List of political theorists

List of political theorists

"This is a list of notable political theorists. See the list of political scientists for those who study politics using the scientific method."

A political theorist is someone who engages in constructing or evaluating political theory, including political philosophy. Theorists may be academics or independent scholars.

Notable historic political theorists

* Aristotle
* John Austin
* Simion Bărnuţiu
* Frederic Bastiat
* John C. Calhoun
* Jeremy Bentham
* Jean Bodin
* Edmund Burke
* Frederick Engels
* Hugo Grotius
* Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
* Johann Gottfried von Herder
* Thomas Hobbes
* Immanuel Kant
* John Locke
* Niccolò Machiavelli
* Karl Marx
* John Stuart Mill
* John Milton
* Gustave de Molinari
* Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
* Thomas More
* Thomas Paine
* Plato
* Samuel Pufendorf
* Jean-Jacques Rousseau
* John of Salisbury
* Baruch Spinoza
* Lysander Spooner
* Alexis de Tocqueville

Twentieth-century political theorists

* Bruce Ackerman
* Theodor Adorno
* Giorgio Agamben
* Tariq Ali
* Gabriel Almond
* Louis Althusser
* Hannah Arendt
* Raymond Aron
* Benjamin Barber
* Ernest Barker
* Robert N. Bellah
* Seyla Benhabib
* Walter Benjamin
* Isaiah Berlin
* Hans T. Blokland
* Allan Bloom
* Norberto Bobbio
* Stephen Bronner
* Wendy Brown
* James Burnham
* Cornelius Castoriadis
* Noam Chomsky
* Tony Cliff
* G. D. H. Cole
* William E. Connolly
* Drucilla Cornell
* Joseph Cropsey
* Robert Dahl
* Fred Dallmayr
* John Dewey
* Raya Dunayevskaya
* John Dunn
* Ronald Dworkin
* David Easton
* Frantz Fanon
* Richard E. Flathman
* Michel Foucault
* Nancy Fraser
* David D. Friedman
* Erich Fromm
* Carl Friedrich
* William Galston
* Emma Goldman
* Antonio Gramsci
* Che Guevara
* Alma Guillermoprieto
* Amy Gutmann
* Jürgen Habermas
* Clive Hamilton
* Michael Hardt
* Louis Hartz
* Friedrich Hayek
* David Held
* Paul Hirst
* L. T. Hobhouse
* John Holloway
* Bonnie Honig
* Jeffrey C. Isaac
* C.L.R. James
* Jean Jaurès
* Leo Jogiches
* V. O. Key, Jr.
* Russell Kirk
* Leszek Kołakowski
* Will Kymlicka
* Ernesto Laclau
* Harold J. Laski
* Harold D. Lasswell
* Henri Lefebvre
* Claude Lefort
* Vladimir Lenin
* Theodore J. Lowi
* Steven Lukes
* Rosa Luxemburg
* Dwight Macdonald
* Alasdair MacIntyre
* C. B. Macpherson
* Jane Mansbridge
* Harvey Mansfield
* Herbert Marcuse
* Uday Mehta
* David Miller
* Chantal Mouffe
* Antonio Negri
* Saul Newman
* Anne Norton
* Robert Nozick
* Martha Nussbaum
* Michael Oakeshott
* Thomas Pangle
* Carole Pateman
* Hanna Fenichel Pitkin
* John Plamenatz
* J.G.A. Pocock
* G. Bingham Powell
* Robert D. Putnam
* John Rawls
* Joseph Raz
* Murray Rothbard
* Nancy Rosenblum
* Stephen Salkever
* Jean-Paul Sartre
* Mario Savio
* Carl Schmitt
* James C. Scott
* Judith N. Shklar
* Leo Strauss
* Joseph Schumpeter
* Charles Taylor
* Leslie Paul Thiele
* Leon Trotsky
* Roberto Mangabeira Unger
* Eric Voegelin
* Graham Wallas
* Michael Walzer
* Stephen L. Wasby
* Beatrice Webb
* Sidney Webb
* Simone Weil
* Sheldon Wolin
* Iris Marion Young
* Howard Zinn

See also

* Political science
* Political scientist
* Politics

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