Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora
Rosa multiflora
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Rosa
Species: R. multiflora
Binomial name
Rosa multiflora

Rosa multiflora (Multiflora Rose, Baby Rose, Rambler Rose) is a species of rose native to eastern Asia, in China, Japan and Korea.

It is a scrambling shrub climbing over other plants to a height of 35 m, with stout stems with recurved thorns (sometimes absent). The leaves are 510 cm long, compound, with 5-9 leaflets and feathered stipules. The flowers are produced in large corymbs, each flower small, 1.54 cm diameter, white or pink, borne in early summer. The hips are reddish to purple, 68 mm diameter.

Two varieties are accepted by the Flora of China:

  • Rosa multiflora var. multiflora. Flowers white, 1.52 cm diameter.
  • Rosa multiflora var. cathayensis Rehder & E.H.Wilson. Flowers pink, to 4 cm diameter.

Cultivation and uses

Rosa multiflora hips
Rosa multiflora Flower

Rosa multiflora is grown as an ornamental plant, and also used as a rootstock for grafted ornamental rose cultivars.

In eastern North America, Multiflora Rose is now generally considered an invasive species, though it was originally introduced from Asia as a soil conservation measure, as a natural hedge to border grazing land, and to attract wildlife. It is readily distinguished from American native roses by its large inflorescences, which bear multiple flowers and hips, often more than a dozen, while the American species bear only one or a few on a branch.

Some places classify Multiflora rose as a "noxious weed" [1]. In grazing areas, this rose is generally considered to be a serious pest, though it is considered excellent fodder for goats.


External Links

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