Kamen Rider Super-1

Kamen Rider Super-1
Kamen Rider Super-1
Genre Tokusatsu
Created by Shotaro Ishinomori
Starring Shunsuke Takasugi
Country of origin Japan
No. of episodes 48
Running time 30 minutes
Original channel MBS
Original run October 17, 1980October 3, 1981
Preceded by Kamen Rider (Skyrider)

Kamen Rider Super-1 (仮面ライダースーパー1 Kamen Raidā Sūpā Wan?, Masked Rider Super-1 in English) is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the seventh installment in the Kamen Rider Series. The series was broadcast on the Mainichi Broadcasting System from October 17, 1980 to October 3, 1981, lasting 48 episodes. The series was a co-production between Toei and Ishinomori Productions, and was created by Shōtarō Ishinomori.



Kazuya Oki volunteers to undergo cybernetic surgery in the International Space Development Program in the United States in order to become an astronaut who can survive in outer space without the need for a bulky external suit. After a successful operation, he is given the codename "Super-1". Before he can depart for space, however, the base where he received his operation is attacked by the Dogma Kingdom. Only Kazuya is able to escape and determined to avenge the deaths of the scientists, he returns to Japan and is trained by a martial arts expert, Master Genkai. With this knowledge, he is able to transform into the powerful Kamen Rider Super-1 to fight the evil Dogma Kingdom and later the Jin Dogma.


  • Kazuya Oki/Kamen Rider Super-1 (沖 一也/仮面ライダースーパー1 Oki Kazuya/Kamen Raidā Sūpā Wan?)
  • Genjirō Tani ( 源次郎 Tani Genjirō?)
  • Masao Kozuka (Choro) (小塚 政夫チョロ Kozuka Masao (Choro)?)
  • Harumi Kusanami (草波 ハルミ Kusanami Harumi?)
  • Ryō Kusanami (草波 Kusanami Ryō?)
  • Master Genkai (玄海老師 Genkai Rōshi?)
  • Benkei (弁慶 Benkei?)
  • Masako Mizunuma (水沼 マサコ Mizunuma Masako?)
  • Daisuke Akita (秋田 大助 Akita Daisuke?)
  • Shigeru Matsuoka (松岡 シゲル Matsuoka Shigeru?)
  • Mamoru Murayama (村山 マモル Murayama Mamoru?)
  • Takeshi Tanaka (田中 タケシ Tanaka Takeshi?)
  • Michiru Ishikawa (石川 ミチル Ishikawa Michiru?)
  • Masaru Ishikawa (石川 マサル Ishikawa Masaru?)
  • Professor Henry (ヘンリー博士 Henrī Hakase?)

Dogma Kingdom

The Dogma Kingdom (ドグマ王国 Doguma Ōkoku?) is a secret extremist organization originating from Dark-Nebula B-26 who are seeking to kill Super-1 and rule the earth with their cyborgs, purging all those deemed unworthy of the utopia.

  • Emperor Terror Macro/Kaiser Crow (帝王テラーマクロ/カイザーグロウ Teiō Terā Makuro/Kaizā Kurō?, 1-23): The leader of the Dogma Kingdom, an ancient looking man who surrounds himself with bodyguards. The bells that hang down under his throne ring to announce his arrival, and also serve as a means of discipline. After General Megirl's failure to destroy Super-1, he transforms into Kaiser Crow to fight him personally, and is destroyed by Super-1 Super Rider Moon Surface Kick.
  • General Megirl/Death Buffalo (メガール将軍/死神バッファロー Megāru Shōgun/Shinigami Baffarō?, 1-22): The Dogma Kingdom's only eminent chief, he was a human named Masato Okuzawa (奥沢 正人 Okuzawa Masato?) until an event five years prior resulted in his joining Dogma. He rides the horse Baraga (バラガ Baraga?) and is a master of the sword. After all his subordinates are killed, he transforms into Death Buffalo to fight Kamen Rider Super-1, and is destroyed by Super-1 Super Rider Spark Kick.
  • Dogma Bodyguards (ドグマ親衛隊 1-23?): As their name states, they won't let anyone get too close to Terror Macro. They are higher ranks than General Megirl.
  • Dogma Fighters (ドグマファイター Doguma Faitā?, 1-23): The Dogma Kingdom's foot soldiers. Scientists wear the white gowns.

