Pehr Osbeck

Pehr Osbeck
Pehr Osbeck

Pehr Osbeck (172323 December 1805) was a Swedish explorer, naturalist and an apostle of Carl Linnaeus.

Naturalist in Canton

He was born in the parish of Hålanda in Västergötland and studied at Uppsala with Carolus Linnaeus. In 17501752 he travelled as chaplain on the ship Prins Carl to Asia where he spent four months studying the flora, fauna, and people of the Canton region of China. He returned home just in time to contribute more than 600 species of plant to Linnaeus' Species Plantarum, published in 1753.

Osbeckia chinensis, drawn by Osbeck

In 1757 he published the journal of his voyage to China, Dagbok öfwer en ostindisk Resa åren, which was translated into German in 1762 and English in 1771. In 1758, he was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

He ended his career as the parish priest of Våxtorp and Hasslöv in Halland, where he died in 1805.

His large collections are preserved in Sweden and the UK. He is commemorated by the genus Osbeckia L. of plants in the family Melastomataceae.

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