- Rapacuronium
IUPAC_name = [(2"S",3"S",5"S",8"R",9"S",10"S",13"S",14"S",16"S",17"S")-
1"H"-cyclopenta [a] phenanthren-17-yl] propanoate
imagename = Rapacuronium bromide
width = 250
CAS_number = 156137-99-4
ATC_prefix =
ATC_suffix =
PubChem = 5311398
DrugBank =
C = 37 | H = 61 | N = 2 | O = 4 | charge = +
molecular_weight = 597.891 g/mol
bioavailability = Not applicable
protein_bound = Variable
metabolism = Hydrolyzed to active metabolites
CYP system not involved
elimination_half-life = 141 minutes (mean)
excretion = Renal and fecal
pregnancy_AU =
pregnancy_US = C
legal_AU =
legal_CA =
legal_UK =
legal_status = Withdrawn (U.S)
routes_of_administration = IntravenousRapacuronium bromide (trade name Raplon, Organon) is a rapidly acting, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocker used in modern
anaesthesia , to aid and enableendotracheal intubation , which is often necessary to assist in the controlled ventilation of unconscious patients during surgery and sometimes inintensive care . As a non-depolarizing agent, it does not cause initial stimulation of muscles before weakening them.Due to risk of fatal
bronchospasm , it was withdrawn from theUnited States market by the manufacturer onMarch 27 ,2001 . [Shapse, Deborah (March 27, 2001). PDFlink| [http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/SAFETY/2001/raplon_DDR.pdf Voluntary Market Withdrawal] |10.8 KiB .Organon International . Retrieved on2007-04-02 .]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.