List of religions and spiritual traditions

List of religions and spiritual traditions

The following is a list of religions and spiritual traditions, however it excludes modern religions, which can be found in list of new religious movements.

Abrahamic religions

"A group of monotheistic traditions sometimes grouped with one another for comparative purposes, because all refer to a patriarch named Abraham."



Bahá'í Faith


See List of Christian denominations.
**Roman Catholicism
**Eastern Orthodoxy
**Oriental Orthodoxy
**Assyrian Church of the East
**Pre-Lutheran Protestants
**Pietism and Holiness movement
**African Initiated Churches
**United and uniting churches
**Religious Society of Friends
**Adventism and Millerites
**British Israelism
*Latter Day Saints
*Nontrinitarian Groups
**Iglesia ni Cristo
**Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus
**Jehovah's Witnesses
**Oneness Pentecostalism
**Unitarianism and Universalism
*Messianic Judaism
*Christian Spiritualism
**New Thought
**Christian Science
*Esoteric Christianity


* Christian Gnosticism
** Ebionites
** Cerdonians
*** Marcionism (not entirely Gnostic)
** Colorbasians
** Simonians
* "'Early Gnosticism
** Borborites
** Cainites
** Carpocratians
** Ophites
* Hermeticism
* Medieval Gnosticism
** Cathars
** Bogomils
** Paulicianism
** Tondrakians
* Persian Gnosticism
** Mandaeanism
** Manichaeism
*** Bagnolians
* Syrian-Egyptic Gnosticism
** Sethians
*** Basilidians
*** Thomasines
*** Valentinians
**** Bardesanites


see Divisions of Islam.

*Ghulat "including" (considered separate religions)
**Ahl-e Haqq (Yarsan)

*Kalam Schools

**Ibadi (Only surviving sect)

***Mustaali / Bohra
***Alevi / Bektashi




(see also: Jew; Hebrews; Jewish Denominations; Jewish ethnic divisions)
*Contemporary divisions
**Conservative Judaism (Masorti/Conservadox)
***Union for Traditional Judaism
**Humanistic Judaism (atheistic, not always identified as a religion)
**Karaite Judaism
**Orthodox Judaism
***Haredi Judaism
***Hasidic Judaism
***Modern Orthodox Judaism
**Reconstructionist Judaism (regards Jewish identity as primarily cultural, not religious)
**Reform Judaism
*Historical groups
**Pharisees (ancestor of Rabbinic/Orthodox Judaism)
** Sects that believed Jesus was a prophet



*Sabians of Harran
*Mandaean Nasaræan Sabeans


Indian religions

"Mostly religions that originated in Greater India that share a number of key concepts, namely Dharma and Karma and religions and traditions related to, and descended from, them.



(see Schools of Buddhism)
*Nikaya schools (which have historically been called Hinayana in the West)
***Sri Lankan Amarapura Nikaya
***Sri Lankan Siam Nikaya
***Sri Lankan Ramañña Nikaya
***Bangladeshi Sangharaj Nikaya
***Bangladeshi Mahasthabir Nikaya
***Thai Maha Nikaya
****Dhammakaya Movement
***Thai Thammayut Nikaya
***Thai Forest Tradition
**Humanistic Buddhism
***Soka Gakkai
**Pure Land
***Fuke Zen
***Kwan Um School of Zen
***Sanbo Kyodan
***Ōbaku (school of Buddhism)
**Shingon Buddhism
**Tibetan Buddhism


(see also Hindu denominations, Contemporary Hindu movements)
*Agama Hindu Dharma ("Javanese Hinduism")
*Reform movements
**Arya Samaj
**Brahmo Samaj
**Gaudiya Vaishnavism
***ISKCON (Hare Krishna)

*Six major schools and movements of Hindu philosophy
**Purva mimamsa
**Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa)
***Advaita Vedanta
***Integral Yoga
***Dvaita Vedanta
***Ashtanga Yoga
***Bhakti Yoga
***Hatha yoga
***Siddha Yoga
***Tantric Yoga
*Hindu revivalism




*Namdhari or Kuka Sikhs
*Sahajdhari Sikh

Iranic religions

"Religions originating in Greater Iran"




* Alevi
* Yarsani
* Yazidi


* Zurvanism
* Magus (see Three Wise Men)

Taoic/East Asian religions

"Religions originating in east Asia."




* Neo-Confucianism
* New Confucianism


* Oomoto
* Tenrikyo


I-Kuan Tao

Chinese folk religion

Falun Gong

African diasporic religions

"Religions originating but not entirely located in Africa"
*African Initiated Church
*Mami Wata
*Santería ("Lukumi")
*Vodou ("Dahomey mythology")
*Vodou ("Haitian mythology")

Pagan religions (Historical Polytheism, Indigenous Traditional)

"Traditionally, these faiths have all been classified "Pagan" due to common elements of animism, shamanism and polytheism. However in recent times, scholars have begun to dispute this, preferring the terms "indigenous/primal/folk/ethnic religions", "historical polytheism" and "Neo-Paganism". The number of Pagan adherents is difficult to account for, as many followers worship in solitude. Paganism traditionally encompasses all Polytheistic belief systems as well as those spiritual practices that do not have any particular deities.

