Ilchi Lee

Ilchi Lee

Infobox Person
tablewidth = 284
name = Ilchi Lee

caption = Ilchi Lee in 2002
award = Korean Civil Merit in 2002
birth_date = birth date and age|1950|12|23
birth_place = Cheonan, South Chungcheong flagicon|South Korea
occupation = Educator, Author
website = []
[ Korea Institute of Brain Science]
footnotes =
Infobox Korean name
tablewidth = 249
rrborn=I Seung-Heon
mrborn=Yi SŭngHŏn

Ilchi Lee (born Lee Seung-Heun on December 23, 1950) is a South Korean author and the founder of a variety of mind-body training methods, including Dahnhak, Dahn yoga, Brain Respiration, Brain Education, and DahnMuDo. Lee began teaching his methods in a park in the 1980s, and since that time the practice has developed into an international network of for-profit and non-profit entities. [ [,,1367824,00.html Clint Witchalls is surprised by the results of Brain Respiration therapy | Society | The Guardian ] ]

Personal History

Ilchi Lee was born in 1950 in Cheonan ( ), South Korea. His father was a teacher, yet he reports having struggled in school due to his inability to focus and a preference for imaginative play.Ilchi Lee. (2007) "Power Brain Kids". Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 978-1-932843-19-4] Later in life, he would identify himself as having overcome Attention Deficit Disorder through rigorous physical and mental training.] He suggests in his books that these early experiences formed the foundation of the brain-based training techniques he would develop later in life.

In his adolescence he turned to the martial art Taekwondo ( ) to help calm his restless mind. [ 신동아 ] ] He eventually earned a fourth-level black belt , and opened a successful martial arts studio. [ [ 태권도신문 ] ] Ilchi Lee. (2000) "Healing Society". Charlottesville, Hampton Roads. ISBN 1-57174-189-5] He took the first term of Taekwondo master education hosted by Kukkiwon in 1972. [ [기고 태권도 바로세우기 - 1등 인터넷뉴스 조선닷컴 ] ] After he graduated from Dankook University (단국대학교 檀國大學校) in 1977 with a B.S. degree in clinical pathology and physical education, he opened a health clinic, which according to his own account did well. [ 문화일보와 독자가 만들어가는 ] ] He soon married and settled down to raise a family.

However, Lee recounts that he was still plagued by nagging questions about the meaning of human life and the universe, even while on the surface living an ideal life. [ 인터넷 경향신문 - 경향닷컴 | ] ] Thus, in his early thirties he set out to engage in rigorous solo training in the wilderness of Korea's Moak Mountain (모악산 母岳山) to engage in 21 days of ascetic practice and meditation without food, water, sleep or lying down. He writes that through this training he gained enlightenment and deep insights that would provide the philosophical underpinnings of his methods.

Upon his return to ordinary civilization, he began to teach his methods in a community park, [ko icon [ 맛있는 정보! 신선한 뉴스! - 서울신문 ] ] at first to only one stroke victim. It was at this point that he took the name "Ilchi" ( ), which means "finger pointing to the truth." Eventually, a larger group of people gathered in the park, and inclement weather necessitated that the classes be moved indoors. This led to the opening of the first Dahn Center in 1985 in Seoul (서울), South Korea, which would grow to over 300 Korean centers in the early twenty-first century In 1991, the first Dahn Center opened in the United States. As of 2006, there were approximately 146 Dahn Centers in the United States. In the meantime, many corporates and government organizations, including Samsung Group, Hyundai, POSCO, and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea employed Lee's program for their employees. [ [] Hankook Enocomy Newspaper 5/14/2007] Chung Ju-yung, the former Hyundai CEO, Chey Jong-hyun, the former CEO of SK Corporation and Cho Soon the former Vice Prime Minister of South Korea took personal training from Lee. [ [] Daily Economy Newspaper 9/2/2005] [] Lee has been given a letter of appreciation from Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea. [ [ 평택시민신문 ] ] Korean religions scholar Dr. Hai Ran Woo describes Ilchi Lee's Dahn World Co. (formerly Dahn-Hak-Sonwon) as South Korea's largest 'New Age' (or 'self-cultivation') 'meditation industry' with sales reaching $280 million in 2005. Dahn World has described their spiritual products as the most lucrative of all Korean exports; they plan to expand to 36,000 training centers worldwide by 2010.Woo, Hai Ran [ "The New Age in South Korea"] Journal of Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies, 2008 Advance Publication. ISSN 1750-3295 (online). Accessed February 1, 2008]

Korean religions scholar Donald Baker regards Dahn World as one of the more noteworthy among more than 200 new religions in S. Korea that share a 'Korea-centric' view that Korea has become 'the spiritual center of the world' – with Dahn World asserting that Seung Heun Lee is a world renowned spiritual leader leading humanity toward an 'enlightenment revolution'. [Buswell, Robert, ed. [ Introduction chapter by Donald Baker] "The Religions of Korea in Practice", Princeton University Press, 2007. Accessed February 5, 2008.]

