- List of political scientists
"This is a list of notable political scientists. See the
list of political theorists for those who study politics without using thescientific method .See also
Political Science ."Notable political scientists
David Abernethy -Comparative Politics , Africa Specialist atStanford University ; author of "The Dynamics of Global Dominance".
*Alan I. Abramowitz - American politics and election forecasting at Emory University; co-author of Senate Elections.
*Christopher H. Achen - Political methodologist atPrinceton University , first president of the Society for Political Methodology.
*Prajesh Adhikari - Comparative politics; Eastern Europe specialist atArizona State University ; author of "The Hope Gene".
*John Aldrich - Political parties expert atDuke University , author of "Why Parties?"
*Graham Allison - Early proponent of the bureaucratic politics model, author ofEssence of Decision ,national security specialist, former Dean ofKennedy School of Government atHarvard University .
*Gabriel A. Almond - Originator of the culturist movement inComparative Politics .
*R. Douglas Arnold - Congress scholar, author of "The Logic of Congressional Action".
*Robert Axelrod - Expert ongame theory andcomplexity theory , wrote extensively on thePrisoner's Dilemma , former president ofAmerican Political Science Association .B
Stephen Barber - Noted for his work on political strategy andpolitical economy , author of "Political Strategy", member ofG3 (tour) .
*Benjamin Barber - proponent ofparticipatory democracy and local governance teaching at theUniversity of Maryland School of Public Policy at theUniversity of Maryland College Park .
*Simion Bărnuţiu - Noted for his work on political strategy in Austria and Romania.
*Larry Bartels -Democracy andvoting expert atPrinceton University .
*Gad Barzilai - Law and Politics, Human Rights and Politics, Communities and Law atUniversity of Washington .
*Nathaniel Beck - Political methodologist, international relations scholar.
*Jeffrey Berry - American Politics & Political Behavior expert, Professor of Political Science atTufts University .
*Duncan Black - Responsible for unearthing the work of many early political scientists, including Charles Dodgson.
*Hans T. Blokland - Author of "Freedom and Culture in Western Society" and "Modernization and its political consequences".
*Jean Blondel - Comparative politics atUniversity of Siena , emeritus atEuropean University Institute .
*Catherine Boone - Comparative politics, Africa (University of Texas at Austin ).
*Jean-Charles de Borda - 18th centurymathematician who devised theBorda count .
*Steven Brams - Expert onvoting systems .
*Ahron Bregman - Expert on theArab-Israeli conflict .
*John Brehm - Public opinion and political psychology expert.
*Ian Bremmer - Political risk specialist.
*Benichou Rachid - Political philosopher, he was number one of world 1969 to date.
*Stephen Brooks - International relations scholar.
*Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - Pioneering game theorist with applications to international relations, author ofselectorate theory , seminal book "The War Trap".
*Walter Dean Burnham - Expert in the field of realigning elections, emeritus atUniversity of Texas at Austin .
*Ken Butterworth - Comparative politics, South American (University of South Florida ).C
James E. Campbell - American politics, election forecasting, theory of "surge and decline," SUNY-Buffalo, Author of "The American Campaign"
* George Catlin - (1896-1979) was an English political scientist and philosopher. A strong proponent of Anglo-America cooperation, he worked for many years as a professor at Cornell University.
*Edward Hallett Carr - Noted international relations theorist.
*Alfredo Castillero Hoyos - Democracy and Human Rights. Former member of theUnited Nations 'sHuman Rights Committee .
*James Ceaser - Major scholar of American politics (University of Virginia )
*Partha Chatterjee - Indianpostcolonial critic, political and social scientist
*John Coakley - specialist in ethnic conflict and Irish politics
* Benjamin Cohen - leader in the field of International Political Economy
*David Collier (political scientist) , - comparativist, Latin Americanist, Methodologist
*Ruth Berins Collier , - comparativist, Latin Americanist, specialist on labor politics and democratization
*Josep Colomer - Institutionalist, comparativist, and game theorist scholar.
*Marquis de Condorcet - 18th centurymathematician andphilosopher who contributed the often used "Condorcet criterion" and devised the concept of aCondorcet method .