Indigenous religions

"The orally transmitted canon of indigenous peoples, many involving some variant of animism and many defunct"

African traditional religions

;West Africa
*Akan mythology
*Ashanti mythology (Ghana)
*Dahomey (Fon) mythology
*Efik mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
*Igbo mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon)
*Isoko mythology (Nigeria)
*Yoruba mythology (Nigeria, Benin)

;Central Africa
*Bushongo mythology (Congo)
*Bambuti (Pygmy) mythology (Congo)
*Lugbara mythology (Congo)

;East Africa
*Akamba mythology (East Kenya)
*Dinka mythology (Sudan)
*Lotuko mythology (Sudan)
*Masai mythology (Kenya, Tanzania)

;Southern Africa
*Khoikhoi mythology
*Lozi mythology (Zambia)
*Tumbuka mythology (Malawi)
*Zulu mythology (South Africa)


*Bön (Tibet)
*Siberian Shamanism (Siberia)
*Tengriism (Indigenous Mongol, Tartar & Kazakh belief)

*Estonian mythology
*Eskimo religion
*Finnish mythology and Finnish paganism
*Hungarian folk religion
*Sami religion (including the Noaidi)

=Native American religions=

*Abenaki mythology
*Blackfoot mythology
*Chickasaw mythology
*Choctaw mythology
*Creek mythology
*Crow mythology
*Guarani mythology
*Haida mythology
*Ho-Chunk mythology
*Hopi mythology
*Huron mythology
*Inca mythology
*Inuit mythology
*Iroquois mythology
*Kwakiutl mythology
*Lakota mythology
*Leni Lenape mythology
*Mesoamerican mythology
**Aztec mythology
**Maya mythology
**Olmec mythology
*Navajo mythology
*Nootka mythology
*Pawnee mythology
*Salish mythology
*Seneca mythology
*Selk'nam religion
*Tsimshian mythology
*Urarina ayahuasca shamanism and animism
*Ute mythology
*Zuni mythology

Pacific religions

*Australian Aboriginal mythology
*Austronesian beliefs
**Balinese mythology
**Javanese beliefs
**Melanesian mythology
**Micronesian mythology
***Nauruan indigenous religion
**Philippine mythology
**Polynesian mythology
***Hawaiian mythology
***Maori mythology
****Maori religion
***Rapa Nui mythology
****Tangata manu
*Chinese mythology
*Japanese mythology

Cargo cults

"Religions appearing in Pacific tribal societies in the wake of Western culture."
*John Frum
*Johnson cult
*Prince Philip Movement
*Vailala Madness

Historical Polytheism

Ancient Near East

*Ancient Egyptian religion
*Ancient Semitic religions
*Mesopotamian mythology
**Arabian mythology (pre-Islamic)
**Babylonian and Assyrian religion
***Babylonian mythology
***Chaldean mythology
**Canaanite mythology
***Canaanite religion
**Hittite mythology
**Persian mythology
**Sumerian mythology


*Indo-Iranian religion
**Historical Vedic religion
*Baltic polytheism
*Celtic polytheism
**Brythonic mythology
**Gaelic mythology
*Germanic polytheism
**Anglo-Saxon religion
**Norse religion
**Continental Germanic religion
*Greek polytheism
*Hungarian polytheism
*Finnish polytheism
*Roman polytheism
*Slavic polytheism


*Mystery religions
**Eleusinian Mysteries
*Early Christianity
*Gallo-Roman religion

Nonsectarian and trans-sectarian religious or spiritual movements


New Age


*Esoteric Christianity
**Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
**Rosicrucian Fellowship
*Surat Shabda Yoga


*Christian mysticism
*Hindu mysticism
***Ananda Marga Tantra-Yoga
*Kabbalah (also part of Judaism)
**Kabbalah Centre
*Merkabah (also part of Judaism)
*Meher Baba

=Left-Hand Path=

"Faiths teaching that the ultimate goal is separating consciousness from the universe, rather than being absorbed by it."


Magic (religion)

*Hoodoo ("Rootwork")
**New Orleans Voodoo
*Kulam - Filipino witchcraft
**Chaos magic
**Enochian magic
*Seid (shamanic magic)
*Vaastu Shastra (Hinduism)

Organizations promoting Ecumenism

*Dances of Universal Peace
*Interreligious organisations
** Focolare Movement
** Humanity's Team

ystems claiming not to be religions, but which have characteristics of religion

*Aesthetic Realism
*Fellowship of Reason
*Nazi mysticism


=Other categorisations=

By demographics

*List of religious populations

By area

*Religion in Africa
*Religion in North America
*Religion in South America
*Religion in Asia
*Religion in Australia
*Religion in Europe
*Oceania / Pacific
*Religion by country
**List of state-established religions
** Christianity by country
***Roman Catholicism by country
***Protestantism by country
** Islam by country
** Buddhism by country
** Hinduism by country
** Judaism by country, Jewish population
** Sikhism by country
*Buddhism by region

ee also

* Major world religions
* List of religious organizations
* Monotheism
* New religious movements
* List of fictional religions
* List of people by belief
* Sacred text
* Mythology
* Civil religion
*Ancestor worship
*Ditheism (Dualism)
*Mystery religion
**Secular Humanism
*Ethical Culture

External links

* [ Statistics on religious belief or adherence]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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