In 2000, Ilchi Lee became a director of the Tao Fellowship, a non-profit religious charity and educational foundation, [ [ Arizona Corporations Commission, Public Access System Tao Fellowship record.] Accessed January 30, 2008.] [,2564,ALBQ_19858_4543335,00.html Albuquerque Tribune: Mountain Enlightenment Leads to Yoga Empire. March 14, 2006.] ] [ [ The Story of Mago Castle] Sedona Live article published on official Ilchi Lee Web site.] [Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona Friday, May 2, 2008] which purchased majestic property in Sedona, Arizona to house the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center (SIMC). [ [ Arizona Secretary of State - public records - tradenames] Accessed January 30, 2008.] [ Tao Fellowship Web pageSedona Ilchi Meditation Center"] Accessed February 1, 2008.] According to their Web site, the Tao Fellowship teaches and promotes Tao philosophy and provides training for a cultural movement for peace. [ [ "Mission and Activities of Tao Fellowship"] Tao Fellowship Web site. Accessed February 1, 2008.] The Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center is described as "the home from which the ideals of Tao Fellowship may flower and go forth to awaken the human consciousness," and as the location of 12 energy vortexes (Sedona is believed by many visitors and locals to contain healing energy vortexes.) [ [ Frommers article on Sedona's "Vortex Power"] ] Described by one reporter as "the heart of the Dahn Yoga enterprise"and by Dr. Woo as the "heart of the 'world mission' or 'global management,'" SIMC hosts 3,000 participants annually from around the world in a variety of programs based in Lee's Brain Education system, including youth camps, residential healing, retreat programs and advanced Dahn training programs such as Dahn Healer School. [ [ Dahn Yoga Web site FAQ.] Accessed February 10, 2008.] Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona Friday, April 18, 2008] Recently SIMC was renamed the Sedona Mago Retreat Center (SMRC) and celebrated its 10th Anniversary in May 2008."Mago" means "Mother Earth" in Korean.

According to his official website, Lee is no longer in direct management of the Dahn Centers, instead focusing on developing educational applications of his training system and serving as president of the consulting firm BR Consulting in Sedona, AZ, [ [] Official Ilchi Lee Web site. Accessed February 1, 2008.] which provides services to corporations that provide his training programs, including management of trainer education programs, training and licensing of trainers, marketing and media relations, business analysis and planning. [ [ BR Consulting, Inc. Official Web site.] Accessed February 19, 2008.]


Ilchi Lee considers the creation of world peace to be the ultimate goal of his training methods. Essentially, they are meant to facilitate a shift in human consciousness toward a more suitable world culture, according to Lee. He stresses a concept of personal enlightenment similar to those found in other Eastern philosophies, but emphasizes the need to take action based on that enlightenment. Appropriate action, according to Lee, should include some sort of action intended for the betterment of the human condition. Based on this notion, he has spearheaded what he calls theHSP Movement,” a movement intended to spreadhealth, happiness, and peace.”Ilchi Lee. "Human Technology"(2005) Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-12-4] [ HSP Movement Website] ]

Lee also believes peace can only be achieved if humanity gives up nationalistic identities in favor of a single common identity. He contends that this identity should be rooted in peoples mutual appreciation of and reliance upon the Earth, what he refers to as theEarth Humanconcept.Ilchi Lee. "Mago's Dream"(2002) Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720280-0-X]

He believes that the Brain Wave Vibration training he created can help change negative thoughts which generate negative brain waves to positive ones, [Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona, February 15, 2008] and understand the effects their actions have upon their brains. [Red Rock News, Sedona, Arizona, June 6, 2008]

In his book "Human Technology", Lee asserts that people should become more self-sufficient in their own health care. Citing what he believes to be modern civilizations over-reliance on pharmaceuticals and specialized health care, he encourages people to rediscover what he regards as natural means of health maintenance, such as the traditional Asian methods discussed in the book, including acupressure and moxibustion.

