Indo-Tibetan Border Police

Indo-Tibetan Border Police

The Indo-Tibetan Border Police is a paramilitary force conceived on October 24, 1962 for security along the Indo-Tibetan Border covering 2115 km.

The ITBP is trained in mountaineering, disaster management, and nuclear, biological and chemical disasters. ITBP personnel have been deployed abroad to UN peacekeeping missions in Bosnia and elsewhere.


ITBP is a multi-dimensional force. Presently Battalions of ITBP deployed on Border Guarding Duties from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Diphu La in Arunachal Pradesh covering 3488 km of India China Border are manning Border Out Posts at altitudes as high as 21000in the Western, Middle & Eastern Sector of India China Border. ITBP is basically a mountain trained Force and most of the officers & men are professionally trained Mountaineers and Skiers. The force is under an expansion plan at the moment in order to provide relief to its troops from constant deployment in high altitude areas.

The border posts manned by ITBP are exposed to high velocity storms, snow blizzards, avalanches, and landslides, besides the hazards of high altitude and extreme cold, where temperature dips up to minus 40 degree Celsius. ITBP conducts Long Range and Short Range patrols to keep an effective vigil on inaccessible and unmanned areas on the border. To maintain optimum operational efficiency of troops, periodical tactical exercises are conducted independently as well as jointly with Army.

The ITBP has recently taken on a disaster management role. Being the first responder for natural Disaster in Himalayas, ITBP was the first to establish 06 ( Now 08) Regional Response Centres in HP, Uttaranchal and North East and carried out numerous rescue and relief operations in various disaster situations, which took place in our areas of responsibility as well as other parts of the country. ITBP has already trained 1032 personnel in Disaster Management including 98 personnel in Radiological and Chemical/biological emergencies.

ITBP has established a National Centre for Training in Search, Rescue & Disaster response at Bhanu, Haryana which is imparting training to personnel of ITBP and other Paramilitary / State Police Forces. There is also a training center for the Dogs at Basic Training center situated at Bhanu. The center is known as NICD.

ITBP Commando units provide security to the Embassy and consulates of India in Afghanistan. Besides this two Companies of the ITBP are providing security in Afghanistan.

ITBP has also excelled in UN peace keeping operation. The Force personnel have been deployed for peacekeeping operations in Angola, Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mozambique and Kosovo. Presently 01 coy of ITBP is deployed in United Nation Mission in Congo since November, 2005. A National Centre for UNCIVPOL training has been setup at ITBP Camp, Tigri, New Delhi for providing systematic training to Indian Police Officers for deployment in UN Mission. Sh S R Roy, Comdt, served in Western Sahara as police commissioner and remained instrumental in imparting pre induction training to Indian Police Officers. Sh Sanjeev Raina, ADIG has been one of the pioneer officer of ITBP, who remained with UN Missions both in Europe as well as in Africa and imparted training and helped the local police in achieving self relinace for maintaining law and order.similarly Sh Devendra Singh, ADIG is serving in Afghanistan. A number of other officers such as Sh M K Singh, Comdt, Sh R S Pathania, DIG, Sh Jaspal Singh,Comdt, Sh A J Rasool, Comdt etc has served various UN Missions with distinction. Indeed ITBP has achieved glorious standards in international policing also.

ITBP is also providing security to the pilgrims during Annual Kailash Mansarovar Yatra from 1981. ITBP provides communication, security and medical cover to the yatries from Gunji to Lipulekh Pass and back to Gunji in co-ordination with MEA and Kumaon Mandal vikas Nigam.Indo Tibetan Border Police Force was conceived on 24th October, 1962 for the security of our frontiers along the Indo - Tibetan Border covering 2115 km from Karakoram Pass to Lipulekh Pass and Tri junction of India, Nepal and China. Incredible though it may sound, only four battalions were sanctioned to begin with to fill up the security vacuum that was prevalent at that time on the Indo - Tibet border. Later in view of the additional responsibilities and the task redefined in 1976, the Force was restructured in 1978.