Jin Dogma

After the destruction of the Dogma Kingdom, the Jin Dogma (ジンドグマ Jin Doguma?) organization appeared to take its place in terrorizing Japan.

  • Marshal Demon/Satan Snake (悪魔元帥/サタンスネーク Akuma Gensui/Satan Sunēku?, 24-48): The leader of the Jin Dogma, a coldhearted cyborg fight who praises the glory of cybernetics. After his servants were killed by Kamen Rider Super-1, he transformed into Satan Snake to fight Kamen Rider Super-1. He was destroyed by Super-1 with the Lightning Sword (稲妻電光剣 Inazuma Denkōken?).
  • Princess Yōkai/Satan Doll (妖怪王女/サタンドール Yōkai Ōjo/Satan Dōru?, 24-46): Wearing a butterfly mask, she has no interest in Jin Dogma's affairs. She was destroyed by Super-1's Super Rider Horizon Kick.
  • Commander Onibi/Onibibinba (鬼火司令/オニビビンバ Onibi Shirei/Onibibinba?, 24-46): A quick-tempered character. He was destroyed by Super-1's Super Rider Horizon Kick.
  • Doctor Ghost/Gold Ghost (幽霊博士/ゴールドゴースト Yūrei Hakase/Gorudo Gōsuto?, 24-47): An eccentric figure. He is destroyed by Super Rider's Sky Continual Kick.
  • Staff Officer Witch/Majoringa (魔女参謀/マジョリンガ Majo Sanbō/Majoringa)?, 24-48): A voluptuous sorceress. Assuming the form of Majoringa, she was destroyed fighting Super-1 with the Lightning Sword while praising Jin Dogma with her last breath.
  • Jin Fighters (ジンファイター Jin Faitā?, 24-48): The Jin Dogma's footsoldiers who brainwashed and upgraded the Dogma Fighters of the Dogma Kingdom. Footsoldiers have a silver mask and silver lines, and bodyguards have a golden mask and golden lines.