The South Korean Government conferred the Order of Civil Merit (국민 훈장) on Lee in 2002,ko icon [ 맛있는 정보! 신선한 뉴스! - 서울신문 ] ] [] honoring his dissemination of Korean traditional philosophy and culture throughout the world through his founding of the Institute for Traditional Korean Cultural Studies (국학원 Kook Hak Won, or Kukhak Institute), an educational non-profit organization devoted to the study and development of traditional Korean philosophy [ [ Kukhak Institute] University of Brain Education, (a/k/a Graduate University for Peace, Korea), founded by Seung Heun Lee (Ilchi Lee). Accessed January 30, 2008.]

Through this and other affiliated NGOs and projects, such as 'Erecting 369 Tan-gun Statues in Schoolyards', which proved controversial in Korea in the late 1990s, [Seth, Michael J. [ "Myth, Memory and Reinvention in Korean: The Case of Tan'gun"] James Madison University. Accessed February 12, 2008. Page 10-11.] [Lee, Timothy [ "Beleaguered Success: How Korean Evangelicalism Fared in the 1990s"] Page 20-21. Accessed February 12, 2008.] Lee contributes to the revival of Korea's nationalist movement by mobilizing large numbers to revere Korea's legendary 2333 BCE divine founding father Tan'gun [or Dangun, Tan-gun, Dahngun] , an indigenous tradition said to exist prior to the influence of foreign religions. [ University of Brain Education Web page] Accessed February 18, 2008.] ] Lee advances the belief that Tan'gun practiced a 15,000 year old Korean value called 'Hongik Ingan Ewah Saegae' ('Widely benefit humanity, rightfully harmonize the world') and that an ancient scripture exists, 'Chun Bu Kyung' [or Cheonbugyeong] , that reveals that Heaven, Earth, and Human exist as One in each person. Lee maintains that this is the core Korean spirit that will prove key to Korean reunification as well as world peace, an ideal he contends to be attainable through his 'brain education' programs - resulting in a 'one world communal culture' of perfectly healthy and peaceful 'Power Brains' or 'New Humans'. [ [ University of Brain Education Web page] Accessed February 18, 2008.] ] [ [ University of Brain Education Web page] Accessed February 18, 2008.] [ [ Kookhakwon Web site] Accessed February 18, 2008.] [ [ University of Brain Education, Web page] Accessed February 18, 2008] [Ilchi Lee Peaceology. (2003). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-6-9]

Religions scholar Massimo Introvigne suggests that Dahn World School is an offshoot of Taejonggyo, as exemplified by the large statue of Tan'gun at its U.S. headquarters in Sedona and memorization of passages from Taejonggyo's scriptures, "Heavenly Code," or "Chun Bu Kyung," by members. [Introvigne, Massimo [ Book review of "Religions of Korea in Practice] A Summa on Korea's New (and Old) Religions, CESNUR Center for Studies on New Religions. Accessed February 2, 2008.] Practitioners, however, deny any connection to the religion.

Training Methods

Ilchi Lee's training methods have been described as focusing primarily on the brain and its development.Ilchi Lee. (2007) "Brain Respiration". Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-3-4] Although actual practices resemble yoga, martial arts, meditation, and other recognizable Eastern disciplines, they have been modified with the said intent of uncovering the practitioner's natural brain potential.Ilchi Lee. (2004) "Dahnhak Kigong". Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-01-9] Lee's Power Brain Kids book describes that these practices may also be combined with other games and activities intended to develop mind-body connection and mental acuity. Collectively, the techniques have been termed Brain Education System Training (BEST) (formerly known as Brain Respiration).Ilchi Lee. (2007) "Principles of Brain Management". Sedona, BEST Life Media. ISBN 978-0-9799388]

Lee categorizes all of his training techniques under one or more of the five sequential steps that comprise the BEST method. The focus of each step is as follows:1) Brain Sensitizing: Stress management, awakening of the five senses, physical health, and brain awareness.2) Brain Versatilizing: Enhanced learning ability through the creation of new synaptic connections.3) Brain Refreshing: Emotional release, emotional control, and positive mental outlook.4) Brain Integrating: Developing latent brain abilities and increasing communication between diverse parts of the brain.5) Brain Mastering: Improved decision making and developing a clear sense of life purpose.

