Dahn yoga

Dahn yoga
Dahn Yoga & Health Centers, Inc.
Type Privately held
Industry Health and Wellness
Founded June 18, 1996 (1996-06-18)
Founder(s) Ilchi Lee
Headquarters Gilbert, AZ, USA
Number of locations 69 Corporate owned locations,
35 Franchises
Area served USA
Key people Dong Hoon Cha (CEO and President)
Hee Nam Kim (CFO)
Joseph Alexander (VP and Gen. Counsel)
Products Yoga and Self-Healing Books, Music and Video
Services Yoga Classes, Tai Chi Classes, Ki Gong Classes
Employees 210
Website dahnyoga.com

Dahn yoga (also known as Dahn Hak or Dahnhak) is a Korean "yoga" system and business founded in 1985 by Ilchi Lee. In Korean, dahn means "primal, vital energy," and hak means "study of a particular theory or philosophy."[1] Dahn teachings are said to place equal emphasis on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.[2] News sources have described its exercises as "a blend of yoga, tai chi, and martial arts exercises."[2] Dahn Yoga is taught through for-profit and non-profit studios as well as community centers.[3]


Training methods

People practicing Dahn yoga in a Dahn Center.

Dahn Yoga's training methods are intended to improve the practitioner's health through development of the energy system and enhancement of the mind-body connection.[4] The practice draws upon traditional notions of ki, also known as chi or qi.[5] A typical class begins with what is called "Meridian Stretching" exercise, which is believed to stimulate the energy in the body.[6] After these stretching exercises, practitioners normally follow a sequence of postures to accumulate and circulate energy in the body.[7] Classes often include elements of meditation, as well.[1]

An article by three physicians from Weill Cornell Medical College published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine reported the conclusions of a 3-month study of community-based mind-body training methods. The study surveyed 171 adults enrolled at various Dahn Yoga Centers in the New York City area. All of the participants had taken ten or fewer classes at the beginning of the study. They scored poorer in measures of health-related quality of life than the general U.S. population and were significantly sedentary at the start of the study. The article concludes that participants reported "moderate improvements after 3 months of practice" with increased scores "in all [of the surveyed] domains of health-related quality of life, fewer depressive symptoms, less trait anxiety, and greater self-efficacy.".[8] The design and objectivity of the study has been called into question by Dr. William Briggs, PhD, statistician and professor at Weill Cornell, who critiqued the study on his blog and described why he believes the positive results were likely due to regression to the mean. [9]


In 1985 the first Dahn Yoga Center opened in downtown Seoul. In 1991 the first U.S. Dahn Yoga Center was opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1997 the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center (SIMC) was established, hosting specialized programs open to Dahn yoga members for a fee. Over the next ten years Dahn yoga focused on expanding its operations globally. In 2006 Dahn yoga introduced two new training methods.[10] The first, DahnMuDo, also referred to asThe Art of Being Limitless,” is advertised as a non-combative martial art. The second, Jung Choong Breathing, is a form of internal alchemy using five simple postures focused on breathing and what is said to be proper positioning of the body. It is claimed to help release stagnant energy and accumulate fresh energy in the lower abdomen, also known in Korean as the Dan Jeon (energy center) or the 2nd Chakra in Sanskrit yoga terminology.

Dahn Principles

According to the Dahn Yoga Web site, accessed 2010, there are three key Dahn Principles that help students learn: Shim Ki Hyul Jung, which meansfrom mind to matter”; Seo Sung Hwa Gang, which meanswater up, fire down”; and Jung Choong Ki Jang Shin Myung, which meansfrom health to happiness to peace.” [11]

Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Wave Vibration is promoted as a mental and physical health enhancement technique developed by Ilchi Lee. According to Lee, brain waves are a type of vibration that has a significant effect on a persons health and outlook on life.[12] A promotional video for the technique claims that brain wavesfluctuate with the perceptions of our minds and dictate reactions within our bodies.”[13] A form of moving meditation (head-shaking), the technique is reported by Dahn sources to train practitioners to let their bodies and brains work together harmoniously to improve health and keep the mind still.[14] Ilchi Lee has instructed Dahn teachers that Brain Wave Vibration is holy scripture.[15] Neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta reported during a CNN interview, when asked about testimonials that Brain Wave Vibration can help heal certain serious physical ailments (e.g. lazy eye, chronic pain, Multiple Sclerosis), that the notion of vibrating the brain or other parts of the body to turn parts of the brain on and off is not grounded in science and testimonials probably result from the placebo effect.[15]

