Verditer Flycatcher

Verditer Flycatcher

name = Verditer Flycatcher

image_caption = on a Kamala tree "Mallotus philipensis" at Jayanti in Buxa Tiger Reserve in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, India.
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Passeriformes
familia = Muscicapidae
genus = " Eumyias "
species = "E. thalassina"
binomial = "Eumyias thalassina"
binomial_authority = Swainson, 1838

The Verditer Flycatcher ("Eumyias thalassina") is an Old World flycatcher found in the Indian subcontinent, especially in the Lower Himalaya. It is named after its distinctive shade of copper-sulphate blue and has a dark patch between the eyes and above the bill base. They are also interesting among the flycatchers in that they forage above the canopy level and perching on electric wires or exposed tree top branches.


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