List of garden plants

List of garden plants

This is a partial list of garden plants, plants that can be cultivated in the garden, listed alphabetically by genus.

See also:
* List of plants by common name



* "Abelia"
* "Abeliophyllum" (white forsythia)
* "Abelmoschus" (okra)
* "Abies" (fir)
* "Abromeitiella" (obsolete)
* "Abronia" (sand verbena)
* "Abutilon"
* "Acacia" (wattle)
* "Acaena"
* "Acalypha"
* "Acantholimon"
* "Acanthophoenix"
* "Acanthus"
* "Acca"
* "Acer" (maple)
* "Achillea" (yarrow)
* "Achimenantha" (hybrid genus)
* "Achimenes"
* "Acinos" (calamint)
* "Aciphylla"
* "Acmena"
* "Acoelorraphe" (saw palm)
* "Acokanthera"
* "Aconitum" (aconite, monkshood)
* "Acorus"
* "Acrocomia"
* "Actaea" (baneberry)
* "Actinidia" (kiwifruit)
* "Ada"
* "Adansonia"
* "Adenia"
* "Adenium"
* "Adenocarpus"
* "Adenophora"
* "Adenostoma"
* "Adiantum" (maidenhair fern)
* "Adlumia"
* "Adonis"
* "Adromischus"
* "Aechmea"
* "Aegopodium"
* "Aeonium"
* "Aerangis" (an orchid genus)
* "Aerides" (an orchid genus)
* "Aeschynanthus"
* "Aesculus" (buckeye, horse-chestnut)
* "Aethionema"
* "Agapanthus"
* "Agapetes"
* "Agastache"
* "Agathis"
* "Agave"
* "Ageratum"
* "Aglaonema"
* "Agonis"
* "Agrostemma" (corn cockle)
* "Agrostis"
* "Aichryson"
* "Ailanthus" (Tree of Heaven, etc}
* "Aiphanes"
* "Aira" (hair grass)
* "Ajania"
* "Ajuga" (bugleweed)
* "Akebia"
* "Alangium"
* "Albizia" (silk tree)
* "Albuca"
* "Alcea" (hollyhock)
* "Alchemilla"
* "Aleurites"
* "Aliceara" (hybrid genus)
* "Alisma" (water plantain)
* "Alkanna"
* "Allamanda"
* "Allium" (onion)
* "Alluaudia"

* "Alnus" (alder)
* "Alocasia"
* "Aloe"
* "Aloinopsis"
* "Alopecurus" (foxtail grass)
* "Aloysia"
* "Alpinia" (ginger lily)
* "Alsobia"
* "Alstroemeria"
* "Alternanthera"
* "Althaea"
* "Alyogyne"
* "Alyssum"
* "Amaranthus"
* "Amarcrinum" (hybrid genus)
* "Amarygia" (hybrid genus)
* "Amaryllis"
* "Amberboa"
* "Amelanchier"
* "Amesiella"
* "Amherstia"
* "Amicia"
* "Ammi"
* "Ammobium"
* "Amorpha"
* "Amorphophallus"
* "Ampelopsis"
* "Amsonia"
* "Anacampseros"
* "Anacyclus"
* "Anagallis" (pimpernel)
* "Ananas" (pineapple)
* "Anaphalis"
* "Anchusa"
* "Andromeda"
* "Andropogon"
* "Androsace"
* "Anemone" (windflower)
* "Anemonella"
* "Anemonopsis"
* "Anemopaegma"
* "Anethum" (dill)
* "Angelica"
* "Angelonia"
* "Angophora"
* "Angraecum" (an orchid genus)
* "Anguloa" (an orchid genus)
* "Angulocaste" (hybrid genus)
* "Anigozanthos"
* "Anicacanthus"
* "Anisodontea"
* "Anoda"
* "Anomatheca"
* "Anopterus"
* "Anredera"
* "Antennaria"
* "Anthemis"
* "Anthericum"
* "Anthriscus"
* "Anthurium"
* "Anthyllis"
* "Antigonon"
* "Antirrhinum" (snapdragon)
* "Aphelandra"
* "Aphyllanthes"
* "Aponogeton"
* "Aporocactus"
* "Aporoheliocereus" (hybrid genus)
* "Aptenia"
* "Aquilegia" (columbine)
* "Arabis" (rock cress)
* "Arachnis" (scorpion orchid)
* "Araeococcus"
* "Aralia"
* "Araucaria" (monkey-puzzle)
* "Araujia"
* "Arbutus" (madrone)
* "Archontophoenix" (king palm)
* "Arctostaphylos" (bearberry, manzanita)
* "Arctotheca"
* "Arctotis" (African daisy)
* "Ardisia"
* "Areca"
* "Arenaria" (sandwort)
* "Arenga"
* "Argemone" (prickly poppy)
* "Argyranthemum"
* "Argyreia"
* "Argyroderma"
* "Ariocarpus"
* "Arisaema"
* "Arisarum"
* "Aristea"
* "Aristolochia"
* "Armoracia"
* "Arnebia"
* "Arnica"
* "Aronia" (chokeberry)
* "Arrabidaea"
* "Arrhenatherum" (oat grass)
* "Artemisia" (mugwort, sagebrush, wormwood)
* "Arthropodium"
* "Arum"
* "Aruncus"
* "Arundinaria"
* "Arundo"
* "Asarina"
* "Asarum" (wild ginger)
* "Asclepias" (milkweed, silkweed)
* "Ascocenda" (hybrid genus) (an orchid genus)
* "Asimina"
* "Asparagus"
* "Asperula" (woodruff)
* "Asphodeline"
* "Asphodelus" (asphodel)
* "Aspidistra"
* "Asplenium"
* "Astelia"
* "Aster"
* "Asteranthera"
* "Astilbe"
* "Astilboides"
* "Astragalus" (milk vetch)
* "Astrantia"
* "Astrophytum"
* "Atherosperma"
* "Athrotaxis"
* "Athyrium"
* "Atriplex"
* "Aubrieta"
* "Aucuba"
* "Aurinia"
* "Austrocedrus"
* "Azalea"
* "Azara"
* "Azolla" (Aquatic ferns)
* "Azorella"
* "Azorina"
* "Aztekium"