List of episodes

  1. The Remodelled Human's Great Transformation for the Planet (惑星用改造人間の大変身 Wakusei Kaizō Ningen no Dai Henshin?)
  2. The Time of Battle Has Come! The Move is the Sincere Shaolin Fist (闘いの時来たり技は赤心少林拳 Tatakai no Toki Kitari! Waza wa Sekishin Shōrin Ken?)
  3. Go! The Ends of the Earth, Dogma's El Dorado (行け地の果てドグマの黄金郷 Ike! Chi no Hate Doguma no Ōgonkyō?)
  4. Run, Kazuya! Dogma's Wedding March of Death (走れ一也ドグマ死の結婚行進曲 Hashire Kazuya! Doguma Shi no Kekkon Kōshinkyoku?)
  5. Jump, Kazuya! The Demonic Machine Race (跳べ一也悪魔のマシーンレース Tobe Kazuya! Akuma no Mashīn Rēsu?)
  6. Help, The Lovers of the Spider's Nest Mansion (助けてくもの巣館の恋人たち Tasuketē Kumo no Su Yakata no Koibito-tachi?)
  7. Dogma Equation, the Living Computer (ドグマ式生きているコンピューター Doguma Shiki Ikiteiru Konpyūtā?)
  8. Fight, Kazuya! Dogma's Trial of Death (闘え一也死のドグマ裁判 Tatakae Kazuya! Shi no Doguma Saiban?)
  9. Seen!! The Secret of the Dogma Monster Remodelling Factory (見たぞ!!ドグマ怪人製造工場の秘密 Mita zo!! Doguma Kaijin Kaizō Kōjō no Himitsu?)
  10. Danger!! The Demonic Christmas Present (危うし!!悪魔のクリスマスプレゼント Ayaushi!! Akuma no Kurisumasu Purezento?)
  11. SOS! Kazuya! Cooperate with Dogma!! (SOS一也よドグマに協力せよ!! Esu Ō Esu! Kazuya yo Doguma ni Kyōryoku seyo!!?)
  12. A Formidable Enemy Appears! The Sincere Shaolin Fist is Defeated (強敵あらわる赤心少林拳敗れたり Kyōteki Arawaru! Sekishin Shōrin Ken Yaburetari?)
  13. Discovered! The Deadly "Plum-blossom" Technique (見つけたり必殺梅花の技 Mitsuketari! Hissatsu "Baika" no Waza?)
  14. Dogma Annihilation? The Demon Doctor's Laughing Gas (ドグマ全滅悪魔博士の笑いガス Doguma Zenmetsu? Akuma Hakase no Warai Gasu?)
  15. Genius Monster vs. Rider in a Contest of Wits (天才怪人対ライダーの知恵くらべ Tensai Kaijin Tai Raidā no Chie Kurabe?)
  16. Help! The One-Eyed Monster Comes to Attack! (助けて一つ目怪人が襲ってくるよ Tasukete! Hitotsume Kaijin ga Osottekuru yo?)
  17. I Want Kazuya's Blood! The Strange Sword Calls (一也の血が欲しい不思議な剣が呼ぶ Kazuya no Chi ga Hoshii! Fushigi na Ken ga Yobu?)
  18. Five Hands Change Impossible!! (ファイブ・ハンドチェンジ不能!! Faibu Hando Chenji Funō!!?)
  19. The Demonic Tutoring School!! The Dreadful Radio-Cassette Monster (悪魔の学習塾!!恐怖のラジカセ怪人 Akuma no Gakushūjuku!! Kyōfu no Rajikase Kaijin?)
  20. To Your House! Dogma's Phone Rings Tonight (君の家にドグマの電話が今夜鳴る Kimi no Ie ni! Doguma no Denwa ga Konya Naru?)
  21. Emergency Order! Steal the Five Hands!! (緊急指令ファイブ・ハンドを奪え!! Kinkyū Shirei! Faibu Hando o Ubae!!?)
  22. Duel at the Monster Graveyard! The End of General Megirl (怪人墓場の決闘メガール将軍の最期 Kaijin Hakaba no Kettō! Megāru Shōgun no Saigo?)
  23. Immortal Emperor Terror Macro's True Identity? (不死身の帝王テラーマクロの正体は Fujimi no Teiō Terā Makuro no Shōtai wa??)
  24. Let's Go!! Junior Rider Squad (レッツゴー!!ジュニア・ライダー隊 Rettsu !! Junia Raidā Tai?)
