List of people associated with the American Civil War

List of people associated with the American Civil War

This is a list of people associated with the American Civil War. See also the list of American Civil War topics.

Confederate States Army

*Anderson, Joseph Reid, (1813–1892), Brigadier General, owned Tredegar Iron Works
*Armistead, Lewis Addison, Brigadier General
*Barton, Seth M., Brigadier General, Commanding, Barton's Brigade
*Beall, William N.R., (1825–1883), Brigadier General
*Beauregard, Pierre G.T., (1818–1893), General, commanded firing on Fort Sumter
*Benavides, Santos, (1823–1891), Colonel (Texas)
*Benning, Henry L., (1814–1875), Brigadier General
*Bonham, Milledge Luke, (1813–1890), Brigadier General and Governor of South Carolina
*Borland, Solon, (1808–1864), Brigadier General
*Bragg, Braxton, (1817–1871), Lieutenant General
*Breckinridge, John C., (1821–1875), Major General
*Buckner, Simon Bolivar, (1823–1914), Major General, Commanding, Army of East Tennessee
*Cabell, William L., (1827–1911), Brigadier General
*Chalmers, James R., (1831–1898), Brigadier General
*Churchill, Thomas J., (1824–1905), Major General
*Clark, John Bullock Sr., Brigadier General, Commanding, 3rd Division, Missouri State Guard
*Clark, John Bullock Jr., Brigadier General
*Cleburne, Patrick R., (1828–1864), Major General
*Cockrell, Francis Brigadier General, later a United States Senator
*Cooper, Douglas H., (1815–1879), Brigadier General
*Dahlgren, Charles G, (1811–1888), Brigadier General, Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Army of Mississippi
*Dockery, Thomas P., (1833–1898), Brigadier General
*Early, Jubal A., (1816–1894), Lieutenant General
* Evans, Clement A., (1833–1911), Brigadier General
*Evans, Nathan G., (1824–1868), Brigadier General
*Fagan, James F., (1827–1893), Major General
*Forrest, Nathan Bedford, (1821–1877), Cavalry general
*Gordon, John B., (1832–1904), Major General, later a U.S. Senator, railroad executive, and Governor of Georgia
*Govan, Daniel C., (1829–1911), Brigadier General
*Hanson, Roger W., (1827–1863), Brigadier General, mortally wounded at Murfreesboro, Tennessee
*Hawthorn, Alexander T., (1825–1899), Brigadier General
*Hébert, Louis, Colonel, Commanding, 3rd Louisiana Infantry Regiment
*Hill, Ambrose P., (1825–1865), Lieutenant General
*Hill, Daniel H., (1821–1889), Major General
*Hindman, Thomas C., (1828–1868), Major General
*Hood, John Bell, ((18311879) Lieutenant General
*Huger, Benjamin, (1805–1877), Major General
*Hunton, Eppa, (1822–1908), Brigadier General, later a U.S. Senator from Virginia
*Imboden, John D., (1823–1895), Brigadier General, Virginia politician
*Jackson, Thomas J. "Stonewall", (1824–1863), Lieutenant General
*Johnson, Bushrod R., (1817–1880), Major General
*Johnston, Albert Sidney, (1803–1862), General, killed at Shiloh
*Johnston, Joseph E., (1807–1891), Full General
*Jones, William E., ( -1864), Brigadier General
*Lane, James H., (1833–1907), Brigadier General
*Law, Evander M., (1836–1920), Brigadier General
*Lee, Robert E., (1807–1870), Commander of all Confederate armies
*Lee, Stephen D., (1833–1908), Lieutenant General, the youngest Confederate with that rank
*Longstreet, James, (1821–1904), Lieutenant General
*Mahone, William, (1826–1895), Major General
*Marmaduke, John S., (1833–1887), Major General
*Maxey, Samuel Bell, general.
*McCulloch, Benjamin, Brigadier General, Commanding, McCulloch's Brigade, and Commanding, all Southern Forces at Wilson's Creek
*McGuire, Hunter, (1835–1900), Brigade surgeon, doctor for Stonewall Jackson
*McNair, Evander, (1820–1902), Brigadier General
*McRae, Dandridge, (1829–1899), Brigadier General, Commanding, McRae's Arkansas Infantry Battalion
*Morgan, John Hunt, Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 3rd Division, Department of East Tennessee
*Mosby, John S. (1833–1916), Colonel, guerrilla leader
*Parsons, Mosby M., Brigadier General, Commanding, 6th Division, Missouri State Guard
*Pearce, Nicholas Bartlett, Brigadier General, Commanding, 1st Division, Army of Arkansas, and Commanding, all Arkansas State Forces
*Pemberton, John C., (1814–1881), Lieutenant General, Commanding, Department of Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana
*Pender, William Dorsey, (1834–1863), Major General
*Pickett, George E., (1825–1876), Major General, commander of 'Pickett's Charge'
*Pike, Albert, (1809–1891), Brigadier General
*Polk, Leonidas, (1806–1864), Lieutenant General, cousin of U.S. President James K. Polk
*Price, Sterling, (1809–1867), Major General
*Rains, James S., Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Division, Missouri State Guard
*Roane, John Selden, (1817–1867), Major General
*Ruggles, Daniel, (1810–1897), Major General
*Rust, Albert, (1818–1870), Brigadier General
*Scurry, William R., (1821–1864), Brigadier General
*Smith, Edmund Kirby, (1824–1893), General
*Stevenson, Carter L., Major General, Commanding, 2nd Military District, including Vicksburg, Mississippi
*Stuart, James E.B., (1833–1864), Major General, cavalry
*Tappan, James C., (1825–1906), Brigadier General
*Taylor, Walter H., (1838–1916), Lieutenant Colonel
*Thomas, William H., Colonel
*Thompson, M. Jeff, (1826–1876), Brigadier General in the Missouri State Guard
*Van Dorn, Earl, (1820–1863), Major General, Commanding, Army of the West and Trans-Mississippi District
*Vaughn, John C., Brigadier General, Commanding, Vaughn's Brigade
*Walker, Lucius M. "Marsh", {1829–1863), Brigadier General
*Watie, Stand (1806-9 - 1871) Brigadier General.
*Wharton, John A., (1828–1865), Major General
*Wheeler, Joseph , (1813–1892), Major General