*John Coneybeare - International organizations theorist.
*Satyabrata Rai Chowdhuri - International Relations, Indology atInstitute of Commonwealth Studies
*Philip Converse - Public opinion scholar, author of "The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics."
*Clyde Coombs - Voting systems expert, designed "Coombs' method"
*Colm Costigan - Renowned Irish Politician of the 1970s, professor atUniversity of Dublin
*Gary Cox - Noted scholar of comparative and American politics.
*Philip Cowley - Author of "Revolts and Rebellions".
*Ralph W. Conant - Author of "The Prospects for Revolution" and "Toward a More Perfect Union: The Governance of Metropolitan America".D
Robert A. Dahl - American politics specialist, author of "On Democracy" (Yale University Press)
*Daniel Deudney - Writer and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University; author of "Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village"
*Karl Deutsch - Political scientist, focused on political communication.
*Robert Devigne - Political Theory Expert, professor atTufts University .
*Larry Diamond - Comparative democratization specialist. Professor atStanford University .
*Thomas Diez - Chair in International Relations at theUniversity of Birmingham
*John DiIulio - American politics expert at theUniversity of Pennsylvania ; first director of theWhite House Office of Faith-Based and Community Groups
*Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (also known asLewis Carroll ) - Author of "Alice in Wonderland " and professor of mathematics at theUniversity of Oxford ; devisedDodgson's method of voting.
*Robert Donaldson - Professor atUniversity of Tulsa and specialist in US/Russian foreign policy.
*Michael Scott Doran - Assistant Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
*Anthony Downs - has contributed to democratic theory, elections studies.
*Donald Downs - Professor at University of Wisconsin; researcher for Independent Institute
*Maurice Duverger - Frenchlawyer andsociologist responsible forDuverger's law .
*Michael W. Doyle - International Relations theorist, author of "Empires".
*Murray Dry - Professor atMiddlebury College , specializing inconstitutional law
* John Dunn - Political theorist at theUniversity of Cambridge .
*Rand Dyck - Canadian politics expert and professor atCarleton University .
*Thomas R. Dye - Elite theory vs. Pluralism; author of "The Irony of Democracy" and "Who's Running America?"E
David Easton - Originator of systemic theory
*Harry Eckstein - Noted comparative politics expert in culture and democracy.
*Jon Elster - Norwegian social andpolitical theorist authored works in thephilosophy of social science andrational choice theory and a notable proponent ofAnalytical Marxism .
*Robert S. Erikson - noted for work on the link between public opinion and public policy.F
Peter D. Feaver - International security expert.
*David Fellman - Constitutional scholar
*Richard Fenno - Congress scholar, author of "Home Style: House Members in their Districts"
* Thomas Ferguson - Politics and economics
*Samuel Finer - Academic and author on political science and history of government.
*Martha Finnemore - International organizations and ethics scholar.
*Peter Fishburn - Operations analysis and probability theory expert.
*Keith Fitzgerald - Immigration politics expert.
*James H. Fowler - Expert on political participation, the evolution of cooperation, and social network theory (UCSD )
* Ernst Fraenkel
*Francis Fukuyama - International political theory and biopolitics.G
Gerald Gamm - Political Science Department Chair at theUniversity of Rochester .
*Anthony Giddens - Noted political sociologist originator of the Third Way.
*Anthony Gill - Comparativist, religion and politics specialist. Author of "Rendering Unto Caesar" (University of Chicago Press)
*Robert Gilpin - International political economy specialist.
*James M. Glaser - American Politics & Political Behavior Expert. Professor and Dean of Undergraduate Education atTufts University . Author of "The Hand of the Past in Contemporary Southern Politics" & "Race, Campaign Politics, and the Realignment in the South".
*Sheldon Goldman - Expert on American federal courts, Professor at theUniversity of Massachusetts-Amherst
*Joanne Gowa - International political economy expert (democratic peace theory).
*Joseph Grieco - International relations theorist; Duke University professor.
*Amy Gutmann - political theory expert; (2004-present) President of theUniversity of Pennsylvania H
Harry Harding -China specialist.
*Thomas Hare - DevisedSingle Transferable Vote (also known as Hare's method).