  25. It Even Attacts Airplanes!! The Strong Magnet Monster (飛行機も吸いよせる!!強力磁石怪人 Hikōki mo Suiyoseru!! Kyōryoku Jishaku Kaijin?)
  26. In the Care of a Clock? Jin Dogma's Trap (時計にご用心ジンドグマの罠!! Tokei ni Goyōjin? Jindoguma no Wana!!?)
  27. A Friend of Children! Child X's Identity? (子供の味方チャイルドXの正体は Kodomo no Mikata! Chairudo Ekkusu no Shōtai wa??)
  28. The Bizarre Video Monster Who Makes Copies of People (人間を写しとる怪奇ビデオ怪人 Ningen o Utsushitoru Kaiki Bideo Kaijin?)
  29. Rain, Rain, Fall, Fall! The Bizarre Umbrella Man!! (雨あめ降れふれ怪奇傘男!! Ame Ame Fure Fure! Kaiki Kasa Otoko!!?)
  30. The Evil Super Express! Rollerskate Monster (悪の超特急ローラースケート怪人 Aku no Chō Tokkyū! Rōrāsukēto Kaijin?)
  31. It Sucks up Humans! Fear of Spray Monster (人間を吸いこむスプレー怪人の恐怖 Ningen o Suikomu! Supurē Kaijin no Kyōfu?)
  32. Bait the Rider! Fishing Rod Monster Appears (ライダーを餌にしろ釣り竿怪人出現 Raidā o Esa ni Shiro! Tsurizao Kaijin Shutsugen?)
  33. Let's Fight Everyone! The Dreadful RC Monster (みんなで闘おう恐怖のラジコン怪人 Minna de Tatakaō! Kyōfu no Rajikon Kaijin?)
  34. The Magic Red Light That Masaru Found (マサルがひろった魔法の赤ランプ Masaru ga Hirotta Mahō no Aka Ranpu?)
  35. The Bizarre Chair Human! The Execution Room! (怪奇イス人間処刑の部屋 Kaiki Isu Ningen! Shokei no Heya!?)
  36. Scissors Monster's Snip-snap Operation!! (ハサミ怪人のチョキンチョキン作戦!! Hasami Kaijin no Chokinchokin Sakusen!!?)
  37. Big Arm Top Monster! Deathmatch at the Lighthouse!! (巨腕コマ怪人灯台の死闘!! Kyowan Koma Kaijin! Tōdai no Shitō!!?)
  38. Dangerous! Don't Enter Where Refrigerator Monster is In!! (危い冷蔵庫怪人の中に入るな!! Abunai! Reizōko Kaijin no Naka ni Hairu na!!?)
  39. Where is Powerful Lighter Monster's Weak Point!! (強力ライター怪人の弱点はどこだ!! Kyōryoku Raitā Kaijin no Jakuten wa Doko da!!?)
  40. Oh, Humans are Melting! Soap Monster Appears (あっ人間が溶ける石けん怪人出現 Ā Ningen ga Tokeru! Sekken Kaijin Shutsugen?)
  41. Kazuya in the Zoo, Escape from the Underwater Cage Impossible? (動物園の一也水中檻から脱出不能 Dōbutsuen no Kazuya, Suichū Ori Kara Dasshutsu Funō??)
  42. Marshal Demon's Great Costume Party (悪魔元帥の大仮装パーティー Akuma Gensui no Dai Kasō Pātī?)
  43. The World is Freezing!? Electric Fan Monster's Might! (世界が凍る!?扇風機怪人の威力 Sekai ga Kōru!? Senpūki Kaijin no Iryoku!?)
  44. Lengthening Ladder Monster's Evil Influence (ニョキ・ニョキのびるハシゴ怪人の魔手 Nyokinyoki Nobiru Hashigo Kaijin no Mashu?)
  45. Most Excellent Monster ShokaKing That You Considered (君の考えた最優秀怪人ショオカキング Kimi no Kangaeta Saiyūshū Kaijin Shōkakingu?)
  46. Marshal Demon Gets Angry! Transform, Onibi! Princess!! (悪魔元帥怒る変身せよ鬼火王女!! Akuma Gensui Ikaru! Henshin seyo Onibi! Ōjo!!?)
  47. Golden Rain! Doctor Ghost's Final Trap!! (黄金の雨幽霊博士最後のワナ!! Ōgon no Ame! Yūrei Hakase Saigo no Wana!!?)
  48. Farewell, Earth! Kazuya Heads Off to Space!! (地球よさらば一也宇宙への旅立ち!! Chikyū yo Saraba! Kazuya Uchū e no Tabidachi!!?)