In July 2010, the scientific journal Neuroscience Letters published research on Brain Wave Vibration.[16] The research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of South Korea,[17] and was a collaboration of several departments of Seoul National University along with the university hospital and Ilchi Lee's Korea Institute of Brain Science.[17] According to the study, those who practiced Brain Wave Vibration scored lower on a questionnaire measuring stress and higher on positive emotions. Scores relating to tendency to somatize emotions correlated with higher ratios of certain catecholamine blood levels in the healthy control group but not in the Brain Wave Vibration group; those who engaged in Brain Wave Vibration for years were found to have higher dopamine blood levels.[18]

Ilchi Lee describes Brain Wave Vibration in his book, Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life, published by Ilchi Lee's publishing company Best Life Media.[19]

Brain Education

The tradenames Brain Education, and Brain Education Systems Training (or BEST), refer to a set of exercises developed and promoted by Ilchi Lee subsequent to his "Brain Respiration" and "Dahnhak." Brain Education is considered a part of Dahn Yoga. According to Dahn Yoga's Web site, after more than 27 years of practice, Lee had developed a system of exercises, breathing, and stretchesto activate the natural healing rhythms of the brain and body.”[20] Brain Education is described as consisting of five separate steps: brain sensitizing, brain versatilizing, brain refreshing, brain integrating, and brain mastering.[20] Dr. Ben Goldacre of the U.K. lambasted Ilchi Lee's brain education claims as pseudoscience in his Guardian column "Bad Science" in 2004.[21]


Significant criticism of Dahn Yoga reported in the media describes accusations that the organization operates a manipulative "cult" that uses coercive persuasion and thought reform methods to create deeply devoted Dahn masters (teachers) who come to believe the path to personal health, enlightenment and world peace includes pressuring and persuading others to devote all their time, energy, and money to Dahn programs, events, and ceremonies, and to become loyal Dahn masters themselves.[22][23][24][25]

Among other media reports, a 2006 CBS news report and the Village Voice described a wrongful death lawsuit filed against Dahn Yoga's founder and related entitites. According to the lawsuit, Julia Siverls, 41, died in 2003 from heat stroke and dehydration during a master training hike at the Ilchi Meditation Center in Sedona.[2][22] According to a document filed by the Southern District of New York of the United States District Court, the case was dismissed on August 1, 2008.[26]

In 2002, a former Dahn employee filed a civil lawsuit in Alameda County, California, for Unfair Business Practices and Undue Influence against Seung Heun Lee, et al.[27][28] The case was reportedly settled out of court with no admission of guilt.[29]

A complaint was issued at the end of May 2009 in Arizona's U.S. Circuit Court against Dahn Yoga's founder and a number of affiliated businesses and non-profit organizations by 26 former members and masters. Charges range from undue influence, thought reform, and failure to pay proper wages, to RICO Law violations and sexual assault.[30] Several popular media outlets reported on the plaintiffs' allegations, including Forbes, Rolling Stone, Glamour Magazine, WE tv, and CNN; WBZ Channel 4 News in Boston interviewed two of the claimants on June 11, 2009.[31]

On January 5, 2010, CNN broadcasted a critical report about the organization with interviews of former Dahn Yoga members alleging severe physical, mental and financial abuse by Dahn Yoga personnel and staff, including one former member stating she was coerced into donating funds to the organization by taking out student loans totalling over $40,000 USD, which was all out of their choice [32]