*Jeremy Harris - American Politics Specialist
* Michael Hart - British twentieth century politics specialist.
*Louis Hartz - American author of "The Liberal Tradition in America" (1955).
* Colin Hay - influential British political scientist
*Marc Hetherington - Author of "Why Trust Matters" and offered new participation paradigm.
*Christopher J. Hill - International Relations scholar, Professor and Director of the Cambridge Centre of International Studies.
*Roger Hilsman - JFK Aid,Columbia University Professor, and prolific author.
*Thomas Holbrook - Public Opinion and Elections Research, author "Do Campaigns Matter?"
*Donald Horowitz - Pioneered political science models for assessing ethnic conflict.
*Michael P. Howlett - Canadian political economy.
*Samuel P. Huntington - Author of "Clash of Civilizations " and a noted comparativist.I
Kancha Ilaiah -Dalit scholar and social scientistJ
Larry Jacobs - Presidential and legislative politics
*Gary Jacobsohn - Comparative constitutional theory
*Gary C. Jacobson - Congressional politics expert
*M. Kent Jennings - Grandfather of political socialization.
*Robert Jervis - International security specialist.
*Chalmers Johnson - Comparative theorist.
*Loch K. Johnson - United States intelligence expert.
*Bertrand de Jouvenel - French political scientist. Co-founder of Mont Pelerin SocietyK
Peter Katzenstein
*Dennis Kavanagh
* Michael Keating - Specialist in nationalism, European integration and regionalism
* Robert O. Keohane - Interdependence theory author.
*V.O. Key, Jr. - Elections, parties and public opinion scholar.
*Kan Kimura - Professor at Kobe University, Specialist in nationalism, East Asian Politics.
* Gary King - Professor at Harvard, political methodologist.
*Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to PresidentRichard M. Nixon .
*Herbert Kitschelt - author on new radical right parties
*Ruud Koole - Professor at Leiden University, Netherlands and former labour party president.
*Stephen D. Krasner - International regimes author, Director of Policy Planning under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and professor atStanford University .
*Michael Krassa - Elections, social context, architecture and society. Lobbyist, consultant, political sociologist and Chair of Human Dimensions of Environmental Systems department at University of Illinois at Urbana.
*Keith Krehbiel - Congress scholar and formal theorist.
*Oskar Krejčí - Theory of international relations, elections and political psychology, former advisor to two Czechoslovak premieres.
*James Kurth
*Will Kymlicka - Originated the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism.L
Guy Laforest -Liberalism (John Locke) scholar and Quebec and Canadian politics specialist
*David A. Lake - International Relations Theorist
*Richard Ned Lebow - Noted constructivist, Cold War expert, author of "Tragic Vision of Politics".
*Michael Leifer - International Relations, South Asian Studies,London School of Economics
*Michael S. Lewis-Beck - Comparative and American political behavior and election forecasting, University of Iowa, author of Economics and Elections.
*Arend Lijphart - Originator of consociationalism.
*Dan Lipinski - US House of Representatives (IL-D, 3rd)
*Juan Linz - Democracy specialist
*Seymour Martin Lipset - Renowned political theorist on democracy and development and parties. Taught atStanford University .
*Ramon Llull - Discoverer ofCondorcet Criterion andBorda Count
*Theodore Lowi - Major scholar of American politics at Cornell
*Ian Lustick - State territioriality ethnic conflict and computer modelling in political science;University of Pennsylvania
*Rodrigo Losada Lora - political behavior from a sociopsychological framework. Works on Colombia's political participation.Pontificia Universidad Javeriana ,Bogotá, ColombiaM
Niccolò Machiavelli - considered to be the originator of historically based political science. Author of "The Prince "
*Harvey C. Mansfield - Political philosophy (Harvard University )
*Donald Manzullo - Congressional Representative of Illinois' 16th District.
*Zeev Maoz - Arab-Israeli Conflict and international relations expert
* Jose M. Maravall - Political economist.
* David Marsh - influential British political scientist
*Pierre Martin - French parties and elections scholar.
*Juraj Marusiak - Slovak expert for Central and Eastern Europe
* David R. Mayhew - US legislative behavior and political parties expert.