* "Babiana"
* "Baccharis"
* "Backhousia"
* "Backopa" (water hyssop)
* "Baeckea"
* "Ballota"
* "Balsamorhiza" (balsam root)
* "Bambusa" (bamboo)
* "Banksia"
* "Baptisia"
* "Barbarea" (Yellow rocket or winter cress)
* "Barkeria" (an orchid genus)
* "Barleria"
* "Bassia"
* "Bauera"
* "Bauhinia"
* "Beaucarnea"
* "Beaufortia"
* "Beaumontia"
* "Begonia"
* "Belancanda"
* "Bellevalia"
* "Bellis" (daisy)
* "Bellium"
* "Berberidopsis"
* "Berberis" (barberry)
* "Berchemia"
* "Bergenia"
* "Bergerocactus"
* "Berkheya"
* "Berlandiera"
* "Bertolonia"
* "Beschorneria"
* "Bessera"
* "Beta" (beet)
* "Betula" (birch)
* "Biarum"
* "Bidens"
* "Bignonia"
* "Billardiera"
* "Billbergia"
* "Bixa"
* "Blandfordia"
* "Blechnum" (hard fern)
* "Bletilla" (an orchid genus)
* "Bloomeria"
* "Blossfeldia"
* "Boenninghausenia"
* "Bolax"
* "Bolbitis"
* "Bollea"
* "Boltonia"
* "Bolusanthus"
* "Bomarea"
* "Bombax"
* "Bongardia"
* "Borago"
* "Borassus"
* "Boronia"
* "Bothriochloa"
* "Bougainvillea"
* "Bouteloua"
* "Bouvardia"
* "Bowenia"
* "Bowiea"
* "Brachychiton"
* "Brachyglottis"
* "Brachyscome"
* "Brachysema"
* "Brachystelma"
* "Bracteantha"
* "Brahea" (Hesper palm)
* "Brassavola" (an orchid genus)
* "Brassia" (an orchid genus)
* "Brassica" (mustard, cabbage)
* "Brassocattleya" (hybrid orchids)
* "Brassolaeliocattleya" (trigeneric hybrid orchids)
* "Breynia"
* "Briggsia"
* "Brimeura"
* "Briza" (quaking grass)
* "Brodiaea"
* "Bromelia"
* "Broughtonia"
* "Broussonetia"
* "Browallia"
* "Brownea"
* "Browningia"
* "Bruckenthalia"
* "Brugmansia"
* "Brunfelsia"
* "Brunnera"
* "Brunsvigia"
* "Buddleja"
* "Buglossoides"
* "Bulbine"
* "Bulbinella"
* "Bulbocodium"
* "Bulbophyllum" (an orchid genus)
* "Buphthalmum"
* "Bupleurum"
* "Burchardia"
* "Burchellia"
* "Bursera"
* "Butea"
* "Butia"
* "Butomus"
* "Buxus" (boxwood)


* "Cabomba"
* "Caesalpinia"
* "Caladium"
* "Calamagrostis" (reed grass, smallweed)
* "Calamintha" (calamint)
* "Calamus"
* "Calandrinia"
* "Calanthe"
* "Calathea"
* "Calceolaria" (slipperwort)
* "Calendula" (marigold)
* "Calibanus"
* "Calla"
* "Calliandra"
* "Callianthemum"
* "Callicarpa" (beautyberry)
* "Callirhoe" (poppy mallow)
* "Callisia"
* "Callistemon" (bottlebrush)
* "Callistephus" (Chinese aster)
* "Callitriche" (water starwort)
* "Calltris"
* "Calluna" (heather)
* "Calocedrus" (incense-cedar)
* "Calochone"
* "Calochortus"
* "Calomeria"
* "Caloscordum"
* "Calothamnus"
* "Calpurnia"
* "Caltha" (kingcup, marsh marigold)
* "Calycanthus"
* "Calymmanthium"
* "Calypso" (an orchid genus)
* "Calytrix" (starflower)
* "Camassia" (quamash)
* "Camellia"
* "Campanula" (bellflower)
* "Campsis" (trumpet vine)
* "Campylotropsis"
* "Canarina"
* "Canistrum"
* "Canna"
* "Cantua"
* "Capsicum" (pepper)
* "Caragana" (peashrub)
* "Caralluma"
* "Cardamine" (bittercress)
* "Cardiocrinum"
* "Cardiospermum"
* "Carex" (sedge)
* "Carissa"
* "Carlina"
* "Carludovica"
* "Carmichaelia"
* "Carnegiea" (saguaro)
* "Carpentaria"
* "Carpenteria"
* "Carpinus" (hornbeam)
* "Carpobrotus"
* "Carthamus" (safflower)
* "Carum" (caraway)
* "Carya" (hickory, pecan)
* "Caryopteris"
* "Caryota" (fishtail palm)
* "Cassia"
* "Cassinia"
* "Cassiope"
* "Castanea" (chestnut)
* "Castanopsis"
* "Castanospermum"
* "Casuarina"
* "Catalpa"
* "Catananche"
* "Catasetum" (an orchid genus)
* "Catharanthus" (Madagascar Periwinkle)
* "Catopsis"
* "Cattleya" (an orchid genus)
* "Caulophyllum"
* "Cautleya"
* "Cavendishia"
* "Ceanothus" (California-lilac)
* "Cedronella"
* "Cedrus" (cedar)
* "Ceiba" (Kapok)
* "Celastrus" (staff-vine)
* "Celmisia" (New Zealand daisy)
* "Celosia" (cockscomb)
* "Celtis" (hackberry)
* "Centaurea"
* "Centaurium"
* "Centradenia"
* "Centranthus" (valerian)
* "Cephalaria"
* "Cephalocereus"
* "Cephalophyllum"
* "Cephalotaxus" (plum-yew)
* "Ceraria"
* "Cerastium"
* "Ceratopetalum"
* "Ceratophyllum"
* "Ceratopteris"
* "Ceratostigma"
* "Ceratozamia"
* "Cercidiphyllum"
* "Cercis"
* "Cercocarpus"
* "Cereus"
* "Ceropegia"
* "Cestrum"
* "Chaenomeles" (flowering quince)
* "Chaenorhinum" (dwarf snapdragon)
* "Chaerophyllum"
* "Chamaecyparis" (cypress)
* "Chamaecytisus"
* "Chamaedaphne"
* "Chamaedorea"
* "Chamaelirium"
* "Chamaemelum" (chamomile)
* "Chamaerops"
* "Chamelaucium"
* "Chasmanthe"
* "Chasmanthium"
* "Cheilanthes"
* "Cheiridopsis"
* "Chelidonium"
* "Chelone" (turtlehead)
* "Chiastophyllum"
* "Chiliotrichum"
* "Chilopsis" (desert willow)
* "Chimaphila"
* "Chimonanthus" (wintersweet)
* "Chimonobambusa"
* "Chionanthus" (fringe tree)
* "Chionochloa"
* "Chionodoxa" (glory of the snow)
* "Chionoscilla" (hybrid genus)
* "Chirita"
* "Chlidanthus"
* "Choisya"
* "Chorisia"
* "Chorizema"
* "Chrysalidocarpus"
* "Chrysanthemum"
* "Chrysogonum"
* "Chrysolepis"
* "Chrysosplenium"
* "Chrysothemis"
* "Chusquea"
* "Cibotium"
* "Cicerbita"
* "Cichorium" (chicory, endive)
* "Cimicifuga" (bugbane)
* "Cinnamomum"
* "Cionura"
* "Cirsium"
* "Cissus"
* "Cistus" (rockrose, sun rose)
* "Citrofortunella" (hybrid genus)
* "Citrus" (lime, lemon)
* "Cladanthus"
* "Cladrastis"
* "Clarkia"
* "Claytonia"
* "Cleistocactus"
* "Clematis"
* "Cleome" (spider flower)
* "Clerodendrum"
* "Clethra" (summersweet)
* "Cleyera"
* "Clianthus"
* "Clintonia"
* "Clitoria"
* "Clivia"
* "Clusia"
* "Clytostoma"
* "Cobaea"
* "Coccoloba" (sea grape)
* "Coccothrinax" (thatch palm)
* "Cocculus"
* "Cochlioda"
* "Cocos" (coconut)
* "Codiaeum" (croton)
* "Codonanthe"
* "Codonopsis"
* "Coelia"
* "Coelogyne" (an orchid genus)
* "Coix"
* "Colchicum" (autumn crocus, meadow saffron)
* "Coleonema"
* "Colletia"
* "Collinsia"
* "Collomia"
* "Colocasia" (taro)
* "Colquhounia"
* "Columnea"
* "Colutea" (bladder senna)
* "Coluteocarpus"
* "Colvillea"
* "Combretum"
* "Commelina" (day flower, spiderwort)
* "Comptonia"
* "Conandron"
* "Congea"
* "Conicosia"
* "Coniogramme"
* "Conophytum"
* "Consolida" (larkspur)
* "Convallaria" (lily-of-the-valley)
* "Convolvulus" (bindweed, morning glory)
* "Copernicia" (wax palm)
* "Copiapoa"
* "Coprosma"
* "Coptis" (goldthread)
* "Cordia"
* "Cordyline"
* "Coreopsis" (tickseed)
* "Coriandrum" (coriander cilantro)
* "Coriaria"
* "Cornus" (dogwood)
* "Corokia"
* "Coronilla"
* "Correa"
* "Corryocactus"
* "Cortaderia" (pampas grass, tussock grass)
* "Cortusa"
* "Corydalis"
* "Corylopsis" (winter-hazel)
* "Corylus" (hazel, filbert)
* "Corynocarpus"
* "Corypha"
* "Coryphantha"
* "Cosmos"
* "Costus"
* "Cotinus" (smoke tree)
* "Cotoneaster"
* "Cotula"
* "Cotyledon"
* "Crambe"
* "Craspedia"
* "Crassula"
* "Crataegus" (hawthorn)
* "Crepis"
* "Crinodendron"
* "Crinum"
* "Crocosmia"
* "Crocus"
* "Crossandra"
* "Crotalaria" (rattlebox)
* "Crowea"
* "Cryptanthus"
* "Cryptbergia" (hybrid genus)
* "Cryptocoryne" (water trumpet)
* "Cryptomeria" (Sugi)
* "Ctenanthe"
* "Cunila"
* "Cunninghamia" (China-fir)
* "Cunonia"
* "Cuphea"
* "Cupressus" (cypress)
* "Curcuma"
* "Cyananthus"
* "Cyanotis"
* "Cyathea" (tree fern)
* "Cyathodes"
* "Cybistax"
* "Cycas" (cycad, sago "palm")
* "Cyclamen"
* "Cycnoches"
* "Cydonia" (quince)
* "Cymbalaria" (Ivy-leaved toadflax)
* "Cymbidium" (an orchid genus)
* "Cymbopogon"
* "Cynara"
* "Cynoglossum"
* "Cypella"
* "Cyperus"
* "Cyphomandra" (tree tomato)
* "Cyphostemma"
* "Cypripedium" (an orchid genus)
* "Cyrilla"
* "Cyrtanthus"
* "Cyrtomium"
* "Cyrtostachys"
* "Cystopteris" (bladder fern)
* "Cytisus" (broom)