ITBP was initially raised under the CRPF Act, however in 1992, the parliament enacted the ITBPF Act, and rules thereunder were framed in 1994. ITBP, as would be seen from its functions & tasks given below, is a multi-dimensional force.

ITBP has established its very own Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School at an altitude of 6000 feet plus at the serene location of Mahidanda in Uttarkashi district. DG ITBP Sh Vikram Srivastava, IPS inaugurated the school in an impressive ceremony on 26th September 2008. The school has been established under overall guidance of Sh Rajiv Mehta, IPS IG North Zone ITBP and will provide state of the art training to ITBP's men and officers alike to make them physically tough and mentally robust. They will also be taught to survive in difficult jungle conditions and then strike surgically. Training for the first batch has already started. Sh Sanjeev Raina, DIG ITBP has been assigned the responsibility to head the institution with a strong team of experienced instructors. CI ops, Jungle Warfare, Handling of explosives,Rock craft, Survival in adverse conditions, Un armed Combat, and Guerilla warfare will be some of the subjects in this course. Vigil on northern borders, detection and prevention of border violation, and promotion of sense of security among the local populace. Check illegal immigration, trans-border smuggling and crimes. Security to sensitive installations, banks and protected persons. Restore and preserve order in any area in the event of disturbance. In our border vigil task ITBP mans forward border posts at altitudes ranging from 9000' to 18000'. Most of the forward posts remain cut off by the surface route during winter months. The border posts are exposed to the fury and violence of nature like snow blizzards, avalanches, landslides, besides the hazards of high altitude and extreme cold where temperature normally remains below minus 40 degrees Celsius.

The force besides guarding the border, is heavily engaged in fighting Pakistan sponsored terrorism in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, where it has displayed exemplary nerve and gallantry. The "Himveers", as the personnel are affectionately called, also provide security cover to installations and to VIPs in Delhi. Each year ITBP personnel are deployed to UN Peace Keeping Missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Herzegovina, Angola & Western Sahara.

Adventure and dare-devilry are the required professional skill for ITBP and therefore from its ranks come world class mountaineers who have scaled more than a hundred Himalayan peaks, including the Mount Everest, four times. Its skiers have been national champions, who have done India proud in the winter Olympics. Its river rafters have created international history in rafting through the turbulent white waters of the mighty Brahmaputra, the Indus and the Ganga. The Force has created a milestone by becoming the first Central Para Military Force to grab up the Best Marching Contingent Trophy in the Republic Day parades in 1998,1999 and 2000. It broke new ground in 1998 when it sent the first ever police tableau of the country to participate in the Republic Day Parade. ITBP is in the forefront of movement for the preservation of Himalayan environment & ecology. ITBP has taken up in a big way the task of greening the Himalayan regions especially in Inner Himalayas. Being the only human presence on forward areas, it has taken on itself the task of maintaining the delicate balance of flora and fauna.

ITBP being deployed in mountains has developed the expertise in rescue & relief operations in mountains, which entail different specialized skills of very high standard. It is always first in extending rescue & relief in case of natural calamity. ITBP conducts a large number of medical civic action programmes in remote border and terrorist affected areas to provide free and expert medical, health and hygiene care to the civilian population in remote villages.

It is the only police force in the country, which possesses expertise in policing the most formidable mountains of the Himalayas. The annual pilgrimage to MOUNT KAILAS and HOLY MANSAROVAR LAKE in Tibet (China) is conducted under the wings of ITBP. Indo- Tibetan Border Police Academy, the premier training institute of ITBP and aCentre of Excellencewas established at Mussoorie on ad-hoc basis in the year 1976 at the time of the re organization of the Force. This institution was earlier known asHigh Altitude Defence and Survival Academy’. The ITBP Academy consists of two wings viz. Adm Wing and Combat Wing. The Adm Wing of ITBP Academy is the erstwhileSpecialist Training Centre of ITBP, which was situated in Nowgaon (M.P) prior to the year-1976. Similarly, theAdvanced Training Centre’, which was earlier located in Shivpuri (MP) is now forms Combat Wing.