Kamen Rider Super-1 Movie

The Dogma Kingdom attacks the Matagi (mountain tribe) village of Yamabiko to steal the sacred Flying Dragon Fortress and wreak havoc all over Japan. Six children from the fallen village take refuge in a nearby town, keeping their identities as Matagi citizens a secret. Kamen Rider Super-1 must protect these children from the Dogma Kingdom, as they hold the secret to the Flying Dragon Fortress' weakness.


  • Kazuya Oki (沖 一也 Oki Kazuya?) - Shunsuke Takasugi (高杉 俊介 Takasugi Shunsuke?)
  • Genjirō Tani ( 源次郎 Tani Genjirō?) - Nobuo Tsukamoto (塚本 信夫 Tsukamoto Nobuo?)
  • Masao Kozuka (Choro) (小塚 政夫チョロ Kozuka Masao (Choro)?) - Teru Satō (佐藤 Satō Teru?) (Played as *Teruaki Satō (佐藤 輝昭 Satō Teruaki?))
  • Harumi Kusanami (草波 ハルミ Kusanami Harumi?) - Yumiko Tanaka (田中 由美子 Tanaka Yumiko?)
  • Ryō Kusanami (草波 Kusanami Ryō?) - Katsuya Hayakawa (早川 勝也 Hayakawa Katsuya?)
  • Master Genkai (玄海老師 Genki Rōshi?) - Munemaru Kōda (幸田 宗丸 Kōda Munemaru?)
  • Benkei (弁慶 Benkei?) - Kenji Nishiyama (西山 健司 Nishiyama Kenji?)
  • Professor Henry (ヘンリー博士 Henrī Hakase?) - Wolf Ōtsuki (大月 ウルフ Ōtsuki Urufu?)
  • Masako Mizunuma (水沼 マサコ Mizunuma Masako?) - Rieko Nagatsuka (永塚 りえこ Nagatsuka Rieko?)
  • Daisuke Akita (秋田 大助 Akita Daisuke?) - Kazunori Tanaka (田中 和則 Tanaka Kazunori?)
  • Shigeru Matsuoka (松岡 シゲル Matsuoka Shigeru?) - Tadaomi Watanabe (渡辺 忠臣 Watanabe Tadaomi?)
  • Mamoru Murayama (村山 マモル Murayama Mamoru?) - Ayumu Iwaki (岩城 Iwaki Ayumu?)
  • Takeshi Tanaka (田中 タケシ Tanaka Takeshi?) - Moriyuki Ogidō (荻堂 守幸 Ogidō Moriyuki?)
  • Michiru Ishikawa (石川 ミチル Ishikawa Michiru?) - Izumi Nakamura (中村 和泉 Nakamura Izumi?)
  • Masaru Ishikawa (石川 マサル Ishikawa Masaru?) - Hitoshi Hagiwara (萩原 等司 Hagiwara Hitoshi?)
  • Emperor Terror Macro (帝王テラーマクロ Teiō Terā Makuro?) - Akira Shioji (汐路 Shioji Akira?)
  • General Megirl (メガール将軍 Megāru Shōgun?) - Toshihiko Miki (三木 敏彦 Miki Toshihiko?)
  • Marshal Devil (悪魔元帥 Akuma Gensui?) - Kentarō Kachi (加地 健太郎 Kachi Kentarō?)
  • Commander Onibi (鬼火司令 Onibi Shirei?) - Hiroo Kawarazaki (河原崎 洋夫 Kawarazaki Hiroo?)
  • Staff Officer Witch (魔女参謀 Majo Sanbō?) - Yōko Tōdō (藤堂 陽子 Tōdō Yōko?)
  • Professor Ghost (幽霊博士 Yūrei Hakase?) - Kazuo Suzuki (鈴木 和夫 Suzuki Kazuo?)
  • Princess Yōkai (妖怪王女 Yōkai Ōjo?) - Yuki Yoshizawa (吉沢 由紀 Yoshizawa Yuki?)
  • Narrator (ナレーター Narētā?) - Shinji Nakae (中江 真司 Nakae Shinji?)


Opening theme
  • "Kamen Rider Super-1" (仮面ライダースーパー1 Kamen Raidā Sūpā Wan?)
Ending themes
  • "Hi o Fuke Rider Ken" (火を噴けライダー拳 Hi o Fuke Raidā Ken?, "The Fiery Rider Fist")
    • Lyrics: Saburō Yatsude
    • Composition: Shunsuke Kikuchi
    • Artist: Shunsuke Takasugi with Korōgi '73
    • Episodes: 1-23
  • "Junior Rider Tai no Uta" (ジュニアライダー隊の歌 Junia Raidā Tai no Uta?, "The Song of the Junior Rider Team")
    • Lyrics: Kei Akai (赤井 Akai Kei?)
    • Composition: Shunsuke Kikuchi
    • Artist: Ichirou Mizuki with the Columbia Yurikago-kai and Kōrogi '73
    • Episodes: 24-48

International Broadcasts

Super-1 was Aired in Indonesia in 1995. In this version The opening song was changed into another song (not Dubbed soundtrack).

See also

Preceded by
Kamen Rider
Succeeded by

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