* "Daboecia"
* "Dacrydium"
* "Dactylis"
* "Dactylorhiza" (marsh orchid)
* "Dahlia"
* "Dais"
* "Dalea" (indigo bush)
* "Damasonium"
* "Dampiera"
* "Danae"
* "Daphne"
* "Daphniphyllum"
* "Darmera"
* "Darwinia" (scent myrtle)
* "Dasylirion"
* "Davallia"
* "Davidia"
* "Decaisnea"
* "Decarya"
* "Decumaria"
* "Deinanthe"
* "Delonix"
* "Delosperma"
* "Delphinium"
* "Dendranthema"
* "Dendrobium" (an orchid genus)
* "Dendrocalamus"
* "Dendrochilum"
* "Dendromecon" (tree poppy)
* "Denmoza"
* "Dennstaedtia"
* "Deschampsia" (hair grass)
* "Desfontainia"
* "Desmodium"
* "Deutzia"
* "Dianella" (flax lily)
* "Dianthus" (carnation, pink)
* "Diascia"
* "Dicentra" (bleeding heart)
* "Dichelostemma"
* "Dichondra"
* "Dichorisandra"
* "Dicksonia"
* "Dicliptera"
* "Dictamnus"
* "Dictyosperma" (princess palm)
* "Didymochlaena"
* "Dieffenbachia"
* "Dierama"
* "Diervilla" (bush honeysuckle)
* "Dietes"
* "Digitalis" (foxglove)
* "Dillenia"
* "Dillwynia"
* "Dimorphotheca" (African daisy)
* "Dionaea" (Venus flytrap)
* "Dionysia"
* "Dioon"
* "Dioscorea" (yam)
* "Diospyros"
* "Dipcadi"
* "Dipelta"
* "Diphylleia"
* "Diplarrhena"
* "Diplazium"
* "Diplocyclos"
* "Dipsacus" (teasel)
* "Dipteronia"
* "Dirca"
* "Disa" (an orchid genus)
* "Disanthus"
* "Discaria"
* "Dischidia"
* "Discocactus"
* "Disocactus"
* "Disporopsis"
* "Disporum" (fairy bells)
* "Distictis"
* "Distylium"
* "Docynia"
* "Dodecatheon" (shooting stars)
* "Dodonaea"
* "Dombeya"
* "Doodia"
* "Doronicum"
* "Dorotheanthus" (ice plant)
* "Dorstenia"
* "Doryanthes" (spear lily)
* "Doryopteris"
* "Draba"
* "Dracaena"
* "Dracocephalum"
* "Dracula" (an orchid genus)
* "Dracununculus"
* "Dregea"
* "Drimys"
* "Drosanthemum"
* "Drosera" (sundew)
* "Dryandra"
* "Dryas"
* "Drynaria"
* "Dryopteris" (buckler fern)
* "Duchesnea"
* "Dudleya"
* "Duranta"
* "Duvalia"
* "Dyckia"


* "Ebracteola"
* "Ecballium"
* "Eccremocarpus"
* "Echeveria"
* "Echidnopsis"
* "Echinacea" (coneflower)
* "Echinocactus"
* "Echinocereus"
* "Echinops" (globe thistle)
* "Echinopsis"
* "Echium"
* "Edgeworthia"
* "Edithcolea"
* "Edraianthus"
* "Egeria"
* "Ehretia"
* "Eichhornia" (water hyacinth)
* "Elaeagnus"
* "Elaeis" (oil palm)
* "Elaeocarpus"
* "Elatostema"
* "Eleocharis" (spike rush)
* "Elettaria"
* "Eleutherococcus"
* "Elodea" (pondweed)
* "Elsholtzia"
* "Elymus" (wild rye)
* "Embothrium"
* "Emilia" (tassel flower)
* "Emmenopterys"
* "Encelia"
* "Encephalartos" (Kaffir bread)
* "Encyclia" (an orchid genus)
* "Enkianthus"
* "Ensete"
* "Eomecon" (snow poppy)
* "Epacris"
* "Ephedra" (ephedra)
* "Epidendrum" (an orchid genus)
* "Epigaea"
* "Epilobium"
* "Epimedium" (barrenwort)
* "Epipactis" (helleborine, an orchid genus)
* "Epiphyllum" (orchid cactus)
* "Episcia" (flame violet)
* "Epithelantha"
* "Equisetum" (horsetail)
* "Eragrostis" (love grass)
* "Eranthemum"
* "Eranthis" (winter aconite)
* "Ercilla"
* "Eremophila" (Emu Bush)
* "Eremurus"
* "Erica" (heath, heather)
* "Erigeron" (fleabane)
* "Erinacea"
* "Erinus"
* "Eriobotrya"
* "Eriogonum"
* "Eriophorum" (cotton grass)
* "Eriophyllum"
* "Eriostemon" (waxflower)
* "Eritrichium"
* "Erodium"
* "Eryngium" (eryngo, sea holly)
* "Erysimum" (wallflower)
* "Erythrina" (coral tree)
* "Erythronium"
* "Escallonia"
* "Eschscholzia" (California poppy)
* "Escobaria"
* "Espostoa"
* "Etlingera"
* "Eucalyptus" (Gum tree, ironbark)
* "Eucharis"
* "Eucomis"
* "Eucommia"
* "Eucryphia"
* "Eulophia" (an orchid genus)
* "Euonymus"
* "Eupatorium"
* "Euphorbia" (spurge)
* "Euptelea"
* "Eurya"
* "Euryale"
* "Euryops"
* "Eustoma"
* "Evolvulus"
* "Exacum"
* "Exochorda"


