List of plants of Pantanal vegetation of Brazil

List of plants of Pantanal vegetation of Brazil

This is a list of plants found in the wild in Pantanal vegetation of Brazil. Additions are currently being made to this list.

See also:
* List of plants of Amazon Rainforest vegetation of Brazil
* List of plants of Atlantic Forest vegetation of Brazil
* List of plants of Caatinga vegetation of Brazil
* List of plants of Cerrado vegetation of Brazil
* Official list of endangered flora of Brazil


* "Ruellia" "gemminiflora" Kunth
* "Ruellia tweediana" Griseb.
* "Stenandrium" "pohlii" Nees


* "Glinus" "radiatus" Rohrb.


* "Achyranthes" "aspera" L.
* "Amaranthus" "lividus" ssp. "polygonoides" L.
* "Froelichia" "procera" (Seub.) Pedersen
* "Gomphrena" "elegans var elegans" Mart.
* "Iresine" "macrophylla" R.E.Fr.
* "Pfaffia" "glomerata" (Spreng.) Pedersen


* "Alstroemeria" cf. "psittacina" Lehm.
* "Hippeastrum" "belladonna" L.


* "Anacardium" "humile" A.St.-Hil.
* "Astronium" "fraxinifolium" Schott
* "Myracrodruon" "urundeuva" M.Allemão
* "Schinopsis" "balansae" Engl.
* "Spondias" "lutea" L.


* "Annona" "coriacea" Mart.
* "Annona cornifolia" A.St.-Hil.
* "Annona dioica" A.St.-Hil.
* "Annona phaeoclados" Mart.
* "Duguetia" "furfuracea" (A.St.-Hil.) Benth. et Hook.f.
* "Rollinia" "emarginata" Schltdl.
* "Unonopsis" "lindmanii" R.E.Fr.
* "Xylopia" "aromatica" Mart.


*" Aspidosperma" "australe" Müll.Arg.
* "Aspidosperma cylindrocarpon" Müll.Arg.
* "Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco" Schicht.
* "Aspidosperma tomentosum" Mart.
* "Bonafousia" "siphilitica" (L.f.) L.Allorge
* "Forsteronia" "pubescens" A.DC.
* "Hancornia" "speciosa" Gomes
* "Himatanthus" "obovatus" (Müll.Arg.) Woodson
* "Macrosiphonia" "petraea" Kuntze
* "Prestonia" "coalita" (Vell.) Woodson
* "Rhabdadenia" "pohlii" Müll.Arg.
* "Rhodocalyx" "rotundifolius" Müll.Arg.
* "Secondatia" "densiflora" A.DC.
* "Thevetia" "bicornuta" Müll.Arg.


* "Tabebuia" "roseo-alba" (Ridl.) Sandwith
* "Tabebuia ochracea" (Cham.) Standl.


* "Kielmeyera" "coriacea" Mart. & Zucc.


* Lorenzi, Harri (1992) "Árvores Brasileiras" ("Brazilian Trees") Nova Odessa: [ Plantarum] .
* POTT, A. POTT, V.J. (1994) "Plantas do Pantanal." ("Plants of Pantanal") EMBRAPA ISBN 85-85007-36-2 p.

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