Confederate States civilians

*Booth, John Wilkes, (1838–1865), assassin of Abraham Lincoln
*Chesnut, Mary, (1823–1886), diarist
*James, Frank, (1843–1915), claimed to have been present at the Battle of Wilson's Creek-- likely a member of a Clay County company in the 5th Division, Missouri State Guard
*James, Jesse W., (1847–1882), guerilla fighter
*Mudd, Samuel A., (1833–1883), physician, assisted John Wilkes Booth
*Quantrill, William C. (1837–1865), leader of Quantrill's Raiders
*Younger, Cole, (1844–1916), guerilla fighter

Confederate States Navy

*Brown, Isaac N., (1817–1889), Captain of "CSS Arkansas"
*Read, Charles W., (1840–1890), Confederate raider
*Semmes, Raphael, (1809–1877), Admiral, Captain of "CSS Alabama"
*Wood, John T., (1830–1904), Captain of "CSS Tallahassee"

Confederate States political leaders

*Davis, Jefferson F., (1808–1889), President of the Confederate States
*Stephens, Alexander (1812–1883), Vice-President of the Confederate States
*Benjamin, Judah P., (1811–1884), Attorney General, Secretary of War, Secretary of State
*Breckenridge, John C., (1821–1875), Secretary of War
*Stephen Mallory, (1812-1873), Confederate Secretary of the Navy
*Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, (1805–1869), Secessionist Governor of South Carolina