Lee teaches that while the brain is the primary focus of his training methods, the health of the physical body as a whole is of primary concern in the initial phase of training (Brain Sensitizing). Exercises and practices followed during this phase are heavily influenced by the notion of ki ( ) energy as it is understood in Traditional Korean medicine.Ilchi Lee. (2003) "Meridian Exercise for Self-Healing". Volume 1. Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-7-7] This typically includes a variety of exercises that are said to be designed to open up the energy meridian system of the body. and work to open up the body's seven major energy centers, known as chakras.Ilchi Lee. (2005) "Healing Chakra: Light to Awaken My Soul". Sedona, Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-10-8]

Lee's Korean Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), which was granted [ UN ECOSOC "roster consultative status"] [ [ Official Ilchi Lee Web page] . Accessed February 21, 2008.] and Lee's International Brain Education Association (IBREA) report that Lee's programs not only help children develop better memory and concentration but also certain supernatural abilities (or Extrasensory Perception - ESP) due to "Heightened Sensory Perception," as their studies find that children could identify colors, shapes, and letters while blindfolded. [ [ Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS)] Olympiad, Web page. Accessed February 19, 2008.] [ [ Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS)] Research, Web page. Accessed February 19, 2008] [ [ Article in The Traffic Circle - Ulster County Press] Accessed February 21, 2008.] [ [ IBREA Web page: International Brain HSP Olympiad and Brain Education Conference (IHSPO)] Accessed February 21, 2008.] - although this ability was found by KIBS to diminish significantly with less ambient light and greater filtering of the viewed material. [ [ Acta Physiologica Congress, Web page] Accessed February 19, 2008] [ [ Acta Physiologica Congress, Web page] Accessed February 19, 2008] While Lee asserts that these findings are based on cognitive neuroscience, mainstream neurologists generally regard such conclusions as strongly lacking in scientific support [Weave, Jacqueline [' neurologist works to separate science from sham] . Yale Bulletin and Calendar. Accessed February 21, 2008.] [Gun-Il Kang [ Korean Skeptic's Report:New Ager-Occupied Territory] Accessed February 21, 2008.] A scientist from the University of California at Irvine (UCI) reported in 2005 that Ilchi Lee's demonstration of these abilities in children at UCI failed and are 'pseudoscience.' [Cohen, Shawn [] “Dahnhak Sued after Member Dies Trying to Master Art”] Article originally published by The Journal News, USA, Aug. 7, 2005. Accessed February 21, 2008.]

Lee says that although the underlying philosophy has remained the same, he continues to "refine and improve" the methods.Tyler Midkiff. "Ilchi Lee speaks about the aging brain". Sedona Red Rock News. February 15, 2008] He recounts in one newspaper report that the techniques have evolved from breathing methods to meditation to its current emphasis on the brain. An early English-language book by Lee, "Dahn Meditation," which was published in 1997, focuses primarily on Ki development through Lee's "practical and modern" version of traditional Korean Dahn Hak techniques and does not mention any exercises specific to brain development. Lee, Seung Heun. "Dahn Meditation: A Spiritual Exercise to Perfect Health and Happiness" Seoul, Dahn Publishing. ISBN 89-87293-00-9] The book describes stretching exercises ("do-in"), meditation for energy sensitivity ("ji gam"), energy dance ("dahn mu"), and energy building exercises ("haeng gong").


In 2005, Seung Heun (Ilchi) Lee, et al, was named in a $84 million wrongful death lawsuit following the 2003 death of Julia Siverls, PhD, a 41-year-old New York City Dahn Center member and college professor seeking master-level instructor status. [ Summons published on Rick A, Ross Institute Web site,] July 11, 2005. Accessed January 27, 2008.] According to a document filed by the Southern District of New York of the United States District Court, the case was dismissed on August 1, 2008. [Stipulation of Dismissal, Case 1:05-cv-07518-PKC, Document 144, August 1, 2008] According to the coroner's report, Siverls died of dehydration due to heatstroke and environmental exposure while participating in training at the Dahn retreat facility in Sedona, AZ. On the original complaint, the plaintiffs charged that Dr. Siverls was "drugged and killed by the Dahn Hak Cult"; 'Grand Master' Seung Heun Lee is the "founder, leader, and controller of the Dahn Hak Cult, and the principal of the other Corporate defendants"; each student was required to carry a backpack filled with forty pounds of rocks while hiking an Arizona desert mountainside in temperatures exceeding 90 degrees Fahrenheit with just three bottles of water and three pieces of fruit for five trainees to share; Siverls had collapsed more than once yet was forced to continue; defendants delayed many hours after Siverls had collapsed into unconsciousness and an hour after she had died before calling 911.Belgiorno, Kathryn [,belgiorno,73801,2.html "Fatal Trek - The mysterious desert death of a Brooklyn yoga devotee,"] July 11, 2006. Accessed January 23, 2008.]

