- Rosales
image_caption = Cherry fruit "Prunus avium "
regnum =Plant ae| divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo = Rosales
ordo_authority = Perleb
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision =Barbeyaceae Cannabaceae (hemp family)Dirachmaceae Elaeagnaceae (oleaster /Russian olive family)Moraceae (mulberry family)Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family)Rosaceae (rose family)Ulmaceae (elm family)Urticaceae (nettle family)
synonyms= Rhamnales Rosanae Urticalescite web
url = http://beta.uniprot.org/taxonomy/3744
title = Order Rosales
accessdate = 2008-04-24
author = UniProt
authorlink = UniProt
format = HTML]:"For other meanings, see
Rosales (disambiguation) ."Rosales" is an order of
flowering plant s, including nine families, the type family being the rose familyRosaceae . These nine families (see box, right) are those shown by the genetic analysis carried out by theAngiosperm Phylogeny Group to be related to each other. Their analysis showed that the oldCronquist system order ofUrticales belongs within the Rosales.In the APG classification, well-known members of Rosales include:rose s; strawberries, blackberries and raspberries;apple s andpear s;plum s,peach es andapricot s;almond s;rowan and hawthorn;elm s;fig s;nettle s; and hops andcannabis . Apart from the Rosaceae itself, this is a complete change from the circumscription of the Rosales in the Cronquist system, listed below; these families have been removed to various other orders. The currently accepted family and/or order is shown in brackets:
*Alseuosmiaceae (Asterales )
*Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales )
*Brunelliaceae (Oxalidales )
*Bruniaceae (family unplaced in Euasterids II)
*Byblidaceae (Lamiales )
*Cephalotaceae (Oxalidales )
*Chrysobalanaceae (Malpighiales )
*Columelliaceae (family unplaced in Euasterids II)
*Connaraceae (Oxalidales )
*Crassulaceae (Saxifragales )
*Crossosomataceae (Crossosomatales )
*Cunoniaceae (Oxalidales )
* Davidsoniaceae (Cunoniaceae ,Oxalidales )
*Dialypetalanthaceae (Rubiaceae ,Gentianales )
* Eucryphiaceae (Cunoniaceae ,Oxalidales )
* Greyiaceae (Melianthaceae ,Geraniales )
*Grossulariaceae (Saxifragales )
*Hydrangeaceae (Cornales )
*Neuradaceae (Malvales )
*Pittosporaceae (Apiales )
*Rhabdodendraceae (Caryophyllales )
*Saxifragaceae (Saxifragales )
*Surianaceae (Fabales )References
External links
*ITIS|ID=24057|taxon=Rosales|year=2008|date=24 April
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.