United States Army

*Adams, Charles F. Jr., Brigadier General
*Ames, Adelbert, (1835–1933), Major General
*Anderson, Robert, (1805–1871), Major, commander at Fort Sumter
*Aplin, Henry H., (1841–1910), Second Lieutenant
*Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, (1839–1893), Brigadier General, white commander of a colored regiment
*Asboth, Alexander, Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Division, Army of the Southwest
*Baker, Edward D., (1811–1861), Colonel, U.S. Rep. from Illinois, Senator from Oregon, close friend of Abraham Lincoln, killed at the Battle of Ball's Bluff
*Blair, Frank P., Jr., (1821–1875), Major General, Commanding, 1st Brigade
*Bootes, Levi Clark Officer, wounded at Antietam and Gettysburg. Survived the War
*Boyle, Jeremiah T., Brigadier General, Commanding, District of Western Kentucky
*Brinton, Daniel G., (1837–1899), surgeon in charge of the U.S. Army general hospital at Quincy, Illinois
*Buell, Don Carlos, (18181898) Controversial Major General; resigned June 1, 1864
*Buford, John F., (1826–1863), Brigadier General, cavalry
*Burnside, Ambrose E., (1824–1881), Major General, commander of the Army of the Potomac
*Butler, Benjamin Franklin, (1818–1893), Major General, USV, Congressman, Governor of Massachusetts
*Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg, ( –1873), Major General
*Chamberlain, Joshua, (1828–1914), Major General
*Clark, H. Lee, Lieutenant, 2nd Massachusetts Heavy Artillery
*Curtis, Samuel R., (1805–1866), Brigadier General, Commanding, Army of the Southwest
*Custer, George A., (1839–1876), cavalry Major General
*Custer, Thomas W., (1845–1876), cavalry Lieutenant
*Davis, Jefferson C., (1828–1879), Brigadier General, USV, Commanding, 3rd Division, Army of the Southwest
*Doubleday, Abner, (1819–1893), Major General, Army of the Potomac
*Eaton, John (18291906) Brevet brigadier general
*Ellet, Charles R., (1843–1863), Colonel
*Fremont, John C., (1813–1890), Major General
*Fry, James Barnet (182794) Major General; author of books
*Garfield, James A., (1831–1881), Major General, 20th U.S. President
*Grant, Ulysses S., (1822–1885), Lieutenant General, commander of all US armies
*Grierson, Benjamin H., (1826–1911), cavalry Brigadier General
*Halleck, Henry Wager, (1815–1872), General-in-chief, Chief of Staff
*Haller, Granville O., (1819–1897), Major, responsible for the defense of south-central Pennsylvania during the Gettysburg Campaign
*Hancock, Winfield Scott, Major General, II Corps, Army of the Potomac
*Harney, William S., (1800–1889), Brigadier General
*Harrison, Benjamin, (1833–1901), Brigadier General, 23rd U.S. President
*Hobson, Edward H., (1825–1901), Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, XXIII Army Corps
*Hooker, Joseph, (1814–1879), Major General, commander of the Army of the Potomac
*Howard, Oliver O., (1830–1909), Brigadier General, USV, Army of the Potomac, Commanding, Army of the Tennessee
*Hovey, Charles Edward, (1827–1897), Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Brigade
*Hunter, David, (1803–1888), Major General
*Kautz, August, (1828–1895), Brigadier General
*Kearny, Philip, (1815–1862), Major General
*King, Rufus, (1814–1876) General
*Lyon, Nathaniel, (1818–1861), Brigadier General, the first Union general killed in the war
*Manson, Mahlon D., (1820–1895), Brigadier General, Commanding, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, XXIII Army Corps
*McDowell, Irvin (181885) Major General; served from 183882
*McClellan, George B., (1826–1885), Major General, commander of the Army of the Potomac
*McClernand, John A., (1812–1900), Major General, USV, commander of the Army of the Mississippi
*McPherson, James B., (1828–1864), Major General, commander of the Army of the Tennessee, died at the Battle of Atlanta
*Meade, George G., (1815–1872), Major General, commander of the Army of the Potomac, including at Gettysburg
*Meigs, Montgomery C., (1816–1892), Brigadier General, Brevet Major General, Quartermaster General beginning 1861
*Miles, Nelson A., (1839–1925), Major General, USV
*Mitchel, Ormsby M., (1809–1862), Major General
*Morgan, George Washington, (1820–1893), Brigadier General, Commanding, 3rd Division
*Ord, Edward, (1818–1883), Major General, commander of the Army of the James
*Palmer, William J., (1836–1909), Brigadier General
*Pope, John, (1822–1892), Major General, commander of the Army of Virginia
*Rosecrans, William S., (1819–1898), Major General, commander of the Army of the Cumberland
*Scott, Winfield, (1786–1866), General-In-Chief
*Sedgwick, John, (1813–1864), Major General, commander, VI Corps
*Shaw, Robert G., (1837–1863), Colonel, white commander of colored 54th Massachusetts Regiment, killed at Battle of Ft. Wagner
*Sheridan, Philip H., (1831–1888), Major General, commander of the Middle Military Division
*Sherman, William T., (1820–1891), Major General, marched to the sea
*Sickles, Daniel, (1825–1914), Major General, commander, III Corps
*Sigel, Franz, (1824–1902), Brigadier General, Commanding, 1st and 2nd Divisions, Army of the Southwest
*Smith, Andrew J., (1815–1897), Brigadier General, Commanding, 1st Division, consisting of Company C, 4th Indiana Cavalry as Escort, 1st and 2nd Brigades and Artillery
*Smith, Morgan L., (1822–1874), Brigadier General, Commanding, 2nd Division
*Smith, William F., (1824–1903), Major General
*Steele, Frederick, (1819–1868), Major General
*Stone, Charles P., (1824–1887), Brigadier General
*Porter, Fitz John, (1822–1901), Major General, USV, commander of the V Corps
*Sumner, Edwin V., (1797–1863), Major General, oldest field commander of any Army Corps on either side
*Swallow, Silas C., (1839–1930), Lieutenant
*Thayer, John M., (1820–1906), Major General, USV
*Thomas, George H., (1816–1870), Major General, known as 'The Rock of Chickamauga'
*Vincent, Strong, (1837–1863), Brigadier General, hero of the Battle of Little Round Top at Gettysburg, where he was mortally wounded
*Wadsworth, James S., (1807–1864), Major General
*Walden, John Morgan, (1831–1914) Lt. Colonel
*Wallace, Lew, (1827–1905), Major General
*Wallace,W.H.L. (1821–1862) Brigadier General
*Wright, Horatio G., (1820–1899), Major General, Commanding, Department of the Ohio