*Mathew McCubbins - Formal theorist. U.S. Congress and bureaucracy specialist.
*Michael McFaul -Russia specialist, professor and director of the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law atStanford University
*John McGarry - Ethnic conflict specialist
*John Mearsheimer - Noted international relations theorist and national security expert.
*Uday Mehta - Political theorist and author of Liberalism and Empire
*Thierry Meyssan - Political theorist of anti-imperialism
*Samuel Merrill III - Voting behavior and party competition.
* George Michael - specialist inright-wing extremism .
*Peter Middlebrook - political economist specialising in transition economies.
* David Miller - Political Philosopher specialized in theories of social justice
*Terry Moe - American politics specialist and game theorist, teaches atStanford University .
*Hans Morgenthau - Noted realist, international relations specialist.
*James Morrow - International relations expert and game theorist.
*Michael Munger - trained as an economist, chair of political science atDuke University , running forgovernor ofNorth Carolina as aLibertarian N
Douglass North - Nobel laureate
*Philip Norton - British politics expert
*Pippa Norris - Harvard comparative political scientist
*Joseph Nye - "Soft power" international security specialist; Kennedy School Dean.O
Brendan O'Leary - Ethnic conflict specialist
*Cornelius O'Leary - Irish historian and political scientist
*Mancur Olson - International political economy specialist. Expert on collective action problems. Taught at theUniversity of Maryland, College Park .
*A.F.K. Organski - Developed power transition theory in his 1958 book "World Politics".P
Thomas Pangle - Political theorist atUniversity of Texas at Austin
*Michael Parenti - Political Scientist and Author
*Gianfranco Pasquino Italian political scientist. Electoral systems, comparative politics.
*Gleb Pavlovsky - Russian political scientist.
*Miroslav Pekník - Director of theInstitute of Political Science of SAS .
*Nelson W. Polsby - American politics scholar.
*Karl Popper - Theorist who invented the "Open Society "
*Samuel L. Popkin - Early expert on rational choice theory.
*G. Bingham Powell - Leader in the field ofcomparative politics , professor at theUniversity of Rochester .
*Sergei M. Plekhanov - Russia relations expert
*Adam Przeworski - Democratic transitions theorist, author of "Democracy and Development ". Member of theSeptember Group .
*Robert D. Putnam - Social capital theorist, author of "Bowling Alone ".R
Condoleezza Rice - Former National Security Advisor nowSecretary of State . Professor atStanford University .
*Floyd M. Riddick -Parliamentarian of the United States Senate from 1964 to 1974, and developer ofRiddick's Senate procedure .
*William H. Riker - 20th century political scientist who appliedgame theory to political science.
*Douglas Rivers - Political econometrician, quantitative methods expert atStanford University .
*David Rohde - Congress scholar
*Stein Rokkan - Expert on political parties and movements, founder of the Institute for Comparative Politics.
* Richard Rose - American political scientist, Professor of Politics at theUniversity of Aberdeen
*Richard Rosecrance - International relations and political economy expert.
*Clinton Rossiter - American government and constitutional history theorist.
*John Ruggie - International relations theorist, social constructivist.
*John Rawls - Political philosopher.
*William D. Richardson - Political philosopher.
*Malaya C. Ronas - Filipino political scientist, professor at theUniversity of the Philippines, Diliman .
*Jordan Renaud - Canadian Political Scientist, writer and Socialist.*
Scott Sagan - Stanford professor and notable critic ofdeterrence theory .
*Slobodan Samardžić - Research includes political ideas and institutions, federalism, constitutionalism, and European Union.
*David Samuels - Comparativist scholar of Brazilian politics and political institutions.
*Giovanni Sartori - Comparativist, expert on constitutional theory and party systems; author of "Parties and Party Systems".
* E.E. Schattschneider - Early political parties expert, author of "Party Government" and "The Semisovereign People: A Realist's View of Democracy in America"
*Sanford Schram - Research includes welfare reform, race, poverty, and research methodology.
*Gesine Schwan – Political scientist, president of theViadrina European University , and nominated twice as a candidate for the federal presidential elections of Germany.