* "Fabiana"
* "Fagus" (beech)
* "Fallopia"
* "Farfugium"
* "Fargesia"
* "Fascicularia"
* "Fatshederae" (hybrid genus)
* "Fatsia"
* "Faucaria"
* "Felicia" (blue daisy)
* "Fendlera"
* "Fenestraria"
* "Ferocactus"
* "Ferraria"
* "Ferula" (giant fennel)
* "Festuca" (fescue)
* "Fibigia"
* "Ficus" (fig)
* "Ficus pumila"
* "Filipendula"
* "Firmiana"
* "Fittonia"
* "Fitzroya"
* "Fockea"
* "Foeniculum" (fennel)
* "Fontanesia"
* "Forsythia"
* "Fortunella" (kumquat)
* "Fothergilla"
* "Fouquieria"
* "Fragaria" (strawberry)
* "Frailea"
* "Francoa"
* "Frangipani"
* "Franklinia"
* "Fraxinus" (ash)
* "Freesia"
* "Fremontodendron"
* "Fritillaria" (fritillary)
* "Fuchsia"
* "Furcraea"


* "Gagea"
* "Gaillardia"
* "Galanthus" (snowdrop)
* "Galax"
* "Galega"
* "Galium" (bedstraw)
* "Galtonia"
* "Gardenia"
* "Garrya"
* "Gasteria"
* "Gaultheria"
* "Gaura"
* "Gaylussacia" (huckleberry)
* "Gazania"
* "Geissorhiza"
* "Gelsemium"
* "Genista"
* "Gentiana" (gentian)
* "Gentianopsis"
* "Geranium" (cranesbill, not same as Pelargonium)
* "Gerbera"
* "Gesneria"
* "Geum" (avens)
* "Gevuina"
* "Gibbaeum"
* "Gilia"
* "Gillenia"
* "Ginkgo"
* "Gladiolus"
* "Glaucidium"
* "Glaucium"
* "Gleditsia" (honey locust)
* "Globba"
* "Globularia" (globe daisy)
* "Gloriosa"
* "Glottiphyllum"
* "Gloxinia"
* "Glyceria"
* "Glycyrrhiza"
* "Gomphocarpus"
* "Gomphrena"
* "Goniolimon"
* "Goodyera" (jewel orchid)
* "Gordonia"
* "Graptopetalum"
* "Graptophyllum"
* "Graptoveria" (hybrid genus)
* "Grevillea"
* "Grewia"
* "Greyia"
* "Grindelia"
* "Griselina"
* "Gunnera" (dinosaur food)
* "Guzmania"
* "Gymnocalycium"
* "Gymnocarpium"
* "Gymnocladus"
* "Gynandriris"
* "Gynura"
* "Gypsophila"


* "Haageocereus"
* "Haastia"
* "Habenaria" (an orchid genus)
* "Haberlea"
* "Habranthus"
* "Hacquetia"
* "Haemanthus" (blood lily)
* "Hakea"
* "Hakonechloa"
* "Halesia" (silverbell)
* "Halimiocistus" (hybrid genus)
* "Halimium"
* "Halimodendron"
* "Hamamelis" (witch-hazel)
* "Haplopappus"
* "Hardenbergia" (coral pea)
* "Harrisia"
* "Hatiora"
* "Haworthia"
* "Hebe"
* "Hechtia"
* "Hedera" (ivy)
* "Hedychium"
* "Hedyotis" (bluets)
* "Hedysarum"
* "Hedyscepe" (umbrella palm)
* "Helenium" (sneezeweed)
* "Helianthemum" (rock rose)
* "Helianthus" (sunflower)
* "Helichrysum"
* "Heliconia"
* "Helictotrichon"
* "Heliocereus"
* "Heliophila"
* "Heliopsis" (ox eye)
* "Heliotropium" (heliotrope)
* "Helleborus" (hellebore)
* "Heloniopsis"
* "Hemerocallis" (daylily)
* "Hemigraphis"
* "Hepatica"
* "Heptacodium"
* "Heracleum"
* "Herbertia"
* "Hereroa"
* "Hermannia"
* "Hermodactylus"
* "Hesperaloe"
* "Hesperantha"
* "Hesperis"
* "Hesperocallis"
* "Heterocentron"
* "Heterotheca"
* "Heuchera" (coral flower)
* "Heucherella" (hybrid genus)
* "Hibbertia"
* "Hibiscus" (hibiscus, rose of Sharon)
* "Hieracium" (hawkweed)
* "Himalayacalamus"
* "Hippeastrum" (amaryllis)
* "Hippocrepis"
* "Hippophae"
* "Hohenbergia"
* "Hohenbergiopsis"
* "Hoheria"
* "Holboellia"
* "Holcus"
* "Holmskioldia"
* "Holodiscus"
* "Homalocladium" (ribbon bush)
* "Homeria"
* "Hoodia"
* "Hordeum" (barley)
* "Horminum"
* "Hosta" (plantain lily)
* "Hottonia"
* "Houttuynia"
* "Hovea"
* "Hovenia"
* "Howea" (sentry palm)
* "Hoya" (wax flower)
* "Huernia"
* "Humulus" (hops)
* "Hummemannia"
* "Huntleya"
* "Hyacinthella"
* "Hyacinthoides"
* "Hyacinthus" (hyacinth)
* "Hydrangea"
* "Hydrastis" (goldenseal)
* "Hydrocharis" (frogbit)
* "Hydrocleys"
* "Hydrocotyle" (pennywort)
* "Hygrophila"
* "Hylocereus"
* "Hylomecon"
* "Hymenocallis"
* "Hymenosporum"
* "Hyophorbe" (bottle palm)
* "Hyoscyamus" (henbane)
* "Hypericum" (St. John's wort, rose of Sharon)
* "Hyphaene" (doum palm)
* "Hypocalymma"
* "Hypoestes"
* "Hypoxis" (starflower)
* "Hypsela"
* "Hyssopus" (hyssop)


* "Iberis" (candytuft)
* "Ibervillea"
* "Idesia"
* "Ilex" (holly)
* "Illicium"
* "Impatiens" (balsam)
* "Imperata"
* "Incarvillea"
* "Indigofera"
* "Inula"
* "Iochroma"
* "Ipheion"
* "Ipomoea" (morning glory)
* "Ipomopsis"
* "Iresine"
* "Iris"
* "Isatis"
* "Isoplexis"
* "Isopyrum"
* "Itea"
* "Ixia" (corn lily)
* "Ixiolirion"
* "Ixora"


