Kielmeyera coriacea

Kielmeyera coriacea

name = "Kielmeyera"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Malpighiales
familia = Clusiaceae
subfamilia = Kielmeyeroideae
tribus = Calophylleae
genus = "Kielmeyera"
species = "K. coriacea"
binomial = "Kielmeyera coriacea"
binomial_authority = Mart. et Zucc.

"Kielmeyera coriacea" (Pau Santo) is a medicinal plant [Audi, E.A.; Otobone, F., Martins, J.V.; Cortez, D.A. [ Preliminary evaluation of Kielmeyera coriacea leaves extract on the central nervous system.] "Fitoterapia. 2002 Oct;73(6):517-9."] native to Cerrado and Pantanal vegetation in Brazil. In addition, this plant is also used as a honey plant.

ee also

*List of honey plants
*List of plants of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil
*List of plants of Pantanal vegetation of Brazil



* Por, F.D. "The Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil): World's Largest Wetlands (Monographiae Biologicae)" Springer, April 2002. ISBN 0792334817
* Raffauf, Robert F. "Plant Alkaloids: A Guide to Their Discovery and Distribution" Food Products Press, June 1996. ISBN 1560228601

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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