See also


  1. ^ a b Dahn Yoga Education (2006). Dahn Yoga Basics. Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-17-5. 
  2. ^ a b c Kathryn Belgiorno (2006-07-04). "The Village Voice July 11th, 2006". Villagevoice.com. http://www.villagevoice.com/news/0628,belgiorno,73801,2.html. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  3. ^ "Lake Braddock Students Learn How To Give Back". Connectionnewspapers.com. 2010-11-10. http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=345896&paper=72&cat=104. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  4. ^ Dahn Yoga Education (2006). Dahn Yoga Basics. Healing Society. p15. ISBN 1-932843-17-5. 
  5. ^ Dahn Yoga Education (2006). Dahn Yoga Basics. Healing Society. pp2129. ISBN 1-932843-17-5. 
  6. ^ Dahn Yoga Education (2006). Dahn Yoga Basics. Healing Society. p45. ISBN 1-932843-17-5. 
  7. ^ Body & Brain Magazine article on Jung Choong Breathing, Summer 2006 issue[dead link]
  8. ^ Lee SW, Mancuso CA, Charlson ME (July 2004). "Prospective study of new participants in a community-based mind-body training program". J Gen Intern Med 19 (7): 7605. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1497.2004.30011.x. PMC 1492489. PMID 15209590. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1492489. 
  9. ^ Briggs, William. "Dahn Yoga Touted 'Peer-Reviewed Study' Stinks", William M. Briggs, Statistician to the Stars! blog, 19 January 2010.
  10. ^ What is Dahn Yoga?[dead link]
  11. ^ "Classes combining Yoga, Tai chi, Meditation". Dahn Yoga. http://www.dahnyoga.com/about_dahn_yoga/fundamentals. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  12. ^ "Learn The Method « Brain Wave Vibration". Brainwavevibration.com. http://www.brainwavevibration.com/learn/. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  13. ^ "What Is Brain Wave Vibration?". YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmz6CcBFkmc. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  14. ^ "Aging Gracefully with Yoga, Humor, and Joy". Neighbor Newspapers. http://www.neighbornewspapers.com/detail.html?sub_id=165559&edit_result=live&msg=Item+saved. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  15. ^ a b "CNN.com - Transcripts". Transcripts.cnn.com. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1001/08/cnr.06.html. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  16. ^ . PMID 20546836. 
  17. ^ a b "Effects of meditation published in journal". Koreatimes.co.kr. 2010-06-30. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2010/08/181_68572.html. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  18. ^ "Neuroscience Letters : The effects of mindbody training on stress reduction, positive affect, and plasma catecholamines". ScienceDirect. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T0G-505Y0RR-1&_user=10&_coverDate=07%2F26%2F2010&_rdoc=13&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_origin=browse&_zone=rslt_list_item&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%234862%232010%23995209997%232173740%23FLA%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=4862&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=22&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=df57411952c8aa3f88aa16ab2e517638&searchtype=a. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  19. ^ "Music for Brain Wave Vibration - $16.16 : Best LIfe Media, Books, Audio and DVD for Self-Improvement". Bestlifemedia.com. http://www.bestlifemedia.com/brain-wave-vibration-c-84/music-for-brain-wave-vibration-p-302. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  20. ^ a b "Classes combining Yoga, Tai chi, Meditation". Dahn Yoga. http://www.dahnyoga.com/classes_services/brain_education. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 
  21. ^ Goldacre, Ben (October 28, 2004). "brain sensitising" Bad Science column, Guardian.
  22. ^ a b Zekman, Pam (2006). "Dahn Hak: Yoga Program Or Dangerous Con?", CBS2 Chicago. Accessed at ReligionNewsBlog.
  23. ^ http://www.ex-cult.org/General/lifton-criteria
  24. ^ "Lawsuit calls yoga chain a cult - CNN.com". CNN. January 7, 2010. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/01/05/yoga.lawsuit.lee/index.html. Retrieved April 30, 2010. 
  25. ^ Investigative report on Dahn Yoga, SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System), Korea, March 2010. Video accessible at DailyMotion.com.
  26. ^ Stipulation of Dismissal, Case 1:05-cv-07518-PKC, Document 144, August 1, 2008
  27. ^ DomainWeb: Access to General Civil, Family Law, and Probate Cases Superior Court of California, County of Alameda; Case Summary # 2002068156; See Register of Actions. Accessed January 23, 2008.
  28. ^ Elton, Catherine "The Other Side of Enlightenment," BostonMagazine.com, August, 2007. Accessed January 29, 2008.
  29. ^ Bergantino, Joe [1] WBZTV, February 3, 2006. Accessed January 28, 2008.
  30. ^ Dahn Yoga Lawsuit[dead link]
  31. ^ Germano, Beth "Yoga Group Accused of Coercion, Sex Assault," WBZTV, June 11, 2009. Accessed June 16, 2009.
  32. ^ By Kyra Phillips and David Fitzpatrick, CNN (2010-01-07). "CNN Justice: Lawsuit calls yoga chain a cult". Cnn.com. http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/01/05/yoga.lawsuit.lee/index.html?iref=storysearch. Retrieved 2011-03-08. 

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