* "Jaborosa"
* "Jacaranda"
* "Jack in the Pulpit"
* "Jacquemontia"
* "Jamesia"
* "Jancaea"
* "Jasione"
* "Jasminum" (jasmine, jessamine)
* "Jatropha"
* "Jeffersonia"
* "Jovellana"
* "Jovibarba"
* "Juanulloa"
* "Jubaea" (Chilean wine palm)
* "Juglans" (walnut)
* "Juncus" (rush)
* "Juniperus" (juniper)
* "Justicia"


* "Kadsura"
* "Kaempferia"
* "Kalanchoe"
* "Kalimeris"
* "Kalmia" (Mountain Laurel)
* "Kalmiopsis"
* "Kalopanax"
* "Kelseya"
* "Kerria"
* "Kigelia" (sausage tree)
* "Kirengeshoma"
* "Kitaibela"
* "Kleinia"
* "Knautia"
* "Knightia"
* "Kniphofia"
* "Koeleria" (junegrass)
* "Koelreuteria" (golden rain tree)
* "Kohleria"
* "Kolkwitzia" (beautybush)
* "Kosteletzkya"
* "Kunzea"


* "Lablab"
* +"Laburnocytisus"
* "Laburnum" (laburnum)
* "Laccospadix"
* "Lachenalia" (Cape cowslip)
* "Laelia" (an orchid genus)
* "Laeliocattleya" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Lagarosiphon"
* "Legenophora"
* "Lagerstroemia"
* "Lagunaria"
* "Lagurus"
* "Lamarckia"
* "Lambertia"
* "Lamium" (deadnettle)
* "Lampranthus"
* "Lantana" (shrub verbena)
* "Lapageria"
* "Lardizabala"
* "Larix" (larch)
* "Larrea" (creosote bush)
* "Latania" (Latan palm)
* "Lathraea"
* "Lathyrus"
* "Laurelia"
* "Laurus"
* "Lavandula" (lavender)
* "Lavatera" (mallow)
* "Lawsonia"
* "Layia"
* "Ledebouria"
* "Ledodendron" (hybrid genus)
* "Ledum"
* "Leea"
* "Legousia"
* "Leiophyllum"
* "Leipoldtia"
* "Leitneria"
* "Lemboglossum"
* "Lenophyllum"
* "Leonotis"
* "Leontice"
* "Leontopodium" (edelweiss)
* "Lepidozamia"
* "Leptinella"
* "Leptodactylon"
* "Lechenaultia"
* "Lespedeza" (bush clover)
* "Leucadendron"
* "Leucanthemella"
* "Leucanthemopsis"
* "Leucanthemum"
* "Leuchtenbergia"
* "Leucocoryne"
* "Leucogenes"
* "Leucojum" (snowflake)
* "Leucophyllum"
* "Leucophyta"
* "Leucopogon"
* "Leucoraoulia" (hybrid genus)
* "Leucospermum" (pincushion)
* "Leucothoe"
* "Lewisia"
* "Leycesteria"
* "Leymus"
* "Liatris"
* "Libertia"
* "Libocedrus"
* "Ligularia"
* "Ligustrum" (privet)
* "Lilium" (lily)
* "Limnanthes"
* "Limnocharis"
* "Limonium" (sea lavender)
* "Linanthus"
* "Linaria" (toadflax)
* "Lindelofia"
* "Lindera"
* "Lindheimeria" (star daisy)
* "Linnaea" (twinflower)
* "Linospadix"
* "Linum" (flax)
* "Liquidambar" (sweetgum)
* "Liriodendron" (tulip tree)
* "Liriope" (lilyturf)
* "Lithocarpus"
* "Lithodora"
* "Lithophragma"
* "Lithops"
* "Littonia"
* "Livistona"
* "Lloydia"
* "Loasa"
* "Lobelia"
* "Lobularia" (sweet alyssum)
* "Lodoicea" (coco-de-mer)
* "Loiseleuria"
* "Lomandra" (mat rush)
* "Lomatia"
* "Lomatium"
* "Lomatophyllum"
* "Lonicera" (honeysuckle)
* "Lopezia"
* "Lophomyrtus"
* "Lophospermum"
* "Lophostemon"
* "Loropetalum"
* "Lotus"
* "Luculia"
* "Ludwigia"
* "Luma"
* "Lunaria"
* "Lupinus" (lupin)
* "Luzula" (woodrush)
* "Lycaste" (an orchid genus)
* "Lychnis" (campion)
* "Lycium"
* "Lycopodium" (club moss)
* "Lycoris"
* "Lygodium" (climbing fern)
* "Lyonia"
* "Lyonothamnus"
* "Lysichiton" (Yellow skunk cabbage)
* "Lysiloma"
* "Lysimachia"
* "Lythrum" (loosestrife)


* "Maackia"
* "Macfadyena"
* "Machaeranthera"
* "Mackaya"
* "Macleania"
* "Macleaya"
* "Maclura"
* "Macropidia"
* "Macrozamia"
* "Magnolia"
* "Mahonia"
* "Maianthemum" (May lily)
* "Maihuenia"
* "Malcolmia"
* "Malephora"
* "Malope"
* "Malpighia"
* "Malus" (apple, crabapple)
* "Malva" (mallow)
* "Malvastrum"
* "Malvaviscus"
* "Mammillaria"
* "Mandevilla"
* "Mandragora" (mandrake)
* "Manettia"
* "Manglietia"
* "Maranta"
* "Margyricarpus"
* "Marrubium" (horehound)
* "Marsilea" (pepperwort)
* "Masdevallia" (an orchid genus)
* "Matteuccia"
* "Matthiola" (stock)
* "Maurandella"
* "Maurandya"
* "Maxillaria" (an orchid genus)
* "Maytenus"
* "Mazus"
* "Meconopsis"
* "Medicago" (alfalfa)
* "Medinilla"
* "Meehania"
* "Megacodon"
* "Megaskepasma"
* "Melaleuca" (paperbark)
* "Melasphaerula"
* "Melastoma"
* "Melia"
* "Melianthus"
* "Melica" (melick)
* "Melicytus"
* "Melinis"
* "Meliosma"
* "Melissa" (balm)
* "Melittis" (bastard balm)
* "Melocactus"
* "Menispermum" (moonseed)
* "Mentha" (mint)
* "Mentzelia" (starflower)
* "Menyanthes"
* "Menziesia"
* "Merendera"
* "Merremia"
* "Mertensia"
* "Mespilus"
* "Metasequoia" (dawn redwood)
* "Metrosideros"
* "Meum"
* "Mexicoa"
* "Michauxia"
* "Michelia"
* "Microbiota"
* "Microcachrys"
* "Microlepia"
* "Micromeria"
* "Mikania"
* "Milium"
* "Milla"
* "Millettia"
* "Miltonia" (an orchid genus)
* "Miltoniopsis" (pansy orchid)
* "Mimetes"
* "Mimosa" (mimosa, or sensitive plant)
* "Mimulus" (monkey flower)
* "Mirabilis"
* "Miscanthus"
* "Mitchella" (partridge berry)
* "Mitella"
* "Mitraria"
* "Molinia"
* "Moltkia"
* "Moluccella"
* "Monadenium"
* "Monanthes"
* "Monarda" (bee balm)
* "Monardella"
* "Monstera"
* "Moraea"
* "Morina"
* "Morisia"
* "Morus" (mulberry)
* "Mucuna"
* "Muehlenbeckia"
* "Mukdenia"
* "Musa" (banana, plantain)
* "Muscari" (grape hyacinth)
* "Mussaenda"
* "Mutisia"
* "Myoporum"
* "Myosotidium"
* "Myosotis" (forget-me-not)
* "Myrica"
* "Myriophyllum" (milfoil)
* "Myrrhis" (sweet cicely)
* "Myrsine"
* "Myrteola"
* "Myrtillocactus"
* "Myrtus" (myrtle)


