" Benth.
* "Piptadenia paniculata" Benth.
* "Pithecolobium" "avaremotemo" Mart.
* "Pithecolobium diversifolium" Benth.
* "Pithecolobium dumosum" Benth. (= "Chloroleucon dumosum" (Benth.) G.P.Lewis)
* "Pithecellobium" "inopinatum" (Harms) Ducke
* "Stryphnodendron" "adstringens" (Mart.) Coville
* "Stryphnodendron obovatum" Benth.


* "Rapanea" "ferruginea" Mez (= "Caballeria ferruginea" Ruiz et Pav.)
* "Rapanea lancifolia" Mez
* "Rapanea umbellata" Mez

Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)

* "Campomanesia" "adamantium" Blume
* "Campomanesia crenata" O.Berg
* "Campomanesia guazumaefolia" Blume
* "Campomanesia pubescens" O.Berg
* "Campomanesia xanthocarpa" O.Berg
* "Corymbia citriodora" (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A. Johnson
* "Eucalyptus" genus L'Her., specially the following species: :* "Eucalyptus alba";:* "Eucalyptus camaldulensis" (This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.);:* "Eucalyptus citriodora";:* "Eucalyptus corymbosa";:* "Eucalyptus drepanophylla";:* "Eucalyptus globulus";:* "Eucalyptus maculata";:* "Eucalyptus melliodora";:* "Eucalyptus microcorys";:* "Eucalyptus oleosa" (This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.);:* "Eucalyptus paniculata";:* "Eucalyptus citriodora";:* "Eucalyptus redunca" (This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.);:* "Eucalyptus scabra";:* "Eucalyptus tereticornis";:* "Eucalyptus triantha";:* "Eucalyptus wandoo" (This plants is usually an excellent choice for beekeeping.).
* "Eugenia" "brasiliensis" Lam.
* "Eugenia caryophyllata" Thunb. (= "Syzygium aromaticum" (L.) Merrill et Perry)
* "Eugenia convexinervia" D.Legrand
* "Eugenia dombeyana" DC.
* "Eugenia dysenterica" DC.
* "Eugenia hyemalis" Cambess.
* "Eugenia multicostata" D.Legrand
* "Eugenia pyriformis" Cambess.
* "Eugenia uniflora" L.
* "Myrceugenia" "euosma" (O.Berg) D.Legrand
* "Myrcia" "rostrata" DC.
* "Myrciaria" "cauliflora" (Mart.) O.Berg
* "Myrciaria glomerata" O.Berg
* "Psidium" "araca" Raddi
* "Psidium cinereum" Mart. ex DC.
* "Psidium firmum" O.Berg
* "Psidium guajava" L.


* "Ouratea" "castaneifolia" (DC.) Engl.
* "Ouratea floribunda" Engl.
* "Ouratea spectabilis" Engl.
* "Ouratea nana" Engl.

Oleaceae (Olive family)

* "Olea" "europaea" L.
* "Ligustrum" "imatophyllum"
* "Ligustrum japonicum" Thunb.


* "Averrhoa" "carambola" L.


* "Antigonon" "leptopus" Hook. et Arn.
* "Fagopyrum" "sagittatum" Gilib.
* "Polygonum" "cuspidatum" Siebold et Zucc.
* "Polygonum punctatum" Raf.

Passifloraceae (Passion flower family)

* "Passiflora" "haematostigma" Mast.
* "Passiflora pohlii" Mast.


* "Paspalum" "notatum" Flüggé
* "Saccharum" "officinarum" L.
* "Zea" "mays" L.


* "Grevillea" "banksii" R.Br.
* "Grevillea rosmarinifolia" A.Cunn.
* "Grevillea thelemanniana" Hueg.
* "Roupala" "brasiliensis" Klotzsch
* "Roupala cataractarum" Sleumer
* "Roupala heterophylla" Pohl
* "Roupala montana" Willd.
* "Roupala tomentosa" Pohl

=Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn family)Verify source|date=December 2007 =

* "Hovenia" "dulcis" Thunb.
* "Rhamnus" "polymorpha" (Reissek) Weberb.
* "Zizyphus" "joazeiro" Mart.


* "Celtis" "brasiliensis" Planch.

* "Trema" "micrantha" Blume

Rosaceae (Rose family)

* "Eriobotrya" "japonica" (Thunb.) Lindl.
* "Prunus" "amygdalus" L.
* "Prunus armeniaca" L.
* "Prunus avium" (L.) L.
* "Prunus domestica" L.
* "Prunus persica" (L.) Batsch
* "Pyrus" "communis" L.