Claims made in the original Siverls legal complaint before the case was dismissed precipitated a number of television and print media reports, some including interviews of one of the participants on the fatal hike, suggesting that some aspects of Dahn activities are cult-like., Dahn spokesperson Charlotte Conners, Director of PR & Communications, Sedona, Arizona, has asserted in a letter to the editor of an article in the Village Voice that the final toxicology report found no evidence of drugs in Julia's body, and that the interviewed participant's motives and credibility were questioned in the final police report. The reporter replied to Conners that they stand by their story, having used information not just from the Siverls family but from the autopsy report, a detective, and several Dahn Yoga members. Conners has denied all allegations of the Siverls lawsuit, and stated on several occasions that Dahn is not a cult. [Conners, Charlotte. [,various,74047,7.html "Great Frustration,"] Letter responding to Village Voice article "Fatal Trek," August 8, 2006. Accessed January 23, 2008.] [ The Albuquerque Tribune] Tuesday, March 14, 2006] ]

Mental health counselor Steven Hassan has reported providing counseling to more than a dozen former Dahn members. [Ducey, Joe. [ "New questions about a controversial yoga group"] , December 3, 2007, accessed January 23, 2008.]

In 2002, a former Dahn employee filed a civil lawsuit in Alameda County, California for Unfair Business Practices and Undue Influence against Seung Heun Lee, et al. [ DomainWeb: Access to General Civil, Family Law, and Probate Cases] Superior Court of California, County of Alameda; Case Summary # 2002068156; See Register of Actions. Accessed January 23, 2008.] Elton, Catherine [ "The Other Side of Enlightenment,"], August, 2007. Accessed January 29, 2008.] The defendants responded with an uncategorical denial of the allegations. A 2003 motion by Dahn to seal the case record from public view was denied. The case was reportedly settled out of court with no admission of guilt. [Bergantino, Joe [ "I-Team Investigates Yoga Group Some Call A Cult,"] WBZTV, February 3, 2006. Accessed January 28, 2008.]

The official Dahn yoga Web site began addressing the cult question in 2005 in their FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section, stating that: "Dahn Yoga is not a religion, and it is certainly not a cult." [ [ Dahn Yoga Web site FAQ] . Accessed January 27, 2008.] [ [ "Dahn Hak: Rewarding Yoga Or A Korean Cult?"] WCBS TV Feb 7, 2006. Accessed January 28, 2008] The Boston Magazine published an Internet article in 2007 that exemplified the cult-controversy, describing a father's change of heart from his conviction that the Dahn organization is a dangerous cult to his vehement assertion, after becoming a member himself, that it is not a cult.

Published Works in English

*"In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging". Co-authored with Jessie Jones, PhD. (2008). Best Life Media. ISBN 978-0-9799388-4-9
*"Principles of Brain Management". (2007). BEST Life Media. ISBN 978-0-9799388-0-1
*"Power Brain Kids". (2007). Healing Society. ISBN 978-1932843-19-4
*"Human Technology". (2005). Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-12-4
*"Dahnhak Kigong". (2004). Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-01-9
*"Home Massage Therapy". 2 volumes. (2004) Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-9-3 | ISBN 1-932843-00-0
*"Meridian Exercise for Self-Healing". 2 volumes. (2004) Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-7-7 | ISBN 0-9720282-8-5
*"Peaceology". (2003). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-6-9
*"Brain Respiration". (2003). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-3-4
*"Healing Chakra". (2002). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-4-2
*"The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society". (2002). Hampton Roads. ISBN 1-57174-355-9
*"Mago's Dream". (2002). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720280-0-X
*"Healing Society". (2000). Hampton Roads. ISBN 1-57174-189-5
*"The Way to Light Up Your Divinity". (1999). Dahn Publications. ISBN 89-87293-06-8
*"Dahn Meditation". (1997). Dahn Publications. ISBN 86-87293-00-9


External links

* [ Official website]
* [ Ilchi Lee Official Blog]
* [ Ilchi Lee Official Fan Blog]

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