* "Nandina" (heavenly bamboo)
* "Narcissus" (daffodil)
* "Nasturtium" (watercress)
* "Nautilocalyx"
* "Nectaroscordium"
* "Neillia"
* "Nelumbo" (lotus)
* "Nematanthus"
* "Nemesia"
* "Nemopanthus" (mountain holly)
* "Nemophila"
* "Neobuxbaumia"
* "Neolitsea"
* "Neolloydia"
* "Neomarica"
* "Neoporteria"
* "Neoregelia"
* "Nepenthes" (pitcher plant)
* "Nepeta" (catmint)
* "Nephrolepis"
* "Nerine"
* "Nerium" (oleander)
* "Nertera"
* "Nicandra"
* "Nicotiana" (tobacco)
* "Nidularium"
* "Nierembergia"
* "Nigella"
* "Nipponanthemum"
* "Nolana"
* "Nomocharis"
* "Nopalxochia"
* "Nothofagus" (southern beech)
* "Notholirion"
* "Nothoscordum" (false garlic)
* "Notospartium"
* "Nuphar" (spatterdock)
* "Nymania"
* "Nymphaea" (waterlily)
* "Nymphoides" (floating heart)
* "Nyssa" (tupelo)


* "Obregonia"
* "Ochagavia"
* "Ochna"
* "Ocimum"
* "Odontioda" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Odontocidium" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Odontoglossum" (an orchid genus)
* "Odontonema"
* "Odontonia" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Oemleria"
* "Oenanthe" (water dropwort)
* "Oenothera" (evening primrose, sundrops)
* "Olea" (olive)
* "Olearia" (daisy bush)
* "Olneya"
* "Olsynium"
* "Omphalodes" (navelwort)
* "Omphalogramma"
* "Oncidium" (an orchid genus)
* "Onoclea"
* "Ononis" (restharrow)
* "Onopordum"
* "Onosma"
* "Oophytum"
* "Ophiopogon" (lilyturf)
* "Ophrys" (an orchid genus)
* "Ophthalmophyllum"
* "Oplismenus"
* "Opuntia" (prickly pears, chollas and many other cactus species)
* "Orbea"
* "Orbeopsis"
* "Orchis" (an orchid genus)
* "Oreocereus"
* "Origanum" (marjoram, oregano)
* "Orixa"
* "Ornithogalum"
* "Ornithophora"
* "Orontium" (golden club)
* "Orostachys"
* "Oroya"
* "Ortegocactus"
* "Orthophytum"
* "Orthrosanthus"
* "Orychophragmus"
* "Oryza" (rice)
* "Osbeckia"
* "Osmanthus"
* "Osmarea"
* "Osmaronia"
* "Osmunda" (royal fern)
* "Osteomeles"
* "Osteospermum"
* "Ostrowskia" (giant bellflower)
* "Ostrya"
* "Othonna"
* "Ourisia"
* "Oxalis" (shamrock, sorrel)
* "Oxydendrum"
* "Ozothamnus"


* "Pachistima"
* "Pachycereus"
* "Pachycormus"
* "Pachycymbium"
* "Pachyphragma"
* "Pachyphytum"
* "Pachypodium"
* "Pachysandra"
* "Pachystachys"
* "Pachystegia"
* "Pachystima"
* "Pachyveria" (hybrid genus)
* "Paeonia" (peony)
* "Paliurus"
* "Pamianthe"
* "Panax" (ginseng)
* "Pancratium" (sea lily)
* "Pandanus" (screw pine)
* "Pandorea"
* "Panicum"
* "Pansy "
* "Papaver" (poppy)
* "Paphiopedilum" (slipper orchid)
* "Paradisea" (paradise lily)
* "Parahebe"
* "Paraquilegia"
* "Parkinsonia"
* "Parnassia"
* "Parochetus"
* "Parodia"
* "Paronychia"
* "Parrotia"
* "Parrotiopsis"
* "Parthenocissus"
* "Passiflora" (granadilla, passionflower)
* "Patersonia"
* "Patrinia"
* "Paulownia"
* "Paurotis"
* "Pavonia"
* "Pedilanthus"
* "Pediocactus"
* "Pelargonium" (geranium)
* "Pellaea"
* "Peltandra" (arrow arum)
* "Peltoboykinia"
* "Peltophorum"
* "Peniocereus"
* "Pennisetum"
* "Penstemon"
* "Pentachrondra"
* "Pentaglottis"
* "Pentas"
* "Peperomia"
* "Peraphyllum"
* "Pereskia"
* "Perezia"
* "Pericallis"
* "Perilla"
* "Periploca"
* "Perovskia"
* "Pernettya" (now included in "Gaultheria")
* "Persea"
* "Persicaria" (fleeceflower, knotweed)
* "Petasites" (butterbur, sweet coltsfoot)
* "Petrea"
* "Petrocosmea"
* "Petrophile"
* "Petrophyton"
* "Petrophytum"
* "Petrorhagia"
* "Petroselinum" (parsley)
* "Petteria"
* "Petunia"
* "Phacelia"
* "Phaedranassa" (queen lily)
* "Phaius" (an orchid genus)
* "Phalaenopsis" (moth orchid)
* "Phalaris"
* "Phebalium"
* "Phegopteris" (beech fern)
* "Phellodendron" (cork tree)
* "Philadelphus" (mock orange)
* "Philageria" (hybrid genus)
* "Philesia"
* "Phillyrea"
* "Philodendron"
* "Phlebodium"
* "Phlomis"
* "Phlox"
* "Phoenix" (date palm)
* "Phormium"
* "Photinia"
* "Phragmipedium" (an orchid genus)
* "Phragmites" (reed)
* "Phuopsis"
* "Phygelius"
* "Phylica" (Cape myrtle)
* "Phylliopsis" (hybrid genus)
* "Phyllocladus" (toatoa)
* "Phyllodoce"
* "Phyllostachys"
* "Phyllothamnus" (hybrid genus)
* "Physalis" (ground cherry)
* "Physaria" (bladderpod)
* "Physocarpus"
* "Physoplexis"
* "Physostegia"
* "Phyteuma"
* "Phytolacca" (pokeweed)
* "Picea" (spruce)
* "Picrasma"
* "Pieris"
* "Pilea"
* "Pileostegia"
* "Pileosella"
* "Pilosocereus"
* "Pimelea"
* "Pimpinella"
* "Pinanga"
* "Pinckneya"
* "Pinellia"
* "Pinguicula" (butterwort)
* "Pinus" (pine)
* "Piper" (pepper)
* "Piptanthus"
* "Pisonia"
* "Pistacia" (pistachio)
* "Pistia"
* "Pitcairnia"
* "Pithecellobium"
* "Pittosporum"
* "Pityrogramma"
* "Plantago" (plantain)
* "Platanus" (plane tree, sycamore)
* "Platycarya"
* "Platycerium" (staghorn fern)
* "Platycladus" (Chinese arborvitae)
* "Platycodon" (balloon flower)
* "Platystemon" (creamcups)
* "Plectranthus"
* "Pleioblastus"
* "Pleione" (an orchid genus)
* "Pleiospilos" (living granite)
* "Pleurothallis" (an orchid genus)
* "Plumeria" (frangipani)
* "Poa"
* "Podalyria"
* "Podocarpus"
* "Podophyllum" (mayapple)
* "Podranea"
* "Polemonium" (jacob's ladder, abscess root)
* "Polianthes"
* "Poliothyrsis"
* "Polygala" (milkwort, seneca, snakeroot)
* "Polygonatum"
* "Polygonum" (knotweed, knotgrass)
* "Polypodium"
* "Polyscias"
* "Polystichum"
* "Poncirus"
* "Pongamia"
* "Pontederia" (pickerel weed)
* "Populus" (aspen, poplar, cottonwood)
* "Porana"
* "Portea"
* "Portulaca" (purslane, moss rose)
* "Portulacaria"
* "Posoqueria"
* "Potamogeton"
* "Potentilla" (cinquefoil)
* "Pothos"
* "Potinara" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Pratia"
* "Primula" (primrose)
* "Prinsepia"
* "Pritchardia"
* "Proboscidea" (unicorn plant)
* "Promenaea"
* "Prosopis" (mesquite)
* "Prostanthera" (mint bush)
* "Protea"
* "Prumnopitys"
* "Prunella" (self-heal)
* "Prunus" (almond, apricot, cherry, peach, plum)
* "Pseuderanthemum"
* "Pseudocydonia"
* "Pseudolarix" (golden-larch)
* "Pseudopanax"
* "Pseudosasa"
* "Pseudotsuga" (douglas-fir)
* "Pseudowintera"
* "Psiolotum"
* "Psychopsis" (butterfly orchid)
* "Psylliostachys" (statice)
* "Ptelea"
* "Pteris" (brake, table fern)
* "Pterocactus"
* "Pterocarya" (wingnut)
* "Pteroceltis"
* "Pterocephalus"
* "Pterodiscus"
* "Pteropogon"
* "Pterostyrax"
* "Ptilotus"
* "Ptychosperma"
* "Pueraria"
* "Pulmonaria" (lungwort)
* "Pulsatilla"
* "Pultenaea"
* "Punica" (pomegranate)
* "Purshia"
* "Puschkinia"
* "Putoria"
* "Puya"
* "Pycnanthemum"
* "Pycnostachys"
* "Pyracantha" (firethorn)
* "Pyrola" (wintergreen)
* "Pyrostegia"
* "Pyrrosia"
* "Pyrus" (pear)