United States civilians

*Barton, Clara, (1821–1912), nurse
*Brown, John, (1800–1859), abolitionist
*Canby, Louisa Hawkins, (1818–1889) general's wife and nurse
*Douglass, Frederick, (1818–1895), abolitionist
*Ericsson, John, (1803–1889), designer of USS "Monitor"
*Garrison, William L., (1805–1879), abolitionist
*Greeley, Horace, (1811–1872), publisher of New York Tribune
*Howe, Julia Ward, (1819–1910), writer of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
*Opothleyahola, (1798–1863), Creek Indian leader in a series of battles with Confederate cavalry in Indian Territory

United States Navy

*Dahlgren, John A., (1809–1870), Admiral, head of Ordnance Department
*Farragut, David G., (1801–1870), Admiral, commander of West Gulf Blockading Squadron
*Porter, David D., (1813–1891), Admiral, one of the most noted naval heroes of the war

United States political leaders

*Chase, Salmon P., (1808–1873), Secretary of the Treasury
*Hamlin, Hannibal, (1809–1891) Vice President of the United States
*Johnson, Andrew, (1808–1875), Vice President of the United States
*Lincoln, Abraham, (1809–1865), President of the United States
*Murphy, Isaac, (1799–1882), Governor of Arkansas, first Lincoln Reconstruction Governor
*Seward, William H., (1801–1872), Secretary of State
*Stanton, Edwin W., (1814–1869), Secretary of War
*Taney, Roger, (1777–1864), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
*Welles, Gideon, (1861–1865), Secretary of the Navy

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