*James C. Scott - political economist, Southeast Asia area specialist
*Hossein Seifzadeh -Iranian Professor of Political Science atUniversity of Tehran and expert on strategic and security issues in theMiddle East
*Mitchell A. Seligson - Centennial Professor of Political ScienceVanderbilt University and founder ofLatin American Public Opinion Project and AmericasBarometer
*Randolph M. Siverson - Research includes studies of international conflict, comparative political leadership, and foreign policy decision-making. See:selectorate theory .
*Theda Skocpol - Comparative sociologist, former president of American Political Science Association, (Harvard University )
*Stephen Skowronek - Presidency and American political development scholar (Yale University )
*Matthew Soberg Shugart - Scholar of constitutional design and electoral systems.
*Daniel Šmihula - Specialist for international and European law and security studies.
*Jean Edward Smith - political economist, biographer, international relations, constitutional law.
*Rogers Smith -Pulitzer Prize finalist, American politics expert at theUniversity of Pennsylvania
*Steven S. Smith - American politics, congressional politics, Russian politics; Director, Weidenbaum Center
*Herbert Simon -Nobel Prize winning professor atCarnegie Mellon . A founder ofartificial intelligence research, he received his Ph.D. in political science from theUniversity of Chicago
*Peverill Squire - Americanist
*Wayne Steger - Americanist, presidential politics specialist, DePaul University
*Alfred Stepan - Comaparativist, Wallace S. Sayre Professor of Government at Columbia University
*Zeev Sternhell - Theorist, political historian of political ideology.
*James A. Stimson - Americanist, former editor ofPolitical Analysis .
*John G. Stoessinger - International relations theorist, author of "The Might of Nations: World Politics in our Time".
*Donald Stokes -- Former Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton, expert on elections.
*Herbert Storing - American politics expert.
*Surain Subramaniam - professor and prolific author, realist school of international relations
*Prithi Pal Singh Sohi - Professor and Ph.d on International Politics, Political Analyst and Free lance writer on National and International issues. Book: Foreign Policy of Communists. Hosting political shows and debates on Indian Television.T
Rein Taagepera - Comparativist, expert on electoral systems and history of government.
*Dennis Thompson - Political theorist at Harvard University
*Charles Tilly - Professor atColumbia University , his work includescontentious politics and evolution of modern states
*Herbert Tingsten - Professor of political science atStockholm University
*James Tong - Comparativist, with interests in Chinese Politics and political violence.
*David B. Truman
*Jeffrey K. Tulis - Author of "The Rhetorical Presidency"
*J. Ann Tickner - Feminist international relations theorist and current president of theInternational Studies Association (ISA).
*George Tsebelis - Game theorist notable for his general theory of "Veto players" and for describing the "Robinson Crusoe fallacy".U
Stephen Van Evera - MIT international relations expert, known for proposing Offense-Defense theory
*Sidney Verba
*Eric Voegelin - Major work, "Order and History" in five volumes, he rejected the notion that political science should become a positivistic social science.W
Helen Wallace - International relations specialist.
*Stephen Walt - International relations specialist.
*Kenneth N. Waltz - Founder of the neorealist international relations school
*Michael Walzer - International relations, just war theory
*Ken Ward - Constitutional Law, Texas State University
*Alexander Wendt -Social constructivism proponent
*Darrell M. West - Specialist in electronic government,Brookings Institution director of Governance Studies
*John Henry Whyte - Specialist in Northern Irish politics
*Alan Whaites - States/State-building theorist, DFID [http://www.dfid.gov.uk]
*Aaron Wildavsky - Author of "Risk and Culture"
*James Q. Wilson - Former President of theAmerican Political Science Association
*Woodrow Wilson - Former Professor of Politics atPrinceton University and former U.S.President
*William Wohlforth - International relations scholar
*Susan L. Woodward - Balkans specialistY
Atilla Yayla – Professor of Politics, Political Economy and Political Philosophy atGazi University inTurkey , and president of theAssociation for Liberal Thinking .
*Crawford Young - Noted comparativist, Africa scholar.Z
Fareed Zakaria - International Relations Expert
*John Zaller - Author of "The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion," atUCLA .ee also
Political Science
*Political Theorists
*List of people
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