* "Quamoclit"
* "Quaqua"
* "Quercus" (oak)
* "Quesnelia"
* "Quisqualis"


* "Ramonda"
* "Ranunculus" (buttercup, crowfoot)
* "Ranzania"
* "Raoulia"
* "Raphia" (raffia)
* "Ratibida"
* "Ravenala" (traveler's tree)
* "Rebutia"
* "Rehderodendron"
* "Rehmannia"
* "Reineckia"
* "Reinwardtia"
* "Reseda" (Mignonette)
* "Retama"
* "Rhamnus"
* "Rhaphidophora"
* "Rhaphiolepis"
* "Rhapidophyllum" (needle palm)
* "Rhapis" (lady palm)
* "Rheum" (rhubarb)
* "Rhexia"
* "Rhipsalis"
* "Rhodanthe" (strawflower)
* "Rhodanthemum"
* "Rhodiola"
* "Rhodochiton"
* "Rhododendron"
* "Rhodohypoxis"
* "Rhodophiala"
* "Rhodothamnus"
* "Rhodotypos"
* "Rhoeo"
* "Rhoicissus"
* "Rhombophyllum"
* "Rhus" (sumac)
* "Rhynchelytrum"
* "Rhynchostylis" (an orchid genus)
* "Ribes" (currant)
* "Richea"
* "Ricinus" (castor-oil plant)
* "Rigidella"
* "Robinia"
* "Rochea"
* "Rodgersia"
* "Rodriguezia"
* "Rohdea"
* "Romanzoffia"
* "Romneya" (Matilija poppy, tree poppy)
* "Romulea"
* "Rondeletia"
* "Rosa" (rose)
* "Roscoea"
* "Rosmarinus" (rosemary)
* "Rossioglossum"
* "Rothmannia"
* "Roystonea" (royal palm)
* "Rubus" (raspberry)
* "Rudbeckia" (coneflower)
* "Ruellia"
* "Rumex" (dock)
* "Rumohra"
* "Rupicapnos"
* "Ruschia"
* "Ruscus"
* "Russelia"
* "Ruta" (rue)


* "Sabal" (palmetto)
* "Saccharum" (plume grass, sugar cane)
* "Sadleria"
* "Sagina" (pearlwort)
* "Sagittaria" (arrowhead)
* "Saintpaulia" (African violet)
* "Salix" (willow)
* "Salpiglossis"
* "Salvia" (sage)
* "Salvinia"
* "Sambucus" (elder)
* "Sanchezia"
* "Sandersonia"
* "Sanguinaria" (bloodroot)
* "Sanguisorba" (burnet)
* "Sansevieria"
* "Santolina"
* "Sanvitalia" (creeping zinnia)
* "Sapindus"
* "Sapium" (tallow tree)
* "Saponaria" (soapwort)
* "Sarcocapnos"
* "Sarcocaulon"
* "Sarcococca"
* "Saritaea"
* "Sarmienta"
* "Sarracenia" (pitcher plant)
* "Sasa"
* "Sassafras"
* "Satureja" (savory)
* "Sauromatum"
* "Saxegothaea"
* "Saxifraga" (saxifrage)
* "Scabiosa" (scabious plant)
* "Scadoxus" (blood lily)
* "Scaevola"
* "Schefflera"
* "Schima"
* "Schinus"
* "Schisandra"
* "Schizachyrium"
* "Schizanthus"
* "Schizopetalon"
* "Schizophragma"
* "Schizostylis"
* "Schlumbergera"
* "Schoenoplectus"
* "Schomburgkia"
* "Schotia"
* "Schwantesia"
* "Sciadopitys"
* "Scilla"
* "Scindapsus"
* "Scirpoides"
* "Sclerocactus"
* "Scoliopsus"
* "Scopolia"
* "Scrophularia" (figwort)
* "Scutellaria"
* "Securinega"
* "Sedum" (stonecrop)
* "Selaginella"
* "Selago"
* "Selenicereus"
* "Selinum"
* "Semele"
* "Semiaquilegia"
* "Semiarundinaria"
* "Sempervivum" (hens and chicks)
* "Senecio" (ragwort)
* "Senna (herb)"
* "Sequoia" (coast redwood)
* "Sequoiadendron" (giant sequoia)
* "Seriphidium"
* "Serissa"
* "Serruria"
* "Sesbania"
* "Sesleria"
* "Setaria"
* "Shepherdia"
* "Shibataea"
* "Shortia"
* "Sibiraea"
* "Sidalcea"
* "Sideritis"
* "Silene" (campion)
* "Silphium"
* "Silybum"
* "Simmondsia" (jojoba)
* "Sinningia"
* "Sinocalycanthus"
* "Sinofranchetia"
* "Sinojackia"
* "Sinowilsonia"
* "Sisyrinchium"
* "Skimmia"
* "Smilacina"
* "Smilax"
* "Smithiantha"
* "Smyrnium"
* "Sobralia"
* "Solandra"
* "Solanum" (potato, nightshade)
* "Soldanella" (snowbell)
* "Soleirolia"
* "Solenopsis"
* "Solenostemon"
* "Solidago" (goldenrod)
* "Solidaster" (hybrid genus)
* "Sollya"
* "Sonerila"
* "Sophora"
* "Sophrolaeliocattleya" (trigeneric hybrid orchid)
* "Sophronitis" (an orchid genus)
* "Sorbaria"
* "Sorbus" (rowan, whitebeam)
* "Sorghastrum"
* "Sparaxis"
* "Sparganium"
* "Sparrmania"
* "Spartina" (cord grass)
* "Spartium" (broom)
* "Spathiphyllum"
* "Spathodea"
* "Sphaeralcea"
* "Spigelia"
* "Spiraea" (spirea)
* "Sprianthes" (an orchid genus)
* "Sporobolus"
* "Sprekelia"
* "Stachys" (betony)
* "Stachyurus"
* "Stangeria"
* "Stanhopea" (an orchid genus)
* "Stapelia"
* "Stapelianthus"
* "Staphylea" (bladdernut)
* "Stauntonia"
* "Stenanthium"
* "Stenocactus"
* "Stenocarpus"
* "Stenocereus"
* "Stenomesson"
* "Stenotaphron"
* "Stenotus"
* "Stephanandra"
* "Stephanocereus"
* "Stephanotis"
* "Sternbergia"
* "Stigmaphyllon"
* "Stipa"
* "Stokesia"
* "Stomatium"
* "Stratiotes"
* "Strelitzia" (bird of paradise (plant))
* "Streptocarpus" (Cape primrose)
* "Streptosolen"
* "Strobilanthes"
* "Stromanthe"
* "Strombocactus"
* "Strongylodon"
* "Stuartia"
* "Stylidium"
* "Stylophorum"
* "Styphelia"
* "Styrax"
* "Succisa"
* "Sulcorebutia"
* "Sutera"
* "Sutherlandia"
* "Swainsona"
* "Swainsonia"
* "Syagrus"
* "Sycoparrotia" (hybrid genus)
* "Sycopsis"
* "Symphoricarpos" (snowberry)
* "Symphyandra"
* "Symphytum" (comfrey)
* "Symplocos"
* "Synadenium"
* "Syneilesis"
* "Syngonium"
* "Synnotia"
* "Synthyris"
* "Syringa" (lilac)
* "Syzygium" (rose apple)


