- Order of Flemish militants
The Vlaamse Militanten Orde ("Flemish Militants Order" in Dutch) or VMO - originally Vlaamse Militanten Organisatie ("Flemish Militants Organisation") - was a Flemish nationalist activist group in
Belgium defendingfar-right interests bypropaganda andpolitical action . In 1949, this organization was founded by theVlaamse Concentratie ("Flemish Concentration"), a group of formerVNV members. Later, in 1954 they would found theVolksunie (VU), a Belgian political party. The links between theextremist VMO and the VU lessened as the party moved towards the centre until all links were formally severed in 1963.Foundation and early years
The VMO was founded in 1949 by
Bob Maes , a Flemish militant who sought the creation of an independent (some even used the words "racially pure")Fact|date=December 2007Flanders .In the years following the end of
World War II , Flemish nationalists often fell victim inanti-Nazi rallies, manifestations and riots because of their anti-Belgicism and because the entire Flemish movement was discredited by military, political and economic collaboration with the Germans duringWorld War II . Fact|date=April 2007 The Flemish nationalists were consideredneo-Nazi s and outlawed.Fact|date=December 2007 The VMO was founded as a "security force" in order to protect Flemish nationalists against publiclynching .Soon, the VMO started expanding and turned into a full-size
paramilitary organization, a state within the state. Their armed members were prepared for combat and war in the numerous VMO training camps in theArdennes . Fact|date=April 2007Between 1950 en 1970, the VMO was heavily criticized but nevertheless tolerated by the
Belgian Department of Justice . On 14 December 1953 however, 16 individual VMO members were convicted for the possession of forbidden weapons and for battering and injuring war heroes and resistance members, earlier that year. The VMO itself was not convicted (since it was impossible back then to prosecute a group on penal grounds, only individuals).Fact|date=April 2007First trial
June 14 1970 , a trial against the VMO was initiated after violent clashes with supporters of theDemocratic Front of Francophones at a rally, leaving one man dead and several other severely injured. The VMO chairman Bob Maes decided to disband the VMO in order to prevent the members of further prosecution. Soon after this, Bob Maes was elected senator for the Volksunie and started defending more moderate points of view.The new VMO
Numerous members of the disbanded VMO did not support Maes' decision and reconstituted the VMO in 1971 as "Vlaamse Militanten Orde", referring to the "Dinaso Militanten Orde". Several Flemish extremists, radicals, neo-fascists and racists could be detected among the founding members, including the white supremacist
Bert Eriksson . The 'new' VMO soon became an unofficial guard for the then marginalFlemish Block , the predecessor of theVlaams Belang party.Fact|date=April 2007The new VMO became associated with a series of attacks on immigrants,
Walloons and leftists as well as the organisation of annual international neo-Nazi rallies atDiksmuide , where representatives of theLeague of Saint George and theNational States' Rights Party were amongst those in attendance. [Ray Hill & Andrew Bell, "The Other Face of Terror", London: Grafton, 1988, pp. 165-166]In the seventies, VMO gained international attention by repatriating the dead corpses of former collaborators of WW2 to their homeland. In
Austria , a VMO commando ("Operation Brevier") claimed to have dug up the corpse of the priestCyriel Verschaeve , the former leader of the national-solidaristVerdinaso , and buried it again in Flemish soil. [ [http://ajcarchive.org/AJC_DATA/Files/1974_1975_10_WestEurope.pdf Western Europe] ] The dead bodies ofStaf De Clercq , the former leader of the Vlaams Nationaal Verbond ("Operation Delta"), andAnton Mussert , the former DutchNSB leader ("Operation Wolfsangel"), were also dug up and reburied in Flanders.Overview of the alleged crimes
* December: attack on the Polish
soccer playerWłodzimierz Lubański inLokeren .1979
* February: riots with the police after an anti-immigrant demonstration in
Schilde .
* April: attack on afrancophone school inMortsel .
* May: fire-bombing of a Turkish bar inAntwerp .
* June: fire-bombing of the car of a francophone inhabitant ofVoeren .
* August: training camp inGermany together with theterrorist "Hofmann Group".
* October: attack on thetown hall of 's-Gravenvoeren.1980
* February: attack on a
socialist book store inMechelen .
* March: attack on a bar in Moelingen.
* April: attack on the "Halletoren" inBruges .
* October: training camp in theUnited States together with theKu Klux Klan .
* November: riots with the police after a Flemish nationalist demonstration inKraainem .1981
* April: fire-bombing of a
Moroccan bar in Lokeren.
* May: attack on atrade union building inSint-Niklaas .1982
* February: visit to
Leon Degrelle inMarbella ,Spain .1983
* July: attack on a francophone bar in Voeren.
* December: attack on a socialist bar in Bruges.
* March: attack on leftist demonstrators in Ghent.
* September: fire-bombing of a socialist book store in Sint-Niklaas.
* October: attack on theMasereelfonds building in Bruges.
* November: attack on anti-fascist demonstrators inLommel .The end of the VMO
In 1981, 109 VMO members were sentenced by the
Antwerp Court to imprisonment. In 1983, the VMO was condemned as a private militia by theGhent Court of Appeal and outlawed.Despite this verdict, the VMO was considered to be active and operational until the late eighties, when several similar organizations were founded to replace the VMO. The three most successful of these VMO successors are the "Odal Group", "Blood&Honour" and "
Voorpost ".References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.