Both these establishments had separate strength and command structure. However, after the reorganization of the Force in 1978 these were amalgamated and restructured on functional basis as Adm Wing and Combat Wing, These wings under their respective commandants work within the over all control and supervision of Director. For the day-to-day administration, he is assisted by one Addl Dy. Inspector General. The two wings of ITBP Academy are spread over an area of 243 acres of land where training infra-structure like firing ranges, obstacle course, area for field craft, tactics etc have been established.

Adm Wing is responsible to provide administrative cover to Academy and Combat Wing for conducting the training in Academy. Besides conducting the basic training of directly recruited Asstt Commandants and Sub-Inspectors, the ITBP Academy organises in-service Courses on conventional warfare, intelligence, field engineering, VIP security and commando operations, counter-insurgency operations, administration, computers, karate, map reading, rock climbing and staff duties etc for all ranks of the Force and of CPOs/ State Police Forces.

ITBP Academy has been given the status ofCentre of Excellenceby the Government of India and now is on the path of modernization of its training infra- structure. Till June 2004, the Academy has trained 3785 GOs, 7776 SOs and 27476 Other Ranks from ITBP and CPOs/ State Police Forces.

Training centers

ITBP training centres is to develop in the trainees: Professional skills, esprit de corps, and leadership Values of integrity, impartiality and respect for all castes, creed and religion Highest tradition of supreme sacrifice in the service of motherland Respect for human rights so as to make us a formidable force in maintaining the security & territorial integrity of India The Basic Training Center at Bhanu, ITBP Academy at Mussourie, and the Mountaineering & Skiing Institute at Auli run the training programmes and conduct indoor and outdoor training activities, in pursuance of this mission

The motto of ITBP "SHAURYA - DRIDATA - KARM NISHTHA" (VALOUR - DETERMINATION - DEVOTION TO DUTY) has always inspired its men in accepting challenges to bring glory to the nation and honour to the force. In the course of active duties, the force has earned a number of Civil and Service honours, and decorations like Padam Shree - 2, Shaurya Chakra - 1, Sena Medal - 1, President's Police Medal for Gallantry - 3, Police Medal for Gallantry - 44, President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service - 63, Police Medal for Meritorious Service - 292 and the Prime Minister's Life Saving Medal - 54.

ITBP has undergone a massive expansion plan to provide much needed relief to its troops who remain deployed in the tough high altitude terrain for most part of their service. 13 units are being raised in year 2006-07 and another 7 units will be raised next year.The Force is currently led by Sh VIKRAM SHRIVASTAVA, IPS (UP) as DG of the Force.

Killed on duty

Assistant Commandant Ashok Kumar Rana was killed in 1998 at Chirwar, in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, in an encounter with Kashmiri insurgents. In the encounter he killed 3 insurgents and was posthumously decorated.

Deputy Commandant Joy Lal, laid down his life serving country during 1999 Kargil Operations in a land mine blast.

Inspector Raj Kumar was killed in 1997 in an encounter with Kashmiri insurgents at Wangam in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, and was posthumously decorated.

Constable Suresh Kumar was killed in December 1994 in an encounter with Kashmiri insurgents in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, and was posthumously decorated. Sub-Inspector Pramod Sajwan and Constable Kishan Ram killed in March 1994 in an encounter with Kashmiri insurgents in District Anantnag in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, and were both posthumously decorated. Three members of the ITBP were also killed in an attempt to climb Mt. Everest during a severe storm in 1996.

Ajai Rathore and Roop Singh were killed when a suicide bomber attacked the Indian Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan on July 7, 2008. Both the officers have been honoured with Kirti Chakra on 15th August 2008.

External links

* [ ITBP website]
* [ ITBP Academy]

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