* "Tabebuia"
* "Tabernaemontana"
* "Tacca"
* "Tagetes" (Mexican or French marigold)
* "Talinum" (fameflower)
* "Tamarix" (tamarisk)
* "Tanacetum" (tansy)
* "Tanakaea"
* "Tanakea"
* "Tapeinochilus"
* "Taxodium" (bald cypress)
* "Taxus" (yew)
* "Tecoma (plant)"
* "Tecomanthe"
* "Tecomaria"
* "Tecophilaea"
* "Telekia"
* "Telephium"
* "Tellima"
* "Telopea" (waratah)
* "Templetonia"
* "Terminalia (plant)"
* "Ternstroemia"
* "Tetracentron"
* "Tetradium" (bee tree)
* "Tetranema"
* "Tetraneuris"
* "Tetrapanax"
* "Tetrastigma"
* "Tetratheca"
* "Teucrium"
* "Thalia (plant)"
* "Thalictrum"
* "Thelesperma"
* "Thelocactus"
* "Thelypteris"
* "Thermopsi"
* "Thespesia"
* "Thevetia"
* "Thlaspi"
* "Thrinax" (thatch palm)
* "Thryptomene" (heath myrtle)
* "Thuja" (thuja, arborvitae)
* "Thujopsis" (hiba)
* "Thunbergia"
* "Thymophylla"
* "Thymus" (thyme)
* "Tiarella"
* "Tibouchina"
* "Tigridia"
* "Tilia" (linden)
* "Tillandsia" (air plant, Spanish moss)
* "Tipuana"
* "Titanopsis"
* "Tithonia" (Mexican sunflower)
* "Todea"
* "Tolmiea"
* "Tolpis"
* "Toona"
* "Torenia"
* "Torreya" (nutmeg yew)
* "Tovara"
* "Townsendia"
* "Trachelium"
* "Trachelospermum"
* "Trachycarpus" (chusan palm)
* "Trachymene"
* "Tradescantia" (spiderwort)
* "Trapa" (water caltrop)
* "Trichodiadema"
* "Trichosanthes"
* "Tricyrtis" (toad lily)
* "Trientalis"
* "Trifolium" (clover)
* "Trillium"
* "Tripetaleia"
* "Tripterygium"
* "Triteleia" (triplet lily)
* "Tritonia"
* "Trochodendron"
* "Trollius" (globeflower)
* "Tropaeolum" (nasturtium)
* "Tsuga" (hemlock)
* "Tsusiophyllum"
* "Tuberaria"
* "Tulbaghia"
* "Tulipa" (tulip)
* "Tweedia"
* "Tylecodon"
* "Typha" (cattail)


* "Uebelmannia"
* "Ugni"
* "Ulex" (gorse)
* "Ulmus" (elm)
* "Umbellularia"
* "Uncinia"
* "Uniola"
* "Urceolina"
* "Urginea"
* "Ursinia"
* "Utricularia" (bladderwort)
* "Uvularia" (merrybells, bellwort)


* "Vaccinium" (blueberry, cranberry, huckleberry)
* "Valeriana" (valerian)
* "Vallea"
* "Vancouveria"
* "Vanda" (an orchid genus)
* "Vanilla"
* "Veitchia"
* "Vellozia"
* "Veltheimia"
* "Venidium" (cape daisy and others)
* "Veratrum"
* "Verbascum" (mullein)
* "Verbena"
* "Vernonia" (ironweed)
* "Veronica" (speedwell)
* "Veronicastrum"
* "Verticordia"
* "Vestia"
* "Viburnum"
* "Victoria" (giant waterlily)
* "Vigna" (cowpea and various beans)
* "Viguiera"
* "Vinca" (periwinkle)
* "Viola" (pansy, violet)
* "Virgilia"
* "Viscaria"
* "Vitaliana"
* "Vitex"
* "Vitis" (grape)
* "Vriesea"


* "Wachendorfia"
* "Wahlenbergia"
* "Waldsteinia"
* "Washingtonia"
* "Watsonia"
* "Weberocereus"
* "Wedelia"
* "Weigela"
* "Weingartia"
* "Weldenia"
* "Welwitschia"
* "Westringia"
* "Widdringtonia"
* "Wigandia"
* "Wigginsia"
* "Wikstroemia"
* "Wilsonaria" (hybrid orchid genus)
* "Wisteria"
* "Wittrockia"
* "Wolffia"
* "Woodsia"
* "Woodwardia" (chain fern)
* "Worsleya"
* "Wulfenia"


* "Xanthoceras"
* "Xanthorhiza"
* "Xanthosoma"
* "Xeranthemum"
* "Xerophyllum"
* "Xylosma"


* "Yucca"
* "Yushania"
* "Yuugao"


* "Zaluzianskya"
* "Zamia"
* "Zantedeschia" (calla lily)
* "Zanthoxylum"
* "Zauschneria"
* "Zea" (maize)
* "Zelkova"
* "Zenobia"
* "Zephyranthes"
* "Zigadenus"
* "Zinnia"
* "Zizania" (wild rice)
* "Zygopetalum" (an orchid genus)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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