Rubiaceae (Madder, bedstraw, coffee family)

* "Alibertia" "sessilis" K.Schum.
* "Borreria" "verticillata" G.Mey.
* "Borreria latifolia" K.Schum.
* "Borreria suaveolens" G.Mey.
* "Borreria verbenoides" Cham. et Schltdl.
* "Cephalanthus" "occidentalis" L.
* "Chinchona" spp. L.
* "Coffea" "arabica" L.
* "Coutarea" "hexandra" (Jacq.) K.Schum.


* "Citrus" genus L., specially the following species::* "Citrus aurantifolia" Swingle:* "Citrus limonum" Risso :* "Citrus medica" L.:* "Citrus reticulata" Blanco :* "Citrus sinensis" (L.) Osbeck
* "Murraya" "paniculata" (L.) Jack

Salicaceae (Willow and poplar family)

* "Salix" "amygdaloides" Andersson
* "Salix bebbiana" Sarg.
* "Salix caprea" L.
* "Salix discolor" Muhl.
* "Salix nigra" Marshall

Sapindaceae (Soapberry family)

* "Cupania" "oblongifolia" Mart.
* "Cupania vernalis" Cambess.
* "Dodonaea" "viscosa" Mart.
* "Magonia" "pubescens" A.St.-Hil.
* "Matayba" "guianensis" Aubl.
* "Serjania" "erecta" Radlk.
* "Serjania grandifolia" Sagot ex Radlk.


* "Buddleja" "brasiliensis" Jacq.
* "Scrophularia" "californica" Cham. et Schltdl.

Solanaceae (Tomato, potato, egg plant family)

* "Acnistus" "arborescens" Schltdl.
* "Acnistus cauliflorus" Schott
* "Solanum paniculatum" L.


* "Styrax" "camporum" Pohl
* "Styrax ferrugineus" Nees et Mart.


* "Guazuma" "ulmifolia" Lam.
* "Sterculia" "striata" A.St.-Hil. et Naudin
* "Dombeya" "natalensis" Sond.
* "Dombeya wallichii" Benth. et Hook.f.
* "Waltheria" "tomentosa" (J.R. et G.Forst.) St.John


* "Tamarix" "gallica" L.

Tiliaceae (Basswood, linden family)

* "Luehea" "candicans" Mart.
* "Luehea divaricata" Mart.
* "Luehea grandiflora" Mart.
* "Luehea paniculata" Mart.
* "Luehea rufescens" A.St.-Hil.
* "Triumfetta" "semitriloba" Jacq.

Ulmaceae (Elm family)

* "Trema" "micrantha" (L.) Blume

Urticaceae (Nettle family)

* "Boehmeria" "caudata" Sw.

Verbenaceae (Verbena family)

* "Aegiphila" "lhotskiana" Cham.
* "Aegiphila tomentosa" Cham.
* "Aloysia" "virgata" (Ruiz et Pav.) Juss. (= "Lippia urticoides" (Cham.) Steud.)
* "Lantana" "camara" L.
* "Lantana lilacina" Desf.
* "Lantana trifolia" L.
* "Lippia" "alba" N.E.Br. ex Britton et P.Wilson
* "Lippia candicans" Hayek
* "Petrea" "subserrata" Cham.
* "Petrea volubilis" L.
* "Zapania" "citriodora" Lam. (= "Lippia citriodora" (Lam.) Kunth)


All the plants of this family are found in the neotropics.
* "Qualea" "grandifolia" Mart.
* "Qualea multiflora" Mart.
* "Qualea parviflora" Mart.

ee also

*Toxic honey Describes plants whose nectar results in toxic honey.


# BRANDÃO, M.; FERREIRA, P. B. D. (1991). "Flora Apícola do Cerrado."("Honey flora of Cerrado") [ Informe Agropecuário] 15 (168): 5-7.
# CÂNDIDO, F. A. (1992) "As árvores e a apicultura." ("Trees and beekeeping.") UFV
# [ Michigan bee plants]
# WIESE, H. (1993) "Nova apicultura." ("New beekeeping.") Livraria e Editora Agropecuária

External links

* [ Beekeeping made easy: honey plants]
* [ Honey plants by Connie Krochmal]
* [ Ottawa Valley honeybee plants]

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