- List of Lepidoptera that feed on Rubus
Rubus " species (brambles, blackberry-like plants) are used as food plants by thelarva e of a number ofLepidoptera species including:Monophagous
Species which feed exclusively on "Rubus"
** "Coleophora thulea " - only known fromCloudberry ("R. chamaemorus")
**Peach Blossom ("Thyatira batis")Polyphagous
Species which feed on "Rubus" among other plants
**Buff Ermine ("Spilosoma luteum") - recorded onRaspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Garden tiger moth ("Arctia caja")
** "Coleophora plumbella " - recorded on Cloudberry ("R. chamaemorus")
** "Coleophora potentillae "
**Buff Arches ("Habrosyne pyritoides")
** "Chionodes viduella " - recorded on Cloudberry ("R. chamaemorus")
**Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
**Common Marbled Carpet ("Chloroclysta truncata")
**Double-striped Pug ("Gymnoscelis rufifasciata") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
** The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Grey Pug ("Eupithecia subfuscata") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Juniper Pug ("Eupithecia pusillata") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Mottled Beauty ("Alcis repandata")
**Scalloped Oak ("Crocallis elinguaria") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Small Fan-footed Wave ("Idaea biselata")
** The V-pug ("Chloroclystis v-ata")
**Winter Moth ("Operophtera brumata") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
** Common Swift ("Korscheltellus lupulina")
**Grizzled Skipper ("Pyrgus malvae")
**Large Grizzled Skipper ("Pyrgus alveus")
**Brown-tail ("Euproctis chrysorrhoea")
**Angle Shades ("Phlogophora meticulosa")
**Dot Moth ("Melanchra persicariae") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Double Square-spot ("Xestia triangulum")
** The Dun-bar ("Cosmia trapezina")
**Grey Dagger ("Acronicta psi")
**Heart and Dart ("Agrotis exclamationis")
**Hebrew Character ("Orthosia gothica") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Ingrailed Clay ("Diarsia mendica")
**Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing ("Noctua janthina")
**Mouse Moth ("Amphipyra tragopoginis") - recorded on Cloudberry ("R. chamaemorus")
** The Satellite ("Eupsilia transversa")
**Small Angle Shades ("Euplexia lucipara") - recorded on Raspberry ("R. idaeus")
**Small Square-spot ("Diarsia rubi")
**Emperor Moth ("Pavonia pavonia") - recorded on Cloudberry ("R. chamaemorus")External links
* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/hostplants/ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]
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