- Ecumenical Miracle Rosary
The Ecumenical Miracle Rosary or "ecumenical rosary" is derived from the Roman Catholic
rosary and was invented by Dennis Di Mauro, a Lutheran layperson and Theology PhD student atthe Catholic University of America inWashington, DC . He explains that there are diverse styles of prayers, and a rosary is a kind of multidimensional prayer in which the central focus is a meditative contemplation of God's glory, while simultaneously, in words, confessing one's faith, praising God, or appealing for spiritual strength. The Ecumenical Miracle Rosary presents a core format whose theme is believed by its creator to be central to any Christian denomination.Origins of the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary
The Ecumenical Miracle Rosary was placed on the web in early 1999, and was devoted to bringing all Christians together in prayer. Because his wife is Catholic and he is Lutheran, Mr. Di Mauro had often sought ways to bridge the gaps in the Protestant-Catholic divide. This devotion was designed in response to this perceived need and also to introduce the benefits of rosary-type devotions to non-Catholics.
How the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary is Prayed
The Ecumenical Miracle Rosary uses "mysteries" different from those of the traditional
rosary . The Ecumenical Miracle Rosary's mysteries are called "miracles" instead, and can be seen below.A. Miraculous Healings (Prayed on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays from the first Advent Sunday until the Sunday before Ash Wednesday)
# Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant - (Luke 7:1-10 and Matthew 8:5-13)
# A Woman Touches Jesus' Garments - (Luke 8: 43-48 and Mark 5:25-34 and Matthew 9:20-22)
# Jesus Heals the Blind Man with Mud - (Mark 8:22-26)
# Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead - (John 11:17-44)
# Jesus Heals Ten Men with Leprosy - (Luke 17:11-19)B. Miraculous Acts (Prayed on Tuesdays, Fridays, and the Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday)
# Jesus Turns Water into Wine (John 2:1-11)
# Jesus Calms the Storm (Matthew 8:18, 23-27, Mark 4:35-41, and Luke 8:22-25)
# Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (Matthew 14:15-21 and Luke 9:12-17 and John 6:4-13 and Mark 6:35-44)
# Jesus Walks on Water (Mark 6:47-52 and Matthew 14:24-33 and John 6:16-21)
# The Withered Fig Tree (Mark 11:19-25 and Matthew 21:19-22C. Miraculous Appearances (Prayed on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from Easter until the Sunday before the first Advent Sunday)
# Jesus Becomes Incarnate by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary (Annunciation) (Luke 1:26-56)
# Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9 and Luke 9:28-36 and Mark 9:2-10)
# Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18 and Mark 16:9-11)
# Jesus Appears to Doubting Thomas (John 20:26-31)
# Jesus Appears to Paul (Acts 9:1-19)Prayers
Its prayers are also different from the traditional
rosary . It uses theNicene Creed rather than theApostles Creed , "The Greatest Commandment" (see below) rather than theHail Mary , and "The Great Commission" {see below) rather than theGlory Be . It ends with the Jesus Prayer.The Greatest Commandment
"Sweet Jesus, I love you with all my heart and all my soul, Help me to serve my family, and everyone else I meet today."
This prayer attempts to capture what is written in scripture concerning Jesus' Greatest Commandment. It can be found in Matthew 22:34-40.
The Great Commission
"Oh my lord, I know that you are always with me, help me to obey your commandments. And lead me to share my faith with others, so that they may know you and love you."
This prayer attempts to capture what is written in scripture concerning the Great Commission. It can be found in Matthew 28:16-20.
The Jesus Prayer
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God; have mercy upon me, a sinner."
Reactions to the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary
Since the devotion's inception in 1999, many churchesFact|date=February 2007 have held Ecumenical Rosary prayer sessions where the devotion has been prayed. These include
Roman Catholic Fact|date=February 2007,Lutheran Fact|date=February 2007, EpiscopalFact|date=February 2007,Methodist Fact|date=February 2007, andBaptist Fact|date=February 2007 churches. Also hundredsFact|date=February 2007 have participated in the devotion's free conference calls, ( http://ecumenicalrosary.org/Conference%20call%20page.htm). However, someProtestants have opposed the devotion since they feel it violates a prohibition of vainly repetitive prayer found in Matthew 6. SomeRoman Catholics have opposed any changes to the originalrosary . TheRoman Catholic Church has taken no formal position on the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary.References
*History of the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary -http://www.ecumenicalrosary.org/important%20events.htm
*Rev. Chuck Kramer "Ecumenical Rosary" (in "Town and Church") "Hyde Park Townsman" July 24, 2003
*Chilson, Richard W. and John Kirvan. "Meditation (Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice)"(Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2004), 164. February 2004
*Kevin Eckstrom "Ecumenical Rosary" "Religion News Service" April 17, 2004
*Karen Herzog "Adapting the Rosary" "Bismarck Tribune" July 22, 2004
*Betsy Carter "Beads and Blessings" "U.S. News and World Report" Dec. 14, 2004
*Mary A. Jacobs "Worshippers Draw Bead on Rosary" "Dallas Morning News" Feb. 05, 2005
*Andrew Santella "Get Lent" Slate.com Feb. 28, 2006
*Chilson, Richard W. and John Kirvan. "Prayer (Exploring a Great Spiritual Practice)."(Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2006), 149. April 2006
*Laurence, Michael J. "God's Love Story: The Rosary As Protection." Bangor, ME: Booklocker, 2006), 134. April 30th 2006
*"The Growing Appeal of the Mother of Jesus" Religionlink.org, December 17th, 2007, accessed from http://www.religionlink.org/tip_071217.php; INTERNET.
*Winston, Kimberly. "Bead One, Pray Too: A Guide to Making and Using Prayer Beads." (Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 2008), p. 40.External links
*Mr. Klingon's Mere Prayer (A tool for Praying the Ecumenical Miracle Rosary)- http://www.geocities.com/mrklingon/prayer.html
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