
Croutons on a salad

A crouton is a small piece of sautéed or rebaked bread, often cubed and seasoned, that is used to add texture and flavor to salads, notably the Caesar salad, as an accompaniment to soups, or eaten as a snack food. The word crouton is derived from the French croûton, itself derived from croûte, meaning "crust".



Croutons in a bowl

Making croutons is relatively simple. Typically the cook cuts bread into small cubes, coats them in oil or butter (which may be seasoned or flavored for variety), and then bakes them. Alternatively, they may be fried lightly in butter or vegetable oil, until crisp and as brown as desired to give them a buttery flavor and crunchy texture.

Nearly any type of unsweetened bread, in a loaf or pre-sliced, with or without crust, may be used to make croutons. Dry or stale leftover bread is usually used in lieu of fresh bread. Once prepared, the croutons will remain fresh far longer than the bread.


A dish prepared à la Grenobloise (in the Grenoble manner) has a garnish of small croutons along with brown butter, capers, parsley, and lemon.

French onion soup is usually topped with croutons and melted cheese.

Dried and cubed bread is commonly sold in large bags in North America to make Thanksgiving holiday stuffing or dressing, though these are generally different than salad croutons, being only dry bread instead of buttered or oiled and with different seasonings, if any.

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  • croûton — [ krutɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1669; de croûte 1 ♦ Extrémité d un pain long. ⇒ quignon. Manger le croûton. 2 ♦ Petit morceau de pain sec. Croûtons frottés d ail. ⇒ chapon. Épinards aux croûtons frits. 3 ♦ Fig. et fam. Personne arriérée, d esprit borné. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Crouton — Croûton Croûtons …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • croûton — CROÛTON. subst. masc. Morceau de croûte de pain. Donnez moi un croûton …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • crouton — 1806, from Fr. croûton small piece of toasted bread, from croûte crust, from O.Fr. crouste (13c.), from L. crusta (see CRUST (Cf. crust)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • crouton — [kro͞o′tän΄, kro͞o tän′] n. [Fr croûton < croûte, a crust < L crusta: see CRUST] any of the small, crisp pieces of toasted or fried bread often served in soup or salads …   English World dictionary

  • Crouton — Crou ton (kr?? t?n ), n. [F. cro?ton, fr. cro?te a crust.] (Cookery) Bread cut in various forms, and fried lightly in butter or oil, to garnish hashes, etc. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • croutón — (pronunciamos crutón ) sustantivo masculino 1. Origen: Argentina, Uruguay. Pedazo pequeño de pan tostado para sopas o salsas …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • crouton — ► NOUN ▪ a small piece of fried or toasted bread served with soup or used as a garnish. ORIGIN French, from croûte crust …   English terms dictionary

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  • CROÛTON — s. m. Morceau de croûte de pain. Donnez moi un croûton.   Il se dit aussi, en termes de Cuisine, de Petits morceaux de pain frits qu on met dans une omelette, dans une purée, ou qui servent à garnir des plats d entrée ou d entremets. Omelette aux …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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